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Ed.D. Teachers College, Columbia University: Educational Leadership.

Ed.M. Teachers College, Columbia University: Curriculum and Teaching.

M.A. Teachers College, Columbia University: Curriculum and Teaching (Educational

Technology/Special Education).

B.S. Central Connecticut State University: Elementary K-8/Special Education

K-12. Cum Laude.


Vice President Elect—AERA, Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education, 2013 – 2016.

Visiting Professor—National Institute of Education, Singapore: Curriculum, Teaching and

Learning Academic Group, 2012 -2013.

Convocation speaker—National Institute of Education/Nanyang Technological University,

August 2012, Singapore.

Urban Education Editor’s Choice Collection 2012—article selected for the first edition, a

compilation of the most cited, most read, and newest viewpoints on the pressing issues

affecting schools in urban spaces :

Goodwin, A. L. (1997). Multicultural stories: Preservice teachers’ conceptions of and

responses to issues of diversity. Urban Education, 32(1), 117-145.

David Marshall Scholar (the first)--School of the Arts (SOTA) and the David Marshall

Foundation, Singapore, July 2012.

Outstanding Teacher Award—Teachers College, Columbia University, September 2005.

Outstanding Academic Title—awarded by Choice (January 2004): Current Reviews for

Academic Libraries, to Rethinking Standards through Teacher Preparation

Partnerships, by Gary Griffin and Associates (2002). As one of the “Associates,” I

served as a peer reviewer and contributed two chapters to this volume, which was one of

651 titles selected for the award from 6,847 reviewed and 23,000+ submitted for review.

Featured Publication—Culturally Responsive Parental Involvement: Concrete Understandings

and Basic Strategies (King, S. H., & Goodwin, A. L., 2002): Family Network of

Educators, Harvard Family Research Project, June 2003.

Visiting Professor—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Fall, 2001.

Invited to teach Doctoral Core course: ED 723—Multicultural Issues in Education.

Distinguished Scholar—AERA, Committee on the Role and Status of Minorities in

Educational Research and Development, April 2000.



Professor of Education, Department of Curriculum and Teaching (2006 - ), Associate Professor (1996 – 2006), Assistant Professor (1988 - 1996), Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. Teaching, graduate and doctoral student advisement, department program development and committee work.

Courses Taught:

Masters and Doctoral

Supervision for Elementary and Secondary Schools

Supervision in Preservice Teacher Education Programs

Internship Program in Supervision and Curriculum Improvement

Staff Development Processes and Procedures

Designing Curriculum and Instruction

Designing Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies in Elem/Middle Schools

Masters Action Research Project Seminar

Multicultural Education for Elementary and Middle Schools

Advanced Seminar in Multicultural Education

The Nature and Challenges of Teaching in an Urban Environment

School-based Research and Development

Studies in Curriculum and Teaching: Perspectives on Teacher Education

Masters: Preservice Elementary Teacher Education:

Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Schools

Curriculum Development in Elementary Education

Social Studies in the Elementary and Middle School

Teaching and Learning in the Multicultural Classroom

Models of Teaching: Cooperative Learning/Group Process

Role Play/Synectics

Concept Attainment/Concept Formation

Professional Laboratory Experiences in Elementary Education

Visiting Faculty--Simul Academy/Teachers College TESOL Program in Japan. Summer

1992, 1996 and 2000.

M.A. Courses taught:

Designing Curriculum and Instruction

Multicultural Education for Elementary and Middle Schools

Cluster Teacher/Staff Developer, Juniper Hill School/Teacher Center of Ardsley, Greenburgh and Elmsford, NY. Computer instruction (LOGO), curriculum development and staff development, grades K-4, January 1985 – June, 1986.

College Supervisor, Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Teachers College, NY. 1984 - 85.

Special Education Teacher, The Elmcrest School, Portland, CT. Taught students diagnosed as emotionally/behaviorally disordered/learning disabled in inter-age (grades 9 - 12), interdisciplinary classroom. Designed/implemented curricula in social studies, English/ language arts, mathematics, and drama. June, 1979 – Sept, 1981 (12-month calendar).


Co-Director, Joint Master Degree Programme in Educational Leadership, Teachers College,

Columbia University, New York, and the National Institute of Education, Singapore.

Co-designer, co-administrator and instructor in international joint MA, 2011 – present.

Vice Dean, Teachers College, Columbia University, November 2011 –

Work closely with the President and Provost/Dean of Teachers College on teacher

education, identified by President Fuhrman as an institutional priority for the next five

years of her presidency. Continue to provide leadership and collaborate with faculty to imagine innovative initiatives and implement reform in teacher education, locally, nationally, and globally.

Principal Investigator and Project Director, Teaching Residents at Teachers College

(TR@TC) Program, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. October 2009 –

present. Proposed and was awarded a five-year, 9.75 million dollar federal Teacher

Quality Partnership grant to implement a teacher residency program designed to prepare

exemplary secondary-level teachers for English Language Learners and Students with

Disabilities in NYC, high need public schools ().

Principal architect of the program providing leadership and vision to the program, and

overseeing all aspects of program development and implementation.

Associate Dean for Teacher Education and School-Based Support Services, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. September 2005 – October 2011. Oversee all functions, budgets, and services of Office of Teacher Education including: certification; program review and registration/re-registration; support of student teachers/teaching, supervisors, cooperating teachers; coordination with relevant administrative offices at the college including admissions, registrar, career development, library, and human resources; liaison and communication with NY City and NY State Departments of Education; orientations and professional development for students, faculty, school partners, and staff; etc. Collaborate with faculty on cross-departmental and college-wide teacher education concerns; chair Teacher Education Policy Committee. Provide leadership to college initiatives and innovations—local, national and global—in teacher preparation. Supervise/advise externally funded teacher education programs/ collaborations. Advise and support Provost and Vice Provost regarding teacher preparation matters, mandates and policies. Advise Director of the Office of Assessment and Accreditation and work with her and faculty on NCATE accreditation. Contribute and further the field of teacher education through research and scholarship, national and international presentations and collaborations, and service to the professional community.

Director (2001 - 2004); Co-Director (1990 – 2001); Associate Director (1986 – 1990), Preservice Program in Childhood and Elementary School Education, Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. Collaborative program planning, supervision of clinical experience, and team teaching methods courses and integrating seminar for student teachers. Program leadership, recruitment and policy development.

Director, Holmes Scholars Network, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. Leadership

of Holmes Partnership program designed to mentor doctoral students of color entering

the professoriate. 1998 – 2001.

