University of Montevallo

2015-2020 Strategic Plan2018 Progress ReportAcademic ExcellenceGoal 1: Enhance faculty development by implementing strategies to increase research, expand innovative teaching pedagogies, and improve instructional technology tools and infrastructure.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes1A:Establish and maintain grant development resources to provide grant writing workshops for faculty and staff, identify funding opportunities, and provide support for all aspects of grant submission.Academic AffairsBusiness AffairsUniversity AdvancementOngoingOSP continued to establish itself as a valuable resource for faculty and staff, providing funding opportunity identification, writing and reviewing, and grant submission support. OSP staff conducted numerous one-on-one or small group grant training and/or consultation with numerous faculty and staff. OSP also provided opportunities for faculty to access grant training webinars.1B:Establish at least one endowed chair/professorship in each College within 5 years.Academic AffairsBusiness AffairsUniversity Advancement2015-2020Established the Michael J. Grainger Professorship in Modern History.In December 2017 an endowed chair/professorship was established in the History Department, making this the second endowed chair/professorship.1C:Consider supporting faculty in developing and editing their own internal or external web pages.Academic Affairs; FacultyIS&TThe new website was launched in Aug 2017. Since that time control of School, Departmental and Individual Web pages was turned over to Data Controllers/Managers within each area. The website contains a variety of templates that allow schools to highlight faculty pages, add, edit and change as many as they choose. A completely upgraded state-of-the-Art teaching classroom was added to the Malone Center to assist in the training of faculty on new teaching technologies.1D:Expand support for faculty development and implementation of innovative teaching pedagogies.Hire the Director of the Malone Center and increase funding to provide workshops (face to face and online) for full-time and adjunct faculty on topics such as Canvas, learning styles, high impact practices, assigning and evaluating writing, and effective use of technology. Promote the development of interdisciplinary, team-taught, service learning and Honors courses.Academic Affairs; FacultyBusiness Affairs Malone CenterMalone Center provides 13 small grants for the development or conversion of classes to an on-line format1E:Increase faculty travel funding with a goal of providing full support for presentations of scholarly/creative work.Academic Affairs; FacultyBusiness AffairsFY 2017, 2018 & 2019 have not included travel fund increasesGoal 2: Support the development and growth of graduate and undergraduate enrichment initiatives.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes2A: Increase funding for the Honors Program to allow students to complete an additional academic experience beyond the Honors curriculum such as undergraduate research, study abroad, academic conference participation, or an Honors thesis.Academic AffairsNo increased funding for the last two cycles. Honors requests a budget line for student salaries ($1,800); student travel to conferences ($3,000), and upgrades to Ramsay Hall ($1,650).25% of UR Day participants are honors students; 60% of awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes go to honors students. Steady increase in honors theses (7 in 17-18).2B.Increase funding to support a 50% expansion in the number of students participating in undergraduate research.Trace participation through enrollment in courses labeled Undergraduate Research and through student presentations at Undergraduate Research Day, the fall symposium series, and external conferences.Academic AffairsBusiness AffairsNo funding increase was received for FY 2017-18 which still had a 75% increase in tuition generation over the last three year average; a 41% increase in student credit hour generation; a 35% increase in students participating in UR Research Day; a 24% increase in faculty participating in UR Research Day; a 44% decrease in travel awards.2C.Enhance Information Literacy instruction through continued support of foundational, advancing, and mastery level classes; Illuminate Grants; and other campus-wide initiatives. Implement any needed changes to IL plan as indicated by SAILS and course-embedded assessments.Academic AffairsQEP CommitteeSACSCOC found implementation of the QEP meeting standards in its response to the UM 5th Year Report. Very positive SAIL result for learning at all class levels.2D.Increase support for Graduate Research by providing on a competitive basis full funding for at least 10 graduate students each year to present their scholarship at professional conferences.Academic AffairsUniversity AdvancementBusiness AffairsGraduate AdmissionsNo additional funding was provided to the Provost’s Office in support of graduate student conference presentations.2E.Establish a Study Abroad/Study Away Center designed to increase student participation.Academic AffairsUniversity AdvancementBusiness AffairsNo center yet established.A Foreign Language Study Abroad account was established in August 2017.MOU’s successfully established with the Institute for Leadership and Communications Studies (Rabat, Morocco) and Hubei University of Economics (Wuhan, China). Funds have been used to support students with a study abroad program in France.2F.Establish an Internship Center designed to increase student participation.Academic AffairsColleges continue to determine that a decentralized approach is preferable at this time.Goal 3: Expand and enhance undergraduate and graduate programs of study.