Joyful Abominations



This factual report is designed to bring you face to face with Truth that affects your life now, your eternal position in the soon-coming Kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, and perhaps your eternal destiny.

Here are a few Scriptures as a backbone for this study:

Jeremiah 10:1-7: “Hear the Word that Yahuweh (The Name of the Elohim—God—of Israel) speaks to you, O house of Israel: Thus says Yahuweh: `DO NOT LEARN THE WAYS OF THE HEATHEN, and do not be awed by the signs of the heavens, for the gentiles are awed by them. For the prescribed customs of the people are worthlessness. For one cuts a tree from the forest, work for the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. They adore it with silver and gold, they fasten it with nails and hammers so that it does not topple. They are like a rounded post, and they do not speak. They have to be carried, for they do not walk’…Who would not fear You, O King of the nations? For this is Your due, for among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their reigns, there is none like You…The Portion of Jacob is not like these, for He is the Maker of all, and Israel is the tribe of His inheritance—Yahuweh of hosts is His Name”.

Luke 16:13-15: Messiah speaking to the religious of His day: “No servant is able to serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will cling to one, and despise the other. You are not able to serve Elohim and mammon” (Mammon is the god of the world system—money). “And, the Pharisees, who loved silver, heard all this, and were sneering at Him. So He said to them “You are those who declare yourselves righteous before men, but Elohim knows your heart, because WHAT IS HIGHLY THOUGHT OF AMONG MEN IS AN ABOMINATION IN THE SIGHT OF ELOHIM”.

Mark 7:6-13: “And in vain do they worship Me teaching as teachings the commands of men. Forsaking the command of Elohim you hold fast the traditions of men. And He said to them `Well do you set aside the command of Elohim, in order to guard your tradition…nullifying the Word of Elohim through your tradition which you have handed down.’ “

I Kings 18:17-46: This passage describes Eliyahu’s (Elijah’s) famous contest on Mt. Carmel: Eliyahu slays Jezebel’s 450 prophets of Baal (the sun god) and hundreds of prophets of Ashteroth, Baal’s consort--the Queen of heaven. Eliyahu, Yahuweh’s prophet, demands that the people choose between serving Baal or Yahuweh, to take sides immediately. The contest has returned. Baal and Asheroth, Astarete, Ishtar/Easter, are now worshipped in some fashion by most of the world’s people.

Psalm 75:8: “For a cup is in the hand of Yahuweh, and the wine shall foam. It is filled with a mixture, and He pours it out. All the wicked of the earth drink, draining it to the dregs”.

Excerpts from Revelation 3:14-17: Messiah Yahushua speaking: “And to the messenger

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of the assembly in Laodicia write…`I know your works, that you are neither cold or not. I

would that you were cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth’ ”.

Revelation 17:3-5: “And he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast covered with names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup filled with abominations and the

filthiness of her whoring, and upon her forehead a name written, a mystery: BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF WHORES AND THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the

woman drunk with the blood of the set-apart ones, and the blood of the witnesses of Yahushua…”

Jeremiah 51:6-8a: “Flee from the midst of Babel, and let each one save his life! Do not be cut off in her wickedness, for this is the time of the vengeance of Yahuweh--the recompense He is repaying her. Babel was a golden cup in the hand of Yahwueh, making drunk all the earth. The nations drank her wine--that is why the nations went mad. Babel shall suddenly fall and be broken…”

Excerpts from II Corinthians 6:14-7:1: “Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness (“Lawless against the Torah of Yahuweh)? And what fellowship has light with darkness? And what union has the dwelling place of Elohhim with idols?…Therefore, `Come out from among them and be separate’, says Yahuweh, `and do not touch what I unclean, and I shall receive you. And I shall be a Father to you and you shall be sons and daughters to Me’, says Yahuweh the Almighty. Having, then, these precious promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of the flesh and spirit, perfecting set-apartness in the fear of Elohim”. (All italics above are mine)


“Gentile”: “A heathen, barbarian, pagan, stranger, alien, or a foreigner from the promises and covenants of the “commonwealth of Israel”-the sons of Jacob”. (Ephesians 2:8-19)

“Abomination”: The word “abomination” in the Hebrew language, basically has these meanings: #8441 of The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Hebrew Dictionary by James Strong, says the word “abomination” means: “something disgusting, an abhorrence--especially idolatry--and abomination reg. a custom or thing.” It says in #8263, the word means: “filth”. Its corresponding root #8262 means: “to be filthy, to loath, utterly pollute, detest, abomination”. The Greek word is #946 and means: “to detest, idolatrous”.

In the Webster-Merriam Dictionary, 1994, gives this definition of “abomination”: “something abominable, disgust, loathing”. It is a strong word!

Our heavenly Father calls certain things “abominations” to Him. We need to know what He calls disgusting filth.

Luke 16:15, above, tells us that whatever the world system goes after is an abomination to Him. Here’s your plumb-line guide. Yahuweh started no religion, and neither did Yahushua or His Apostles. People starts religions, making “God” in their own image and creating rules by which to control people who believe in their gods.

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Religion is all about control. But, what Yahuweh, our heavenly Father, put into motion from the beginning, still stands, like the rising of the sun, and the eternal Torah—the Instructions and Teachings of the Kingdom of heaven. Messiah Yahushua came to complete—or to make full the Torah. (Matthew 5:17-19) Elohim has nothing to do with man’s religious systems. We either align with His plumb line of Truth or we are “crooked” to the plumb line. (Amos 7:7-8) He is dropping the plumb line again, and because Messiah is soon coming with the wrath of the Father, He won’t drop it again.

Baal was the sun god invented by Nimrod’s Babylon. “Baal” in Hebrew means “Lord” or “Master”. Almost 7,000 times in the Bible the word inserted as “Lord” should be YHWH—Yahuweh. Baal’s whorish consort was called the Queen of heaven. (Jeremiah 7:18-19; 44:45) Today, because of the cultures of Greece and Rome, and the substituting of Yahuweh’s calendar and Festivals for pagan ones by the Emperor Constantine in 325 CE, the world celebrates the birthday of Baal and the impregnating of the Queen of heaven—called “Christmas” and “Easter”. All the sun gods of all pagan cultures were “born” on December 25th. This is just historical fact.

Jeremiah 10:1-7, above, is talking about the Christmas tree—which was worshipped in ancient times as the phallus of Baal, decorated with his testicles—the balls--in gold and silver. That’s what it is my friends—like it or not—that’s the roots of this abomination to Yahuweh!

You might revolt at the facts I bring out in this article, but that’s sad, for the factual truth about Christmas can be easily found on the Internet, because it is just history. (For excellent quotes by historians and church fathers, refer to pages 24-27 of this article).

I John 3:4: “Everyone doing sin is also lawless, and sin is the transgression of the Torah”.

The word “transgression” means: “Revolt, rebellion, breaking away from, and apostasy”. It is apostasy against the Kingdom instructions and teachings of Yahuweh.

Take sides! -- Do it now, because He is coming in wrath, and all in His path in the middle of the road (the “lukewarm”—the middle between hot and cold) will be destroyed—no matter how much self-defense you’ve worked into your self-created belief box.

Greek thinking says that you can believe what you want and do what you want, and the god you’ve created in your own image will pat you on the head and say “that’s OK—I love you anyway”. Greek thinking says that emotional experience is equal to truth. The Elohim of the Bible is not the teddy bear, lollypop, or cherry soda god that was created by the Greeks and Romans for the pagan masses, to keep them happy. His nature is like the culture of the East, of the Hebrews—straight on line. There is no weak manipulatable or controllable unconditional love from the Father or the Son in the Scriptures—that’s Greek philosophy. He has conditions on whether we are approved or not approved. Read slowly and carefully John 14:15, 21-24.

In fact, read the whole Bible—for the promises of protection, love, and care by Yahuweh are predicated on our fearing Him, loving Him with all our heart and soul (which in Hebrew understanding means obedience to Him), and our guarding His Covenant Torah to do it. (Examples: Psalm 103:11-18; Malachi 3:16-4:4)

He is love. He is good, kind, merciful, tender, and gracious. But, He is also pure light and

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pure righteousness—a “consuming fire”, and though He loves mankind, He cannot not allow darkness in His presence, any more than a light bulb can allow darkness near it. He will not allow other gods of man’s making in His face (Exodus 20:3). Yahuweh is a jealous Elohim—and He has a remnant who is set-apart who are in His favor. (Exodus 34:14)

I have heard Christians say: It doesn’t matter what we call Him, He understands our heart”. Yea…He understands our heart all right—Jeremiah 17:5-10—it is “desperately wicked”. Knowing the real Elohim of the Scriptures is to know Someone far different than the weak God that we can control and abuse at will, taught by the church.

In fact, in Exodus 23:13 we see that He doesn’t even want us to mention the names of other gods: “And in all that I have said to you take heed. And make no mention of the name of other gods, and let it not be head from your mouth”.

Exodus 34:14-15a: “Do not bow yourself to another god, for Yahuweh, whose name is jealous, is a jealous El—lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land …”

The Hebrew concept of ”love” is to submit, to obey, to bow to, to give yourself for”. “If you love Me, keep My commandments”, Messiah said. (John 14:15)

The Hebrew concept of faith is to act on what you believe--in obedience to what you believe—or your lack of obedience says you really do not believe it—your belief is a hoax.

Therefore, if we enter into acceptance, or tolerance, of the gods of the world system, we are “condoning” them and are thus identified with them.

You might not go along with what others do with the paganism of the world system, but if you go to their parties, enter into home fellowships where they are doing pagan things, and contribute to their blessing in what they are doing in any way, you are tolerating, condoning and accepting what they are doing and thus are held responsible for entering into what Yahuweh calls “abomination”. We are to reject family, friends, and anything else and everyone else who ties to get us to do abomination against Yahuweh.

Deuteronomy chapter 13 tells us that under Torah of old, if anyone tried to get someone, even if it was son, daughter, spouse, mother or father, to go along with pagan things, they were to be killed. Paul (Rav Sha’ul) tells us to consider such people “accursed” and not to even enter into their homes, or allow them to enter into your home. We are to “TOUCH NOT the unclean thing”, IF we want Yahuweh to receive us. Let’s get into the real world—and face the truth! Even if you do not smoke, if you are around those who do smoke, the stink gets into your hair, your clothes, your coat and even your skin. If you are around the devil’s stink, you will stink! Only go to the store when you really have a need during the December pagan season—stay home—stay to yourself, and celebrate Hanukkah!

