University of Phoenix Material

University of Phoenix Material

Lesson Plan Rubric

Note: An overall rating of Proficient (3) is required on this artifact. The content sections of the rubric (ACEI Standard 2.1: Reading, Writing, and Oral Language, 2.2: Science, 2.3: Mathematics, 2.4: Social Studies, 2.5: The Arts, 2.6: Heath Education, and 2.7: Physical education) are applied only to a lesson plan in that specific content area.

|Criteria |1 unsatisfactory |2 basic |3 proficient |4 advanced |score |

|ACEI: 3.1 Integrating and applying knowledge for instruction—Candidates plan and implement instruction based on knowledge of students, learning theory, connections across the curriculum, |

|curricular goals, and community. |

|Instructional Approach |Instructional approach does not |Instructional approach includes a|Instructional approach includes |Instructional approach includes a| |

| |include strategies adapted to |limited range of instructional |strategies that are adapted to |variety of instructional | |

| |diverse students and does not |strategies that are not always |diverse students and demonstrates|strategies that are adapted to | |

| |demonstrate of how elementary |adapted to diverse students and |an understanding of how |diverse students and demonstrates| |

| |students differ in their |does not demonstrate an |elementary students differ in |an in-depth understanding of how | |

| |development and approaches to |understanding of how elementary |their development and approaches |elementary students differ in | |

| |learning. |students differ in their |to learning. |their development and approaches | |

| | |development and approaches to | |to learning. | |

| | |learning. | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ACEI: 3.2 Adaptation to diverse students—Candidates understand how elementary students differ in their development and approaches to learning, and create instructional opportunities that are |

|adapted to diverse students. |

|Assessment |No assessment strategies are |The assessment does not |The assessment demonstrates |The assessment clearly | |

| |identified or they do not |demonstrate ability to plan and |ability to plan and use a variety|demonstrates a strong | |

| |demonstrate ability to plan and |use formal and informal |of formal and informal assessment|understanding and ability to plan| |

| |use formal and informal |assessment strategies. Assessment|strategies that strengthen |and use a variety of formal and | |

| |assessment strategies. |does not assess students before, |instruction to promote continuous|informal assessment strategies | |

| | |during and after instruction. |student development. |that strengthen instruction to | |

| | |Assessments do not strength | |promote continuous student | |

| | |instruction to promote student | |development. | |

| | |development. | | | |

|ACEI: 4.0 Assessment for instruction—Candidates know, understand, and use formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction that will promote continuous |

|intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of each elementary student. |

|Organization |The lesson lacks a logical |There is minimal logical |There is an evident logical |There is an evident and | |

| |sequence/progression in order to|sequence/progression to the |sequence/progression to the |comprehensive logical | |

| |meet objectives. |lesson in order to meet |lesson in order to meet |sequence/progression to the | |

| | |objectives |objectives. |lesson in order to meet | |

| | | | |objectives. | |

|n/a |

|Mechanics |Spelling and grammar errors are |Spelling and grammar errors are |Spelling and grammar errors are |Spelling and grammar errors are | |

| |excessive and interfere with |numerous and somewhat interfere |minimal and do not interfere with|not evident and do not interfere | |

| |understanding of lesson plan. |with understanding of lesson |understanding of lesson plan. |with understanding of lesson | |

| | |plan. | |plan. | |

|n/a |

|Criteria |1 Unsatisfactory |2 Basic |3 Proficient |4 advanced |score |

|ACEI: 2.1 Reading, Writing, and Oral Language—Candidates demonstrate a high level of competence in use of English language arts and they know, understand, and use concepts from reading, language |

|and child development, to teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills and to help students successfully apply their developing skills to many different situations, |

|materials, and ideas. |

|Content-Science |Lesson plan demonstrates lacking |Lesson plan demonstrates emerging |Lesson plan demonstrates competence |Lesson plan demonstrates a high | |

| |competence in use of concepts in |competence in fundamental concepts of |in fundamental concepts of physical,|level of competence in fundamental | |

| |fundamental concepts of physical, |physical, life, and earth/space |life, and earth/space sciences. |concepts of physical, life, and | |

| |life, and earth/space sciences. |sciences. |Lesson uses inquiry to teach |earth/space sciences. | |

| |Candidate’s lesson does not use |Lesson uses inquiry to do some but not |science, build student understanding|Lesson uses a variety of ways of | |

| |inquiry to teach science, build |all of the following: teach science, |for personal and social |doing inquiry to teach science, | |

| |student understanding for personal and|build student understanding for |applications, and to convey the |build student understanding for | |

| |social applications, or convey the |personal and social applications, and |nature of science. |personal and social applications, | |

| |nature of science. |to convey the nature of science. | |and to convey the nature of | |

| | | | |science. | |

|ACEI: 2.2 Science—Candidates know, understand, and use fundamental concepts of physical, life, and earth/space sciences. Candidates can design and implement age-appropriate inquiry lessons to |

|teach science, to build student understanding for personal and social applications, and to convey the nature of science. |

|Content- Mathematics |Lesson plan demonstrates lacking |Lesson plan demonstrates emerging |Lesson plan demonstrates competence |Lesson plan demonstrates a high | |

| |competence in the use of major |competence in the use of major concepts|in the use of major concepts and |level of competence in the use of | |

| |concepts and procedures that define |and procedures that define number and |procedures that define number and |major concepts and procedures that | |