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes3A:Determine new undergraduate and graduate majors that are consistent with the University mission, will address the interests of current and prospective students, and will prepare graduates for fulfilling lives and careers.Academic Affairs; FacultyBusiness AffairsAdmissionsGraduate CouncilOngoingComputer Informatics proposal was reviewed and approved at all levels; new hire successfully puter Informatics will start as a major program of study in the MESCOB in Fall 2018.3B.Expand undergraduate and graduate offerings through online/hybrid courses or online degrees.Academic Affairs; Faculty IS&TBusiness AffairsOngoing13 small grants from the Malone Center in AY 17-18 for on-line course development.3C.Increase support for interdisciplinary and special minors that may not be associated with academic majors such as Environmental Studies, Game Studies and Design, Latin American Studies and the possible creation of new minors such as Computer Science.Academic Affairs; FacultyBusiness AffairsOngoingAfrican-American Studies minor had a very successful launch and now has 8-9 minors.Goal 4: Enhance the role of the Library as an Intellectual CommonsObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes4A:Continue the phased transformation of Carmichael Library into an Intellectual Commons.Create group study areas and consultation stations for peer group collaborative learning.Academic AffairsBusiness AffairsIS&TLibrary Faculty & StaffOngoingTwo study rooms were added in early 2018. Initial discussions for a Library Master Plan have begun.Two group study rooms and a Smart Market with 24-hour vending were added to the library in 2018.Overnight library hours were piloted during Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 final exams.Initial discussions to update the Library Master Plan have also begun.? With information literacy, digital media, and archives-related instruction going strong, expanded space for these activities is a priority.Daily headcount averages showed a 10.5% increase in library usage over last academic year.Hourly headcounts during final exam extended hours (from midnight to 7 a.m.) showed an average of 50 students per hour using the library as an overnight study space.Library faculty and staff were involved in 220 instruction sessions with courses across the curriculum in 2017-18.4B:Collect, preserve, and make available for scholarly research material in the Milner Archives and Special Collections.Expand archival and special collections through the deliberate and targeted acquisition of primary materials, and expand electronic access to archival and special collections through a deliberate and targeted digitization plan.Library Faculty & StaffOngoingTitles from the Grainger and Sledge special collections have been deposited in their respective locations and the pertinent documents given to the UM Foundation.Milner Archives provided supporting research and digitization of documents and photographs for the City of Montevallo’s Bicentennial Celebration.? The University Archivist also provided research, digitization, and support for the newly created Montevallo Historical Society and participated actively on the Shoal Creek Park Foundation Board (the site of Jacob Perry’s plantation and home constructed in 1834).The dedication of the Pat Scales Special Collections Room took place on Founder’s Day 2017, with over 100 people in attendance.? Ongoing development of the collection continues with the receipt of donated materials.The following additions were made to the W. M. “Mack” Wyatt Digital Archive: Union Banner (1929-1938) and the Spotlight (1950-1952, 1961-1968, newspaper of the Montevallo High School student body). The entire digital project of Milner Archives and Special Collections now contains nearly 600 items with over 313,000 unique views.? Several classes and events have been held in the Pat Scales Special Collections Room, including the inaugural Pat Scales Lecture.? The first speaker was Marc Tyler Nobleman, a noted comic book scholar, author, and documentarian.?? 4C:Increase Library holdings and improve technology and facilities in support of expanding Information Literacy beyond the currently designated courses.Academic AffairsLibrary Faculty and Staff Business AffairsIS&TOngoingAlong with its ongoing collection development efforts, the library piloted Demand-Driven Acquisitions (DDA) for e-book purchases in 3 areas (Business, Criminal Justice, and African American Studies). The library redesigned its website and adopted a new Discovery System to make library resources and services more accessible to students. The Digital Media Lab continued to expand instruction in digital fabrication, design, and the use of Virtual Reality equipment.More than 3,000 books and media were added to library collections over the past year, in addition to the 3 DDA collections.Cancellation of 2 under-utilized databases allowed the addition of 2 new databases: Digital Theatre + (a streaming performance database) and African American Newspapers Series 1, 1827-1998 (to support the new African American Studies minor).The library homepage received approximately 60,000 views during the 2017-18 academic year.A Vive Pro Virtual Reality Kit and a Glowforge Laser Cutter were added to the Digital Media Lab with funds from the UM Foundation, the Art Dept., and the Library. Both the common use Labs and the EBSCO room were upgraded to state of the art VDI (Virtual Desktop Technology) replacing the decade old equipment that previous existed there.? Additionally, open use iMacs/Apple devices were added to the lab to enhance the “commons” space.Both the common use Labs and the EBSCO room were upgraded to state of the art VDI (Virtual Desktop Technology) replacing the decade old equipment that previous existed there. Additionally, open use iMacs/Apple devices were added to the lab to enhance the “commons” space.4D:Create a Maker-Space in the Library for student projects.Provide equipment such as a 3D printer and craft supplies.Library Faculty and StaffFacilitiesBusiness AffairsCompletedGoal 5: Increase technology support, equipment and infrastructure to a level which fully meets the needs of faculty and students enrolled in traditional and online/hybrid courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.ObjectivesResponsible Units(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes5A.Develop a University-wide Academic Technology Plan to