Excerpts from Ephesians 5:5-17: “For this you know--no one who whores (that includes spiritual whoredom) nor an unclean one, nor one greedy of gain, nor an idolater, has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Messiah and Elohim. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of Elohim comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore DO NOT become partakers with them…Walk as children of light…And have no fellowship with the fruitless works of darkness, but rather reprove (expose) them…Wake up, you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and Messiah will shine on you.

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See, then, that you walk exactly, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. So, then, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of Yahuweh is”.

(All Italics mine) We have to take a stand if we believe something—let the world know where we stand, not hide behind some sentimental excuse for doing what is abomination in the sight of Yahuweh.

“Touch not the unclean”… Haggai 2:13-14: If we touch what is defiled, then we are defiled, and all we touch are also defiled! No amount of “nice” will undefile what is defiled.

Prophetic of Messiah, in Exodus 23:20-22, we see more of Yahuweh’s attributes: “See, I am sending a Messenger (the Messiah) before you to guard you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared (the land of Israel). Be on guard before Him, and obey His voice. Do not rebel against Him, for He is not going to pardon your transgression (revolt, rebellion, breaking away, apostasy against Yahuweh’s Torah), for My Name is in Him.

(Yahuweh—Yahushua) But, if you diligently obey His voice and shall do all that I speak, then I shall be an enemy to your enemies and a distresser of those who distress you.” (Italics mine)

This is why Messiah says such things as: “IF you love Me, keep My commandments”, and “You are My friends IF you guard My commandments” and “Unless you forsake all that you have, you cannot be My disciples”. (John 14:15; 15:14; Luke 14:33)

There was a day that Yahuweh told Jeremiah “Do not pray for them…”—There is a cutting off point—and to push it by rebellious attitudes is very foolish. When Messiah comes, He will not pardon sin anymore. He is now dropping the Amos 7:7-8 plumb-line! Order your life to it!

From the oldest Greek texts: John 3:36: “He who believes in the Son possesses everlasting life, but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Elohim remains on him”. Note: The word for “believe” and the word for “obey” are two different Greek words.

As I said above--the Hebrew concept of faith is that if you do not act out what you say you believe in obedience to it, you are a liar, a fake, and a hoax. (Ja’cob 2:14-26 and I John 2:3-7)

I John 2:3-4: “And by this we know that we know Him, IF we guard His commandments. The one who says, `I know Him’ and does not guard His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him…” To say we know Him and love Him, and then do what is contrary to everything He stands for, is laughable but tragic, because it is the way most “believers” act.

Messiah was Jewish and Levite—He was Hebrew of culture and character. The Greek culture is diametrically opposite of Yahuweh’s culture! Neither Yahuweh nor Yahushua will tolerate those who willfully continue to rebel against Their Instructions.

Yahushua is coming with the wrath of the Father, described in approximately 223 prophecies in the Word. (Revelation 19; Isaiah 63:1-6; Isaiah 34:1-8; 59:15-18 are examples)

He strongly warns “His people” to get out of everything to do with the Babylon/Baal system, or else we will perish with the wicked (Revelation 18:4; Jeremiah 50:8; 51: 6, 45 are a few of the chapters about end-time Babel--America). Yes, America is end-time Babylon—mystery Babylon the Great, historically and actually in every way. I have written extensively exposing the roots of the evil that has been perpetrated by this culture against its citizens and the world, especially against Israel. I have also written a study entitled “End Time Babylon”.

My friends take a look at a picture of the Statue of Liberty—the goddess Liberta—Isis—the Queen of heaven, who holds up the Roman “cup”. The torch is actually shaped like a Roman

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wine goblet, and was originally made as a wine goblet. It was made by a Mason to honor the goddess consort of Baal. That cup in her hand is the cup of whoredom done against Yahuweh’s people in America and world wide, and now especially in Israel. She is the mother of spiritual whoredom against Yahuweh. These things are factual in history and current events, easily found by the students of truth. Our history books have been re-written to center around Greece and Rome, and to remove knowledge of truth regarding our “forefathers”, just as the Muslims have changed their history books so that the Muslim people are taught to believe what their programmers want them to believe. Many lies have been told about our “forefathers” to make them heroes, when most of them shouldn’t be exalted--They were all Mason/Illuminati group members, all interrelated by blood-line, except Lincoln.

Let’s stop all the Disneyland thinking, (Walt Disney was a practicing Wicca witch). Get into reality! Americans have been programmed into illusions, to believe magic and slight of hand trickery—so that what we think we see is not there at all, and what we don’t see is reality.

Repentance must accompany salvation, for there is no salvation without repentance! Repentance does not mean saying “sorry” over and over. I means to turn once and for all from sin, from the kingdom of darkness, and from all that is an abomination to Yahwueh.

I John 2:3-7 in its entirety: “And by this we know that we know Him—IF we guard His commandments. The one who says, `I know Him’, and does not guard His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever guards His Word, truly the love of Elohim has been perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. The one who sys he stays in Him ought himself also to walk, even ass he walked. (He walked out the Torah) Beloved, I write no fresh command to you, but an old command, which you have had from the beginning. The old command is the Word, which you heard from the beginning”. (Italics mine)

The only “Word” that the Word talks about is the Tenach—an acronym for Torah, Prophets and Writings—miscalled by the theologians who disregard Yahuweh’s Torah—“The Old Testament”).

The organized Church, with its many pagan-based practices and doctrines, goes merrily on its way, week after week, season after season, bringing detestable things before His eyes, and a stench into His nostrils, thinking they are honoring Him by their customs and traditions, yet He is disgusted at its activities that are part of His enemy’s world and its celebrations rooted in abominations against His very nature.

I know from being an ordained Christian minister and ministering in different countries, that Christians, for the most part, do not know how to distinguish between what is of the Luciferic world and what is of the Spirit of Yahuweh. This is because unless a person joyfully obeys the Torah of Yahuweh with His love pouring through them, they cannot know the Elohim of Israel. If they are on a foundation of paganism, then they will believe whatever they are told, or what looks good. Oftentimes, sincere believers will mistake the show-off performances of Satan’s demons and think they are manifestations of the “Holy Spirit”. We saw that in the “Toronto Blessing” revival—people were growling, barking like dogs, pawing like bulls, rolling on the floor and screaming, laughing hysterically, and doing all manner of foolishness, and people

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came there from all over the world to see the manifestations of the “Holy Spirit”. That kind of thing is not the Spirit of Yahuweh, but manifestations of demons, who love to make fools out of Yahuweh’s people, making them act like animals. The Spirit of Yahuweh is Yahuweh—and His nature is Yahuweh’s nature! But, without knowledge gained from of the Tenach, there is no way to know the nature of the Father or the Son. I am speaking from personal experience.

These dear ones in their ignorance cannot discern truth from error, because they do not know Yahuweh or Yahushua as the Elohim of Israel. Western culture is Greek and Roman, and Hebrew culture of the East is opposite in most of its thinking. You cannot know the Elohim of Israel with a Greek mind. Therefore, the enemy can lie and deceive. We know that the enemy will deceive the world by signs and wonders. The Christian Charismatic people flock to meetings filled with signs and wonders. Yes, because of the genuine faith of the few, there are real miracles from Yahuweh, real healings, and real deliverances. But, there is where the deception lies—in the mixture of good and evil, and these Torah-less people cannot discern between what is good and what is evil because of the root of their religion. That’s why those who are coming out of the Christian religious system must repent first, and make a clean break with it—going to Yahuweh to teach them by His Spirit. If there is no clean break made, the enemy can seduce one back into their old habits and their own delusions.

As the Father said to me in 1986: “If the root is defiled, then the tree is defiled, and the fruit is defiled, and all who eat of it are defiled”.

The root of the celebration of the birthday of the all the sun gods--no matter what culture-- had their birthdays celebrated on December 25th. Sun god worship comes from the tree of the knowledge (gnosis) of good evil—Lucifer’s tree—the tree of mixture. Note Psalm 75:8: It is the mixture in the cup that is the great abomination. He calls to us to come out of Lucifer’s Kingdom of darkness. We can’t approach the King of Light with darkness clinging to us. We cannot honor our King with His enemy’s symbols! Impossible!

You can’t honestly put glitz and glitter on what is abomination to Yahuweh and call it good. To Yahuweh, this is no different than putting perfume on dung. The Christmas tree is Baal’s phallus and the balls are just that—testicles. Burn your scented Christmas candles – they won’t fool Yahuweh and make His nostrils smell anything else but dung.

The Greek mind says, “what looks good must be good”, and “what sounds good must be good”. -- Idiotic thinking by people who are too lazy to check out the truth for themselves, and thus fall easily for deception taught by some human who looks good and sounds good.

Strong words, I know, but these are life and death issues, and I’d be condoning what is evil if I used less than strong words!

II Corinthians 11:13-15: “For such are false messengers, deceptive workers, masquerading as messengers of the Messiah. And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light! It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works”.

Matthew 7:13-15: “Enter in through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wide, and the gate is broad, that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. Because

the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed that leads to life, and there are FEW there be

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who find it. But beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are savage wolves”. (Interesting that both these passages are verses 13-15) Both describe the people who are now deceiving Christians by the multi-millions—especially in the West, because of Greek cultural standards and Greek philosophical shallow thinking.

Notice that “many” go the way of destruction and “few” go the way of life—through the gate into Yahushua’s coming Kingdom on earth. Again, we see Luke 16:15—regarding the things that the world runs after--we should run the opposite direction! So, what’s this 1.9 billion member religion with over 5,000 denominations and organizations, compared to “few”. The gate of the Kingdom is entered into by obedience to His Covenant in His love.

When we are born again, we enter the Covenant of Israel (Ephesians 2:8-19) by faith in Messiah--we enter the government of the Kingdom of Yahuweh. We enter a Kingdom ruled by a King, and depart from a kingdom ruled over by a created being, Lucifer--the Shining, or Illumined one, really Satan in disguise as an “angel of light”.