Co-Director, Leadership in Teaching Program, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. Development and administration of program designed to prepare doctoral students of color for leadership positions in education. May, 1990 - September 1994.

Director, Minority Fellows in Teaching/Urban Scholars Program, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. Development and administration of program designed to diversify the K-12 teaching force. 1989 - 1990.

Associate Director, Fellows in Teaching Program, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY. Development and administration of program designed to attract liberal arts graduates to secondary school teaching. 1986 - 1990.

Project Director, Southern Education Foundation--Summer Scholars Program, New York, 1989, 1991, 1995 and 1997. Designed and directed program for undergraduates from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) interested in teaching careers or graduate study.

Conference Coordinator, Education EQuality Project, The College Board, NY. November, 1985; March, 1986; July, 1986; April, 1988.


1989 $150,000—The Southern Education Foundation: "Summer Scholars Program."

1990 – 1993 $532,655—The William Penn Foundation: "Leadership in Teaching,"

(with L. Darling-Hammond).

1991 $150,000—The Southern Education Foundation: "Summer Scholars Program."

1991 – 1992 $50,000—Bristol Myers Squibb: "Minority Fellows in Teaching."

1991 – 1996 $500,000—The Andrew Mellon Foundation, "Fellows in Teaching Program."

1993 – 1994 $49,895—The William Penn Foundation: "Leadership in Teaching,"

(with L. Darling-Hammond).

1995 $74,000—The Southern Education Foundation: "Summer Scholars Program."

1997 $69,000—The Southern Education Foundation: "Summer Scholars Program."

1998 – 2001 $93,000—The Holmes Partnership: “Holmes Scholars Center,”

(with K. Zumwalt and W. Baldwin).

1998 – 2001 $250,000—Spencer Foundation Research Training Grant: “School-Based Teacher

Education Research and Development (with G. Griffin, E. Howes, C. Oyler, and

F. Schoonmaker).

2006 – 2007 $31,000—New York State Department of Education: “Teacher Opportunity

Corps” (with Julia Yu).

2007 – 2008 $31,000—New York State Department of Education: “Teacher Opportunity

Corps” (with Julia Yu)

2007 – 2009 $20,000— Provost’s Investment Fund: “TC International: Developing a

Singapore Campus.”

2008 - 2009 $31,000—New York State Department of Education: “Teacher Opportunity

Corps” (with Julia Yu). Not funded.

2008 – 2011 $50,000 x 3 years—National Board for Professional Teaching Standards:

“Resource Center for Accomplished Teachers.” Invited to submit full proposal;

unfunded because underwriter Wachovia went under financially in 2008.

2009 – 2012 $139,500 x 3 years—AmeriCorps: “Peace Corps Fellows Program” (with Nicolas


2009 – 2010 $7,000—Dean’s Fellowship Program for Teaching and Diversity

2009 – 2010 $117,076—AmeriCorps State and National Recovery Act Grant (with Nicolas


2009—2014 $9,750,140—U.S. Office of Innovation and Improvement: Teacher Quality

Partnership Grants: “Teaching Residents at Teachers College” Program

2010—2012 $20,000—Provost’s Investment Fund: Quality Teacher Educators =

Quality Teachers

2010--2013 $3,912,509—Academy for Educational Development: Technical Assistance

Services for Pakistan Pre-Service Teacher Education Program (Pre-STEP) (with

F. Schoonmaker, G. Steiner-Khamsi, P. Williams).

Submitted $2,625,000—New York State Education Department: NYS Race to the Top—

Graduate Level Clinically Rich Teacher Preparation Pilot Program, 2011-2016.

Application withdrawn when the term of the grant— as outlined in RFP—was

reduced from 5 to 3 years a week before award announcements.

2012 – 2013 $8,200—Provost Investment Fund: Colloquium series in Curriculum and

Teaching—Feeding the intellectual experiences of doctoral students (with

D. Friedrich (PI), J. Borland, B. Hamre, N. Lesko, M. Siegel).

2012 – 2014 $6,000—New York State Department of Education: “Teacher Opportunity

Corps” (with Julia Yu)

2013 – 2015 In preparation—National Institute of Education, Office of Educational Research:

“Building an Evidence Base for Teacher Education” (Low, E. L.—PI;

Co-PIs—Ng, P. T., Ben Said, S., Kehk, B. L., Goodwin, A. L.)



Fennimore, B., & Goodwin, A. L. (Eds.). (2011). Promoting Social Justice for Young Children.

New York: Springer.

Genishi, C., & Goodwin, A. L. (Eds.) (2008). Diversities in early childhood: Rethinking and

doing. NY: Routledge Falmer.

Park, C. C., Endo, R., Goodwin, A. L. (Eds.). (2005). Asian and Pacific American education:

Learning, socialization, and identity. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Park, C. C., Goodwin, A. L., and Lee, S. J. (Eds.). (2003). Asian American identities, families

and schooling. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Banks, J. A., Boehm, R. G., Colleary, K. P., Contreras G., Goodwin, A. L., McFarland, M. A.,

Parker, W. C. (2003). Our communities. New York: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill.

Banks, J. A., Boehm, R. G., Colleary, K. P., Contreras G., Goodwin, A. L., McFarland, M. A.,

Parker, W. C. (2003). Our nation. New York: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill.

Banks, J. A., Boehm, R. G., Colleary, K. P., Contreras G., Goodwin, A. L., McFarland, M. A.,

Parker, W. C. (2003). Texas, our Texas. New York: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill.

Park, C. C., Goodwin, A. L., and Lee, S. J. (Eds.). (2001). Research on the education of Asian

and Pacific Americans. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Goodwin, A. L. (Ed.). (1997). Assessment for equity and inclusion: Embracing all our children.

New York: Routledge.


Goodwin, A. L. (2010). Curriculum as colonizer: (Asian) American education in the current

U.S. context. Teachers College Record, 112(12), 3102-3138.

Goodwin, A. L. (dècembre, 2010). Former des enseignants : La

formation pratique enseignants aux Ètats-Unis (Teacher training for “highly qualified”

teachers in the U.S.). Revue Internationale D’Èducation-Sèvres, (55), 83-94.

Goodwin, A. L. (2010). Globalization and the preparation of quality teachers: Rethinking

knowledge domains for teaching. Teaching Education, 21(1), 19-32.

Goodwin, A. L. (2009). Remaking our teacher education history through self-study. Studying

Teacher Education, 5(2), 143-146.