support classroom and online/hybrid teaching pedagogies.Develop a technology plan with input from each department about discipline specific needs.Establish within each college an up-to-date computer classroom with specialized software and on-campus technical support.Academic Affairs; FacultyBusiness AffairsIS&T2016-2017In Feb 2018 the Technology Advisory Council completed a comprehensive technological strategic plan. This was submitted for the Board of Trustees review in May 2018. It is the foundation document for IS & T strategy.2 New Hybrid simulcast rooms were built (COE and COB) and are in operation at this time. Also all labs on campus have been upgraded to include new computers/software.A completely upgraded VDI lab supporting Informatics is slated to go live in mid-August 2018.5B.Establish a long-term technology support budget to fund needed infrastructure and technology upgradesSuccessfully implement a budget for technology refresh for computers, software, LCD projectors, Smart Boards and emerging technology identified in the Academic Technology Plan.IS&TBusiness AffairsAcademic AffairsAfter releasing Ellucian outsourcing services in 2016, the 3 budgets supporting IS & T have been reorganized to better serve the greater UM community and to more closely align with the new IT Strategic Plan. This is still a work in progress; however, over the last year, 28 classrooms were given upgrades with new projectors and more standard technology, and the Academic Support team was expanded to include a new support person for Strong Hall.Goal 6: Enhance student learning and support recruitment and retention of students and faculty through new construction and/or renovation of academic buildings.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes6A.Develop a plan, seek funding and begin construction of a Performing Arts Center.Establish architectural renderings/blueprints, identify funding sources and create a construction timetable within a 5-year period.Academic Affairs; FacultyBusiness AffairsIS&T University Relations University AdvancementConstruction to begin in Spring 2018 with an anticipated completion date of Fall 2019.Ground-breaking Spring 2018. Blueprints / renderings complete.The contractor has been hired and site preparation is underway.Fundraising is under way with donor visits and calls being made; asking for donations and naming opportunities for different areas and rooms of the Center for the Arts building.As of June 30, 2018 roughly $875,000 has been raised towards this project.6B.Develop a plan, seek funding and begin the renovation of Harman Hall or the construction of a new Science and Mathematics facility.Establish architectural renderings/blueprints, identify funding sources and create a construction timetable within a 5-year period.Academic AffairsBusiness AffairsIS&TUniversity RelationsUniversity AdvancementHarman Hall renovated in summer 2017.6C.Develop and implement a deferred maintenance plan or a comprehensive construction/renovation plan for all academic buildings.Executive CabinetFacilitiesIS&TPhysical Plant has done an initial gathering of information on a comprehensive list of deferred maintenance needs. This will be the basis of a plan for the future.Deferred classroom maintenance prioritization is being addressed by the Technology Advisory Council through its Classroom Technology sub-Committee. Classrooms in every building are ranked and prioritized for upgrades based on volume of students, frequency of use and visibility.Student Engagement and SuccessOverarching Goal: To enhance the climate of UM to cultivate greater levels of student success as measured by retention and completion.Goal 7: Increase undergraduate and graduate enrollment.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes7A:Strategically and systematically increase undergraduate enrollment to 3,000 by Fall 2019.Expand out-of-state recruiting by hiring designated out-of-state recruiting staff members, increasing the number of non-Alabama NACAC College Fairs in major cities, expanding athletic teams, and increasing the number of name buys for out-of-state student markets.Explore CRM options focused on prospect management (undergrad and grad).Expand relationship with current vendors that have shown success with return on investment focused on out-of-state markets.Explore avenues for recruiting international students including third-party in-country legitimate recruiting agencies.Undergraduate AdmissionsGraduate AdmissionsBusiness AffairsAcademic AffairsStudent AffairsOngoingComputer Science major under development.MOU with the Institute of Leadership and Communica-tion (Morocco) and the Hubei University of Economics (China); exploring short-term summer programming (South Korea); exploring higher education partnerships (Japan).Enrollment for Fall 2017 was down overall by 83 students as compared to Fall 2016. In relation to recruitment, we partnered with Credo Higher Education in 2017 for a review of our current recruitment processes and admissions structure. To this point, 90% of their recommendations have been completed and a Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEM) was developed. The SEM outlined recruitment strategies for freshman and transfer students, marketing strategies, financial aid and scholarship packaging, and retention strategies. Recruitment strategies include opening pipelines for recruitment through academic program development, alumni partnerships, military recruitment, affinity programming, dual enrollment and athletics programs. In terms of marketing, the University partnered with Clarus Consulting group to research and analyze current market trends and messaging as well as Modern Brand to develop and implement a new marketing campaign “You Belong at Montevallo.” Currently, the University is working with a consultant to review tuition and fees structure and the Scholarship Committee implemented the Award Spring Scholarship software and is continuing to review and refine our scholarship and financial aid structure.Implementation of the Recruit CRM System is complete and a comprehensive communication plan was