| |number and operations, algebra, |operations, algebra, geometry, |operations, algebra, geometry, |define number and operations, | |

| |geometry, measurement, and data |measurement, and data analysis and |measurement, and data analysis and |algebra, geometry, measurement, and| |

| |analysis and probability. |probability. |probability. |data analysis and probability. | |

| |Lesson does not involve problem |Lesson uses some but not all of the |The lesson engages problem solving, |The lesson consistently engages | |

| |solving, reasoning and proof, |following: problem solving, reasoning |reasoning and proof, communication, |problem solving, reasoning and | |

| |communication, connections, or |and proof, communication, connections, |connections, and representation. |proof, communication, connections, | |

| |representation. |and representation. | |and representation. | |

|ACEI: 2.3 Mathematics—Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts and procedures that define number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability. |

|In doing so they consistently engage problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation. |

|Content-Social Studies|Lesson plan demonstrates lacking |Lesson plan demonstrates emerging |Lesson plan demonstrates competence |Lesson plan demonstrates a high | |

| |competence in the use of the major |competence in the use of the major |in the use of the major concepts and|level of competence in the use of | |

| |concepts and modes of inquiry from the|concepts and modes of inquiry from the |modes of inquiry from the social |the major concepts and modes of | |

| |social studies—the integrated study of|social studies—the integrated study of |studies—the integrated study of |inquiry from the social studies—the| |

| |history, geography, the social |history, geography, the social |history, geography, the social |integrated study of history, | |

| |sciences, and other related areas—to |sciences, and other related areas—to |sciences, and other related areas—to|geography, the social sciences, and| |

| |promote elementary students’ abilities|promote elementary students’ abilities |promote elementary students’ |other related areas—to promote | |

| |to make informed decisions as citizens|to make informed decisions as citizens |abilities to make informed decisions|elementary students’ abilities to | |

| |of a culturally diverse democratic |of a culturally diverse democratic |as citizens of a culturally diverse |make informed decisions as citizens| |

| |society and interdependent world. |society and interdependent world. |democratic society and |of a culturally diverse democratic | |

| | | |interdependent world. |society and interdependent world. | |

|2.4 Social studies—Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts and modes of inquiry from the social studies—the integrated study of history, geography, the social sciences, and other |

|related areas—to promote elementary students’ abilities to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse democratic society and interdependent world. |

|Content- The Arts |Lesson plan demonstrates lacking |Lesson plan demonstrates emerging |Lesson plan demonstrates competence |Lesson plan demonstrates a high | |

| |competence in the use of the content, |competence in the use of the content, |in the use of the content, |level of competence in the use of | |

| |functions, and achievements of the |functions, and achievements of the |functions, and achievements of the |the content, functions, and | |

| |performing arts (dance, music, |performing arts (dance, music, theater)|performing arts (dance, music, |achievements of the performing arts| |

| |theater) and the visual arts as |and the visual arts as primary media |theater) and the visual arts as |(dance, music, theater) and the | |

| |primary media for communication, |for communication, inquiry, and |primary media for communication, |visual arts as primary media for | |

| |inquiry, and engagement among |engagement among elementary students. |inquiry, and engagement among |communication, inquiry, and | |

| |elementary students. | |elementary students. |engagement among elementary | |

| | | | |students. | |

|ACEI: 2.5 The arts—Candidates know, understand, and use—as appropriate to their own understanding and skills—the content, functions, and achievements of the performing arts (dance, music, |

|theater) and the visual arts as primary media for communication, inquiry, and engagement among elementary students. |

|Content- Health |Lesson plan demonstrates lacking |Lesson plan demonstrates emerging |Lesson plan demonstrates competence |Lesson plan demonstrates a high | |

|Education |competence in the use of the major |competence in the use of the major |in the use of the major concepts in |level of competence in the use of | |

| |concepts in the subject matter of |concepts in the subject matter of |the subject matter of health |the major concepts in the subject | |

| |health education to create |health education to create |education to create opportunities |matter of health education to | |

| |opportunities for student development |opportunities for student development |for student development and practice|create opportunities for student | |

| |and practice of skills that contribute|and practice of skills that contribute |of skills that contribute to good |development and practice of skills | |

| |to good health. |to good health. |health. |that contribute to good health. | |

|ACEI: 2.6 Health education—Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts in the subject matter of health education to create opportunities for student development and practice of skills|

|that contribute to good health. |

|Content- Physical |Lesson plan demonstrates lacking |Lesson plan demonstrates emerging |Lesson plan demonstrates competence |Lesson plan demonstrates a high | |

|Education |competence in the use of human |competence in the use of human movement|in the use of human movement and |level of competence in the use of | |

| |movement and physical activity as |and physical activity as central |physical activity as central |human movement and physical | |

| |central elements to foster active, |elements to foster active, healthy life|elements to foster active, healthy |activity as central elements to | |

| |healthy life styles and enhanced |styles and enhanced quality of life for|life styles and enhanced quality of |foster active, healthy life styles | |

| |quality of life for elementary |elementary students. |life for elementary students. |and enhanced quality of life for | |

| |students. | | |elementary students. | |

|ACEI: 2.7 Physical education—Candidates know, understand, and use—as appropriate to their own understanding and skills—human movement and physical activity as central elements to foster active, |

|healthy life styles and enhanced quality of life for elementary students. |


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