Office of the Principal

851 Quince Orchard Boulevard, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (240)-740-0260 * (240)740-2360 fax

August 7, 2020

Dear Brown Station Students and Families:

We are pleased to say that we have had a great turn out during our ELO summer program. Although this is not the ideal situation for our staff, students, or families we hope that participation in our summer program is helping your child(ren) practice their skills in preparation for the coming year. We know that fall schooling will not look like it has in the past but our staff has been engaging in training throughout the summer to prepare them to deliver instruction through distance learning in the Fall. On August 20th from 7:00-8:00pm we will have a virtual parent meeting in order to share information regarding the Fall semester. Parents of incoming kindergarten students will be invited to attend a meeting on August 27th from 7:008:00pm. Information on how to access the meetings will be sent in the coming weeks.

Brown Station is not only committed to the growth of our students but of our staff as well. We strive to increase the capacity of our staff and encourage them to embrace challenges that help them grow professionally. Our staff are committed to providing an Anti bias and Anti racist school environment and have been engaging in learning on how to implement practices that will allow us to do so.

The upcoming school year will not only have changes in how we deliver instruction but there will also be many new faces joining our Brown Station team. Since Brown Station is back under the Title I umbrella we are thrilled to have hired many additional staff that will allow us to provide more face to face time with academic support teachers and receive additional behavioral support. I know you will join me in wishing the following staff members the best of luck in their new pursuits.

Farewell to the following staff members: Regina Landor, Sevilay Chabuk, Katie Villani, Keisha Taylor, David Levin, Akossiwa (KoKo) Lawrence, Melanie Schaeffer, Melina Latona, Julie Wright, Shannon Johnson, Katie Desbrow, Fania Saladino, Melissa Ringer, Brenda Padilla, Diana Eureka, Celine McNulty, Betsy Kaplan, and Chris Ohm.

With these changes come new and exciting times for Brown Station.

Please join me in welcoming the following new staff members or change in position:

Isabelle Lehner (PEP), Elizabeth Lipps (TWI-K-Spanish), Stephanie Duncan (TWI-K-English), (ESOL), Eric Nolle (TWI-2-English) Sabriana Carpenter (TWI-3-Spanish), Beatrice Guevara (TWI-3-Spanish), Beth Tice (4), Katixa Sotil (4), Blake Fletcher (5), Bridget Pavlak (Reading Academic Intervention). Peter (Alex) Oestreich (Math , Math , & intervention), Elizabeth Sciolli (Student Support Teacher), Vanessa Chacon (TWI Academic Support Teacher), Michelle Clements (ESOL), Carolina Saenz (ESOL), Erika Correa (ESOL), Jill Simkanich (Media Specialist), Nancy Rivera (Art & ESOL), Hiryania Patterson (Part Time Counselor), David Nunez (PE), Gabrielle Eley (Music), Peter Franklin (Instrumental Music), Rosa Munoz (Paraeducator), Kennith Blom (Paraeducator), Keiry Meza (Paraeducator), Allison Granados (Speech), TBD (.2 ESOL), Tammy Williams (.5 Primary Talent Development & .5 Math Content Coach)

Brown Station once again is going green and therefore you can find this year's summer letter online.


Office of the Principal

851 Quince Orchard Boulevard, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (240)-740-0260 * (240)740-2360 fax

Due to Covid 19, we will not be able to hold our yearly "Meet & Greet" picnic. We will notify you of your child's teacher through different means this year.

We offer pre-K and full-day Head Start programs. For more information and guidelines for enrollment, please contact the Division of Early Childhood at 240-740-4530. Enrollment decisions are not made by Brown Station Elementary School staff.

Brown Station has a Preschool Education Program (PEP) for children ages 3 to 5 years who have developmental delays or disabilities. For more information and guidelines for enrollment, please contact the PEP office at 240-740-3125. Enrollment decisions are not made by Brown Station Elementary School staff.

On behalf of the staff at Brown Station we look forward to working together in our efforts and commitment towards "success for every student" and welcome you and your child to the 2020-2021 school year.


Mary Jo Powell

Mary Jo Powell Principal

07 de agosto de 2020

Estimados Estudiantes y Familias de Brown Station: Nos complace decir que hemos tenido una gran participaci?n durante nuestro programa de verano ELO. Aunque esta no es la situaci?n ideal para nuestro personal, estudiantes o familias, esperamos que la participaci?n en nuestro programa de verano ayude a sus hijos a practicar sus habilidades en preparaci?n


Office of the Principal

851 Quince Orchard Boulevard, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (240)-740-0260 * (240)740-2360 fax

para el pr?ximo a?o. Sabemos que la educaci?n de oto?o no se ver? como en el pasado, pero nuestro personal ha estado participando en entrenamientos durante todo el verano para prepararlos para brindar instrucci?n a trav?s del aprendizaje a distancia en el oto?o. El 20 de agosto de 7:00-8:00 pm tendremos una reuni?n virtual de padres para compartir informaci?n sobre el semestre de oto?o. Se invita a los padres de nuevos estudiantes en Kindergarten a asistir a una reuni?n el 27 de agosto de 7:00-8:00 pm. La informaci?n sobre c?mo acceder a las reuniones se enviar? en las pr?ximas semanas.

