The Duplin times. (Warsaw, N.C.) 1954-10-07 [p ].



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12 Pages


This Week '

VOL. 21, NO40






SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 13.50 per lew In Duplin ftnd adjointaif Counticsa; $4.00 onMde tola area In N. C; MM nWde N. C.


Baptist Church To Celebrate



Homecoming Sunday, October 17

Attend Meeting Several members cf the Dupliri

On Sunday, October 17, the Ken-

Health Department staff attended

Apply Now For Farm ansville Baptist Church will have

Homecoming Day. This is to be a

a Mental Hygiene meeting at last Friday. The speaker


great day for the Baptists, and it

was Dr. Howard of Duke Universi-

Census Enumerator is their desire to share this day

with all those who have ever been

ty, Durham. This is a series of lectures for the benefit of Public


connected with the church through membership or visitation. Everyone

Health personnel. Applications fo remployment as






; ",


is invited.

Tne church has made considerable

progress in the last year, and a new

interest is being shown in the to-

tal program of the church. For near-

ly two years now, the people of the

church have been giving to the

building fund in order that an ed-

ucational building and Baptistry

can be built. At present approxi-

mately one-four- th

of the cost of

the structure, has been raised and

it is hoped that on this day an an-

enumerators for the 1954 Census of Agriculture in west two thirds of Duplin County will be accented be-

ginning ()ctober 11th, it was announced today by Field, Supervisor William L. Culbreth.

Persons interested should notify

Mr. Horace O. Ward, Rt. 1, Rose Hill, N. C who is serving as crew leader for this area. Application forms can be obtained also from the agriculture census field office at the Veteran's Adm. Hospital,

More Paving The town board of Commission, ers of Warsaw at the October meeting last night, decided to do some street paving. Property owners desiring to have their streets paved should contact Street Commissioner H. F. Lee or the town clerk for further information.

Clinic The regular maternity and Infant Clinic was held last Thursday

it t




MSuunsdicayProgram C'OonmSintgagTeoATmowernica' Miss Frances Sitterson (left iopX da ighter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sitterson of

Kenansvill6. will renresent thm' Kfnnnsil1 ITiirh Srliool Miss Ann Best (ahnve

&) ht), Alrv BestoJUFon, daughter of Mr. an

Jv fi..

31isaB?tty Alene DaU, (low

sr left), of the B. F. Grady School and A da 'Margaret Barfield (lower right), of

Dobson's Chapel the Calypso School These ' young ladies will compete with entiles from Piney

Grove, Seven Springs, Grantham, Brogd en, Mount Olive, Kenansville and Faison

title at Revival Oct. tor the beauty

to be held the Farmer's Festival in Mt. Olive on October 8.

The winner will be crowned during intettnlssion of the football game between

night Mount Olive and Richland that

ADnunpluianl CMouemntybeFrsahrmip BDurriveeau-MJaolitningNow CFioerldn &DaSyoOybcet.an14 CGoramssingRoTootsDOuppleirna Orthopedic Clinic Duplin County Farm Bureau is

There will be a Corn and Soy-

now conducting its annual mem-

bean Field Day at the Coastal Plain

bership drive, itates E. V. Vestal,

Experiment,-- Willard, N. C, Thurs-

Kenansville HS vice - president. Why? Because

day, October 14.

farm leaders in the county bejleve every farmer realizes he needs a

To Present Sr. Play "Spokesman" for himself and his

family if a fair share of the nations

, income is to come his way. We can-

not go to Washington or Raleigh ourselves, so we must join together and make our wishes known through a farm organization.

The Senior Class of Kenansville High School will present "Yonng Barry", a three-a- ct comedy, at the

Kenansville School auditorium on Friday evening, October 15, at 8:00

This will be an opportunity for

farmers to observe the corn hybrid test and see the type of stalks produced by the various hybrids

adapted- - to this area as well as the relative yield and quality of the grain. As the area increases their livestock numbers adapted hybrids present one of the best opportunities

Farm Bureau is the largest, strongest and most agresslve farm organization in America.' Farm people, through their elected delegates, write their own program and wok

with other members in other coun-

ties and State, to get their voices


o'clock. Jimmy Wayne Stroud will be seen as Eddie, the lovable young local boy who wishes he'd done as

well as the town thinks he has. Playing opposite him will be Diane

Stokes in a delightful romance of adolescent youth. J. W. Kilpatrlck, nlaylnjr Eddie's father, will handle one of the richest comedy parts

to increase corn yields. Dr. Paul Hirvey and Dr. D. L. Thompson will

be her to discuss the hybrid corn. Dr. C A. Brim and J. C. Wells

will discuss the soybean test at

the station. Two new soybeans called the Lee and Jackson will be shown, which are superior to the Ogden variety.

Farm Bureau helped get Tobacco written in any play.