Goodwin, A. L. (2008, December). Preparing teachers for the world we have and the world we

want: Quality teachers for a global context. Education Studies Policy Series,

教育政策研討系列, (Chinese University of Hong Kong), (69), 1-29.

Genor, M., & Goodwin, A. L. (2005). Confronting ourselves: Using autobiographical analysis in

teacher education. The New Educator, 1(4), 311-331.

Goodwin, A. L. (2004). Exploring the perspectives of teacher educators of color: What do they

bring to teacher education? Issues in Teacher Education, 13(2), 7-24.

Goodwin, A. L. (2002). The social/political construction of low teacher expectations for

children of color: Re-examining the achievement gap. Journal of Thought, 37(4), 83-103.

Goodwin, A. L. (2002). The case of one child: Making the shift from personal knowledge to

professionally informed practice. Teaching Education, 13(2), 137-154.

Goodwin, A. L. (2002). Teacher preparation and the education of immigrant children.

Education and Urban Society, 34(2), 156-172.

Most cited article ()

Goodwin, A. L. (1997). Multicultural stories: Preservice teachers’ conceptions of and responses

to issues of diversity. Urban Education, 32(1), 117-145.

Torres-Guzman, M., & Goodwin, A. L. (1995). Urban bilingual teachers and mentoring for the

future. Education and Urban Society, 28(1), 48-66.

Torres-Guzman, M., & Goodwin, A. L. (1995). Mentoring bilingual teachers. FOCUS, 12.

Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, George Washington


Goodwin, A. L. (1994). Making the transition from self to other: What do preservice teachers really think about multicultural education? Journal of Teacher Education, 45(2), 119-130.

Carter, R., & Goodwin, A. L. (1994). Racial identity and education. In, L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of Research in Education, Volume 20 (pp. 291-336). Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.

Goodwin, A. L. (1991). Problems, process, and promise: Reflections on a collaborative

approach to the solution of the minority teacher shortage. Journal of Teacher Education,

42(1), 28-36.


Goodwin, A. L. (in press). Elementary Education/Teacher Preparation for Diversity. In J. A.

Banks (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education.

Goodwin, A. L. (2012). Quality teachers, Singapore style. In L. Darling-Hammond, & A.

Lieberman (Eds.), Teacher education around the world (pp. 22-43). NY: Taylor &


Goodwin, A. L. (2012).Teaching as a profession: Are we there yet? In C. Day (Ed.),

The Routledge International Handbook of Teacher and School Development (pp. 44-56).

Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis.

Goodwin, A. L. (2011). Globalization and the preparation of quality teachers: Rethinking

knowledge domains for teaching. In R. Quezada (Ed.), Internationalization of teacher

education: Creating globally competent teachers and teacher educators for the 21st

century. Taylor & Francis. (reprinted from Teaching Education, 21(1), 2010.)

Goodwin, A. L. (2011). Professional Development Schools and the professionalization of

teaching. In J. E. Neapolitan (Ed.), Taking Stock of Professional Development Schools:

What’s Needed Now, National Society for the Study of Education, Vol. 110, Issue 2 (pp.

432-443). NY: Teachers College.

Goodwin, A. L. (2011). Protecting the rights of all children: Using what we know. In B. S.

Fennimore and A. L. Goodwin (Eds.), Promoting Social Justice for Young Children (pp.

163-170). New York: Springer.

Goodwin, A. L., & McIntosh, K. (2008). Diversifying the teaching force. In T. L. Good (Ed.),

21st Century Education: A Reference Handbook, Vol. 2, (pp. 23-33). Sage Publishers, Inc.

Goodwin, A. L. (Section Ed). (2008) Who teaches? Who should teach? In M. Cochran-Smith, S.

Feiman-Nemser and J. McIntyre (Eds.), Handbook of research on teacher education:

Enduring questions in changing contexts (3rd ed. pp. 395-546). New York:

Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group and the Association of Teacher Educators.

Goodwin, A. L. (2008) Defining teacher quality: Is consensus possible? In M. Cochran-Smith,

S. Feiman-Nemser and J. McIntyre (Eds.), Handbook of research on teacher education:

Enduring questions in changing contexts (3rd ed. pp. 399-403). New York:

Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group and the Association of Teacher Educators.

Goodwin, A. L., & Oyler, C. (2008) Teacher educators as gatekeepers: Deciding who is ready to

teach. In M. Cochran-Smith, S. Feiman-Nemser and J. McIntyre (Eds.), Handbook of

research on teacher education: Enduring questions in changing contexts (3rd ed. pp. 468-

490). New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group and the Association of Teacher


Goodwin, A. L., & Genor, M. (2008). Disrupting the taken-for-granted: Autobiographical

analysis in preservice teacher education. In C. Genishi and A. L. Goodwin (Eds.),

Diversities in early childhood: Rethinking and doing (pp. 201-218). NY: Routledge.

Goodwin, A. L., Cheruvu, R., & Genishi, C. (2008). Responding to multiple diversities in early

childhood education: How far have we come? In C. Genishi and A. L. Goodwin (Eds.),

Diversities in early childhood: Rethinking and doing (pp. 3-10). NY: Routledge.

Genishi, C., & Goodwin, A. L. (2008). Diversities across early childhood settings: Contesting

identities and transforming curricula. In C. Genishi and A. L. Goodwin (Eds.), Diversities

in early childhood: Rethinking and doing (pp. 273-278). NY: Routledge.

Goodwin, A. L. (2003). Growing up Asian in America: A search for self. In C. C. Park,

A. L. Goodwin and S. J. Lee, (Eds.), Asian American identities, families and

schooling (pp. 3-26). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Goodwin, A. L., & Lawrence, A. T. (2002). A professional development school partnership for

preparing teachers for urban schools. In Gary Griffin and Associates, Rethinking

standards through teacher preparation partnerships (pp. 69-86). Albany, NY: SUNY


Snyder, J., Goodwin, A. L., Jacobs, S., Lippincott, A., Sheets, T., Sabatini, A., Lawrence, A. T.,

& Siegel-Smith, K. (2002). What we learned from site visits. In Gary Griffin and

Associates, (Eds.), Rethinking standards through teacher preparation partnerships (pp.

103-140). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Goodwin, A. L. (2001). Seeing with different eyes: Re-examining teacher expectations through

racial lenses. In S. H. King and L. Castenell, (Eds.), Racism and racial inequality:

Implications for teacher education, (pp. 69-76). Washington, DC: AACTE.