Brown Station no solo est? comprometido con el crecimiento de nuestros estudiantes sino tambi?n con nuestro personal. Nos esforzamos por aumentar la capacidad de nuestro personal y alentarlos a aceptar desaf?os que los ayuden a crecer profesionalmente. Nuestro personal est? comprometido a proporcionar un ambiente escolar anti sesgo y antirracista y se ha dedicado a aprender sobre c?mo implementar pr?cticas que nos permitan hacerlo.

El pr?ximo a?o escolar no solo tendr? cambios en la forma en que impartimos la instrucci?n, sino que tambi?n habr? muchas caras nuevas que se unir?n a nuestro equipo de Brown Station. Dado que Brown Station est? de vuelta bajo el paraguas del T?tulo I, estamos encantados de haber contratado a personal adicional que nos permitir? brindar m?s tiempo cara a cara con los maestros de apoyo acad?mico y recibir apoyo conductual adicional. S? que se unir?n a m? para desear a los siguientes miembros del personal la mejor de las suertes en sus nuevas actividades.

Despedimos a los siguientes miembros de nuestro personal:

Regina Landor, Sevilay Chabuk, Katie Villani, Keisha Taylor, David Levin, Akossiwa (KoKo) Lawrence, Melanie Schaeffer, Melina Latona, Julie Wright, Shannon Johnson, Katie Desbrow, Fania Saladino, Melissa Ringer, Brenda Padilla, Diana Eureka, Celine McNulty, Betsy Kaplan, and Chris Ohm.

Con estos cambios vienen nuevos y emocionantes momentos para nuestra querida escuela.

Le damos la bienvenida a los siguientes miembros del personal o cambios de su posici?n actual: Isabelle Lehner (PEP), Elizabeth Lipps (TWI-K-Espa?ol, Stephanie Duncan (TWI-K-Ingles), (ESOL), Eric Nolle (TWI-2-Ingles) Sabriana Carpenter (TWI-3-Espa?ol), Beatrice Guevara (TWI-3-Espa?ol), Beth Tice (4), Katixa Sotil (4), Blake Fletcher (5), Bridget Pavlak (Intervenci?n Acad?mica Lectura). Peter (Alex) Oestreich (Matem?ticas , Matem?ticas , & Intervencion), Elizabeth Sciolli (Apoyo Estudiantil), Vanessa Chacon (TWI Apoyo Acad?mico), Michelle Clements (ESOL), Carolina Saenz (ESOL), Erika Correa (ESOL), Jill Simkanich (Libreria), Nancy Rivera (Arte & ESOL), Hiryania Patterson (Consejera Medio Tiempo), David Nunez (Deportes), Gabrielle Eley (M?sica), Peter Franklin (Musica Instrumental), Rosa Munoz (Paraeducador), Kennith Blom (Paraeducador), Keiry Meza (Paraeducador), Allison Granados


Office of the Principal

851 Quince Orchard Boulevard, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (240)-740-0260 * (240)740-2360 fax

(Habla), TBD (.2 ESOL), Tammy Williams (.5 Desarrollo de Talento Acad?mico & .5 Entrenador Contentido Matematico).

Brown Station se une con otras escuelas del condado de Montgomery para seguir el modelo verde para reducir el impacto ambiental.

Debido a Covid 19, no podremos celebrar nuestro picnic anual "Meet & Greet". Le notificaremos sobre el maestro de su hijo a trav?s de diferentes medios este a?o.

Ofrecemos programas preescolares (Head Start y pre-K). Para obtener m?s informaci?n y gu?a para la inscripci?n, por favor, p?ngase en contacto con la oficina de Ni?ez al 240-740-4530. Las decisiones de inscripci?n no son tomadas por el personal de Brown Station Elementary School (BSES).

Brown Station cuenta con programas de Educaci?n Preescolar (PEP) para ni?os de 3 a 5 a?os que tienen retrasos en el desarrollo de sus capacidades. Para obtener m?s informaci?n y gu?a para matriculaci?n, por favor, p?ngase en contacto con la oficina de PEP al 240-740-3125.

En nombre del personal de Brown Station esperamos poder trabajar juntos en nuestros esfuerzos y el compromiso hacia el "?xito de cada estudiante" y le damos la m?s cordial bienvenida a usted y su hijo/a al a?o escolar 2020-2021.


Mary Jo Powell Mary Jo Powell Directora


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