Sol Feinstone Elementary School

Sol Feinstone Elementary School

Council Rock Education Week

Parent Workshops

You are cordially invited to attend our workshop series on Thursday, January 17, 2008. Please respond by returning the portion below.

9:30 – 10:45 AM “Developing a Love of Reading in Young Children”

Location: All Purpose Room (APR)

Presenter: Dr. Jack McGovern, Director of Curriculum & Instruction,

Bucks County Intermediate Unit

Target Audience: Parents of Students in Grades K-2

This session will focus on ways that parents can foster the love of reading for students in Kindergarten to Second

grade. Dr. McGovern will also speak about strategies that support readers at an early age and he will be providing

an appropriate book list for young readers.

11:00 – 12:00 PM “Supporting Appropriate Social Interactions – How to Handle Friendship Problems,

“Crushes” and Bullying

Location: Library

Presenter: Mr. Craig Miller, Guidance Counselor, Sol Feinstone

Target Audience: Parents of All Students

Children in elementary school encounter a wide range of social challenges. It is a time in which children need to

learn how to “fit in” as well as express themselves as individuals. As adults, we tend to focus on our children’s

academic progress when we think about their schooling. For children, however, school is often seen as a social

place with intermittent periods of instruction and assignments. The challenge at this age and beyond is to help

them find the correct balance between work and play as they build healthy, rewarding and respectful peer


1:00 – 2:00 PM “The Overscheduled Family”

Location: Library

Presenter: Dr. Deborah VanAken

Target Audience: Parents of All Students

This session will include a presentation and active community discussion around common stressors for parents,

such as:

• Is my family too busy?

• How do I know when too much is too much for my child to manage?

• What are the pros and the cons of the schedules we keep?

• I know we are too busy, but how do I simplify the schedule?

• My child wants to try many activities. How do we keep the right balance?

2:15 – 3:00 PM “Understanding PSSA and Other Assessments in Council Rock”

Location: Library

Presenter: Patrice Pladsen, Principal, Sol Feinstone

Target Audience: Parents of Students in Grades 3-6

This session will provide an overview of mandated testing at each grade level. Results of the testing and the implications

for students will be explored.

-----------------------------------------------------(PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN TO MAIN OFFICE)-----------------------------------------------------

I/We plan to attend the following workshops on Thursday, January 17, 2008:

______9:30 AM – Developing a Love of Reading ______11:00 AM – Supporting Appropriate Social Interactions

______1:00 PM – The Overscheduled Family ______2:15 PM – Understanding PSSA

Parent’s Name:_____________________________________ Child’s Name:__________________________ Grade:_________

Please respond on or before Monday, January 14, 2008


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