Interview Rubrics - Broward County Public Schools

Interview Rubrics

Category_______________________ Student _______________________

Teacher ________________________ School _________________________

|Criteria |1 |2 |3 |4 |Score |

|Appearance |Overall appearance is untidy |Appearance is somewhat |Overall neat appearance |Overall appearance is very | |

| | |untidy | |neat | |

| |Choice in clothing is | |Choice in clothing is | | |

| |inappropriate for any job |Choice in clothing is |acceptable for the type of |Choice in clothing is | |

| |interview (torn unclean, |inappropriate (shirt |interview |appropriate for any job | |

| |wrinkled) |untucked, tee-shirt, too | |interview | |

| | |much jewelry, etc.) |Well groomed (ex. Shirt tucked | | |

| |Poor grooming | |in, jewelry blends with |Very well groomed (hair, | |

| | |Grooming attempt is evident |clothing, minimal wrinkles) |make-up, clothes pressed, | |

| | | | |etc.) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Overall appearance is | |

| | | | |businesslike | |

| | | | | | |

|Greeting |Unacceptable behavior and |Used typical behavior and |Acceptable behavior, well |Professional behavior and | |

| |language |language – did modify |mannered, professionalism |language (handshake, “hello”, | |

| | |behavior to fit the |lacking |“thank you”, eye contact, etc.)| |

| |Unfriendly and not courteous |interview | | | |

| | | |Courteous to all involved in |Friendly and courteous to all | |

| | |Attempts to be courteous to |interview |involved in interview | |

| | |all in interview setting | | | |

|Communication |Presentation shows lack of |Showed some interest |Showed interest throughout the |Very attentive | |

| |interest | |interview | | |

| | |Speaking is unclear– lapses | |Speaking clearly | |

| |Speaking is unclear – very |in sentence structure and |Speaking clearly | | |

| |difficult to understand |grammar | |Appropriate use of sentence | |

| |message of what is being said| |Minimal mistakes in sentence |structure and grammar | |

| |(ex. mumbling) |Knowledge of job is minimal |structure and grammar | | |

| | | | |Commitment & enthusiasm for job| |

| |Facts about job not included |Volume is uneven (varied) |Knowledge and facts are |is conveyed | |

| | | |included/shared | | |

| |Volume is inappropriate for | | | | |

| |interview (ex. Spoke too | |Volume is appropriate |Volume conveys business tone | |

| |loudly, too softly) | | | | |

|Body Language |Fidgeted – ex. constant |Fidgeted – ex. movement of |Minimal fidgeting (ex. |No fidgeting | |

| |movement of hands and feet |hands and feet freqently |occasionally shifting) | | |

| | | | |Eye contact made | |

| |Lack of eye contact |Eye contact is made |Occasional loss of eye contact | | |

| | |intermittently | |Sitting straight in chair | |

| |Slouching all the time | |Brief slouching, but quickly | | |

| | |Occasionally slouching |correcting self | | |

|Responding to Questions |Inappropriate answers to |Gives inaccurate answers |Answers are acceptable and |Thorough answers to questions | |

| |questions | |accurate | | |

| | |Attempts to answer questions| | | |

| |Did not attempt to answer | |Answers questions | | |

| |questions | | | | |

|Asking Questions |No questions asked |Student asked questions |Asked questions relating to the|Asked questions relating to the| |

| | |that were not related to the|desired position |desired position. (Evidence is | |

| | |job | |shown that the applicant had | |

| | | | |researched the business or | |

| | | | |career field) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Asked questions related to the | |

| | | | |business or career field | |

|Total | | | | | |


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