The Hindu Wedding Ceremony - Parekh cards


The Hindu Wedding Ceremony

Ceremony Performedby - Shri Dineshbhai G. Jani

The Hindu wedding ceremony is a union of two souls, valid for the lifetime of the couple.

The rituals of the ceremony are based on the hymns contained in the Vedas, sacred

Hindu scriptures, which are over 5,000 years old. The ceremony is consecrated

in the presence of God, as represented by the five elements of nature

(Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ether), which play

an integral role in the ceremony.

The ceremony takes place under a canopy known as a mandap.

The mandap represents a home supported by four pillars, each representing

the fundamental elements of religion, Truth, Mercy, Meditation and Purity.


Welcoming of the Groom (Dwarachara)

In a festive, music-filled procession (Jaan), Henry’s

wedding party arrives for the wedding. Upon the arrival

of the Jaan, Rina’s mother welcomes Henry (ponkhavu).

She places an earthen pot that symbolizes the bitter

and sweet experiences of life, at the entrance.

Henry shatters the earthen pot, demonstrating his

commitment to overcome any obstacles in married life.


Prayer for the Groom (Var Puja)

Henry is welcomed in the form of lord Vishnu, the preserver of life.

Rina’s parents wash Henry’s feet and offer him a mixture of honey, ghee and milk.


Arrival and Prayer of the Bride (Kanya Aagaman/Mangalashtak)

Anterpat, a curtain, is held in front of Henry as Rina

is escorted (Kanya Aagaman) to the mandap by her

maternal uncle. As Rina arrives, her aunts and

sisters offer their blessings for a happy, prosperous,

and peaceful marriage through a song (Mangalashtakam).

Rina is given a seat across from Henry, after

which the anterpat is removed.


Offering the Bride’s Hand in Marriage (Hasta Melap/Kanyadaan)

Rina and Henry greet each other by an exchange of garlands.

Rina’s father then places her hand in the right hand of Henry.

As Henry and Rina join hands, they proclaim their union and acceptance

of each other. Rina and Henry are unified by the Khes (White Scarf).

Once the Khes is tied in a knot, the couple is

officially joined in marriage.


Prayer to Lord Ganesh (Ganesh Puja)

Henry and Rina begin their marriage by offering prayer to

Lord Ganesh, the God of Wisdom and Remover of Obstacles.


Lighting of the Sacred Fire (Agnisthapan)

The sacred fire, Agni, which represents the God of Fire,

is symbolically kindled as a divine witness to the marriage.

The couple learns to feed, resolve and protect the fire.


Circling the Holy Fire (Mangalfera)

Rina and Henry circle the sacred fire four times.

With each rough, they seek the goals of human life.

Dharma : a moral sense to lead a good life.

Artha : prosperity to make life as happy as possible.

Kama : physical satisfaction to lead life

Moksha : detachment from materialism and the attainment of a spiritual state.


Taking the Seven Steps Together (Sapta-Padi)

In Hindu philosophy, it is said that if two people walk seven

steps together, they became lifelong friends. As the couple

walks, they step upon seven mounds of rice, that each

represent a goal to be attained. In the presence of God,

relatives, friends, parents and the Agni (fire),

Henry and Rina recite these vows.

• Step One : I will divide all my pleasures and my pain with you. I will always be with you.

• Step Two : I will protect the family and the interests of our children.

• Step Three : I will be forever devoted to you.

• Step Four : I will share in our joys and sorrows.

• Step Five : I will fulfill you through your physical and emotional needs.

• Step Six : I will never betray you either in word or deed.

• Step Seven : I will walk with you towards God to realize life, and Mukti (liberation from the cycle of birth and death)


Nourishing of the Relationship (Kansar Bhojan)

Rina’s mother brings kansar (sweets) to the couple.

Rina and Henry offer sweets to each other While they

feed each other, the priest states their resolution.

I feed you with all my heart and soul.


Blessings from the Married Women (Akhand Saubhagyavati)

Several married women bless Rina by whispering

their best wishes and advice in her right ear.


Blessings for the Couple (Aashirvaad)

The priest and elders from both families offer

their blessings to Henry and Rina.

We would like to offer our gratitude to

our family and friends

for sharing this joyous occasion with us.

Our sincerest thanks to our loving parents

for their guidance and support.

Rina and Henry



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