developed and implemented. After reviewing all vendor contracts, we ended our contract with TWG and initiated a contract with puter informatics launches Fall 2018.7B:Strategically and systematically increase graduate enrollment by 4% (based on Fall 2014 census number of 408) annually to return to fall graduate enrollment level of 500 by Fall 2019.Work with faculty for more buy-in and assistance with graduate recruitment.Increase capacity in high demand programs.Provide funding for an MBA recruiter.Design and develop a web site specifically for graduate program recruiting that features faculty and student profiles.Increase the number of graduate scholarships and assistantships.Academic AffairsStudent AffairsBusiness AffairsGraduate AdmissionsUniversity AdvancementOngoingGraduate enrollment is flat. MBA has a new hybrid format; EDU has new agreements with area school districts; ENGL is revamping its curriculum; CSD remains at capacity. Graduate scholarships and assistantships are flat. New Provost Fellow position focusing on graduate education will start in Fall 2018.Funding was allocated for an MBA recruiter.7C:Raise freshman-to-sophomore retention to 80%, sophomore-to-junior retention to 75%, junior-to-senior retention to 65%, and graduation rate to 55%.Analyze retention and graduation rates by student demographics (HS GPA, ACT score, residential, first generation, etc.) to determine at-risk populations.Reduce to 120 the require number of hours for completion of the majority of degree programs.All Faculty and Staff OngoingTo address retention, the University launched the new Falcon Success Center and hired a Senior Director to oversee all retention efforts and to partner with faculty in reviewing and developing a first year experience and a more robust advising structure. A major part of the Senior Director’s responsibilities is to analyze and develop programs and interventions that support student success. Current data indicates the freshman-to-sophomore retention rate increased by 4% from Fall 2015 to Fall 2016, while persistence rates remained stable. (See attached Retention-Persistence Rates.) The current graduation rate of 50% is the highest since 2002.Goal 8: Promote an inclusive and supportive campus environment.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes8A.Increase ethnic diversity and promote an inclusive, supportive campus environment for faculty and staff that respects all forms of diversity.Executive CabinetAll Faculty and StaffHuman ResourcesOngoingProgress has been made regarding the hiring of diverse staff. Several key positions have been filled by minorities: Assistant Director of Housing & Residence Life, Director of Student Conduct, and the Chief of Police.8B.Increase ethnic diversity, pursue gender balance, and promote an inclusive, supportive campus environment for students that respects all forms of diversity.Student AffairsAcademic AffairsAthleticsOngoingThe Assistant Director of Admissions implemented a program, Meet Me in Montevallo, which is an aggressive minority recruitment initiative within the City of Birmingham. 125 students from inner-city Birmingham schools visited the UM campus as part of this program.Athletics hired Jasmine Thomas for the Assistant Compliance & Game Operations position in the summer of 2017Goal 9: Engage incoming undergraduate students.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes9A:Connect with incoming students throughout the admissions process.Increase summer contacts by University faculty, staff, advisors, and students through personal contacts and social media before and after orientation.Develop and implement a seamless, web-based admissions process that includes easy access to applications, orientation, registration, health forms, etc., for both freshmen and transfer students.Academic Success Center (now Falcon Success Center)AdmissionsDeans & Department Chairs; FacultyStudent LifeOngoingCreation of the Falcon Success Center (blending Academic and Student Success) in Spring 2018.A Communica-tions Plan was developed and implemented within the Recruit CRM system. Texting was added to the Communica-tions Plan using the Cadence software system. A Social Media Communica-tions Plan was developed and implemented. A robust marketing campaign was developed, in partnership with EAB, and a new website was launched. 9B.Redesign the first-year and transfer orientation to create a more meaningful experience aimed at long-range student success.Reassess the purpose, content, and format of summer orientation. Consider multi-day sessions for freshmen and alternative formats for transfer students.Coordinate all orientation sessions through one office.Explore pre-registering students in at least a couple of courses to allow in-person advising sessions to focus more on relationship building and less on schedule building.Consider an expanded fall welcome that is required of all incoming students and might include a convocation.Student AffairsAcademic Affairs; FacultyEnrollment ManagementOrientation CommitteeOngoingWe continue to reassess First-Year and Transfer Orientation programs and align program goals and electives with those outlined within the CASE (Council for Advancement & Support of Education) standards and guidelines. The Office of Student Life and Undergraduate Admissions collaborated to develop and organize a joint comprehensive orientation for both Freshmen and Transfer students. ContinuUM was implemented and the first applicants to the program were received in Fall 2017. The feasibility of expanding the Pathway Program to include Shelton State Community College is being explored.Developing a First-Year Experience program for freshmen. 