Goodwin, A. L. (2001). The Summer Scholars Program: Historically Black colleges/

universities and leading graduate schools of education collaborating to increase the

quality and supply of African American teachers. In N. Jackson, W. S. Bolden & L.

T. Fenwick (Eds.), Patterns of excellence: Promoting quality in teaching through

diversity, (pp. 149-172). Atlanta, GA: Southern Education Foundation.

Goodwin, A. L. (2000). Teachers as (multi)cultural agents in schools. In R. T. Carter, (Ed.),

Addressing cultural issues in organizations: Beyond the corporate context, (pp. 101-

114). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Goodwin, A. L., Genishi, C., Asher, N., & Woo, K. (1997). Voices from the margins:

Asian American teachers’ experiences in the profession. In D. M. Byrd & D. J. McIntyre

(Eds.), Research on the education of our nation’s teachers; Teacher Education Yearbook

V, (pp. 219-241). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Chapter solicited for publication.

Goodwin, A. L. (1997). Historical and contemporary perspectives on multicultural teacher

education: Past lessons, new directions. In, J. E. King, E. R. Hollins, and W. Hayman

(Eds.), Preparing teachers for cultural diversity (pp. 5-22). New York: Teachers College

Press. Chapter selected from national RFP.

Goodwin, A. L., & Macdonald, M. (1997). Educating the rainbow: Authentic assessment and

authentic practice for diverse classrooms. In A. L. Goodwin, (Ed.). Assessment for equity

and inclusion: Embracing all our children, (pp. 211-228). New York: Routledge.

Smith, Y., & Goodwin, A. L. (1997). The democratic, child-centered classroom: Provisioning

for a vision. In A. L. Goodwin (Ed.), Assessment for equity and inclusion: Embracing all

our children, (pp. 101-120). New York: Routledge.

Goodwin, A. L. (1993). Restructuring for learner-centered accountability at University

Heights High School. In, L. Darling-Hammond et al, Creating learner-centered

accountability (pp. 61-83). New York: National Center for Restructuring Education,

Schools and Teaching.

Darling-Hammond, L., & Goodwin, A. L. (1993). Progress toward professionalism in

teaching. In, G. Cawelti (Ed.), Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 1993 Yearbook (pp. 19-52). Alexandria VA: ASCD.

Goodwin, A. L. (1987). Vocational choices and the realities of teaching. In Bolin, F. S.,

& Falk, J. M. (Eds.), Teacher renewal; Professional issues, personal choices (pp. 30-36). New York: Teachers College Press.


King, S. H., & Goodwin, A. L. (2002). Culturally responsive parental involvement: Concrete

understandings and basic strategies. Washington, DC: American Association of Colleges

for Teacher Education.

Snyder, J., Lieberman, A., Macdonald, M., & Goodwin, A. L. (1992). Makers of meaning in a learning-centered school: A case study of Central Park East 1 elementary school. New York: National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching.


Goodwin, A. L. (2009). [Review of the book Who Cares for our Children? The Child Care

Crisis in the Other America.]. Educational Studies, 45(4), 403-407.

Goodwin, A. L. (1992). [Review of the book The Handbook of Research on Teacher

Education]. Teachers College Record, 94(2), 414-417.

Goodwin, A. L. (1988). [Review of the book The Practice of Teaching]. Teachers College Record, 90(1), 138-143.

Goodwin, A. L. (1986). [Review of the book Ideology and Practice in Schooling]. Teachers

College Record, 87(4), 637.


Goodwin, A. L. (September 2008). Preservice teacher education and the knowledge domains of

teaching: Quality teachers for a global context. In International Conference on Teacher

Education: Transformative Society and Teacher Education Reform Conference

Proceedings, (pp. 5-15 English; 16-25 Chinese). ChangChun, China: Northeast Normal


Goodwin, A. L. (Spring 2006). The NCATE accreditation experience at Teachers College,

Columbia University, 14(2), 2-3, 8. Washington, DC: National Council for the

Accreditation of Teacher Education.

Goodwin, A. L. (March 2000). Honoring ways of knowing. WEEA (Women’s Educational

Equity Act) Digest, 1, 2, 4, 6-9. Newton, MA: Education Development Center.

Goodwin, A. L. (1995). Teaching and teacher education. In, S. Gall & I. Natividad (Eds.), The

Asian American Almanac, (pp. 475-478). Detroit, MI: Gale Research, Inc.

Goodwin, A. L. (February, 1995). Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in teaching. ERIC

Digest, #194. New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education.

Goodwin, A. L. (February, 1995). Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in teaching.

Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Teacher Education. (ERIC Document

Reproduction Service No. 379386)

Bolin, F. S., & Goodwin, A. L. (1995). The knowledge domains of teaching. In, C. Richards

(Ed.), Dirktor (The Director; Russian Journal for School Administrators), Moscow.

Goodwin, A. L. (1992). Health education in teacher education from a multicultural point of

view. In, S. W. Pflaum (Ed.), Health education: Health educators and teacher

educators collaborate (pp. 30-37). Conference proceedings: Health Education in

Teacher Education. New York: Bank Street College and the NYS Dept of Education.

Goodwin, A. L. (1991). Beyond band-aid solutions: A multifaceted, collaborative approach

to the minority teacher shortage. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Teacher Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 324 276)

Goodwin, A. L. (January, 1990). Fostering diversity in the teaching profession through

multicultural field experiences. Paper commissioned by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, National Symposium on Diversity, Tampa, Florida.

Goodwin, A. L., & Lieberman, A. (1985). Effective assister behavior: What they brought and what they learned. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Teacher Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 264354)


Invited—Goodwin, A. L., & Kosnik, C. Quality Teacher Educators = Quality Teachers?

Conceptualizing essential domains of knowledge for those who teach teachers. To appear

in P. Aubusson & S. Schuck (Eds). Teacher education futures. Special Issue of Teacher



Invited—Goodwin, A. L. U.S. perspectives on high-performing education systems in Asia:

Lessons learnt. To appear in, Education policy Innovations: Leveling up and staying on

top, S. K. Lee, W. O. Lee, and E. L. Low (Eds).


NIE Seminar, NIE Singapore. Featured Speaker: Quality teacher educators = Quality

teachers? Conceptualizing essential domains of knowledge for those who teach teachers.

November 6, 2012.

NIE Graduate Student Day 2012 (inaugural), NIE, Singapore. Keynote speaker: Reaching

beyond excellent research to achieve research excellence. October 13, 2012.

