Brookney Coleman

4950764-6413500-105410-81915Bridgewater College class of 2014B.S. in Liberal StudiesFamily and Consumer Sciences MinorCertification: Pre K- 6th Licensure: Elementary Education1023000Bridgewater College class of 2014B.S. in Liberal StudiesFamily and Consumer Sciences MinorCertification: Pre K- 6th Licensure: Elementary Education-95250-504825Brookney Coleman1023000Brookney ColemanMy Teaching Philosophy 150001645920450004594860“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world!” –Nelson Mandela370000“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world!” –Nelson Mandela24574505869940My Classroom00My ClassroomWhenever I think if teaching, I always get really excited. Teaching is my biggest passion. As a teacher, I want my students to learn above and beyond what they think they are capable of. I want students in my classes to have fun, be comfortable with anything and everything, and do activities that they have never done before. I want to be able to incorporate technology on a daily basis, even if I only use it once throughout the day. I also want my classes to be very interactive so that students do not have to sit all day on his or her bottoms but be able to get some energy out once in a while. I am a strong believer of Cooperative Discipline by Linda Albert and therefore I plan to let my students help me decide what they think their discipline should be. There will be a jar somewhere in my room where they will be able to choice a piece of paper and see what their discipline action is. They will then have the option of whether or not they want to keep that particular discipline or not. I believe that this gives students the ability to be independent thinkers, make good decisions, and act as an adult by making their own choices. 45085003204845SubstitutingWhile I was busy getting my education at Bridgewater, I also was a substitute teacher at home. I worked for the Buena Vista City Public Schools, subbing when we had breaks at Bridgewater. When I would sub, I would mostly sub for the elementary school teachers because I knew that not only would I be doing something that I love but I would be getting extra experience, as well. 00SubstitutingWhile I was busy getting my education at Bridgewater, I also was a substitute teacher at home. I worked for the Buena Vista City Public Schools, subbing when we had breaks at Bridgewater. When I would sub, I would mostly sub for the elementary school teachers because I knew that not only would I be doing something that I love but I would be getting extra experience, as well. I also believe in William Glasser’s Choice Theory which says that the student’s behavior should be determined by the student’s choice. I believe that this helps to reinforce the idea of letting students choose their own discipline. When someone walks into my classroom, I want them to see hard working students. I want someone to see me doing what I love to do. They will see me engaging with students, using the SMARTboard and the ELMO, and doing anything that I possibly can to ensure that my students are getting the best education possible. I want students to be doing something interactive 75 percent of the day to day instruction. Some would also see my students working together on various assignments throughout the class because I really like the idea of working collaboratively. Field Experiences and Practicums In the fall of 2011, I took a Field Experience which required 10 hours that coincided with my Diversity class. I was at Smithland Elementary School in Harrisonburg City, Virginia with Ms. Helmuth-Miller, who was a Music teacher. At this field experience, I was mainly there to observe; however, there would be some days that I would do some grading and interact with the students, like singing a song. In the fall of 2011, I had another field experience where I worked in the Book Buddies Program at Mountain View Elementary School in Rockingham County, Virginia, under Mrs. Shank. It was my job to take a lower reading 1st Grade student and bring up their reading level and their literacy levels. This was a total of over 30 hours. In the spring of 2013, I had a field experience that went along with my Classroom Management Class. This field experience required 20 hours. While at this field experience, I was under the instruction of Mrs. Griffiths at Pleasant Valley Elementary School in Rockingham County, Virginia. Mrs. Griffiths was one of two 4th Grade teachers. I graded many papers, tutored various students, gave many tests, had review sessions, and taught one lesson on Cinquain poems. I currently have a field experience that coincides with my Curriculum Class. I am required to complete 20 hours in this field experience. I am at South River Elementary School in Rockingham, Virginia with Mrs. Workman, a 3rd Grade teacher. This particular field experience is designed so that I may have the opportunity to get to know the students and the teacher better because I will be student teaching with them in the spring semester In January of 2014, I will complete 120 hours at a school that I have not been assigned to yet. On January 27, 2014, I will begin my Professional Student Teaching at South River Elementary School with Mrs. Workman. I will complete this journey on May 7, 2014. 3657605698490Student Virginia Education Association00Student Virginia Education Association41243254565015Brookney Coleman1715 Pine AvenueBuena Vista, VA 24416Phone Number: 540-461-1840E-mail:bdc004@eagles.bridgewater.eduWebsite: Coleman1715 Pine AvenueBuena Vista, VA 24416Phone Number: 540-461-1840E-mail:bdc004@eagles.bridgewater.eduWebsite: the spring of 2011, I was elected to become the President of Bridgewater College’s Student Virginia Education Association. I stayed President of the organization until the spring of 2013. While I was President we had many interactive activities that we provided to the future teachers that were in the Teacher Education Program here at Bridgewater. We had many Principals from various schools come in and talk about what should happen in interviews and how best we should prepare for those. We even sponsored a teaching panel that a professor had, which included current student teachers and first year teachers and what underclassmen could expect when they go to that point in their careers. We had some professors come and talk to use about the different technology websites that are available to us as teachers. This helped me gain leadership experience so that I will be able to work well with colleagues now and in the future. ................

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