Dr. G. C. Klingman will demon-

curing oil exempt from' the Sales Tax, was the .Daddy of Tobacco Stabalization, Tobacco Associates,

and helped get the "Nickels for

Know-BW- "

program started vote

Vote Fri., Oct. 15 for the "Nickels" Program on Oc-

tober 15, please) and has figured

Snow Hill Revival in the passage of every major piece

of National Farm Legislation since


Tickets are on sale at the 'Ken-onsvil- le

Drug Store and the Ken-

ansville School. This unusually

well-writte- n,

comedy is a sequel

to "Almost Eighteen". Admission is

50c for adults and 25c for school


Vote For Nickels

strate the combined use of nitrogen solution and 2, 4-- for weed

conlrol in corn. Several makes of corn pickers

will be demonstrated. The farmer is confronted with

diverted acres the coming year. Dr. R. W. Cummings, Director of Research, will discuss this problem.

All farmers are urged to attend.

Duplin County needs every farm For Know-Ho- w


B&PW family as a members-al- l 6000 or


Devotional mor of us. Our State goal for 1954

it for over 70,000 member. We have more than 1,MO,000 in the V. S.

VRRZ Oct. Every extra member means that

much more help and satisfaction to th family. Let's not wait for the

MO.Pfc. other fellow to shake the apple it II. C. Annual Universalis Church tree let's help shake

. October IS will he a. most

day for rural North Care-Un- a.

On this day the Nickels for

Know-Ho- w

Program will again

be pat to the vote of the people

as It wm three years ago. Since

ear Heme Demonstration Tllnb

members always take an impor-

, See your Township Director right tant part In any program for the

Convention At Outlaw's Bridge away. Directors are: R A.. Smith, betterment of ail rural people,

VMlberMpn; Taft Herring, Gliwon;, It is fitting that we should ex-

ohn Warren, Fasion; Jack Coop ert every effort to enooorage a

ft 'Warrant I, Rom Hill; Edd Grady, fWoU-iap- e; large; favorable vote. Crab women

r rear), Jack Albertson, Island Crecfk; will be eligible to vote along

Mrs. Davis Williams, Rock Fish; "with their husbands on October

Keneth Grady. Smiths: George Sum. Iff. m UVat--


i "i--

a tank erHn, Limestone; Lott Kornegay, i' On the inside section of oar pap-

Warsaw; W. L. Bostic. Magnolia; er we are running a full story exM. I Lanier, Cyprus Creek; or Ar- plaining the Nickels for Knew- thur Whitfield, Kenansville LeRoy How Program. Read this story and

nrA Simmons of Albertson is President go to the polls and vote. Wednes-

v of the Duplin County Farm Bureau. day,

- - . -

13-1- 5

The Duplin Business and Professional Women's Club will sponsor a devotional program over Radio Station WRRZ, Clinton, at eight, thirty a. m. on Wednesday. Thurs-

day and Friday, October 13, 14, 15. This feature is a part of the clubs

observance of National Business

Women's Week October 10-1-6.


'"vo Annual Harvest Sale

, The ' annual harvest sale spon-

sored bythe Outlaw's Bridge


Church will be held Sat-

urday, October 16, beginning tt

130 p. m. .


: Presents and donations are being

solicited for this event: .:

nouncement can be made that one-ha- lf

the cost or better has been col-

lected . During the past year. Sunday

School membership, and attendance has increased more than thirty percent, thus making it even more evident that this new structure is needed. As of October 1, 1954, three new departments were organized in the

Sunday School.

The Kenansville Baptist Church was built around 1837 and with very minor changes is exactly as it was in those days. The new structure

is to conform with the architecture of the old part. In the last eight years, the church has progressed

from one service a month to a full time program; a handsome brick parsonage has been built and paid for, and many other Improvements such as a heating system, choir

robes, hymn books and landscap-

ing have been done. The minister of the church, Rev.

Lauren Sharpe, has already begun his eighth year of service to these fine people. The church and Sunday School has a competent staff

of officers and teachers. Visitors are always welcomed

and it is hoped that all of our friends will put forth a special effort to be present for the Homecoming Day on the third Sunday in October.

11-- 17

The Dobson's Chapel Baptist Church will hold its fall revival beginning this Monday, October Uth, and continuing each night through Sunday night. October 17th. This includes a Saturday night and a Sunday morning service. Each service will begin at 7:30 p. m.

The guest preacher for the meeting will be Rev. Jack Falls, pastor of the Midville Baptist Chapel, Jacksonville, N .C. He Is a graduate of both Wake Forest College and the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Rev. Falls is a consecrated evangelist and his messages will be an inspiration to all.

