An English as a Second Language interactive three-part ...

An English as a Second Language interactive three-part resources.

Part 2: The Search


This learning resource is unique. It was created largely from the first-hand experiences of newcomers to Canada, English as a Second Language instructors, employment counsellors and employers.

The videos feature over 70 non-actors, many of whom participated in focus groups during the project research stage. They play out scenarios and job search "tips" that are based upon their own experiences and those commonly shared by others.

By exploring and providing their own job search solutions, the eight newcomers in the video help to empower other newcomers. They are all in different stages of job search training and employment. With courage and commitment they told their stories before a camera and crew -- honing their English skills, rehearsing their scenarios and sharing their job search strategies.

Employers in the video are also employers in real life. They offer inside perspectives on what Canadian employers expect from a job seeker.

This project is a working tribute to the benefits of multicultural collaboration and learnercentred education. Zainab Amery of the London Cross Cultural Learner Centre provided the inspiration for this project, wrote the original proposal, brought together an Advisory Committee and supported the project from start to finish.

Dawn Murphy of the London Employment and Immigration office worked with the London Language Training Advisory Council to provide funding and a community supported outlet which enabled the project to be completed.

The video project's Advisory Committee provided their time and resources to help create focus groups, finalize written materials and videos and give general direction to the project. Some Committee members played roles in the video.

The Committee and Production Team wanted these learning materials to be realistic -- to reflect the actual job search experiences of newcomers to Canada as well as the hiring practices of employers. The Production Team met with several focus groups representing English as a Second Language teachers, employment counsellors, employers, and newcomers to Canada.

Many people offered the use of their homes, offices, businesses and shops as videotaping locations. The staff in these locations often played parts in the video. The locations involved were Women Immigrants of London, World's Fare Restaurant, Multicultural and Citizenship Canada, London Public Library, St. Willibrord Community Credit Union, London Canada Employment Centre, Bellamere Country Market, Bljiprints Fashion Architects, Sammy's Souvlaki, Country Spirit Co-operative Homes, and the homes of Joe Trotter, Neghesti Haile and Susan Knutson.

The partnership that was formed between the Production and Writing Teams and the Project Coordinator developed into an effective unit. Each person's strengths complemented the others and added to the overall success of the project.

Thanks are due to all our many focus group members, to the people and groups who supplied us with research materials, to everyone who lent us props, supplied expertise, or in any way participated in the making of these three videos and teaching manuals -- THANK YOU!

-- The London Language Training Advisory Council


LOOKING FOR WORK IN CANADA Strategies for New Canadians

The Preparation - The Search - The Interview

Produced for The London Language Training Advisory Council

Funded by Human Resources & Labour Canada


London, Ontario

Researchers and Writers KATHLEEN MCLAUGHLIN


Project Coordinator SUSAN KNUTSON

Administered by The London Cross Cultural Learner Centre in Cooperation With: ? Board of Education for the City of London o Lillian Ostrowski - the Starting Point o Felicia Goldstein, Michael Mendis - Empress English Language Centre for Adults ? Shelly Happy - London InterCommunity Health Centre ? Dharshi Lacey - Women Immigrants of London ? Dawn Murphy, Robin Doan - Kerry Reade Newcomer Centre ? Luis Pugliese - Unemployment Help Centre ? Cheryl Morris - Multicultural Workplace Programs ? Kim Dugan, Anthony Parisio - Fanshawe College ? London & Middlesex County Roman Catholic School Board o David Carter - Centre for Lifelong Learning ? Frances Shamley - London Language Training Advisory Council ? Zainab Amery - London Cross Cultural Learner Centre

Our Special Thanks to Newcomer Group Members: BASIL ALl





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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