9C.Support the development of a rich and meaningful first-year experience program.Create academic cohorts of students together in two or more first-year courses that may or may not have linked content.Develop a first-year seminar (FYS) as one of the personal development options in general education.Develop and implement a “Finish in Four” campaign, with materials tailored to students and to parents.Consider a peer mentor system with mentors attending the FYS and engaging students outside of the classroom during the first semester.Academic Success CenterAd Hoc First Year Experience Task ForceDeans and Department Chairs; Faculty OngoingFirst-Year Experience program under development.9D.Implement a comprehensive academic advising program that includes resources for advisors (Finish in Four Plans, Advisor Handbook, etc.) and advisor training.Develop at the college or department level an advising model appropriate to the programs offered.Charge the Academic Success Center and the Academic Advising, Support, and Intervention Committee with developing and delivering a series of sessions on effective advising.Expand course schedule to ensure an adequate number of class sections and range of class meeting times.Assign advisors earlier in the process.Develop and implement an effective academic alert/early intervention system.Provide an effective academic planning/degree audit software program.Academic Success Center (now Falcon Success Center)Academic Advising, Support, and Intervention CommitteeAcademic Affairs; FacultyRegistrarBusiness AffairsIS&TOngoingFalcon Success Center will focus on enhancing academic advising.Goal 10: Sustain undergraduate student engagement and increase retention by providing up-to-date living opportunities on campus.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelinesProgressOutcomes10A:Provide adequate and accessible housing for all residential students.Upgrade and renovate existing facilities.Strategically attend to deferred maintenance issues.Upgrade technology in campus housing.Student AffairsBusiness AffairsFacilitiesIS&TOngoingHousing & DSS will work together to provide accommodations based on specific disability needs. Housing worked with the Physical Plant to address on-going maintenance issues.Each summer in addition to customary summary cleaning and maintenance, a more in depth update will be done to select areas to improve housing facilities – Summer 2018 4th Floor of Peck Hall had deep cleaning, complete painting, and new equipment (stoves, shower heads, faucets, lighting etc.).All residence halls were upgraded to wireless wave AC1 which is the highest stable throughput of WiFi available. Also, greenspaces such as the Main quad, King Quad, Downtown and Hammock area were also outfitted with WiFi to enhance student experience.10B:Assess the need for new campus housing and determining the most viable options.Determine need based on housing occupancy rates and best practices.Research trends, visit other campuses, review architectural plans, and determine costs for housing options.Student AffairsBusiness AffairsFacilitiesExecutive Cabinet continues to assess the need for new student housing.10C:Invest in updated safety and security features.Upgrade existing and install additional security cameras.Upgrade card swipe system.Install sprinkler systems in residence halls.Student AffairsFacilitiesUniversity PoliceOngoingNew security cameras were placed in Myrick Hall, the SAC, and UMOM. The first round of 50 Alertus USB Panic Buttons were installed in pre-selected offices. Desktop Panic Buttons installation began during spring 2017 and will continue to be installed though summer 2018. A personal Alertus Phone app will be launched in fall 2018 and Power Over Ethernet (POE) Panic Buttons will be installed in select areas in the future.Installation of fire suppression canisters over all stoves in residence halls and academic as a cost-effective solution to improve safety.Goal 11: Sustain undergraduate student engagement and increase retention through recreations, social, co-curricular and leadership development opportunities on campus.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes11A.Address the need for more recreational and social areas.Assess student interest in and need for additional recreational activities.Establish a space for commuter students to gather.Establish recreational spaces separate from and in addition to athletic fields and courts.Student AffairsBusiness AffairsFacilitiesOngoingUM continued working with CENTERS, Inc to assess all recreational space and develop ideas for improvements11B.Involve more students in activities outside the classroom.Assess the extent to which current student life and academic organizations meet students’ needs and interests.Add clubs and organizations as need/interest is demonstrated.Increase participation in student organizations and clubs.Provide incentives to faculty who serve as advisors for student organizations.Student AffairsBusiness AffairsFacilitiesOngoingStudent Life implemented an updated Organization Software System, Falcon Link. Five new student organizations were formed in 2017-18 including, UM Mountain Bike Club, African American Studies Club, Habitat for Humanity, Tendo Ministries, and AMA-American Marketing Association.Results from the Student Affairs Satisfaction Survey for Fall 2017 showed that of the 262 students who stated they had participated or joined a student organization, 250 were satisfied (or 95%), 87% said they were satisfied with Intramurals on campus, while 93% said they were satisfied with campus entertainment. 11C.Develop collaborative student leadership initiatives.Partner with Leadership Shelby County on a leadership initiative for UM students.Offer leadership classes, a leadership lecture series, and team building exercises to promote student leadership development.Academic AffairsStudent AffairsOffice of Service LearningLeadership Shelby CountyOngoingUndergradu-ate Admissions developed and implemented more comprehend-sive training for the Mavens during their fall 2017 retreat. Other areas in Student Affairs including Student Life and Housing continue to provide comprehend-sive leadership training for all student Organization leadership, RA’s, Orientation Leaders, SGA Officers, and Pi Chis.11D.Increase attendance at intercollegiate athletic events.Effectively promote and market intercollegiate athletic events.Establish an athletic spirit committee.Investigate network infrastructure to provide sufficient bandwidth for live streaming to improve the fan