Special music will be given by the Adult and Junior choirs. The choirs are directed by Mrs. Preston Brown and Mrs. Benjamin Brown, respectively. In addition, the nursery has recently been refurnished with new equipment for the convenience of parents with young children. Mrs .Ashley Brin-so- n

will be in charge of the nurse-r-y.

The church and its pastor, M. Vann Murrell, extend a cordial Invitation to all to attend this week of special services.

Vote Next Friday for Nickels for


The voting October 15

for the 5c per ton on Feed and

Fertilizer is tor the continuing of

the "Nickels" Program for another

three years. The last vote in 1951

that carried 9 to 1 was the result

of the State Legislature's action to

let farm people help speed up agri-

culture research' and education.

The results of, this research has

already given help In new resis-

tant varieties in plants, animal dis- -

sease work, crop stand Improvement

and in over 30 other fields of re-

search and Education.

Every one, young and old, who

has purchased feed or fertilizer in

1953 or 1954 should vote October IS

at one of the following places:

Jerry Teacheys Store, Rose Hill

Town Hall, L. M. Sanderson's Store,

Warsaw Town Hall. Jay Maready's

Store, Ransom Mercer's Store, Free,

ly Smith Store, M. B. Holts Store,

Gilbert Alphln's Store, Rock Fish

Community Building, County Agri-

cultural Building and Scott's tSore.

N. C.

Applicants for enumerators jobs

must be citizens of the United

States, have a high school educa-

tion or furnish evidence of com-

parable experience, be in good phy-

sical health and of excellent char-

acter and be between the ages of

18 and 65. They must have suffi-

cient financial resources to sustain

themselves for approximately four

or five weeks from the date of ap-

pointment until they received their

first salary check. Applicants with

veteran preference who meet all

requirements will be given priori-

over ty



Enumerator job applicants must

be licensed to operate and must pro-

vide a privately owned automobile

in good condition. Pay rates will

provide for the cost of operating

cars on official Census business.

A. J. Fletcher, Founder of Grass Roots Opera

Grass Roots Opera, the North

Carolina institution that has devel-

oped an International reputation, is

to return to Duplin County in 3

performances of Hansel and Gretel

on October 27 and 26 it was by Mrs. C. H. Pope, pres-

ident of the sponsoring organiza-

tion, Duplin. County Unit of N. C.

B. A. This unique traveling group,

formed in 1949 by A. J. Fletcher,

Raleigh attorney and business man

to give aspiring singers an oppor-

tunity to perfect their art before

the footlights and give the public

a chance to hear opera in English,

was last heard here in the opera

Don Pasquale.

Grass Roots Opera, which is ad-

ministered by the Extension Divi-

sion of the University of North

Carolina in cooperation with the

North Carolina Federation of Mus-

ic Clubs, hay presented over two

hundred performances of opera In

this state since the first perform-

ance during the 1949-5- 0 Season. All

performances are sung in English.

The roster of singers for the 1954-5- 5

season Includes some of the na-

tion's finer younger voices. The

young artists come from Indiana,

Ohio, Texas and Arkansas In ad-

dition to North Carolina. The Tar

Heel singers are from Weldon,

Winston-Sale- m

and Raleigh.

Mrs .Alleen Lynn, well known

Raleigh pianist will again head the

staff of accompanists.

The 40th annual Session of the Universalist Convention of North Carolina, anual session of the Association of Universalist Women,

Annual " session . of Universalist

Youth Fellowship and session of As-

sociation of Universalist Men, Convention officers, President John R. Miller, . seoretsry, Earl , Matthews; treasurer, Mrs. Vienna Balkcum;

A. U. W. president Mrs X P. Blan--

at the Health Department with regular staff assisted by Dr. R. F. Willis.

Grady P. T. A.

The B. F. Grady school P. t. A.

will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday night, October 11, at 7:30 p. m. in the school auditorium.

All parents and other interested persons are urged to attend.

Dr. Arnold Hoffman, Music Sup-

ervisor of North Carolina Public Instruction taught a group of 185 Duplin leaders what good music in a church is, when he annparprt through the sponsorship of the Duplin Federation of Home Demon-stratid- n

Clubs on Sunday afternoon, October 3, in the Kenansville High School Auditorium.

Mrs. Walter Rhodes, County music leader, presided and presented Dr. Hoffman to the group.

Dr. Hoffman pointed out that there was a time and a place for all music.

i In a church service, the music used throughout the service should elevate --and Inspire men's .soul to worship the true and living God. The music should be Inspirational, should make man want to live like Christ.

To have this type of music in the church, Dr. Hoffman suggested that

the music and hymns used should

really preach

say a

something; they text. He warned

should about

using music that had a "Saturday

night ring or dance church services.