The world’s elite, who run this world system are agents for Lucifer--top-degree Masons, Illuminati, Council on Foreign Relations, Jesuits of the Vatican. They worship Lucifer as their god--openly declaring that fact at the top levels of their multi-faceted organizations. (They won’t use the word “Satan”. That’s too low-class for them, even though Lucifer is Satan, the Devil, or the Dragon). They honor the god that will inhabit the world ruler, soon to come to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.

Lucifer means: “the illumined one, the light bearer, the son of the morning”. By Masonic -Illuminati teaching, Lucifer illumined Eve in the Garden of Eden. She partook of the mixture—the tree of both the knowledge of good and evil. Today the Internet is the full-blown tree—giving mostly evil and a little good. Gnostic thought is the root philosophy of all the world’s “mystery” religions throughout the ages. Gnosticism, and the world’s leaders say that the illumined, shining Lucifer is the good god, while Adonai or Yahuweh is the evil, cruel one. It is also taught as a core principle in the New Age religion, which comes from Gnosticism. In the Garden of Eden, Lucifer convinced Eve (Hawwah) that the mystery that Elohim was trying to keep from she and Adam was the knowledge of good and evil. Lucifer offered her this knowledge if she would only eat from his tree. They got the mystery secrets all right--they tapped into the depths of Lucifer’s rebellion against the Most High Yahuweh.

Today intellectualism is worshipped (man’s achievements are worshipped in “Secular Humanism), and the more University degrees a man has, the more exalted he is by the world. Yet, our Father says this in Jeremiah 9:25-26: `…Let not the wise boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty boast in his might, nor let the rich boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me’…declares Yahuweh”.

I Corinthians 1:27-29: “But Elohim has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and Elohim has chosen the weak of the world to put to shame the strong. And Elohim has chosen the low-born of the world and the despised, and the ones that are not, that He might bring to naught the ones that are, so that no flesh should boast in his presence”. So we watch what the wise and the mighty and the rich do—and we do the opposite. They all love Christmas.

Nimrod created a basic religion to honor Lucifer. This religion is still at the core of all man-

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made religions. There are elements of Lucifer in all pagan holidays: Even Muslims love Christmas, worship Mary as the Queen of heaven, and honor the Greek Jesus. I lived among

Muslims for eight years—each Christmas some would put up Christmas decorations--even at the falafel stand in Aqaba. One Lebanese Muslim woman told me that Christmas was her favorite holiday. Chinese Communists love Christmas, keeping Christmas trees in some store windows year round. It is the holiday for everyone—everyone who worships Lucifer in various pagan forms, that is.

A counterfeit, man-made religion has lied to its people since its beginnings under the Roman Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea, Turkey in 325CE. The Roman Catholic (universal) Church he founded in order to unite His fragmenting empire, which later fragmented almost unchanged into her Protestant daughters, was simply sun-god worship and emperor worship in a different packaging. The new religion and its teaching of a god who died and rose again, suited the pagans of Rome, since the sun god also died and rose again each year--born at the winter solstice on December 25th, died during the winter, and was raised from the dead on the feast of the fertility goddess—Easter. Nimrod’s wife (mother) Semaramis became Ashteroth, Astarte, Artemis, Ishtar (or Easter) in other cultures. The names of the sun gods and the Queens of Heaven--fertility goddesses—mother goddesses-- change with the civilization they come from, but are as ancient as Nimrod in Genesis 10.

Wicca witches, worshippers of the goddess Isis, say that Mary and Isis are the same woman—Mary is just a christianized version of Isis. Do you think only a handful of nuts worship Isis? Think again—it is the big deal on many college campuses, and the worship of the mother-goddess is growing greatly, even some of America’s major leaders worship the mother goddess Gaia—like Al Gore. The teachings of the goddess—“the divine Feminine”--is part of the growing field of Women’s Studies in Universities. In all religious cultures, even in China, there are idols of a mother goddess with a little child in her arms—this is called the “mother-child” cult of religion. The mother of the Messiah of Israel was Miriam.

But, the chief rule of the Luciferic game--the core of Christian teaching from its inception by the Greeks in the first century--is: DO NOT under any circumstances use the proper Hebrew Names and titles of the Elohim of the Scriptures, and DO NOT promote the Torah as anything but obsolete and OLD and non-applicable for now. Separate the Father and the Son, making Them have separate attributes—one harsh and severe and the other a sweetheart.

Thus we are seeing the spirit of anti-messiah: Denying an/or perverting the relationship between the Father and Son.

Greek and Roman rulers both made laws against circumcision, the Shabbat, the Festivals and the dietary laws of Yahuweh. The despising of His set-apart Covenant of the Instructions from heaven is purely Lucifer-inspired. Only one religion promotes their teachings: Christianity.

Constantine, as Daniel prophesied, like anti-Messiah will do, changed times and seasons from the calendar of the Elohim, Creator of heaven and earth, to the Greco-Roman pagan calendar of the sun god worshipping Romans, Greeks, Persians, Babylonians, Egyptians and Assyrians.

To his death, Constantine interchanged the names Iesous (“Jesus” in English) with Mirthra—god of Persia, depending on who he was talking to. Constantine worshipped “Sol Invictus”—

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“the unconquerable sun” to the day of his death. He was no moral “Christian”. After his supposed conversion to his own created religion, he had his wife and son murdered. But, in today’s thinking, that was probably because he was unloved and emotionally wounded as a child. (I’m being facetious, but this is how the Greek mind thinks).

The going religion of Rome in Constantine’s day was Mithra worship--a sun god of Persia. To unite his empire, Constantine took the teachings of Mithra and applied them to “Iesous”--or what became “Jesus”.

The whole system of sun god worship goes back to Nimrod--whose goal it was to build a tower, shut out the Elohim Yahuweh, and take over the world. (Genesis 11) This is the goal

of Lucifer from Isaiah 14 to sit on the throne belonging to Yahuweh in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 14:12-15: “How you are fallen from the heavens, O Helel (Lucifer’s name), son of the morning!…For you have said in your heart `Let me go up to the heavens, let me raise my throne above the stars of El, ad let me sit in the mount of meeting on the sides of the north, and let me go up above the heights of the clouds, let me be like the Most High’. But you are brought down to the grave, to the sides of the Pit”. (Italics mine)

Regarding Isaiah 14: 13: From Reuniting the Covenant by Rav David Pollina, c. 2004, chapter 1: “The adversary says, `I will rule on the mountain of Mo’ed…’ `appointed place, time, meeting, sacred season, the ordained Holy Days in Leviticus 23, times that have been set-apart sanctified for us to worship Yahweh’. This is ha Satan’s agenda: to rule over the times and seasons set by Yahweh, to keep us from worshipping out Creator”.

Rav Pollina points out that Jeroboam was the first anti-messiah who changed times and seasons to fit his pagan religion—I Kings 12:26-33, and that Constantine was a major anti-messiah who changed times and seasons--forcing the celebration of Christmas and Easter and Sunday worship on all of his subjects, through his Roman Catholic Church. He points out that the coming anti-messiah world ruler will also change times and seasons.

In Daniel 7:25, this world ruler changes the “mo’edim”—the appointed times of Yahuweh and His Laws. He is the lawless one who makes up his own religion and demands that men worship him as he prescribes or be killed.

All who would not enter Nimrod’s tower were killed. But, this is basic Catholic action from its inception—those who wouldn’t bow to the pope were killed. Constantine was the first Pope. In Mexico today, Central and South America, parts of Africa and Asia, the Jesuit Order of the Vatican wears military clothes, carries assault rifles, and kills anyone who won’t bow to the Pope in “Catholic countries”. They are the Vatican “hit men”--the Vatican C.I.A. They are also the top leaders of the Illuminati, having started it May 1, 1776, through one of their priests in Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt.

Nimrod started a religion with himself as the Father-god, and his wife (also his mother)

Semaramis, the Queen of Heaven, and his son Tammuz, who was supposedly Nimrod reincarnated, as the sun god who died and rose again each year. The whole worship was based around the “crossing” of a star through Taurus the bull each spring at the vernal equinox, impregnating the mother-goddess with the child, who was born on December 25th. This ancient symbol of the ”cross” in its various forms, is a fertility symbol of this zodiac

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crossing—a picture of the sex act. The Nazi swastika is an ancient pagan symbol of the twisted cross of the zodiac.

Using the correct Greek word, “staurios”, our Messiah/Savior was nailed to a pole, a stake, and tree—no crossbeam. Wood was too scarce in those days with hundreds being nailed to poles daily by the Romans, to use extra wood for crossbeams.

When Constantine created his new counterfeit religion, he retained his supremacy over the new religion as the Pontifix Maximus, or supreme pope over the worship of the new sun god--Iesous (Yesu—Latin--or “hey-soos”--Spanish). The sound “oos” ended many sun god’s names to carry through identification with Zeus—as in Bacchus, Horus, Dionysus, Perseus, Theseus, and Iesous. Other sun gods were Adonia, Appolo, Attis, Baal, Helios, Hercules, Jupiter, Mithra Osiris, Serapis, Ra, Tammuz and Woden.

Historians tell us that Rome never died—it just hid in the Roman Catholic Church with the pope as the new Caesar. Today, revived Rome lives, and will produce the anti-messiah world ruler. This is the goal of the Jesuit Order.

As a syncretism, the Greeks had to hear `Zeus’ in the Messiah’s name to satisfy them. (Fossilized Customs by Lew White, page 18) “Syncretism is when a religious or philosophical behavior is united or combined with another behavior”. (Fossilized Customs, page 36)

Remember that the “J” is only about 500 years old in the English language. It was created as a letter and sound not found in any other language, by putting a tail on the Greek “I”, at the time of the invention of the printing press and the printing of the first English Bible. Why would this letter be invented, when one of the sounds of the English “G” is also the sound of the “J”? -- This was to disguise the name of Iesous--and transliterate it as “Jesus”—thus disguising the real Hebrew name of our Savior, Who came in His Father’s Name--Yahu.

The name Iesous is the name of a Greek god. But the name “Jesus” has no etymology at all. Yahushua means “Yahuweh is Salvation”. Every Hebrew name has a meaning. “Jesus” is not a transliteration of Yahushua. Names are not translated but transliterated—so that they sound the same in all languages, or very close to the same. Why is it that Satan’s name is the same in all languages, or close, like “Ha Shatan” in Hebrew.