experience.Secure giveaways and promotions to increase attendance.AthleticsIS&TUniversity RelationsBusiness AffairsOngoingHousing & Greek Organizations organize several cook-outs each year in an effort to increase attendance for UM sporting events on campus. Student Life is covering part of the cost for the Fighting Falcon app and has increased their AIM prize distributions.Started the Fighting Falcons app in 2016 to assist with marketing events and includes a rewards program. Live streaming has improved at lacrosse/track complex whereas we can now live stream lacrosse games. Secured giveaways from Corporate Partners for rewards program and in-game promotions. Organized and marketed the PACK the SAC basketball games.11E.Develop and deliver a comprehensive intercultural program.Expand support for international students.Expand support for minority students.Ensure support and activities for diverse students groups (e.g., Spectrum, faith-based groups, etc.)Provide more programming that promotes understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures, ethnicities, and lifestyles.Recruit a more diverse staff.Student AffairsAcademic AffairsOngoing2 students participated in the Friendship Partners program, which pairs international students with local families. Student Life sponsored the following intercultural events on campus: Hispanic Heritage month spoken word artist, LBGTQ Plus and Native American Heritage Documen-taries, Women’s History Month Speaker in March, Field Trip to Birmingham Civil Rights Museum, Black History Month Trivia Night.Housing organizes one diversity event each semester. Progress has been made regarding the hiring of diverse staff. Several key positions have been filled by minorities: Assistant Director of Housing & Residence Life, Director of Student Conduct, and the Chief of Police.Goal 12: Sustain engagement and increase undergraduate retention by expanding and strengthening learning support on campus.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)plete the development of an Academic Success Center.Explore options for a comprehensive facility to accommodate all academic support services, including advising.Increase the number of students utilizing academic support services, and add staff to provide expanded services.Solicit faculty input to determine unmet academic support needs.Ensure that services are offered where and when students need them.Develop a Supplemental Instruction program for select courses with high D, F, W rates.Encourage faculty to use the “Midterm Grades” option in Banner to keep students well informed about their academic standing.Academic AffairsAcademic Success Center (now Falcon Success Center)OngoingThe Academic Success Center and the Student Success Center were merged to form a new Falcon Success Center. The University launched the new Falcon Success Center and hired a Senior Director to oversee all retention efforts and to partner with faculty in reviewing and developing a first-ear experience and a more robust advising structure.In addition, the Falcon Success Center includes a new Scholarship Director to assist students. The FSC started its operation in Spring 2018.12B.Expand support for students with disabilities.Provide additional funding for staff, technology, and facility upgrades.Ensure policies and procedures related to assistive technology and accommodations are up to date.Expand training and guidance for faculty and staff on disability related issues.Office of Disability Support ServicesOngoingThe DSS Director consulted with the Physical Plant and architects to make recommendations related to Strong Hall and the center for the Arts. DSS provides ongoing training and guidance to faculty/staff and continues to update policies and procedures to ensure best practices are followed. DSS consulted with University Relations and IS&T to ensure accessibility of social media/emails at UM. DSS offered continuing education webinars to Counseling Services, Chartwells, Career Development and Health Services staff. Goal 13: Sustain engagement and increase undergraduate retention through campus employment and career development opportunities.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes13A.Promote student employment on campus.Implement a standardized process for hiring and training student workers.Link students wherever possible to campus work that supports their career goals.Increase opportunities for summer employment on campus.Career Development ServicesHuman ResourcesOngoingBuilding on the new process developed in FY17, updates were made to further improve the process. Regular announce-ments were made to notify students of job opportunities and the Manager of Student Employment proactively reached out to departments to find opportunities for student workers. In addition, a new multi-tiered compensation plan was approved to recognize student performance and experience. The second year of the Student Employee of the Year was awarded along with an event to recognize all student employees.13B.Expand work-integrated learning opportunities for all students through applied learning experiences in all disciplines (internships, service, learning, job shadowing, undergraduate research, travel away/abroad).Academic AffairsCareer Development ServicesOngoingCareer Development Center Director met with Deans and Department Chairs to discuss opportunities for collaborating and implementing activities and programs where it was deemed valuable. 13C.Create and execute Career Boot Camp workshops for Juniors and Seniors.Workshops offered during class as appropriate; incentives provided for student participation in workshops offered outside of class.Career Development ServicesAcademic AffairsOngoingCareer Development Center initiated a series of Career Boot Camps during AY 2017 and continues to offer workshops and group/classroom presentations.Partnerships and OutreachOverarching Goal: To engage our community through mutually beneficial partnerships that support academic, economic, and sociocultural well-beingGoal 14: Strengthen and expand mutually beneficial partnerships with regional school districts, homeschool organizations, and private and parochial schools.