Argumentatitive or Persuasive Essay Rubric

Comparative Essay Rubric Student Name:

Criteria |R (0-49%) |Level 1 (50-59%) |Level 2 (60-69%) |Level 3 (70-79%) |Level 4 (80-100%) |Mark | |Knowledge



-Conclusion |No Lead

← No Thesis Statement

← No comparisons made.

← Lacks clear or distinguishable main ideas.

← Lacks clear comparisons

← Does not summarize arguments

← Does not bring closure to essay |Uninspiring lead.

← Unstructured thesis statement

← Organizes comparative material with limited effectiveness.

← One to two topics unspecific or vague in their connection to the thesis.

← One good comparison per argument.

← Limited summary of arguments.

← Brings limited closure to essay. |Adequate Lead

← Adequately structured thesis statement

← Somewhat effective organization of comparative material.

← Two to three topics somewhat connected to thesis.

← Two good comparisons per argument.

← Some summary of main ideas in the conclusion.

← Brings some closure to essay. |Considerable Lead

← Considerably structured thesis statement

← Considerable organization of comparative material.

← Three topics considerably connected to thesis.

← Three good comparisons per argument.

← Summarizes main ideas in the conclusion with a high degree of effectiveness.

← Brings closure to essay |Excellent Lead

← Perfectly structured thesis statement

← Clear and thorough organization of comparative material.

← Topics exceptionally linked to thesis.

← Three excellent comparisons per argument.

← Summarizes main ideas in conclusion with a high degree of effectiveness.

← Brings closure to essay. |

/10 | |Thinking

- Thesis



-Secondary Sources

-Use of sources. |Thesis brings no unity to essay

← No logic, objectivity or coherence in arguments

← No examples are used from research

← Student does not provide secondary sources. |Vague thesis is disconnected from essay

← Limited comparisons and contrasts made between two texts.

← Literary elements are incorporated with limited effectiveness and do not provide depth to student’s analysis.

← 1 comparisons is in essay and provides limited proof of arguments

← Student uses few pieces of evidence and proof throughout their essay, making their arguments lack persuasiveness. |Adequate thesis statement that brings some unity to the essay

← Some effective comparisons and contrasts made between two texts.

← Literary elements are incorporated somewhat effectively and provide some depth to student’s analysis.

← 2 comparisons are used to somewhat prove arguments.

← Student uses some secondary sources throughout essay with some effectiveness. |Effective, focused thesis statement that unifies the essay

← Strong and effective comparisons and contrasts made between two texts.

← Literary elements are incorporated effectively and provide considerable depth to student’s analysis.

← 3-4 comparisons are used to considerably prove arguments.

← Support and secondary sources used are considerably effective in supporting student’s own ideas and analysis. |Insightful, thought-provoking thesis statement that unifies the essay

← Strong, insightful and effective comparisons and contrasts made between two texts.

← Literary elements are incorporated very effectively and provide exceptional depth to student’s analysis.

← 5-6 comparisons are used to effectively prove all arguments.

← Support and secondary sources used are very effective in supporting student’s own ideas and analysis. |

/10 | |Communication






-Flow and Style |Does not use appropriate diction

← Numerous errors is grammar

← Numerous errors in spelling

← Numerous errors in punctuation

← Shows no command of essay structure, flow and style

← No use of transitions

← Student makes frequent errors in voice and tense throughout their paper |Uses diction with limited effectiveness

← Frequent errors is grammar

← Frequent errors in spelling

← Frequent errors in punctuation

← Displays limited command of essay structure, flow and style

← Limited use of transitions

← Student frequently uses an informal voice

← Student switches tense consistently |Somewhat uses diction effectively

← Some errors is grammar

← Some errors in spelling

← Some errors in punctuation

← Displays some command of essay structure, flow and style

← Some use of transitions

← At times, student uses an informal voice in their paper

← Student switches tenses at times in their paper |Uses appropriate diction considerable effectiveness

← Few errors is grammar

← Few errors in spelling

← Few errors in punctuation

← Displays considerable command of essay structure, flow and style

← Considerable use of transitions

← Student considerably uses appropriate voice throughout

← Student considerably uses in proper tense |Uses appropriate diction with high degree of effectiveness

← No errors is grammar

← No errors in spelling

← No errors in punctuation

← Displays extensive command of essay structure, flow and style

← Excellent use of transitions

← Student consistently uses the appropriate voice throughout

← Student remains in proper tense |

/10 | |Application

-Paragraph Structure

-Persuasive Tone

-Unified, Coherent, Emphatic

- MLA |No comparison in essay

← No clear paragraph structure.

← No meaning evident in essay.

← Does not incorporate literary element.

← Does not address thematic components of the text.

← Numerous errors in MLA Format

← Works Cited page is not included in essay

← Student does not have a title or utilize proper MLA paragraph structure |Comparative elements are confusing and paragraph structure demonstrates limited effectiveness.

← Student uses literary element infrequently as a method to link both texts with limited effectiveness.

← Limited meaning evident in essay.

← Literary element is incorporated into essay with limited effectiveness, while addressing few, thematic components of texts.

← Frequent errors in MLA Format

← Limited use of structure in Works Cited page

← Frequent errors in MLA paragraph structure and poor title

|Comparative elements are somewhat confusing at times, and paragraph structure makes it difficult to follow student’s comparisons.

← Student somewhat uses literary element as a method to link both texts with some effectiveness.

← Adequate meaning applied to essay.

← Literary element is incorporated into essay somewhat effectively, while addressing some, thematic components of texts.

← Some errors in MLA Format

← Works Cited page is adequate

← Adequate MLA paragraph structure and title

|Comparative elements are focused, arranged considerably with good paragraph structure.

← Student regularly uses literary element as a method to link both texts with considerable effectiveness.

← Considerable meaning applied to essay.

← Literary element is considerably incorporated into essay while addressing essential, thematic components of texts.

← Few errors in MLA Format

← Works Cited page utilizes good structure

← Good MLA paragraph structure and interesting title

|Comparative elements are focused, arranged very effectively with logical paragraph structure.

← Student consistently uses literary element as a method to link both texts with a high degree of effectiveness.

← Excellent meaning applied to essay.

← Literary element is effectively incorporated into essay while addressing essential, thematic components of texts.

← No errors in MLA Format

← Works cited page is perfect

← Perfect MLA paragraph structure and intriguing title


/10 | |Total: /40


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