But, the Names of the Father and the Messiah are twisted, changed, done away with, and obliterated in all cultures but Hebrew? When you listen to the news in another country—say in China--you hear Chinese being spoken, but when they say “George Bush” you hear “George Bush”—you don’t hear it translated into Chinese. Yet, Lucifer has managed to take the name of our Father and Messiah out of our mouths, and replace them with names of other gods—“God”, “Lord”, “Jesus”, “Christ”—are all names of pagan gods. (For a complete study on “The Hebrew Names and Titles…” of the Elohim of Israel, please ask for it).

The name of a Canaanite god at the time of Joshua (Yehushua) was called “Baal Gawd”—or Lord God. Now what religion calls their Supreme Being “Lord” and “God”? Paganism at the roots--check out the roots!

Our Father has had great mercy on us, saving us in the name of Jesus, because we thought it was the name of the One in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But, with knowledge comes the responsibility to use that knowledge to change our thinking and our actions. Once Truth

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comes, we are responsible to do something to conform to it.

Messiah warned in John 5:43: “I have come in My Father’s Name (“Yahu”) and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own name, him you will receive”. (Italics mine)

Galatians 1:6-9: Paul (Sha’ul) warns of another Messiah who is a counterfeit with a counterfeit Good News—one that leaves out the Torah of Yahuweh and inserts the traditions of men. Sha’ul and the other Apostles fought New Age Gnosticism that had come into the assemblies through Greek teachers who were teaching Luciferic doctrine.

The title “Christ” is also the name of a god in the world of the first century. The translation of the Hebrew Machiach is “Messiah”. Where did we get “Christ”? The Roman Emperor Hadrian reported in the second century that the Greek Christians, some of which were Hellenised Jews, called themselves “Gnostic Christians”. He said that they got the name “Christian” from the worshippers of Serapis in Alexandria, Egypt, who were called “Christians” and whose leaders were called “The Bishop’s of Christ”.

In ancient times Christ Mass (Christmas) was called “Child Mass”. It had to do with the

sacrificing of children to the sun god--in honor of his birthday. Their little dead bodies were laid under a child-mass tree--a fir or pine cut from the forest. Today, people who drag their children into the celebration of Christmas open the doors to Lucifer’s world to come against them in soul and spirit.

Proverbs 8:7-8, 13: “For my mouth shall speak truth, and wickedness is an abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing twisted or crooked in them. The fear of Yahuweh is to hate evil: pride, and arrogance, and the evil way, and the twisted and crooked mouth do I hate”.

Proverbs 12:22: “Lying lips are abomination to Yahuweh, but they that deal truly are his delight”.

Revelation 21:27: “And there shall in no wise enter into it (the new Jerusalem in eternity) anything that defiles, neither whosoever works abomination, or makes a lie, but they that are written in the Lamb’s book of life”. (All Italics above mine)

Revelation 22:14-15: “Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie”. (KJV)

The whole pagan system is a lie. Satan is the “father of lies” Christmas is the season of lies in the name of fun. Look at all those scantily dressed women in Santa hats parading in T.V. ads. Look at all the partying and drinking and sexual filth on your T.V., all promoting Christmas. Look at all the ads for buying things—greed in abundance.

The state of the American economy is gauged a lot by how much is bought at Christmas, and what products are purchased. The receipt tabs of Christmas shoppers, carefully analyzed by economic experts, tell different companies what Americans want, and what they should produce to make Americans happy. It is also an indicator of the economic stability of the country. If there are “record” sales then everyone is happy. If people are cutting back—the merchants are sad. This system has nothing to do with Yahuweh.

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Do you intend to spend eternity with Yahuweh and Yahushua? If so, make sure you stay in right standing with Them now. We must be careful to align to Their plumb-line. They won’t lower Themselves to align with our standards.

Yet to break away and side with Yahuweh often alienates people from their family, even their immediate family. So most people compromise and hope that some illusionary “God” understands.

Matthew 10:34-39: “Do you think I have come to bring peace on earth! I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to bring division: A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man’s enemies shall be those of his own household.” (Micah 7:5-6) “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take up his execution stake and follow Me is not worthy of Me. He that has found his life shall lose it, and he that has lost his life for My sake shall find it”.

People that Christmas is about “peace on earth, good will towards men”. -- Greek thinking again. There is no peace without the right-rulings of Torah. “Great peace have those who love Your Torah, and for them there is no stumbling block”. (Psalm 119:165)

Rearrange the letters of Satan and you get Santa. Talk about a disguise as an angel of light!

Can we say that we honor His birthday, when the Word does not even mention anywhere that we should honor His birthday? The early believers did not regard His birthday. Birthday were a part of the zodiac worship (the worship of the stars, sun and moon). Birthday celebrations were the most important days in a person’s life in ancient Greece and Rome, because of their interaction with the zodiac. That’s why the candles are usually in a circle on the cake--for the circle of the zodiac. Among occult people birthdays are still called, as they have been from ancient times, “Witches’ Shabbats”.

Yahuweh has a calendar, which he started in Genesis 1, which He commands us to follow! We are commanded, if we belong to Him, to set a day apart each week--Shabbat--the sign of the Covenant, and to keep His seven Festivals--which picture the plan of salvation of Messiah. We are commanded to be set-apart from the world’s defilement, and in His Torah, He tells us how to do that. “Be set apart AS I AM set apart”, says Yahuweh. (Leviticus 11:44-45; 19 1; 20:7-8, 24-26; I Peter 1:16) Living by His calendar sets us apart from the world.

Today there is the religion of “Rabbinic Judaism”. While Rabbinic Judaism uses the Torah to guard the Shabbat and the Festivals and the dietary laws, they also use the Talmuds, the Oral Law, the Gamatria and the Kabala, especially adhering to the rabbis of their communities, and the sages. They also observe astrology, occult practices, praying for the dead, and reincarnation, and channeling of spirits. Only the observance of Torah following belief in Messiah sets us apart. Yahuweh did not start Judaism--man did. Yahushua did not start Christianity—man did. Paul (Sha’ul) did not start Christianity either. Neither did he teach contrary to the Torah, as the lies are still saying. (Read Acts 21-26 carefully, and II Peter 3:15-16) Sha’ul started nothing even close to doctrines the church teaches of “law vs.

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grace”. “Replacement Theology”—basic Christian doctrine--replaces Israel and Yahuweh’s promises to Israel with the “church”. This theology separates the Father and Son and the Covenants of Yahuweh from the renewed covenant of Messiah, negating any responsibility to obey Yahuweh or Yahushua. While Jews follow their rabbis’ teachings, Christians follow their pastors, their denominations, their church hierarchy, T.V. preachers and evangelists, books and magazines, DVDs and CDs of popular teachers.

The word “church” did not even come from the Greek language. The Greeks used “ecclesia” for “assembly” or “congregation”—a very valid word. “Church” came when the translators of the King James Version went to the German word “kirke” for “church”. This word’s etymology comes from the name of the goddess Circe, daughter of Helios the sun god, who supposedly turned men into pigs. So, even the word “church” is an abomination.

Our Elohim has no religion! He needs no religion backing Him! For the very word “religion” comes from the expression “the regions of Rhea”. Rhea was the “mother of Zeus”.

He has an eternal Word, which is “forever settled in heaven”. (Psalm 119:89) He changes not. (Malachi 2:6) Man’s religion changes a lot, every time man has another idea, and every time he translates the Bible to conform to his ideas. There are over 350 translations of the Bible in English—all of them different of course.

Praying a prayer to intellectually accept of convert to belief system saves no one. The “sinner’s

prayer”, signing decision cards, the raising of hands, and all such methodology, were inventions for expediency about 150 years go, for evangelists to be able to count the people who wanted to receive salvation at their big crusades. The true Good News of the Kingdom, which Yahushua commanded us to preach, makes disciples—prepares people to be good citizens in Yahushua’s coming Kingdom. (Luke 14:25-33 is an example).

“And this Good News of the Kingdom shall be preached in all nations, and then the end shall come”. (Matthew 24:14) Messiah and His Apostles preached the good news of the coming Kingdom—Matthew 4:17 and Matthew 10:7, etcetera.

Most converts to the 1.9 billion-member religion of Christianity (about 1 billion are Roman Catholics) have accepted a cheap grace to get out of hell, either by being baptized into the church as a baby, or joining a church, or by accepting a belief system, without entering into Yahuweh’s Covenant. But, most don’t even tremble for a second at His Word, let alone repent and come out of Satan’s kingdom. Unless we come all the way out of Satan’s kingdom, Yahuweh, who dwells in absolute light, cannot receive us, because we still have darkness clinging to us. It takes total commitment.

Jacob 2: 17, 19: “So also faith, if it does not have works (obedience to Torah) it is dead…You believe that Elohim is one. You do well. The demons also believe and tremble!”

True belief is evidenced in corresponding action. Unless there is repentance and coming out, there is no new birth. There is only a false sense of security. (Italics mine)

It is like a baby being born—it cannot stay ½ in its mother’s womb, and ½ out in the sunlight. The sign of the birth of a healthy baby is that the baby craves food. Most people who pray a prayer of salvation have no interest in the Word, but conform to a religious system to “fit in”, to “belong”, as in a social club. Most “convert” intellectually, “accepting” Jesus. But, I have

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written an article entitled “The True New Birth”, showing that there are at least 26 things that happen sovereignty by the Ruach’s input, when one is truly “saved” or “born from above”.

II Corinthians 5:17: “If anyone be in Messiah, he is a new creation. Old things are passed away, and behold, ALL things become new”. It has been discovered that there are parts of the brain that literally change when a person is really born of the spirit that makes them desire things they never desired before to do with Elohim’s world. At the true new birth, the Word literally cuts between the soul (mind, emotions, reason, will, and sinful nature) and the spirit, (Hebrews 4:12) birthing the spirit into contact with eternity. The “soul” or mind is saved as it aligns with the re-born spirit. Those truly born from above desire what He desires, and thus love Truth.

