Using Technology in the Elementary Math Classroom

Using Technology in the Elementary Math Classroom

Final Product Template – Creating a Technology-Enhanced Lesson Plan


As the final product for this workshop, you will create your own technology-enhanced lesson plan. Follow these guidelines to either create a new lesson or enhance an existing lesson with at least one technology tool introduced in this workshop.

Math Objectives

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NCTM or State Math Standards to Be Addressed

Visit NCTM at to look up their standards.

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How will you know that students met the NCTM or state math standards you described? Describe the form of assessment you intend to use.

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Rationale for Technology

Describe how this technology tool can help students understand a specific concept.

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Implementation Strategies

What software, hardware, technology tools, etc. are required for students to complete this lesson?

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Describe the Supporting Materials

What activity sheets, instructions, etc. are required for students to understand this lesson?

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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