Romantic Test Study Guide

Romantic Test Study Guide

Answer the questions in complete sentences. The more in depth and more in depth you answer the questions, the better prepared for the test you’ll be. Use your Elements of Literature textbook, in class notes, any in class handouts, & Response notes to answer the following questions.

1. What is American Romanticism associated with?

Nature, distrust of women/men, distrust of civilization, belief in higher power, ect.

2. What is American Romanticism NOT associated with?


3. What is the city associated with in Romantic literature?

decay, artificial

4. Where as the characteristic journey to in 19th century American literature?


5. Why were the fireside poets read?

familiar subject matter

6. Who wrote Rip Van Winkle?


7. What made Rip Van Winkle Fall asleep?

drinking the alcohol from the magical mountain men’s keg

8. How long did Rip Van Winkle sleep for?

20 years

9. Who cares for Rip in his old age?

his daughter

10. Why is Rip a classic Romantic Hero?

he loves nature, he will work for anyone but himself, he is a henpecked husband, his journey mirrors that of America, childlike qualities

11. Who wrote “To a Water Fowl” and “Thanatopsis”?

William Cullen Bryant

12. What is the theme of “To a Water Fowl”?

Supernatural power guides in nature also guides humans

13. Does Bryant consider the grave a lonely place in “Thanatopsis”?

No- he considers it a friend- it is noble

14. What metaphors or similes are used in the final lines of “Thanatopsis”?

Death as sleep and dreams

15. What does Bryant compare the waterfowl to in “To a Water Fowl”?

his own journey in life

16. What does Bryant compare the hunter to in “To a Water Fowl”?


17. Who wrote “Psalm of Life,” “The Cross of Snow,” The Rope Walk,” and “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls”?


18. What does “Psalm of Life” encourage people to do?

Go out and live life, seize the day, live a life that will serve as a model for the future

19. What is the theme of “Cross of Snow”?

a person’s grief can be buried, yet unchanged through time, LOVE

20. What is Longfellow’s cross?

His constant grief

21. How is the actual work depicted in the Rope Walk? ( boring, hard, fun, ect)

dull, drudgingly, dreary, horrible, boring, monotonous

22. What are the factory workers compared to in the Rope Walk?


23. What is “The Tide Rises, the Tide falls” about?

All traces of human existence are erased by time

24. Who wrote “Old Ironsides” and “The Chamber Nautilus”?


25. What is “Old Ironsides”?

A warship

26. What other alternative is proposed in the poem for Old Ironsides?

to be sunk

27. What is a nautilus?

a shell with a small sea creature in it

28. What is the nautilus compared to?

Holmes’ soul or his soul

29. Who wrote “Snowbound: A winter Idyll”?


30. Snowbound is about a snowstorm that recalls Whittier’s boyhood in Massachusetts. True or false?

31. What general interest of American Romanticism is expressed in Snow bound?

Love of nature or the natural world

32. Who wrote “She came and Went”?


33. How does Lowell feel about his daughter’s death?

Unexplainable or inexplicable

34. Like Longfellow in the “Cross of Snow” Lowell expresses what about death?

Sees his dead loved one in visions

Be prepared to analyze a Romantic poem (one you have not read) by Bryant and answer questions and write a paragraph response based off of the poem.

Be prepared to write a paragraph response using your SLAVERY packet- you may bring this to class. You will be using LOGOS, PATHOS, and ETHOS in your writing.

Be able to define POETRY terms, literary and vocabulary terms from your Romantic syllabus.

Be able to define: objective vs. subjective


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