We shouild sing or play

be sincere. What we should come from a

sincere and humble heart, else will not be true worshipers.



thing that is theatrical in nature

has no place either in the church

Choir members should not wear

gaudy clothes, large rings, etc. Choir robes they aid in creating

flowers, ear are nice for a worshipful


Dr. Hoffman helped the group to

see that words of ingful as he led

hymns are meanthem in singing

Hymns like "All Hail The Jesus Name", "Onward

Power of Christian

Soldiers", "Beneath the Cross Jesus", and others were written

of by

people who had experienced God.

Hymns such an these written by

people of true conviction can mean

much. When sung with feeling and

sincerity, everyone is drawn toward


In conclusion, he said, every part of the service should be planned toward that of aiding people in the true worship of God. The service

should be sincere and the music


A revival will begin at Snow H1U Free Will Baptist Church, near Scott's Store, on Monday night October Uth .Rev. J. B. Blames will be the visiting minister .Services will begin each evening at 7:30

o'clock. The public is cordially in-

vited to attend these services.

chard; U. Y. T. president Jlmmle Ward; A. U, M. president Horace

Ward; will be held during October

8, 9 and 10 J5r. B. F. Gibbons, General Superintendent of Churches of America, will speak.

This convention will be held at the Outlaw's Bridge Universalist Church. Each church of the state is to send a good representation.

At A Chevrolet Dealer meeting held at Hotel Goldsboro, on Septem-be- r

21, 1954. Mr. R, E. Wall of Wasaw Motor Company was presented!

an attractive ebony and silver wall plaque in recognition of more than

twenty-fiv- e

continuous years as a Chevrolet Dealer. The presentation

was made by Mr. P. E. Miller, Zone Manager, Chevrolet Motor Division.

R. E. Wall, Warsaw Chevrolet

Dealer has announced plans for a

two-da- y

membership campaign to

be conducted October 12 and 13

throughout Duplin county by the

North Carolina Automobile Deal-

ers Association. Mr. Wall is an active leader in Association affairs.

The campaign has as its goal en-

Have you heard? The Kenansville Jaycees are bringing "All Stage

America" to town. Just wait til you.

rollment of new car and new truck hear about it! It is a musical min-

dealers as members of both the State and National Automobile Deal-

strel review production with about fifty or sixty people taking part.

ers Association's. Mr. Wall, along Beautiful chorus lines and costumes

with some ldO other leading new

car and truck dealers throughout

the State will direct the campaign

on a countybjr-count- y


One of the"primary functions of

the two Associations, Mr. Wall said,

is to help dealers in their manage

ment, custotier relations and sves operations thereby aiding the pub-

will make the play most colorful nd entertaining. Southern bells,

Tiotsy Totsies, Dixie Dandies and .11 kind of specialists will parade, before you so fast that you will think that you are in New York City.

Anyone interested in trying out for the specialty numbers, comma-nica- te

lic by making available responsi-

ble, authorize? retain service work. Mr. Wall said that during the

campaign a personal invitation to

join both Associations will be extended to every new car and new truck dealer in Duplin County, who is not already a member.

with Mrs. Grace E. Page,, telephone 2371 and she will be glad to see you and make arrangements '" a tryout.

Ilei-- are a few of the principal aaractsrs: Amos by Ivey Bowden; Miz B'.ue, John B. Edwards; Bro. ?rowford, Allen Dunn; Ball and

Mr. White; King Fish, Cy

"ictelb-M- T

Aunt Jemina, Vernorn

Reynolds; Rochester, Bill Helton

Sapphire, Harold Dunn; Andy, Jack:

Bimson; Madam Queen, William

S. Craft; Interlocutor, John Hall.

The North Carolina Orthopedic Next week we will tell you more

Clinic, serving New Hanover and about the "doings" of the Jaycees..

surrounding counties, will be held

on the second Thursday in each month at James Walker Memorial

Hospital. The clinic has been formerly held on the first Saturday in each month. The next clinic is scheduled to be held October 14 at the usual hours of 8 a. m. until noon.

A man never fully realizes how really cold the world is until his creditors start making it hot for him.

Some people do not succeed because their left hand never finds-ou- t

what thei night hand is doing.

The clinic is an activity of the The only way to show respect

Crippled Children's Section of the for truth is to be kindly disposed!

State Board of Health.

to the man you know is in error.



Robert F. Porter (right)

whose wife, Charlotte, lives on Route 1, Warsaw, N. cL.

is awarded a plaque in Germany by Colonel Donald

Christensen, 6th Armored Cavalry Regimeot Commands

for his season of play as an outfield on the regimental

baseball team. The group, coached by Chief

Officer Clyde Cleere (in

racked up a .500 averagj

for the baseball year.


crewman in the reeiment's 2nd Raf-- 1

talion Headquarters Company, has been, overseas since

September 1953. :He; entered.the Army in March 1953.':

and is the son of Mrs. Elizabeth Porter. 153 CArct

Jacksonville.- - . -


y7d be-in-,



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