Journal prompts - Central Dauphin School District

Journal prompts

Select ONE of the following journal prompts and write a full ONE page response.

Please DO NOTrewrite the question on your paper, just identify the response with either a #1 or #2.

Journal prompts are now due on Thursday, October 30, 2014.

1. We have all procrastinated about something important that we had to do, sometimes disappointing others and disappointing ourselves. Why do we procrastinate if we know the outcome will be negative? What is the reasoning behind procrastination, why don’t we just do it?

2. Privacy is highly valued in our society, yet we take pictures with our cell phones and place personal images on Facebook and Instagram. There is probably even a picture of your home on Google Earth. How would you feel if you found out that you were “under surveillance” at school, your job, at home, or among friends because of changes in your behavior, beliefs, or daily practices? Is privacy still a big issue or have we just come to accept that there really isn’t any privacy? Should there be? (3 part question)


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