Colossians 1:12-13: “…giving thanks to the Father who has made us fit to share in the inheritance of he set-apart ones in the light, who has delivered us from the authority of darkness and translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin…”

Because most people do not love truth, which means they do not obey truth when it is revealed to them, they will come under the “strong deception” to come, which will be sent by Yahuweh: II Thessalonians 2:9-12: “The coming of the lawless (Torah-less) one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved. And for this reason Elohim sends them a strong working of delusion for them to believe the falsehood, in order for them to be judged who do not believe the truth, but have delighted in unrighteousness”.

You might think that does not apply to you. But, if you naturally balk at truth when it is presented in order to continue in your lifestyle that is at odds with Yahuweh’s Torah, then you are indeed one who may buy into the strong delusion in a time of terror. If you order your life as to what is convenient and pleasing to your flesh now, then you will most likely do so when anti-messiah comes.

Matthew 7:21-23: “Many shall say to me in that Day (the day of Yahuweh’s wrath and judgment), `Master, Master! Have we not prophesied in Your Name and cast out demons in Your Name and done mighty works in Your Name’? And then I shall declare to them, `I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who work lawlessness’ ”. The word “lawlessness” here is “anomia” in Greek. It literally means: “Without the Torah”. There is only one religion that specifically tells people not to obey the Torah—the same religion that promotes Christmas.

Grace is extended to the truly repentant ones. Grace is not some cheap excuse to keep on sinning. “Elohim is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap”. “The wages of sin is death”. “The soul that sins it shall die”. Those verses are not written to the unsaved only—but to everyone in general.

In a classic chapter on past and present sun god worship--Ezekiel 8--Yahuweh says in verse 17: “They are putting the branch to My nose”. The sun worshippers and the priests would face east toward the Mt. of Olives, from the Temple Mount, with their backs to the Temple, where the presence of Yahuweh’s Spirit dwelt over the Ark. On Ishtar (Easter) Sunday morning, as the sun came up for the Ishtar sunrise service, they held a palm branch

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up to their nose to shield their eyes from the sun’s rays and to honor the rays of the sun. Yahuweh departed from there, and they never knew it. He lifted off from His place over the Most Set-Apart Place in the Temple. Ezekiel 11:23 says that He stood on the Mt. of Olives, in front of the sun worshippers, and departed. They were so busy worshipping the sun that they didn’t see Him go, and they continued on with both sun worship and the practices of the Temple of Yahuweh. The words that were said as the sun arose in honor the sun god who had come back to life (at the spring equinox) is exactly the same as the words of the present Catholic Mass for Easter Sunday morning—“He is risen; he is risen from the dead”, and etcetera. These people wanted to put the branch also to Yahuweh’s nose—to include Him in their pagan worship.

This is exactly what those who celebrate Christmas do to Yahuweh—try to put the Christmas tree branch to His nose to make Him a part of the festivities to celebrate Baal’s birthday (Iesous’ birthday)—thus trying to make the debauchery respectable. The Christmas Eve candle lighting programs, the Christmas children’s programs, the choir presentations--all of it is an attempt to put the branch to Yahuweh’s nose. Folks, He’s not in any of it He is set apart from the things of the “other kingdom”.

Ezekiel 8 also speaks of what later became the Catholic season of “Lent” for forty days. The women were “weeping for Tammuz” for 40 days before Ishtar sunrise service. As the story goes, Tammuz the first sun god, reincarnation of Nimrod, died in the winter when he was gored by a wild boar. He was 40 years old at the time. He was resurrected on Ishtar Sunday morning to the joy of “He is risen; He is risen from the dead”. So in honor of Tammuz, in Ezekiel 8 and in Roman Catholicism, they set aside 40 days of fasting, mourning and self denial – a day for each year of Tammuz’ life—and on Ishtar Sunday morning to mock the boar (pig) who gored him, they eat ham. Ever wonder why ham is the traditional meat at Easter? Well, now you know.

Yahushua was born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles—the Great Feast of Joy—the Feast that celebrates His “tabernacling” among us. Wanting to bring the Savior into Christmas on December 25th is somewhat like the golden calf fiasco in Exodus 32. As the people danced around the molten calf of gold that Aaron made while Moses was on the mountain receiving the terms of the Marriage Covenant between Yahushua and His Bride, Aaron said: “Tomorrow is a feast to Yahuweh”. It is the mixture in the cup that will foam with His wrath.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected (His) knowledge I will reject you; because you are no priest to Me, seeing you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I will forget your children. (Hosea 4:6) Most people quote only part I of this 3-part verse—look at the rest of it!

Most adults are not happy at Christmas time, but cover up the unhappiness with busyness. For the most part, the perfect peace of Yahushua is not there. The kids are happy because they are going to get something—presents.

Many people, during the time after Thanksgiving to December 24th look like zombies in the stores. Many are hyper, upset, and angry, all the while some hymn is playing over the loud speaker--“O Holy Night”, or “Silent Night”. What a horrible hypocrisy!

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People act like crazy people, grabbing and throwing things to get their child what their child “has to have” for Christmas. Many stay up all night to go to special sales that begin at dawn—so that they can be first in line to grab that special toy before someone else does. I remember when this happened with the “Cabbage Patch” dolls. Giggling Elmo came later.

It is a fact: There are more people sick with diseases at Christmas time, there are more natural deaths, more murders, more suicides, more theft, more vandalism and break ins, more human sacrifice, more child abuse and spouse abuse, more spouses fighting, more wives beat up by drunken husbands, more divorce, more drug abuse, more abortion, more open homosexuality, more grief, more drunkenness, orgies, wild parties, anger, frustration, depression, demonic oppression and possession, greed, lust for things, un-unnatural pressure to please people, duty to do things you don’t want to do, guilt, unnecessary work, gluttony, abuse of the body, loss of sleep, coldness of heart, worry, anxiety, stress, torment and turmoil, indebtedness, tragedies of all types, more demonic supernatural manifestations, more world tragedies, more wickedness overall than at any other time of year.

Credit cards are bulging and debt rises sharply—to be paid off – later on. People mentally go

over the list of people to buy for, and always cringe when we find someone that they “need” to buy a gift for. Where did this “need” come from? Then there are the parties and the gift exchanges. Again, we “need” to bring something that will impress people as to our generosity. People are too often driven to do things they do not want to do to please others, when they, themselves, are often empty, lonely, and sad inside. People give toys to poor children, many of which are designed by their creators for their immersion into the occult world, yet people feel so proud of themselves for being so sacrificing in generosity to the poor. The “warm fuzzies” is also an illusion at Christmas—feeling so good because you did a good deed.

Charity is a big subject around Christmas—giving to the poor. Except, truth is, Christmas charity comes from the heathen idea that a good deed replaces a bad one--so many suave their sin-nature by doing good in the hopes that their guilt will be relieved. This is part of the philosophy behind Valentines Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day also (more pagan holidays).

The Word tells us that our tithe is to go to the poor, the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the homeless, and the one serving the Master full time—charity-giving is par for our course.

Have you noticed that December 26th - December 30th is often the most boring, depressing week of the year--when the “let down” happens? Why do you think that a national sigh of relief is heard on January 1st every year? You can feel the joy returning, as the “spirit” of Christmas lifts. What a relief when the Christmas tree and all the present boxes and wrappings are taken out for the “bulk waste” to pick up! Life as usual begins again, and it feels so good.

I know that some, like my children, love to give gifts. I love to give gifts. Most of us do. There are still natural “givers” in this world. But because of greed and heard-heartedness, most of the world’s people are “takers”. So, I say to the givers: Why not give to the widow,

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the orphans, the poor, the needy, the strangers and homeless, and the ones doing Yahuweh’s work for His Kingdom--twelve months out of the year. That’s what Yahuweh commands of us! That is what the tithe is all about. What brings the greatest reward according to Scripture? – Isn’t it to give to those who cannot repay you?

The Christian Africans I’ve worked with in East Africa with a heart for Him, use December 25th for evangelism or for youth conferences, and avoid any type of traditional celebrations. They know its pagan!

I know that some of you still love the “holiday season”. In the light of this total article, ask yourself: “Why do I love it so much?” Is it the kid in you? If so, it’s time to grow up! You can give gifts and do charitable deeds at other times. You can bake cookies in January.

Be aware-Beware! There are demonic spirits that ride on “Christmas” because it is the birthday of all of Satan’s gods that he has “created”, via his agents, for man to worship. Satan/Lucifer is actually worshipped by the world’s acknowledgement of Christmas. Make your choice. It is a simple choice for those who love truth! If you don’t stand on the side of Truth, when the anti-messiah comes, you’ll fall for him too…just like you fall for Santa each


Messiah stands with His hands out beckoning us: “Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for My yoke is easy, and My burden is light”. (Matthew 11:29-30)

I John 2:15-17: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If

any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of Elohim abides forever”.

Then there is the blunt Jew, Ja’cob--brother of Messiah--who said: “Adulterers and Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whoever therefore intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim”. (Ja’cob 4:4)

Spiritual adultery—whoredom--is when we put some other god before Him, or in the place of Him. The word “anti” as in anti-messiah means: “in the place of”—a substitute—one who sits in the place of another—the “Vicar of Christ”.

The love of the Father is rarely a part of the practices of Christmas. Sentimental love is not the Father’s love. Sentimental love is in the soul-realm. Don’t mistake soulishness for the Father. Soulish love always has “self” in it--pride and self-righteousness.

During the Christmas season, a few might bake Jesus a birthday cake. At least they are stopping to take time out of the shopping commercial madness to acknowledge the Savior.

I don’t criticize those who do not know any different. We will be judged by how we live up to the knowledge we have received. I used to bake Him a birthday cake so that my children would realize that Christmas was not just getting presents. The Peanuts cartoon, “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, shown every year on T.V. at Christmas, was written as an attempt to break through the commercial madness and present the baby born in Bethlehem.

As long as when we are presented with truth we act on it and keep going forward, He will

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work with us to bring us into more truth, and to take us forward more and more. It is when we reject truth and balk at it, and stop and sit down, that He can do nothing with us. So, I do not intend to bring any judgment on any individual in this article, but different individuals reading this article can bring judgment on themselves by ignoring the facts and the truth and

continuing on to side with Baal against Yahwueh. I’m dropping a plumb-line here—Father’s Word and Father’s nature.

