Sample Rubric for Summative Assessment

Sample Rubric for Summative Assessment

| |Right On Target |Approaching Target |Missing Target |

| | |The diagram is somewhat clear | |

| |The diagram is clear and easy to|and easy to understand. The |The diagram is difficult to read|

| |understand. Parts of the |parts of the triangle may or may|and/or no diagram was drawn. |

|Diagram of Set-Up |triangle are labeled and |not be labeled and the | |

| |measurements are listed. |measurements may or may not be | |

| | |listed. | |

| |All steps were listed in the | | |

| |calculation. For example: | | |

| |a2 + b2 = c2 |Some steps were listed in the |No steps were shown and/or |

|Calculation |32 + 42 = c2 |calculation (one to two steps |calculation was incorrect. |

| |9 + 16 = c2 |missing). | |

| |25 = c2 | | |

| |5 = c | | |

| |The summary was detailed using |The summary was somewhat |The summary was brief and little|

|Summary of Problem and Solution |mathematical vocabulary. |detailed using some mathematical|or no mathematical vocabulary |

| |Explanation of steps were clear |vocabulary. Some steps were |was used. Steps were brief |

| |and answer was justified. |given and the answer may or may |and/or not given and the answer |

| | |not have been justified. |was not justified. |


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