Arts in Education Forum, Schools of the Arts, Singapore. David Marshall Scholar and

keynote speaker: Teaching for the 31st century: Learning for the long haul. July, 4-5,


C.J. Koh Professorial Lecture Series Roundtable Symposium, National Institute of

Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Featured Speaker: What

the U.S can learn from international partners. May 2, 2012

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Keynote

Speaker, Launch of the TC/NIE Joint Masters in Educational Leadership: The TC

experience in Singapore. February 7, 2012.

Center of Teacher Education Research, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.

Keynote Speaker: 1st Global Teacher Education Summit: Quality teacher educators =

Quality teachers. October 28-31, 2011.

National Institute of Education, Singapore. Teacher quality: Perspectives from the U.S.

November, 2010.

Queen Rania Teacher Awards Conference, Aqaba, Jordan. Keynote speaker (with Dr. Celia

Oyler): Inspiring teachers, inspirational teaching. December 2009.

Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Amman, Jordan, and the World Bank. International

Conference: Teacher Education at a Crossroad: Strengthening teacher preparation: What

does the evidence suggest? Re-thinking “Models” of Teacher Preparation. June 2009.

Northeast Normal University, ChangChun, China. International Conference on Teacher

Education: Transformative Society and Teacher Education Reform. Preservice teacher

education and the knowledge domains of teaching: Quality teachers for a global context.

Sept 20, 2008.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. Lee Hysan Lecture Series—invited lecturer:

Preparing teachers for the world we have and the world we want: Quality teachers for a

global context. September 17, 2008.

Holmes Scholars/Holmes Partnership Annual Conference, Orlando. Scholars of color in

the academy: Making our way with dignity and purpose. January 24, 2008.

Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Center for Teacher Education Research Lecture

Series: Teacher education in the U.S.—Teacher knowledge, preparation models, current

issues; Multicultural teacher education: Preparing teachers for the world we have and

for the world we want; Teacher educators as gatekeepers: Deciding who is ready to

teach. Nov 1- 4, 2007.

Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. School of Education, JingShi Forum: Preservice

teacher education and the knowledge domains of teaching, Nov. 6, 2007.

National Education Association, Washington, DC. Board of Directors Conference: Asian and

Pacific Islander Observance. Vertical and horizontal diversity in the API Community.

May 5, 2007.

Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Advanced Training Program in Teacher Education

Design in Universities and Colleges. Preservice teacher preparation: Knowledge, skills

and dispositions; and, Reflection and action research in preservice teacher education.

November 28 – December 1, 2005.

Holmes Partnership Annual Conference, Philadelphia. “Stop the world, we want to

get on!” Situating teacher preparation globally and locally. January 22, 2005.

University of Texas, Houston. Epiphany Lecture Series: Doing the right thing for all children:

Do we have the will? March 27, 2002.

UNICEF, Latvia. Multicultural education in America and Europe: Parallels, overlaps and

common agendas. December 2, 1999.

AERA, Annual Meeting, San Diego. Division K, Invited Fireside Chat: Possibilities and

priorities in teacher education for diversity. April 1998.

NY State Parent Teacher Association, Albany, NY. Multicultural curriculum, multicultural

classrooms, multicultural schools. 100th Convention, November 17, 1996.

Nassau Association of District Curriculum Officials, New York. Multicultural issues and

possibilities. October 12, 1995.

The Winter Roundtable on Cross-Cultural Psychology and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. Transforming whom and to what end? Towards racial inclusiveness in multicultural education. February 17, 18, 1995.

Rockland County BOCES, NY. Building the multicultural curriculum. December 6, 1994.

NY Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Suffern, NY. Multicultural

curriculum development. October, 1994.

Connecticut State Board of Education. The minority teacher shortage: Dilemmas, strategies, responses. October 1992.

National Education Association Joint Conference on Concerns of Minorities and Women, Kansas City, MO. Recruiting ethnically and culturally diverse personnel. July 1990.


Goodwin, A. L., Smith, L., Chevuru, R, & Tan, M. L. What should teacher educators know and

be able to do? Perspectives from practicing teacher educators. Paper to be presented at

the 2013 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San


Goodwin, A. L., Low, E. L., & Ng, P. T. Developing Teacher Leadership in Singapore: Multiple

Pathways for Differentiated Journeys. Paper to be presented at the 2013 annual meeting

of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.

Goodwin, A. L. Challenges faced by credential maintenance programs across the professions.

Symposium to be presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the American Educational

Research Association, San Francisco.

Reagan, E. M., Roegman, R., & Goodwin, A. L. Inquiry in the round? A qualitative case study of

education rounds in a residency program. Paper to be presented at the 2013 annual

meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.

Goodwin, A. L. & Reagan, E. Reinventing university-based teacher preparation: A perspective

from a teacher residency program. Symposium to be presented at the 2013 annual

meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Orlando.

Goodwin, A. L. Preparing teachers of quality: Take-aways from Singapore. Presidential Invited

Session, Paper presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the American Educational

Research Association, Vancouver, BC.

Goodwin, A. L. Lessons learned about Teacher Residency models: Views from five Teacher

Quality Partnership grantees. Symposium presentation at the 2012 annual

meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago.

Goodwin, A. L., & Beatrice Fennimore. Quality teacher educators = Quality teachers.

Paper presentation/Interactive session at the 2012 annual meeting of the

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago.

Goodwin, A. L. Measuring the effectiveness of Professional Development Schools: Professional

Development Schools and teacher professionalism. Paper presented at the 2011 annual

meeting of the American Education Research Association, New Orleans.

Goodwin, A. L. Developing and sustaining urban teaching residencies. Symposium presentation

at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New


Fennimore, B. S., & Goodwin, A. L. It takes an open mind to close a gap: Dynamic strategies

for renewed discourse and innovative approaches to students on "the wrong side of the

gap." Presentation/Interactive session at the 2011 annual meeting of the American

Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, San Diego.

Goodwin, A. L. Launching a Teacher Residency Program: Views from five Teacher Quality

Partnership grantees. Symposium presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of the

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, San Diego.

Fennimore, B. S., & Goodwin, A. L. Interrupting the false dichotomies of age, history,

curriculum, and coercion: Standing our ground in social justice and teacher education.

Presentation/Interactive session at the 2011 annual meeting of the American

Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, San Diego.

Goodwin, A. L., & Oyler, C. Understanding preservice programs’ gatekeeping practices. Paper presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.

Goodwin, A. L., & Oyler, C. Keeping incompetent teachers out of the classroom: Gate-keeping in teacher education programs. Paper presented at the 2006 annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, San Diego.

