Montrose Elementary School Supply List 2017-2018

Montrose Elementary School Supply List 2017-2018

JK/Kindergarten: Large backpack, (1) 1" 3-ring binder, Facial Tissue (200 Count), (1) vinyl 2pocket folder-No 3 prong folders please, Hard case plastic pencil box, 1 spiral notebook, 1 activity/coloring book, Glue sticks, Crayons (one box per semester), Elmer's glue, Pencils, Eraser (soft pink or green), Fiskar scissors, Towel for rest time-no mats please, Headphones in a Ziploc bag, Gym shoes to be kept at school.

Grade 1: Grade 1: (3) two pocket folders; (1) 3 prong folder; 4 regular wide-lined spiral notebooks; 3-ring binder (no larger than 1"); headphones in a ziplock bag; regular sticky notes; 6 dry erase markers; storage box with lid (shoebox size); bookbag The following items will be shared as community supplies: 12 pencils, 2 boxes of 16-24 crayons, bottle of white glue, scissors (pointed), 2 erasers (soft pink or green); box of 8 markers; large box of kleenex

Grade 2: **Community Supplies ? 12 yellow pencils, box 16-24 crayons, 2 bottles of glue, 1 package of soft pink/green erasers, sticky notes, 1 box (8) markers, dry erase markers, Clorox wipes, 1 box of Kleenex, highlighter ? ** Please do not label these items with your child's name ? these will be supplies that are available for all students to use.

** Individual Supplies ? 1 (shoe box sized) plastic container, (1) 1-inch binder, (1) 3-prong folder, (2) 3-hole punched folders, (2) regular folders, (3) regular wide ruled spiral notebooks, (1) dry eraser (old sock is fine), headphones in a Ziploc baggie, colored pencils, scissors **These items will be kept in their plastic container. Gym shoes that are to be kept at school

Grade 3: (12) #2 pencils, a large eraser; pencil box; colored pencils; washable markers; highlighter; ruler with inches and centimeters; Elmer's glue bottle and glue stick; scissors, (2) large boxes of Kleenex; (2) wide-rule notebooks, (2) two-pocket folders; pencil eraser tops; & headphones in a Ziploc bag (1) black composition notebook; & (3) dry-erase markers; 1 one inch binder.

Grade 4: Eraser; crayons; colored pencils; washable markers; yellow highlighter; 12 #2 pencils; Pencil top erasers, 2 red pens; ruler with inches and centimeters; scissors; 2-two pocket folders; package of loose leaf wide rule paper; 2 one-inch binders, 2 composition notebooks (1 regular and one grid paper); 2 large box of Kleenex; bottle glue & glue stick; small sticky notes (one pad at a time); 8 dry-erase markers; & headphones in a Ziploc bag.

Grade 5: 6 composition notebooks (7"x 10"), 1 spiral notebook or loose paper, 3 soft side 3 ring binders, Pencil Pack, Large Eraser, Scissors, Liquid glue, Ruler, Colored Pencils, Markers, Crayons optional, rubber cement, pencil box or bag, black sharpie or similar black marker, 3 different colored highlighters, 1 dry erase marker, & headphones in a Ziploc bag.

*Grades that are required to bring notebooks should not bring Trapper Keepers. All backpacks must be able to fit in student's locker.

*All grade school students must have a pair of shoes to be worn only in the gym during PE class. These may be older tennis shoes that are clean.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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