Truth is, the night Messiah was born, was not a “silent night”. It was a noisy night—filled with animal sounds and humans talking. He was born in a place where people had come for taxation, and for the 8-day Feast of Tabernacles—Sukkot. Thousands upon thousands of people were there--staying in succahs (temporary shelter booths) all over the hillsides outside Jerusalem. It was not a cold winter night either. Yahushua was born on Tishre 15, first day of the Feast of Sukkot/Tabernacles. It was either late September or early October. It is gorgeous weather at that time of year in Jerusalem. He was born at the “tower of the flock” (Micah 4:8) near Bethlehem, where special spotless lambs were kept extremely set

apart for the highest of Temple sacrifices. The shepherds were most likely Levites whose job it was to care for the finest and most perfect lamb sacrifices. It was right after the fruit harvest of the five fruit species of the Land—dates, olives, figs, pomegranates, and grapes. They laid Messiah in a ritualistic clean “crib”—used for the ceremonial sheep. The crib was made of stone (not wood). I’ve seen one at the Pool of Siloam. This was the most safe and protected place for Him to be born. If they had to stay in an “Inn” it would have been a suffering—people up all night talking and moving around, animals outside making noise, unclean and germ ridden, everyone sleeping next to each other in a big open room. The best place was at the “tower of the flock”—it was sterilized clean, immaculately clean, protected, and private. Reality is so much different than the religious fiction we’ve been told. The shepherds were out with their flocks on the hillside because it was still lovely weather.

John 1:14: “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt (“tabernacled”, or “made His tent”) among us—full of grace and truth”. (Italics mine)

We know from the Scriptures what the “course” of service was for Zechariah—Yochanan’s father--which caused the birth of John (Yochanan) the baptiser to occur on Abib 15—exactly six months before his cousin Yahushua’s birth. (Luke 1:35-37; Luke 1:5; I Chronicles 24:10)

Just the fact that He was wrapped in “swaddling clothes”--the priest’s undergarments--gave

the shepherds their clue as to which baby was the Messiah. Of course, there was only one baby in “the tower of the flock” amongst the ceremonial sacrificial lambs.

In the temple at Tabernacles, great bowls of olive oil were suspended from the ceiling, and the priest’s undergarments were used as wicks. These lights were called “the light of the

world”. Just the fact that this baby was wrapped in a priest’s undergarments, most likely Zechariah’s, gave them the knowledge that this child was the light of the world.

The Magi came when Yahushua was in a house—about 1-2 years old. They were Israelites from the great nations of the Parthian Empire, who had Kings of the lineage of David ruling over them. That’s why they came to find the baby “King of the Jews”, for they needed the next King to rule over them of the house of Nathan. The Talmud shows that Miriam’s father

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was of the house of Nathan. The Magi knew the Scriptures and also the signs of the Messiah that had been passed down from Noah’s day. They came with quite an entourage, estimated at about 10,000 people. That is what terrified Herod. Rome and Parthia were in a “cold war”. It appeared that Parthia was promoting a war with all this entourage coming into Jerusalem. It has been estimated that the wealth they brought in today’s money would have totaled about $500,000,000 dollars—1/2 a billion. Some scholars say that the gold, jewels, myrrh and frankincense and other precious metals came from the savings of Daniel—who died a very rich man without heirs. Since Daniel prophesied of the Messiah, it is very possible that he left the Magi his wealth to take to the Messiah when He would be born.

All of Yahuweh’s Feasts of Israel were around harvests--Passover is around the barley harvest, Pentecost around the wheat harvest, and Sukkot after the fruit harvest. Jacob 5:7-8 tells us that the “husbandman”—the Father—waits for “the precious fruit of the earth”. After the resurrection of the fruit—the first fruits unto Yahuweh—comes Sukkot—the “tabernacling” of Yahushua with man. His ways follow His Word

What did Yahushua celebrate in the Hebrew month of Kislev--usually in the Roman December? He was a good Jewish child, and later a good Jewish man. He celebrated Hanukah—the Feast

of Dedication, along with His Jewish family. (John 10:22) Hanukkah is about the re-dedication of the Temple after it was restored from when Antiochus Ephiphanes defiled it (167 BCE). (For details on Hanukkah, ask for my article by that name)

Hanukah is also called The Feast of Lights. It wasn’t on Rome’s calendar—it was on Israel’s calendar, like Purim. It was during the Hanukkah recorded in John 10:22 that Yahushua chose to declare His deity publicly—John 10:30--His equality with the Father.

No, there is no Scriptural command to celebrate Hanukkah or Purim, but it is such a joy to celebrate Yahuweh’s victories every chance we get, and thus teach our children Truth.

What does Hanukah celebrate? It celebrates the victory of His people over a Greek ruler who tried to get them to reject the culture of Yahuweh’s Kingdom, and become Greeks, and leave

their adherence to the Torah of their Elohim. When Messiah comes and destroys the “Antiochus” to come, we will rejoice!

What were most of the doctrines of the Roman Church based on? They were/and are still based on Greek Gnosticism, and Greek Philosophy—Plato’s philosophy mostly. Plato’s philosophy ended up with people like Karl Marx. It is a fact that the Vatican supported Marx, and Adolph Hitler. Now they are supporting the Muslim terrorists.

Greek Democracy will end up with the world voting wholeheartedly for Lucifer embodied in the anti-messiah. Why do you think the Greek/Roman-based Democratic world elite is literally forcing Democracy on nations who have no concept of it at all? -- Because they want to sway the masses to vote for the anti-messiah when he appears. The Illuminati is working overtime

to produce chaos in the world, so that people will desperately long for peace so much they will accept the false messiah.

In all of this world craziness, we are commanded to be set-apart. Will you cling to Yahuweh’s calendar. Your eternal destiny may be at stake. Look at Isaiah 2:2-3, Psalm 2:8-9; Revelation 2:26-27; 12:5; 19:15; and other passages like Zechariah 14:16-19, and

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Ezekiel 40-48 that are talking about the Kingdom on earth and the Third Temple. In His kingdom on earth, and forever, the nations will be under His “rod of iron”--His Torah.

In the past, to be with my family (a national excuse), I have been around “the tree” at a large gathering of my mother’s family on Christmas day. Everyone there professed to be a Christian on their way to heaven. Yet, the entire week I was with them, not one person wanted to talk about the Savior, nor His Word, except one Italian Jew, a Messianic believer. Thank goodness for him--it saved my week. The rest kept their eyes glued on the TV, or went shopping. But, as the presents were opened around the tree--and believe me there were piles and piles of presents--not one person acted grateful as they ripped open the packages. I heard a lot of complaining--“I don’t like the color”, “it is not my style”, “the size is too small”, “I wanted something else”. I heard the traditional “thank you”, but then it was time to gorge on food, and the tree was left with trash all around it, and presents lost under the wrappings. Yes, I grew up with it. Yes, I grew my children up with it. I repented!

My parents lied to me, thinking they were playing a cute game--and fooled me into thinking that Santa was real. It was the fad of their day, so I don’t fault them. But, I thought Santa was real--the milk and cookies were all gone on Christmas morning, so I reasoned he must have been there. When I found out from a mean classmate, when I was seven, that Santa wasn’t real, it stung for a few minutes. But, then I was very excited that I knew something my other friends didn’t know. So, when I found out that His Name was not “Jesus” after being a believer in Jesus since age 4, I changed instantly to Yahushua. I’ve never had any problem accepting truth as I was presented with it. That is why I keep going forward with Him. He wants us walk with Him. At any point we stop along the way, we can’t walk with Him.

Do you realize that most people brought up on Christmas lies continue that kind of reasoning

throughout their lives? If a person looks good, talks right, says what is acceptable, most people just accept them as good. Many go through their lives with a childish gullibility, or a cynical, skeptical attitude because finding out that Santa wasn’t real hurt too deeply, so they can’t trust anyone anymore. Lies have long-term effects on a child’s personality. Lies can bend a children’s personality in the wrong direction, because the parents that they trust have lied to them. So, it can affect the attitude toward God Himself.

Belief in Santa and/or the fairy godmother makes gullible adults. Most Americans have been brought up since childhood on Fantasyland thinking. Most Americans can’t face reality because they hide in a world of fantasy that they have created for their own illusionary security—and when the horrible reality hits in the days to come, their minds won’t be able to accept it, and they will do anything asked of them to make things “all right” again.

It makes many think that God is like Santa—and if He doesn’t do what we want, we get mad at God. We blame God for all of our troubles, because He failed to give us what we wanted. We’re actually mad at Santa.

I preached the Gospel with a man who had been so hurt by the “game” of Santa, that later in his childhood he became an atheist. He was a well-known Tennis Pro in the Los Angeles, California area. He made a lot of money. But, he and his wife were in a horrible accident, which left his wife crippled until her death. Both were in separate hospitals. The Spirit of Yahuweh came to both separately in their hospital beds. Each received the Savior. When

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they were reunited, he stopped being a Tennis Pro, and they gave their lives to preaching the Good News of Messiah on the streets of Los Angeles. I worked with them for several years. They were two of the most humble and precious believers I’ve ever known. But, he told me that his bitterness at learning that Santa was not real was so great, that it broke his heart and brought hate against God.

The anti-messiah will fool all the Christmas-deluded kiddies. If your God is another Santa, and

you are looking to Him as you would Santa Claus, then you’re in for a great disappointment, because the Elohim of the Scriptures is not Santa.

If there was such a person as St. Nicholas, he sure went through some changes. He first appeared among the Dutch, who at that time were not even Christians. He was supposed to be a Bishop of the Church, whom the Church canonized as a “saint” long after his death, if he was a real person and not just a legend. Santa used to be an Irish elf, also, 2 feet tall, and wore green, and had magical powers.

The Santa we see today was created by the 19th century poem The Night Before Christmas. (Note the drooping wizard’s hat) In fact, the fat Santa we see today was actually made famous by a Coca Cola commercial in the 1940’s. He still is a big part of Coke commercials.

I never taught my children to believe that Santa was real. I always told them he was a game, and not real. I pointed out the Santa people in the stores, and showed them that it they were just men dressed up. I just have never been able to lie to my children.