Oyler, C., & Goodwin, A. L. Not highly qualified: Negotiating student teacher incompetence in an urban teacher education program. Paper presented at the 2006 annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, San Diego.

Genor, M., & Goodwin, A. L. Using critical autobiographical inquiry in preservice teacher

education. Paper presented at the 2004 annual meeting of the American Educational

Research Association, San Diego.

Goodwin, A. L., & Genishi, C. Curriculum as colonizer: Asian American education in a

global (and local) context. Paper presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the American

Educational Research Association, Chicago.

Goodwin, A. L. Doing the right thing for all children: Do we have the will? Symposium

presentation at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Educational Research

Association, San Diego.

Genor, M., Goodwin, A. L., & Oyler, C. Confronting ourselves: Using autobiographical

analysis in teacher education. Paper presented at the 2002 annual meeting of the

National Association of Multicultural Educators, Washington, D.C.

Goodwin, A. L. The case of one child: Making the shift from personal knowledge to informed

practice. Paper presented at the 2001 annual meeting of the American Educational

Research Association, Seattle.

Goodwin, A. L. Is the academy ready for the next generation of researchers? Symposium

presentation at the 2001 annual meeting of the American Educational Research

Association, Seattle.

Goodwin, A. L. Finding my place in the academy: A personal narrative about Asian cultural

centering, insider/outsider dichotomies, and buying in without selling out. Paper

presented at the 2001 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,


Goodwin, A. L. What do we know about them (“minorities”) and how do we know it?

Symposium presentation at the 1998 annual meeting of the American Educational

Research Association, San Diego.

Goodwin, A. L., Macdonald, M., & De Brito, R. Standards, diversity, and collaboration:

Teachers’ of color experience with NBPTS certification. Symposium presentation at the

1998 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego.

Asher, N, Goodwin, A. L., Genishi, C. S., & Woo, K. Asian American autobiographies: The

construction of identity in historical contexts. Paper presented at the 1997 annual meeting

of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.

Goodwin, A. L., Genishi, C. S., Woo, K., & Asher, N. Growing up Asian in America: The role

of social context and education in shaping racial and personal identity. Paper presented

at the 1996 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, NY.

Goodwin, A. L. Exploring the perspectives of teacher educators of color. Paper presented at the

1996 annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education,


Goodwin, A. L. Reaching those who teach teachers: Multicultural staff development for

teacher education faculty. Paper presented at the 1995 annual meeting of the American

Educational Research Association, San Francisco.

Goodwin, A. L., Genishi, C. S., Asher, N., & Woo, K. Asian American voices: Speaking out on

the teaching profession. Paper presented at the 1995 annual meeting of the American

Educational Research Association, San Francisco.

Goodwin, A. L. Meeting multicultural standards for professional practice: A model for

faculty development. Paper presented at the 1994 annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago.

Goodwin, A. L. & Genishi, C. G. Voices from the margins: Asian American teachers'

experiences in the profession. Paper presented at the 1994 annual meeting of the

American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.

Goodwin, A. L. (1993). A model for multicultural teacher education: The transformation from "me" to "we". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta.

Goodwin, A. L. (1993). Multicultural teacher education: Listening to preservice teachers' stories. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, San Diego.

Goodwin, A. L. (1992). Making the transition from self to other: What do preservice

teachers really think about multicultural education? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.

Goodwin, A. L. (1992). Accountability in action: Restructuring for learner-centered

accountability. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational

Research Association, San Francisco.

Goodwin, A. L. (February, 1992). Multicultural teacher education: A model for action.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX.

Bolin, F. S., & Goodwin, A. L. (February, 1992). Redefining teacher education: A

model for comprehensive reform. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX.

Goodwin, A. L. (February, 1990). Preparing the urban educator: Dispelling myths,

examining realities and facing challenges. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago.

Robinson, J. & Goodwin, A. L. (February, 1990). The teacher education internship:

Preparing those who teach teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago.

Goodwin, A. L. (April, 1985). Vocational choices and the realities of the workplace.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.

Goodwin, A. L., & Lieberman, A. (April, 1985). Effective assister behavior: What they

brought and what they learned. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American

Educational Research Association, Chicago.



National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. “Building an

Evidence Base for Teacher Education.” Research Consultant, Jan 2012 – Jan 2013.

National Academy of Education Administration, Beijing, China. “Teacher Education Reform

and Transformation”: A Teachers College Leadership Training Program for Chinese

University Presidents and Ministry of Education Officials. Designed and implemented

U.S.-based leadership program. Oct 25 – Nov 4, 2010.

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

External Review of Master’s Degree by Coursework Programmes: Chair of International

Review Team. Sept 20-22, 2010.

Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Amman Jordan. “Engaging all learners: Interactive

pedagogies.” Teacher development workshops. June 2009 - December 2009.

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

“Preparing learners to meet the challenges of our complex world through integrated,

interdisciplinary curriculum.” Professional development course, March 2009.

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

“Multicultural education through the social studies.” Professional development course,

March 2005.

UNICEF, Afghanistan. Teacher training, curriculum development/educational planning and

professional development. 2003 – 2004 (on-location, November 2003).

Centre for Education, Bermuda College, Bermuda. Teacher Education Institute—planning,

development and implementation. 2000 – 2001.

Soros Foundation, Latvia. The Open School Project—“Multicultural education in Latvia.”

Curriculum consultant/trainer, May 1999 – May 2000.

New York Open Society Institute. “Big Brothers Big Sisters Program Development in Central

and Eastern Europe.” Curriculum consultant, Spring 1999.

Mongolian Open Society Foundation. “Schools 2001” Educational Reform Project in

Mongolia. National workshop designer/instructor, 1998 – 2001.

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological Institute, Singapore. Presentations:

“School-university partnerships and professional development schools;” “Multicultural

Education: Lessons from America.” March, 1998.

Soros Foundation, Latvia. “Developing Skills for Experiential and Cooperative Learning in

Latvian Teacher Education,” Curriculum consultant/trainer, July 1997 – May 2000.

Eureka University, Moscow. Workshop: “Models of curriculum design.” Summer institute—

London, England, July, 1995.

Eureka University, Moscow. Presentations: “Educational reform in the U.S. over the past

decade;” “Multicultural education: Historical and contemporary perspectives.” Regional seminars offered--Krasnayarsk, Siberia, March 1995.