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes14A:Increase strategic marketing and recruiting efforts with homeschool organizations, private schools, and parochial schools including but not limited to providing website links and resources to market the dual enrollment program to these populations.Admissions OfficeOngoingDual enrollment marketing materials were developed, created and distributed to all counselors in December. 14B:Develop a dual enrollment program with the local high schools that are within a reasonable travel distance and time from the University, specifically Calera High, Jemison High, Montevallo High, and Thompson High.Admissions OfficeAcademic AffairsOngoingMontevallo’s Dual Enrollment program was evaluated and research was completed on other Dual Enrollment programs at local peer institutions. Online classes were audited and recommendations were made (ENG 101 & 102) and suggestions for additional models of course delivery (Ex: Placing instructors in high schools) were made. A new partnership was developed with Jefferson County Schools.14C:Build upon existing grant opportunities (e.g., “Gear Up” and “Opening Doors”) and seek new grants that involve collaboration with P-12 schools and school districts.Business AffairsOffice of Sponsored ProgramsOffice of Partnerships and OutreachOngoingOSP, along with faculty from the College of Education, will be submitting an application for a new “Gear Up” grant on July 13, 2018. This grant application would fund a collaborative effort between UM, Jefferson County Schools, Fairfield City Schools, Midfield City Schools, Bessemer City Schools, Tarrant City Schools, and a number of other education-related entities.New Partnerships & Outreach director starts summer ’18.14D:Expand the campus infrastructure to support additional academic and athletic camp opportunities (e.g., ACT prep course, gifted/enrichment camps, young writers’ camp, computer camp, game design camp environmental/sustainability camp, music camps, art shows, science festivals, scholars bowl).Academic AffairsAthleticsUniversity RelationsFacilitiesOngoingCamp offerings remained the same for summer ’18. Added Falcon Flight to our partnership offerings with Montevallo High School in spring 2018.Goal 15: Strengthen and expand mutually beneficial partnerships with community colleges and universities.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes15A.Explore cooperative degree completion programs with community colleges and other universities, including 2 + 2 programs with community colleges, 3 + 3 programs with universities, and evening/alternative delivery options (e.g., online, videoconferencing, off-site delivery).Academic AffairsSummer/Fall 2017 Launch2+2 with Jeff State in culinary arts and hospitality. Progressing toward a fully on-line M.Ed.The first ContinuUM students were admitted fall 2017 and we are working to expand the program to include Shelton State.Hybrid delivery of MBA. BS/BA in business fully on-line.15B.Develop reverse transfer agreements with regional community colleges.Academic AffairsRegistrar’s OfficeIn progressRegistrar’s office does reverse transfer to all AL community colleges.15C.Expand marketing and recruitment efforts at community colleges including but not limited to adding new degree programs that might attract transfer students, increasing our presence on identified campuses, and partnering with Phi Theta Kappa chapters at community colleges.Admissions OfficeEnrollment & Student AffairsBusiness AffairsAcademic AffairsOngoingUndergraduate Admissions hired an additional Transfer Recruitment Counselor and has increased targeted recruitment efforts as well as implementing academic advising and career development through the ContinuUM program.College of Business is working closely with Lawson State and Jeff State on articulated transfers.Goal 16: Strengthen and expand mutually beneficial partnerships with community organizations and agencies.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes16A:Pursue and expand, as a member of the Cooperative District (UM, City of Montevallo, Shelby County), new partnership opportunities such as projects that support the City of Montevallo in becoming a “Main Street Alabama Community.”Business AffairsExecutive CabinetOngoingIn partnership with the city of Montevallo, we implemented wifi all the way down Main Street. This wifi is capable of serving UM students and provides a separate, secure, free wireless network for Montevallo citizens and guests to Main Street.A joint project with the cooperative district and the city, changed a parking lot in front of UMOM to a community park that is also being used as a class room. This space has already been used for classes and multiple events in addition to casual gatherings.16B.Develop budget resources through partnerships that address capital and operational needs.Revise and publish grant seeking/writing protocol.Collaborate with outside agencies to submit grants.Seek government, corporate, and foundation sponsorships and grants.Leverage alumni database for contacts who serve on foundation and corporate boards.University Advancement Business OfficeOffice of Sponsored ProgramsOngoingUM’s grant protocol is currently being reviewed by OSP and Business Affairs. The last revisions were in Fall 2015 and Fall 2016. The protocol is published on UM’s website and available as a resource for all UM faculty and staff. UM’s grant protocol is currently being reviewed by OSP and Business Affairs. The last revisions were in Fall 2015 and Fall 2016. The protocol is published on UM’s website and available as a resource for all UM faculty and staff.16C.Develop and publish a comprehensive inventory of campus meeting spaces, rooms, and dining options that are available for public use and create a public fee structure and formal contract system.Calendar Office/Event PlanningIn processThe Office of Facilities and Event Scheduling has initiated a project to identify a software system that will allow us to better manage our space and events as current systems are lacking in functionality.Goal 17: Strengthen collaboration and communication on campus.