The very idea of hiding presents under wrappings, to conceal them—is called “fun”, yet it is another form of pagan thinking—carried to the extreme in the “mystery religions” of Lucifer. Light exposes the hidden things of darkness. We are children of light, if we belong to the Elohim of Israel. Hiding is fun for our sin nature. Messiah says that the day will come when

all hidden things will be revealed—and the darkness exposed. (Matthew 10:26-27)

Ephesians 4:17-18: “No longer walk as the gentiles walk”. Will you be sad when the

merchants can no longer sell their products, when economic Babel falls? What side will you be on when Revelation 18 happens—the side of the merchants or the side of heaven?

I Peter 4:3-4: “For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the desire of the gentiles, having walked in indecencies, lusts, drunkenness, orgies, wild parties, and abominable idolatries, in which they are surprised that you do not run with them in the same

flood of loose behavior.”

Isn’t the Christmas season the in-season for the world to have drunken orgies, wild parties and free sex, gluttony, and all sorts of other filth? Now, ask yourself--where did that

aspect of the season come from? Answer: It was always that way in the honor of the sun god’s birth. No, “Jesus is not the reason for the season”--the sun god is. Copying this Saturnalia is an abomination. It has to do with the god Saturn. Santa is literally the personified god Saturn!

Notice that those who use His real Hebrew name, and guard the Torah of Yahuweh, do not celebrate the pagan days? This is because “the fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom”.

My son’s best friend’s mother was horribly killed when a drunken driver hit her car, on December 7th --her son’s birthday. The drunken driver had just come from a Christmas office

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party where people were indulging in food and liquor. My son’s and his friend were just young boys. Gary’s aunt was also killed in the car--his mom’s sister.

I worked for several years for the famous Forest Lawn Mortuaries. December was the big death-month. More funerals took place in December than in any other month.

If you defend the celebrating of Christmas, ask yourself: “Who am I defending?” “What am I defending”? Will you take your defense before the throne of Elohim in the judgment? Sorry but He won’t understand.

The Church was laid on a foundation of three wicked lies: 1) the hatred of Jews as “Christ killers”, 2) the outlawing of the Torah and anything Hebrew as abomination to the new Roman

Catholic Church, and 3) the murder of anyone who came against it’s power and authority--including believers who kept the Torah.

The early church was a called “sect of Judaism”—the “sect of the Way” or the “sect of the Nazarene”. (See Acts 24:5, 14) Early believers, who met in homes, or in fields, and at the synagogue on Shabbat, received Messiah Yahushua as THE Messiah of Israel by faith, but also kept the Torah. They went to synagogue on Shabbat to hear the Torah read. The Scriptural concept of “hearing” is obedience to what you hear—if you hear correctly. The Greek concept of “hearing” is to listen with your ears, and let your mind decide whether to believe it or not.

The first thing Constantine did when he created his Roman Catholic Church was to take his sword, fashioned in the shape of a cross, and go after the “Christ killers”—Jews and Torah-observant believers—to kill them off – for these are the only ones in his Empire who would not submit to him as the Pontifix Maximus. The early symbol of the true believers, disciples of the Apostles, was the menorah. The cross symbol was created as a Christian symbol under Constantine. The “fish” is a Greek symbol. The Word tells us not to make an image of a fish. (Exodus 20:4)

Later the Church created the Crusades and the Inquisition to kill off the “Christ killers” and the Torah-observant believers in Messiah Yahushua. The Church called them “heretics”, for they obeyed Torah, and even had a copy of Matthew in Hebrew up until the 14th century. Hebrew Matthew has recently been re-discovered and translated into English.

Rome never died. Through Rome, Lucifer stills lusts to sit on the throne of Yahuweh. And, for

a short time, he will…in Jerusalem. So, today, the world’s Luciferian agents have one goal: To put their god, Lucifer on the throne of Elohim on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Through the centuries, murder, lies, deceptions, orgies, sexual filth—child abuse, child murder, fornication, perversion, and the slaughter of Jews and Word-believers who loved Jews, through the Crusades, the 300 years of torture and murder in the Inquisition, was the norm for the Roman Catholic Church. Yet, in the last 13 years especially, her totally deceived daughters’--leaders of the Protestant Evangelical and Charismatic churches and organizations, have rejoined with Rome in covenant, in a one-world unity religion. I pray that they repent!

We are commanded to celebrate Messiah’s death and resurrection, the coming of the Ruach ha Kodesh, and second coming of Messiah, and that is all He told us to celebrate. These events are wrapped up in the celebration of the seven Feasts (Leviticus 23), which give us the outline of the plan of salvation.

The word for “Feast” is the Hebrew word “mo’edim”, meaning “an exact-to-the-second

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appointment”. He did not tell us to celebrate His birthday.

But, He was nailed to the stake on Feast of Passover (Pesach)—Aviv 14, was buried on the

Feast of Unleavened Bread—Aviv 15, arose on the Feast First-fruits 72 hours later on Aviv 17.

He sent the Spirit to fill His disciples fifty days after First Fruits, to put the terms of the Marriage Covenant on our heart. He will come again on the Feast of Trumpets (Tishre 1), will atone for all Israel, and judge the nations on The Feast of Atonement (Yom Kippur—Tishre 10), and will establish the eternal kingdom on earth on the Feast of Tabernacles (Tishre 15).

Don’t you want to get out of the burdensome Roman pagan calendar, and into Father’s calendar of freedom? Don’t you want to rest on His set-apart day each week, which is an eternal covenant? Your body wants to rest!

Did you know that our forefathers in America--the Puritans and Pilgrims--outlawed Christmas because they knew it was pagan? Yes they did. There was a law on the American law books that outlawed Christmas. It wasn’t until the Roman Catholics got a foothold into America that their pagan celebrations came to North America, including Halloween. (Fossilized Customs by Lew White, p. 85)

From an article by Adam Cohen in the International Herald Tribune, December 8, 2005, entitled “Commercialize Christmas, or Else: “Christmas remains ubiquitous, and with its celebration in control of most branches of government, it hardly lacks for powerful supporters.

There is also something perverse, when Christians are being jailed for discussing the Bible in Saudi Arabia and slaughtered in Sudan, about spending so much energy on stores that sell “holidays trees”…”The Puritans considered Christmas un-Christian, and hoped to keep it out of America. They could not find December 25 in the Bible and insisted that the date derived from Saturnalia, the Roman heathen’s wintertime celebration. The concern that Christmas distracted from religious piety continued even after Puritanism waned. Throughout the 1800s many religious leaders were still trying to hold to the line. On the eve of the Civil War, Christmas was recognized in just 18 states”.

From an article by Joe Kovacs of WordNetDaily, December 2004, entitled “Christmas in America Becomes Battleground”: The Catholic Encyclopedia states `the word “Christmas” in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the Mass of Christ, first found n 1038, and as Cristes-messe in 1131. It explains `Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church’, pointing

out, `first evidence of the feast is from Egypt’ around 200 CE…In 1644, the English Parliament outlawed the holiday, compelling shops to be open that day…” “`In New England, for the first two centuries of white settlement’ writes the historian Nissenbaum, `most people did not celebrate Christmas. In fact, the holiday was systematically suppressed by Puritans during the colonial period and largely ignored by their descendants. It was actually illegal to celebrate Christmas in Massachusetts between 1659 and 1681 (the fine for doing so was five shillings). Only in the middle of the nineteenth century did Christmas gain legal recognition as an official public holiday in New England’ ”.

“In the 1800s Alexander Hislop, a noted historian of antiquity examined the origins of customs such as the Christmas tree and date of celebration. Writing in The Two Babylons Hislop maintains the practice derives from the worship of pagan deities: `The Christmas tree, now so

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common among us, was equally common in pagan Rome and pagan Egypt. In Egypt that tree was a palm tree; In Rome it was the fir—the palm tree denoting the pagan messiah…The

mother of Adonis, the sun god and great mediatorial divinity, was mystically said to have been changed into a tree, and when in that state to have brought forth her divine son…Therefore,

the 25th of December, the day that was observed at Rome when the victorious god reappeared on earth, was held at the Natalis invii solis—`the birthday of the unconquerable sun’ ”.

From chapter one of Reuniting the Covenant by Rav David Pollina, c. 2004: “Isaiah 14:8: `The evergreens also rejoice over your demise (Lucifer’s demise), as do the cedars of Lebanon, singing “Since you fell asleep, no woodsman comes up to chop us down” ’ ”. (Italics mine) “When ha Satan is defeated, millions of evergreen trees will rejoice that no one cuts them down anymore.”

Pollina says: “It is not possible, knowing the truth, to celebrate Christmas in honor of Y’shua. How would you feel if your `friends’ ignored your real birthday and instead threw a party to the birthday of your most hated enemy gave gifts to each other instead of you, and said they did it all for the love of you?”

“The tradition of giving gifts is said to commemorate the gifts given by the wise men. However, it must be noted that they did not visit Y’shua until approximately two years after His birth, and gave Him gifts because He was a King, not because of His birthday. Coincidentally, the gift-giving tradition was also a major part of `Saturnalia’, one of the Roman sun-god feasts combined into Christmas by Constantine. Of course, there is nothing inherently wrong with giving or receiving gifts; it is only their use in connection with this holiday being referred to that is wrong”.

From Come Out of Her My People by C.J. Koster, page 27-29: “The fact that the pagan origin of the festival of Christmas on the 25th December, namely, as birthday of the Sun-deity, is admitted by all scholars. The Messiah could not have been born in mid-winter…as the

shepherds were not out in the fields. In any case, we are not commanded to remember the day of His birth, rather, to remember the day of His death.

The Catholic Encyclopedia says, `Christmas was not a part of the earliest festivals of the Church. Irenaeus and Tertullian omit it from their lists of feasts.’ “ (These men lived before the official beginning of the Roman Catholic Church.)

“Sir James Frazer says, `The largest pagan religious cult which fostered the celebration of December 25 as a holiday…was the pagan sun-worship, Mithraism…This winter festival was called the Nativity of the SUN’ “. “Mithraism was the fastest growing cult just prior to the year 321 and was the major rival of Christianity.”

Franz Cumont, perhaps the greatest scholar of Mithraism, wrote, quoting Minucius Felix, `The Mithraists also observed Sunday and kept sacred the 25th of December as the birthday of the sun.’ Many scholars have pointed out how the Sun worshipping Mithraists, the Sun-worshipping Manicheans and the Christians were all syncretized and reconciled when Constantine led the takeover by Christianity, even if it meant the latter’s surrender of most vital Scriptural truths, especially its Hebrew roots.