Institute of Language Education, YMCA, Tokyo, Japan. Presentation: "Multicultural

education in the U.S.: History, issues, concerns." August, 1992.


Teachers College Inclusive Classrooms Project (TCICP), New York, NY. Inquiry Team

Leader/Facilitator (2010 – 2012) and Staff Developer: Inquiry to Action, Spotlight on

Classroom Assessments, 2010-2011.

Columbia University School of Social Work, New York, NY. Faculty development: Effective

University Teaching. September 2006 – Jan 2008.

Children’s Aid Society After-School Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program, NY. “Creating

participatory learning environments: Moving from compliance to engagement.”

Professional development. April 2002 – December 2002.

Montclair State University, NJ. “Assessment for equity and inclusion: Embracing all our

students.” Faculty development workshop. June, 2002.

Thurgood Marshall Academy for Social Change, NY. Curriculum/assessment consultant and

staff developer. January – December 1997.

National Center for Restructuring Schools, Education and Teaching (NCREST), New York. “Models for multicultural curriculum building.” DEWEY Professional Development Network, Summer 1996.

Nassau County BOCES, NY. “Multicultural curriculum building.” Professional development

workshops. April and November, 1995, November 1996.

Cooperative Education Services, CT. Maritime Middle Magnet Curriculum Design Team--Consultant, October, 1994.

Memphis City School District, Memphis, TN. “Creating inter-disciplinary curricula with the learner at the center.” Professional Development Institute, August 8-11, 1994.

Educational Development Council, Newton, MA. NSF Statewide Systemic Initiative

Technical Assistance Project. Consultant, Spring 1994.

Middletown, CT Schools. “Multicultural education.” PD workshop, November 1991.

Many Faces, Many Voices--Cultural Diversity Institute, Cooperative Education Services, Connecticut. “What does the inclusive curriculum include? Re-examining the regular classroom curriculum through multicultural lenses.” PD workshop, July 1991.

La Guardia Community College, NY. “Infusing pluralism into the curriculum” project.

Curriculum consultant, November 1990 - March 1991.

The College Board, Educational EQuality Project, NY. Keep Going...Keep Growing...In College” project. Consultant, 1987 - 1988.


Bank Street College, New York, NY. Leadership Institute: BETLA 2007-2008 (Bilingual/ESL

Teacher Leadership Academy), Program evaluations. August 2007 – May 2008.

McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. Social Studies 2003. Author/Reviewer, Sept 2001 – Dec 2002.

Daekyo America Incorporated, California. The Noonnoppi English Reading and Writing

Curriculum development project. External evaluator, Spring 2000.

National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Vermont State Systemic Initiative. Site

evaluation team member, February, 1996.

American Jewish Committee, New York, NY. Hands Across Campus (diversity curriculum).

National program evaluator, September 1995 - June 1996.

The Dalton School, New York, NY. New Laboratory for Teaching and Learning. Program

evaluator, May 1994.

Academy for Educational Development, New York, NY. “Youth Fair Chance Initiative” Project, Fresno, CA (Department of Labor). Program evaluator, 1993 - 1997.

Iona College, NY.

Masters in Teaching Program. Program evaluator, May 1989.

Preservice and Inservice Education. Program evaluator, January, 1989.


National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching (NCREST), NY.

Leading Edge Professional Development Schools Network—Standards for teaching and

teacher education. October 1996 – 1999.

Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC), Council of Chief

State School Officers, Washington, DC. Test for Teaching Knowledge Design Team.

1996 – 1999.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, Spencer Foundation Study Panel to

examine cultural relevance and bias in teacher portfolio assessments. August 1997 –

December 1998.

National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching (NCREST), NY. DEWEY Project (Diversity and Excellence Working for the Education of Youth)--Research, technical assistance to participating schools. 1994 - 1996.

National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching (NCREST), NY. Accountability Project--Researcher (Center for Collaborative Education). 1990 - 1992.

BellSouth Foundation, Atlanta. Education Issues in the South for the 90's--Co-Investigator. March - October, 1990.

The College Board, Educational EQuality Project, NY. The Minority Student Pipeline: Skills, Standards and Representation in Higher Education--Research Consultant. April, 1987.

The Center for Policy Research, NY. Successful Assistance Personnel in Urban School Improvement Programs--Data Manager and Research Assistant. 1983 - 1985.


AACTE/NCATE, Annual Meeting, Atlanta. Panelist: Challenges Facing Educator

Preparation: NCATE Redesign and Transformation. February, 2010.

CADREI, Annual Meeting, New York. Panelist: Urban education reform in the nation’s

largest school district. February, 2007.

AACTE, Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Panelist: The AERA Panel on Research and

Teacher Education: Implications for practice, policy, and continued research. February,


AERA, Annual Meeting, San Diego. Panelist: Issues in multicultural education research.

April 1998.

Pioneer Institute, Boston, MA. Panelist: Real accountability: Reviving public trust in

education. Panelist, November 20, 1996.

AERA, Annual Meeting, San Francisco. Symposium: Backlash and frontlash: The

controversies of multicultural education. April 1995.

AERA, Annual Meeting, New Orleans. Symposium: Private lives in public conversations:

The ethics of research in communities of color. April 1994.

AACTE, Annual Meeting, Atlanta. Panelist: A hard look at consortial responses to the minority teacher shortage: How far have we come? March 1, 1991.

National School Boards Association, Council of Urban Boards of Education Annual Meeting, NY. Panelist: Where are they (minority educators) when we need them? September 1990.

Howard University, Teachers College, University of Delaware Joint Conference,

Wilmington, DE. Panelist: Minority teacher recruitment, preparation and retention: What works. May 1990.

The Fourth Biennial Hollis L. Caswell Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. The ethics of doing research in Asian American communities: Questions of culture, consideration and conscience. March, 24, 25, 1995.