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes17A:Establish a Staff Senate.Executive CabinetHuman ResourcesCompletedEstablished in fall 2017. 17B:Identify and implement more effective ways to share news and solicit input on campus issues and challenges.Executive CabinetUniversity RelationsOngoingGoal 18: Optimize, expand, and enhance marketing efforts.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes18A.Develop a cooperative marketing plan with the City of Montevallo including but not limited to a comprehensive calendar and events management system, a formalized communication structure to increase media coverage for local events, and a system for providing visitors with targeted messages and opportunities to learn about the city and the University.University RelationsCalendar Office/Event PlanningCity of MontevalloOngoing18B.Improve the content and navigability of the external website including but not limited to revising the “Community” and “Calendar” information, addressing items that relate to functionality, and creating a link to the intranet that is password protected.University RelationsIS&TCalendar Office/Event PlanningOffice of Partnerships and OutreachAcademic Departments2015-201618C.Increase the use of faculty and staff experts as consultants to media outlets and agencies.University RelationsAthletics/Sports InformationAcademic DepartmentsOffice of Partnerships and OutreachOngoingThe biggest successes this year was having AD on ABC 33/40’s Talk of Alabama to promote first ever men’s lacrosse match and getting ABC 33/40 on campus to interview baseball coach and student-athletes about advancing to the NCAA regional: . The opportunities we had to get our coaches additional exposure in the Birmingham market haven’t been as prevalent since NBC 13 cancelled its Alabama Tonight nightly sports talk show, but the good news is CBS 42 has started another sports show and has reached out to us for 2018-2019.18D.Expand and target media relations with an emphasis on sports events and teams, including but not limited to providing incentives for local K-12 students to attend athletic events, increasing the use of “Freddie the Falcon” as an ambassador for UM, and sending press releases to students’ hometown newspapers.University RelationsAthletics/Sports InformationOngoingHave been communicating with local newspapers when we have a student-athlete who earns a prestigious honor or has an award-winning year/performance. I’ve included a link to the article from the Brewton Standard on Katie Nelson as one example: . I also have physical copies of Shelby Living and Birmingham Magazine printed in 2017 in my office with coverage of Cheyenne Thompson’s career.18E.Create a system for purchasing, storing, requesting, and distributing UM promotional items.University RelationsBusiness AffairsOngoingGoal 19: Increase engagement with the community through service and other applied academic opportunities.ObjectivesResponsible Unit(s)TimelineProgressOutcomes19A.Promote service learning as a high-impact academic practice and community service as a co-curricular initiative.Provide incentives for the development of new service learning coursesProvide faculty development related to service learningExplore faculty and student interest in requiring service hours for graduationExplore the feasibility and value of creating a co-curricular transcriptCultivate partnerships with additional community agenciesSeek partnerships that will enhance diversity awareness and appreciationCollect data for the “President’s Honor Roll” recognitionCollect data related to the economic impact of the services performed by University studentsSponsor community service projects that enhance the physical environment of the campus and communitySponsor a “service hours challenge” to involve students in the capital campaign; challenge donors to match the students’ hours with dollarsOffice of Partnerships and OutreachCoordinator of Service LearningStudent Affairs (e.g., Big Event)Academic Affairs Capital CampaignOngoingFalcon Scholars is at its maximum with 35 students. Improved community partner and programs web munity Service initiatives include the Big Event, SGA Campus Clean Up Day, and the Freshman Forum Can Drive. All Greek organizations also hold philanthropic events on campus throughout the year. 19B.Increase awareness and visibility of service learning and community service efforts.Dedicate an article in each issue of Montevallo Today to cover a service event.Utilize Facebook, Twitter, Vallo Voice, and press releases to feature service events.Establish a regular column in the Alabamian to feature a student or student group involved in service.Showcase service efforts on the external website; expand or revise the content of the “Community” link to include this kind of information.Create an annual celebration event for service learning and community service efforts; invite stakeholders and community partners.Service LearningPartnerships and OutreachStudent Affairs (e.g. Big Event)Academic AffairsUniversity RelationsOngoingIncreased number of press releases and articles published in local newspapers and media.19C.Expand applied academic experiences for the benefit of the broader community, including but not limited to exploring the establishment of a free/low cost mental health counseling clinic for under-served populations and creating public relations, mass communication, and marketing internship opportunities for UM students with the City of Montevallo and the Chamber of Commerce.Academic AffairsAcademic DepartmentsOngoingFree Community Counseling Clinic initiated in fall 2016; expanded hours in spring 2017. In AY 17-18 the clinic expanded its hours to two nights per week (6-9pm) and added an on-site supervisor. They have also purchased an on-line clinical assessment software program to aid in their collection and tracking of client baseline data. Group counseling is also being explored as a new delivery option. ................

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