Elementary Tutor List - Worthington City School District

Secondary Tutor List

Worthington Schools


The following list of tutors is provided as a service to the students and parents of our district. These tutors are community people who are willing to tutor Worthington students after school, on weekends and during the summer. They include teachers (current and retired), out-of-state teachers new to the district, college students, etc. Some are not currently certified in Ohio, but have offered their tutoring services because of previous employment or anticipated employment as teachers.

These tutors have not been screened or endorsed by the Worthington Schools (except for those who are Worthington teachers). Parents are encouraged to ask questions about teaching experience, background, references, cost, etc. These tutors are not employed by the Worthington schools. Parents will enter into contract with the tutor. If you have any concerns, call the Worthington Educational Center at 450-3000.

|Name |Address |Phone No. |Subject Areas |

|Absher, Teri |8706 Renfrew St. |614-339-3996 |Math |

| |Powell 43065 | | |

| |abshert@ | | |

|Black, Susan |1154 Eastfield Road |614-284-2158 |Reading, English, Science, Social Studies, |

| |Worthington 43085 | |Math, French |

|Boucher, Barbara |281 Crandall Drive |614-846-7813 |Math |

| |Worthington 43085 | | |

| |Barbb39@ | | |

|*Craig, Elizabeth |icraig@worthington.k12.oh.us |614-532-6776 |Math |

|Dickson, Cheryl |6778 Bowerman E. |614-885-2260 |Math 7-12, Algebra, Geometry, PDM, FST |

| |Worthington 43085 | | |

| |jcdickson@columbus. | | |

|Fletcher, Nicholas H. | |614-893-5565 |Chemistry, Physics, Math, AP Calculus, AP |

| | | |Chemistry |

|*Freer, Sandy |8333 Yuma Drive, |614-588-2614 |Reading, English, Math through Algebra 1, ACT,|

| |Powell 43065 | |SAT, Geometry |

| |The4freers@columbus. | | |

|Gornall, Leona |5040 Hawthorne Valley Dr. |614-890-1236 |French |

| |Westerville 43082 | | |

| | | | |

|Haque, Arjumand |2041 Stancrest Road |614-792-1276 |Physics AP |

| |Dublin 43016 | | |

|Hansen, Judy |458 E. Jeffrey Lane |614-209-3025 |Reading, Dyslexia, Organizational Skills K-12 |

| |Columbus 43214 | | |

|*Hart, Cathy A. |5622 Dumfries Court West |614-889-6177 |Any subject K-8 |

| |Dublin 43017 | | |

| |Hart_cathy@ | | |

|Hart, Dr. Rose |2754 Jordan Road |614-378-7432 |Math |

| |Columbus 43231 | | |

|*Jablonski, Cassie |1197 Worthington Heights Blvd. Columbus |614-846-0093 |Spanish |

| |43235 | | |

| | | | |

|Lampe, Philip |6494 Brookbend Drive |614-792-9201 |Science (chemistry, biology) |

| |Columbus 43235 | | |

| |lplampl@columbus. | | |

|Langstaff, Judy |251 Sinsbury Dr. North |614-483-2074 |PK thru Grade 10, Reading, English, Math, |

| |Worthington 43085 | |Study Skills, Learning Disabilities, Test |

| | | |Prep., ADHD, Emotional Concern |

|MacDonald, Jim |353 E 13th Avenue, 2F |614-299-3920 |Math, Statistics |

| |Columbus 43201 | | |

| |Macdonald.42@buckeyemail. | | |

| |osu.edu | | |

|Marion, Curt |2693 Bellwood Avenue |614-288-5870 |English, Math, Psychology, Statistics |

| |Bexley, 43209 | | |

|*Martin, Linda L. |8168 Saddle Run |614-932-9917 |Reading, English, Math, Algebra, Science, |

| |Powell 43065 |C-614-537-3439 |Social Studies, Language Arts, Special Needs, |

| | | |ADD & ADHD |

|McLean, Therese |7526 Saunderlane Road |614-889-7944 |English, Math, Science, Social Studies, |

| |Columbus 43235 | |Organization, Test Prep |

| |tmclean@columbus. | |(grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

|Myers, Sarah |240 Meadow View Drive |614-208-9413 |Math |

| |Powell 43065 | | |

|Oxley, Laura |2958 Grandwoods Circle |614-638-0713 |Reading, English, Math, Science, Social |

| |Dublin 43017 | |Studies |

|Pasanovic, Theresa |4328 Weybridge Court |H-614-766-5332 |Reading, English, math, Science, Social |

| |Powell, 43065 |C-614-203-2722 |Studies, Sub in District |

|Preslan, Carol |2359 Antigua Drive, 1-C, |614-378-7151 |Reading, English, Math, Science, Social |

| |Columbus, 43235 | |Studies, ESL |

|Shiotani, Linda |8205 Storrow Drive |614-885-1424 |Reading, English, Social Studies, Writing, |

| |Westerville 43081 | |ESL, SAT, ACT |

| |lindagail914@ | | |

|Stewart, Brian |Brian@BWSEducation |614-353-4725 |SAT/ACT Test Prep |

| | | | |

|Torres, Reynaldo |793 Pinecliff Place |847-809-0275 |Spanish |

| |Columbus 43085 | | |

|James Via |2353 Collins Dr. |H-614-885-6638 |Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, |

| |Worthington 43085 |C-614-264-5898 |Calculus, AD Calculus, Chemistry, AP Chemistry|

|Jamie Via |2353 Collins Dr. |H-614-885-6638 |Reading, Study Skills, |

| |Worthington 43085 |C-614-264-5715 |Test Taking Strategies, Organizational Skills,|

| | | |Written Expression Test Preparation, trained |

| | | |in Orton-Gillingham Wilson Reading System, |

| | | |Phonics First Level 1 & 2 |

|Volpe, Carl |5334 Hazelwood Rd. |614-433-9552 |Spanish, French, Italian, ESL |

| |Columbus 43229 |C-614-638-7715 | |

|Weaver, Barb |7553 Monica Court |614-882-4484 |French, German, Japanese |

| |Westerville 43082 | | |

| |jweaver@insight. | | |

|*Wilkerson, Char |105 Oakland Park Avenue |C-614-288-4635 |Math |

| |Columbus 43214 | | |

|Young, Lonny |8153 Wildflower Lane |614-854-0806 |Social Studies |

| |Westerville 43081 | | |

* Worthington Schools teacher


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