Sir James Frazer wrote, `If the Mithraic mysteries were indeed a Satanic copy of a divine

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original, we are driven to conclude that Christianity took a leaf out of the devil’s book when it fixed the birth of the Savior on the 25th of December, for there can be

no doubt that the day in question was celebrated as the birthday of the Sun by the heathen before the Church transferred the Nativity’ “.

“The mixing of pagan Sun-worship and Christianity is exemplified by the testimony of a Syrian

scholiast on Bar Dalibi, who said, `It is a custom of the heathen to celebrate on the same 25th of December the birthday of the sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and festivals the Christians also took part’ “. “Practically all the known Sun-deities were born on the 25th of December.

In S.E. Titcomb’s Aryan Sun-myths, the Origin of Religions, we find it cited, quoted from primary sources that the following Sun-deities were all born on 25 December, according to

their legends: Crishna (Vishnu), Mithras, Osiris, Horus, Hercules, Bacchus (Dionysus), Tammuz, Indra, and Buddha”. (Lets not forget to mention Zeus, Adonis, Amen Rah, and others back to Nimrod at the origin). “Therein we also read of the Scandinavian goddess Frigia in whose honor a “mother-night” festival was held at the winter Solstice (25 December). Thus

we find the three great days of Christianity namely, Sunday, Easter and Christmas, all three having had its origin the sun worship of the pagan nations.

Deuteronomy 12:30: This is exactly what the true Mighty One, Yahuweh, forbade His people to do. Ezekiel 8:9-16, the `wicked abominations’ of Sun-worship which had been fused and mixed with True Worship, is still an abomination today.”

From Fossilized Customs by Lew White page 31: “…Saturnalia…It was an ancient belief that the winter sun was slowly dying, because it was seen rising further and further to the south each morning. `Sol-stice’ means sun-stop. By December 25th, the ancient world’s solstice, it could be recognized as beginning to return northward, and was said to be `re-born’. It marked the time for celebration that lasted for days. Carved idols were exchanged (eye-dolls), people hung wreaths on their doors, or wore them around their necks (an echo of the symbol

of Nimrod, the branch of a tree, twisted into a circle, symbolic of the shape of the sun, and the annual cycle). The `re-birth’ of the sun came 9 months (gestation cycle) after “Easter” when the earth-mother was impregnated by the sun at the crossing of the Vernal (Venusian) equinox, when Mithras (the sun) `slayed the bull’ (the constellation of Taurus) and the sun moved into the next constellation—bringing on warmer weather.”

Read Fossilized Customs, pages 31-37, etc. on the origins of Santa, and elves, and the tree.

Long considered a classic book, The Two Babylons, or The Papal Worship, by Rev. Alexander Hyslop, c. 1916, first expanded edition from 1853, Rev. Hyslop goes into fine detail regarding the direct connection of the Roman Catholic Church to the ancient mysteries of Babylon, going back to the author of Lucifer worship--Nimrod. He shows that the Babylon of Revelation 17 is indeed the Papal Roman Church of today.

On pages 91-103, he talks about Christmas, and its connection to the worship of the Queen of Heaven (“Mary” in Christianity) called “Our Lady”. Here are a few excerpts from page 93: “…within the Christian church no such festival as Christmas was heard of until the 3rd century

and not until the 4th century did it get much observance. How then did the Romanish Church fix on December the 25th as Christmas day? Why, thus: Long before the 4th century, and long

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before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the heathen, at that precise time of year, in honor of the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may

fairly be presumed that in order to conciliate the heathen, and to swell the number of the nominal adherents to Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman Church, giving it only the name of Christ. This tendency on the past of Christians to meet the Paganism half-

way was very early developed; and we find Tertullian, even in his day, about the year 230, bitterly lamenting the inconsistency of the disciples of Christ in this respect, and contrasting it with the strict fidelity of the Pagans to their own superstition. By us, says he, who are strangers to the Sabbaths, and new moons, and festivals, once acceptable to God, the Saturnalia, the feasts of January, the Brumalia, and Matronalia are now frequented; gifts are

carried to and fro, New Year’s Day presents are made with din, and sports and banquets are celebrated with uproar; oh, how much more faithful are the heathen to their religion, who take

special care to adopt no solemnity from the Christians. Upright men strove to stem the tide, but in spite of all their efforts the apostasy went on, ‘til the Church, with the

exception of a small remnant, was submerged under pagan superstition. That Christmas was originally a Pagan festival is beyond all doubt.”

Nominal Christians! Another word for “nominal” is “lukewarm”. Notice that in Rome on New Year’s Day, parties and sports were the norm. But, Tertullian laments that the festivals, once acceptable to Elohim and His true congregation of believers in Messiah, were replaced by the celebrations of the pagans. That is what happened, as early as the end of the 1st century--the Christians compromised with the pagans, and took on their celebrations and their worship day, and mixed with them for the same of “unity, and peace”. The church has always done it, and is still doing it. And our Savior hates it!

Isaiah 5:20: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Proverbs 17:15: “He that justifies the wicked, and he that condemns the just, even they

both are abominations to Yahuweh”. Did you know that tolerance for evil, justifying wrong-doing, and standing up for those who sin against the Torah is an abomination?

Deuteronomy 7:25-26: “The carved images of their gods, you are to burn with fire. Do not covet the silver or the gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be snared by it, for it is an abomination to Yahuweh your Elohim. Neither shall you bring an abomination

into your house, lest you be a cursed thing like it; but you shall utterly detest it, and utterly abhor it, for it is a cursed thing.”

That’s talking about carved Buddha incense burners, statues of gods from trips to Asia or Africa, Christmas trees, Santa dolls, those cute little pointed eared elves, angel dolls that look like fat naked kids, fairies or high school girls dressed for the Prom, flying horses (Pegasus) or reindeer, supernatural things like talking snowmen, wreaths, and gold and silver balls that you’re hanging onto because they came from grandma, or they are covered with real silver or gold, are abominations to the Elohim you want to live with forever.

The Scripture says, “you are to burn with fire” the things that are images of other gods. There was a day that I took all of my childhood Christmas decorations, all the sentimental things that I had attached to that season from early childhood, and put them in the trash to go to the fire

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of the dump. I did it because I found out that Christmas was pagan and dishonoring to the Elohim I was learning to know. Build a nice fire in your barbeque, and send them all to ashes. Let your children help you, so that see that you are coming out of the kingdom of darkness, and that Yahuweh’s is real—so real that their parents are willing to destroy anything of the other kingdom.

These images of pagan things, like the image of the “beast” of Revelation 13, cause us to worship “things”. Sentimentality is a demonic spirit that causes the worship of things! It is

false love. It is a destroyer in your life. You hang on to things, and they get a grip on your heart and your emotions, and you cry at the thought of giving away grandma’s precious Christmas angel. Beware of what you call “cute”, “sweet”, or “adorable”. It can also trap you into wanting, even lusting, after things.

You might say: “They are inanimate objects--how can they hurt me? -- God understands my heart”. It is not the inanimate object that is the problem--it is the spirit that is attached to it. The spirit that is attached to it, has wrapped itself like a python around your heart, and you are bound by it. The “things” create open doors that allow the demonic world into your house to destroy you in any way they can. They hide in these objects by which they were worshipped throughout the history of mankind after the judgment by Flood. Demons hide in human bodies, animals, or in objects that make them comfortable and secure—familiar spirits.

Daniel 11:31 and Matthew 24:15 talk about “the abomination that makes desolate”. It is the sign of the anti-messiah’s 3½ -year rule on earth. What is this abomination, and what does it have to do with Christmas?

The false Messiah will cause all to worship “the image of the beast” or die. (Revelation 13:14-16) The beast is a composite of the seven kingdoms in history that have conquered Israel, Yahuweh’s people—culminating in the world government of today. There is an image (perhaps a clone) that the whole world must worship. This image has power. All idolatrous images have power, given to them by Lucifer.

No, in itself, your Christmas tree is just a dying tree. All the live Christmas trees taken from forests are depleting the oxygen level of planet earth—so you’re contributing to the

destruction of the planet. But, because Lucifer has always used trees, especially evergreens, to bring himself honor through the last 5,000 years, when you bring that tree into your house, and enact his ancient worship, using his ancient symbols, and celebrate on his ancient day of worship along with all the neo-pagan Lucifer worshippers in the world today, you have given him the right to do whatever he wants with you and your family.

I’ve learned, understood and practice deliverance from demonic powers for 40 years now—and I know how they think, how they act, and how they deceive. When I say that they hide in Christmas, it is no idle talk.

The whole bottom line of this “the abomination that makes desolate” is that a substitute (counterfeit) for the Real will sit in the place of the Real, usurping the authority and worship of the Real.

The celebrations that honor Lucifer honor a counterfeit, and the Real is not honored. Sun-day, Christmas, Easter: all counterfeits of the real thing, give honor to the god Lucifer.

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Why are stars a dominate symbol at Christmas? – especially five-pointed stars, which are pentagrams? Is it because of the star over Bethlehem? You can christianize the star all you want, but the star-symbol is zodiac related. The pentagram is satanic. The Magi saw the “star”—planetary configuration in 3 BCE -- and began to follow when Messiah was born, but it took them a year to get there. Topping off Baal’s phallic symbol--the fir tree--with a star at the top, isn’t something that honors our Elohim. What does a pine tree have to do with Yahushua? The worship of trees goes back the time just after the flood, 5,000 years ago. The worship in the “groves” of trees were such an abomination to Yahuweh that the good Kings of Judah, like Josiah, had them cut down. It has everything to do with Lucifer’s worship. Pagans worshipped in “groves”.

We can’t afford to be like Lot’s wife. She was a good lady, but she loved her things too much—her lifestyle in Sodom--and she lingered just a few seconds too long before escaping. . Yahushua leaves us with a very sober warning: “Remember Lot’s wife”. (Luke 17:32)

Use this factual information as a springboard to spring you out of the pit of Christmas, Easter and Sun-day worship. Study for yourself.




First written November 2003

Revised: August 5, 2004

Revised again: November 20, 2007

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