2011 – present Doctoral Curriculum Committee

2009 – 2011 Minority Post-Doc Mentor

2009 - 2010 Search Committee: Curriculum

2008 – 2010 Minority Post-Doc Mentor

2008 - 2009 Search Committee Chair: Curriculum Studies

2006 – present Untenured faculty mentor (selected by mentee)

2005 – present Doctoral Certification Exam Committee

2004 – 2005 Ed.M. program development committee

2003 – 2004 Search Committee Chair: Preservice Elementary Education

2002 – Fall 2004 NCATE Coordinator—Preservice Elementary Program

2002 – 2004 Doctoral Certification Exam Committee

2002 – 2003 Search Committee Chair: Preservice Elementary Education

Search Committee: Preservice Early Childhood Education

2001 – 2002 Ed.M. program development committee

Ed.D. program development committee—Teacher Education

1999 – 2001 M.A. program development committee—Preservice Elementary

1999 – 2000 Doctoral admissions committee

M.A. program development committee—Inservice

1985 – 2004 Preservice elementary admissions committee

Recruitment committee


2012 - International Strategic Committee

2011 – 2012 University Senate (Columbia University-wide; elected by faculty)

2010 – present Untenured faculty mentor (selected by mentee)

Fall 2010 Search Committee: Dept of Clinical and Counseling Psychology

Summer 2009 - Teachers College New School Planning Committee

Spring 2009 - Columbia Global Centers/Beijing Faculty Steering Committee

Spring 2009 - College Task Force on Diversity and Anti-Discrimination

Spring 2009 - School Partnership Advisory Council

Spring 2009 - Teachers College/Barnard College Partnership Planning Committee

Fall 2008 - President’s International Advisory Board

Fall 2008 - 2011 Faculty Advisory Committee (elected by faculty)

Fall 2008 - 2010 Teachers College Accreditation Team (TCAT)

2007 – present Columbia Community Service, Board Member

2007 – 2009 Affirmative Action Committee

2005 – present Teacher Education Policy Committee (Chair 2006 – present)

2003 – 2004 Teachers College Accreditation Team (TCAT)

2002 – 2004 Standing Committee on Tenure and Promotion (elected by faculty)

Teacher Education Policy Committee (Co-Chair, 2003 – 2004)

2002 – 2003 Search Committee: Preservice Social Studies Education

Teachers College Ventures Advisory Board

Room Assignments Policy Workgroup

2001 – 2002 Dean’s Transition Team

Search Committee: History of Education

Search Committee: Teacher Education Bridge position

Minority Post-Doc Selection Committee

Center for Continuing Education and Innovation Committee

2000 – 2001 Search Committee: Dean of the Faculty (elected faculty rep)

Teachers College Ventures Advisory Board

1999 – 2000 Search Committee: Mathematics Education

Faculty Executive Committee: Sub-committee on Race, Class and


Magsaysay-Boxley Scholarship Committee

1998 – 2001 Teacher Education Preservice Program Re-registration Committee

1998 – 1999 Search Committee Chair: Learning Dis/abilities

Dean’s Grant for Doctoral Student Research Selection Committee

1997 – 1999 Teacher Education Policy Committee

1996 – 1997 Search Committee: Preservice Elementary Education

1994 – 1995 Advisory Committee on the Future Organization of the College

Search Committee: Dept of Higher and Adult Education

1993 – 1994 Search Committee: Dept of Philosophy and Social Science

Chinese Students Association, Faculty Sponsor

1992 – 1996 Faculty of Color

1991 – 1993 Faculty Executive Committee

FEC Sub-Committee on Finance, Facilities and Support Services (Co-chair

1991 – 1992)

1990 – 1991 Task Force on Enterprise and Extension

Minority Scholarship Committee


National Panel Expert, Increasing the Application of Child and Adolescent Learning and

Development Knowledge in Educator Preparation Programs, NCATE, Washington, DC.

2008 – 2010.

Institutional Representative, NYS Institutions of Higher Education Work Group: Enhancing

Mentoring and Support for Pre-service and Beginning Teachers, New York

Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality, NY, 2008 – 2010.

Editorial Board, European Journal of Educational Research. 2011 – 2014

Editorial Advisory Board, Teaching Education, University of Queensland, Queensland,

Australia. 2003 – present.

Board of Reviewers, Journal of Teacher Education, Boston College, Boston, MA. 1999 –


Editorial Board, American Educational Research Journal, AERA, Washington, DC. 1996 –



Vice President elect, Division K, 2013 – 2016.

Mentor—Scholars of Color Committee, 2011 –

Mentor—SIG, Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans, 2011 –

Graduate Student Seminar Committee, Division K, 2005 – 2008.

Outstanding Book Award Committee, 2004 – 2006.

Co-Chair, Nomination Committee, Division G, 2003 – 2005.

Mentoring Committee, Division K, 2003 – present.

Dissertation of the Year Committee, Division B

Committee on the Role and Status of Minorities in Education, April 1995 - 1998.

President, SIG--Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans, 1997 –


Treasurer/Membership Secretary, SIG--Research on the Education of Asian and

Pacific Americans, 1995 – 1997.


Institutional Representative, 2002 – present.

Chair, Committee for Publications and the Journal of Teacher Education, 2002 –


Committee for Publications and the Journal of Teacher Education, 1999 – 2002.

Program Planning Committee, 1996 Annual Meeting, 1994 – 1996.

Committee on Multicultural Education, 1989 - 1992. Invited to serve a second term,

1992 - 1994.

Holmes Partnership, Equity Committee. 1998 – 2001.

ATE, Commission on the Recruitment of Diverse Persons into Teaching and Teacher Education. 1993 - 1995.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Center for Early Adolescence--"Strengthening Teacher Preparation for the Middle Grades" (DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund). National Advisory Board member, 1992 - 1995.

Teachers College, Columbia University--"New Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Project" (PEW Charitable Trusts). National Advisory Board member, 1991 - 1994.

Southern Education Foundation, Consortium on Teacher Quality and Supply, Atlanta (BellSouth Foundation & Pew Charitable Trusts). 1987 - 2000.

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Washington, DC. A Study of Achievement of Minority Teacher Education Students. Advisory Board, 1989 - 1991.

Reviewer: Refereed Journals

American Educational Research Journal

American Journal of Education

Anthropology and Education Quarterly

Asia Pacific Journal of Education

Educational Evaluation and Policy

Educational Researcher

Educational Studies

Equity and Excellence in Education

Journal of Teacher Education

International Journal of Disability, Development and Education

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education

Qualitative Inquiry

Teacher Education Quarterly

Teachers College Record

Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Teacher Education

Teaching Education

Urban Education

Reviewer: Book Manuscripts


SAGE Publishers

SUNY Press


Teachers College Press


The Spencer Foundation, Chicago--Major Research Grants Program Reviewer, Fall 94.

United States Department of Education-OERI, Washington, DC. Proposal Reviewer-

-National Center(s) Selection/Continuation, August 1992.

Bank Street College of Education, New York—Faculty research proposals, external reviewer,

1994 to 1998.

Professional Memberships

American Educational Research Association (AERA)

American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE)

Associate for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)


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