“Eleven” (pp - Weebly

“Eleven” (pp. 488-491)

BY Sandra Cisneros

Reading GLE’s

2- Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text.

2.1.3- Apply comprehension-monitoring strategies during and after reading. W

2.1.4- Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: use

prior knowledge. W

2.1.5- Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading:

predict and infer. W

2.1.6- Apply comprehension monitoring strategies to understand fiction, nonfiction,

informational, and task-oriented text: monitor for meaning, create mental images,

and generate and answer questions.

7- Apply comprehension monitoring strategies during and after reading: summarize

grade-level informational /expository text and literary/ narrative text. W

2.2.3- Understand and analyze story elements: (Characterization) W

Writing GLE’s

1- Analyzes ideas, selects a manageable topic. And elaborates using specific, relevant details and/or examples.

2- Uses an effective organizational structure (IVF Summary & Character Pyramid).

MOTIVATOR- Which birthday was the most special and why?

Literary Focus-Characterization

Characterization is the art of creating and developing a character.

Two ways:

❖ Direct characterization- author makes direct statements about a character.

❖ Indirect characterization- author reveals a character’s traits through the character’s actions and in what other characters say and think about the character.

1. In what ways do you identify with Rachel in “Eleven”?

“ELEVEN” (pages 488-491)


Day 2

DO NOW-Explain the difference between direct and indirect characterization.

Reading GLE’s

2.1.4- Apply comprehension monitoring strategies before, during, and after reading: use

prior knowledge. W

2.1.6- Apply comprehension monitoring strategies to understand fiction, nonfiction,

informational, and task-oriented text: monitor for meaning, create mental images,

and generate and answer questions.

2.2.3- Understand and analyze story elements: (Characterization) W


I can answer comprehension questions after reading text.

I can answer critical thinking question after reading text.


1. First, partner read “ELEVEN”.

2. Next, answer the comprehension and critical thinking questions

Comprehension, p. 491

1. What is special about the day in this story?

2. What article of clothing causes difficulties?

3. What must Rachel do at the end of math period?

4. How is the mix-up straightened out?

5. How does Rachel feel at the end of the story?

Critical Thinking, p. 491

1. Explain how Rachel can be eleven, but also all her younger ages as well. (Interpret)

2. Why can’t Rachel speak up to tell Mrs. Price the sweater is not hers? (Infer)

3. Why does Rachel react so strongly to being given the sweater? (Draw conclusion)

4. Why does Rachel say the cake will be ‘too late”? (Interpret)

5. In what ways do past years stay with a person through time? (Interpret)

“ELEVEN” (pages 488-491)


Day 3

DO NOW-What is the definition of characterization?

Reading GLE

3- Understand and analyze story elements: (Characterization) W

Writing GLE

2.2.1-Demonstrates understanding of different purposes for writing.


I can tell the difference between direct and indirect characterization.

I can do a pre-write using two column notes.

I can write a paragraph that shows my understanding of characterization.

Characterization Quiz

1. Take out paper and pencil.

2. Write #1-4 on your paper.

3. Write a T (true) or F (false) on each of the items listed below.

________ 1. An author uses characterization to create and develop characters.

________ 2. When an author makes direct statements about a character, it is known as

direct characterization.

________ 3. Indirect characterization reveals a character’s traits through the character’s


________ 4. Direct characterization is what the other characters say and think about the


Journal 5/1

1. Choose one of the questions below.

2. Then, write a one paragraph response to one of the questions. Follow proper paragraph form:

✓ Include topic sentence.

✓ Include details & examples; cite some from the text.

✓ Include transitional words or phrases.

✓ Include a conclusion.

“Eleven” (pp. 488-491)

What would you like to say to Rachel? To Mrs. Price? To Felice Garcia?


What circumstances create the difficult day in this story?

“ELEVEN” (pages 488-491)

BY: Sandra Cisneros

Day 4

Reading GLE

2.2.3-Understand and analyze story elements: characterization.


I can define characterization.

I can describe the two types of characterization and cite examples from the story.

I can take Two-Column notes.

I can design and complete a characterization chart.


4. Take out paper and pencil.

5. Write #1-4 on your paper.

6. Write a T (true) or F (false) on each of the items listed below.

________ 1. An author uses characterization to create and develop characters.

________ 2. Indirect characterization reveals a character’s traits through the character’s


Directions: Answer the following question in one paragraph. Cite two text-based examples to support your topic sentence.

1. In what ways do you identify with Rachel in “Eleven”?


1. Take Two-Column notes on definitions.

2. Design characterization chart.

3. Reread “Eleven” on pages 488-491.

4. Complete the characterization chart.



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