Gayhead Elementary Band Syllabus

Elementary Band Syllabus

Mrs. Lisa Esposito


Course Description:

Areas of Study and Assessment: Please reference the “Elementary District Syllabi/Course Handbook”

Lesson Book: Standard of Excellence, Book 1

Class Expectations and Procedures:

Band Members are responsible for the following:

▪ Attending all lessons, rehearsals, and concerts

▪ Bringing their instrument, music, book, practice chart, and a pencil to rehearsals and lessons

▪ Being respectful to the teacher and members of the ensemble

▪ Practicing at home

▪ Recording practice time on your practice chart to be signed by a parent each week

▪ Maintaining a well organized folder

Grading Procedures:

Band grades represent a composite of the student’s achievement and performance in assignments and assessments. The grade may be derived from objective and subjective teacher evaluations and observations, including the student’s demonstrations of criteria-based skills and techniques in performance, district-wide assessments, and home assignments.

Each lesson grade will be broken down into the following:


Each child is expected to practice 20 minutes each day for at least 5 days each week. In school lessons and band rehearsal DO NOT COUNT toward this total. Practice should be recorded on the student’s practice chart and MUST be validated by a parent’s signature at the end of each week. Please note that the study of a musical instrument may require more of some students than others. If mastery of the assignment requires more time then, if possible, more time should be spent mastering the skill. If the student achieves mastery quickly have him/her turn the page and learn something new, figure out a song by ear or turn to the fingering chart at the back of the book and learn some new notes.


All students MUST have the following when s/he comes to lessons and/or rehearsal:

Instrument (with working reed, valve oil, swab/cloth, etc), Lesson book and Music, PENCIL (NOT pen of any kind) and Folder with any handouts Mrs. Esposito has given.

Knowledge of Assignment:

At each lesson students will be given an assignment. If for any reason a specific assignment isn’t given, students should continue to practice the previous assignment, turning the page and learning something new if they truly achieve mastery of the assignment. To a certain degree I will be able to hear whether the student has practiced and gained knowledge of the assignment. Additionally, if the assignment is on a handout, the student must bring the handout to lessons. If the student is absent for a lesson, the work will be written down and brought back to class for the student.

Level of mastery:

How well does the student know the assignment? Are there pauses between notes? Is s/he able to read the notes and change fingers in time? Are the fingerings/notes memorized? Can the student play the assignment in time with correct rhythm, fingering, notes, sticking?


In lessons we will focus on producing the specific posture that is needed for your child’s particular instrument. This includes torso, head, hands, feet, and position. Holding the instrument properly will assist in tone production, breathing, and overall performance on the instrument.

Hand Position:

Student hand position affects correct fingering, instrument position, tone quality, and posture.

Tone Quality:

Tone quality consists of the overall sound the student is creating on the instrument. Tone quality should be focused and steady. In the beginning of the learning process patience is required as students gain the muscle skills necessary to produce a quality sound.


Reading musical symbols and interpreting their meaning is an essential part of our curriculum. Some students will learn this quickly, others will to spend more time mastering this skill.


The ability to participate in lessons and band rehearsal is linked to students remembering to bring the required materials on band and lesson days. In order to participate fully in band and lessons students will need to bring all items listed in the “Materials” section above.

We will have at least 2 concerts during the year. Each of our members is essential to our ensemble. All students are expected to participate in the concerts as they are the culmination of the work we do in lessons and rehearsal.

Band Rehearsal:

Band rehearsal is essential to our students learning to perform as an ensemble. All materials are necessary and students are expected to be focused, attentive, and positive during rehearsal. Students are expected to be supportive and respectful to all members of the ensemble. Their best effort is expected at all times.

In Addition:

Reed Players (oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone) should have at least 2 extra reeds in their case at all times, a swab, and cork grease. A reed guard is also a good purchase. Oboe and Bassoon students will need a small container for water similar to a 35mm film case.

Brass Players (trumpet, French horn, euphonium, trombone, tuba) should have a wash cloth and necessary valve and slide oil in their case at all times.

Flute Players will need a cleaning cloth. A piece of an old Tshirt, approximately 3” x 12” will be fine.

Percussion Players should have sticks and mallets in their case at all times.

Supply/Repair Companies in the Area:

Paul Effman Music 845-452-8528

D & M Music 845-635-1120

Barcone’s Music 845-331-6089

Alto Music 845-297-0011

Concert Dates

|Fishkill Band |Gayhead Band |

|Winter: January 8 @ WJHS, 7pm |Winter: January 22 @ JJHS, 7pm |

|Spring: May 14 @ Fishkill, 7pm |Spring: May 13 Pyramid Concert , JJHS, 7pm |

|(optional date: Pyramid Concert: May 13) |May 21 Gayhead Concert, JJHS, 7pm |

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, issues, or concerns you may have. I respond to email most quickly and will do my best to make this first year of instrumental music a great experience for your child. It is our hope that this first year will lead to many more. Please attempt to attend some concerts both in the district (maybe at John Jay) and outside of the district (West Point, NYC, the Bardavon). This will give you and your child the opportunity to hear where dedication and practice lead.

Teacher Contact Information:

Mrs. Lisa Esposito


(or call your child’s school)

My website:

(or find me in the John Jay High School “Teacher” tab)

Band Parent Information:

Please take a moment and fill out the following information and have your child return it at his/her next lesson. (It can be placed in the “well organized folder”….)


Parent Contact Information:





____________________________ ________________________________

Home Phone Cell Phone(s)

Best form of contact during the school day:


Any other information you feel I should know:



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