Georgetown Independent School District Strategic Plan

Williams Elementary School

Campus Improvement Plan

2012 - 2013

Campus Mission Statement:

| |

|Our school is dedicated to creating, sustaining and enriching a safe, nurturing, positive, collaborative and challenging learning environment that |

|promotes social and academic excellence. Each staff member, parent and student is committed to PRIDE, personal responsibility in determining |

|excellence where: |

|All staff will demonstrate an extraordinary commitment to the success of all students. Students engaged in thoughtful and purposeful participation in |

|learning. |

|Learning prepares students for success in a more global society. |



|Personal Responsibility in Determining Excellence |

Natasha Drumgoole


Campus Adopted:

September, 2012

Williams Elementary 2012 - 2013 Campus Improvement Team

|WILLIAMS 2012-13 COMMITTEES | | | | | | | |


| | |Student Achievement, |Student Achievement, |Student Achievement, Curriculum/ |Technology, | | |

| | |Curriculum/ |Curriculum/ |Instruction,/Assessment, and |School Climate | | |

| | |Instruction,/Assessment, |Instruction,/Assessment,|Family/Community Involvement | | | |

| | |and Family/Community |and Family/Community | | | | |

| | |Involvement |Involvement | | | | |


| | | |LEANDRA SUSTAYTA | | | | |


| | | | | | | | |

| | |MINDY ELLERBEE | | | | | |


| | | | | |CHRISTINE JOHNS | | |


2011 - 2013 Williams Elementary Performance Data




2012 - 2013

The Williams Elementary 2012-2013 Campus Action Plan evolved from our comprehensive needs assessment and data collection. STAAR data, benchmark and checkpoint data, attendance data, discipline data were utilized. The past years of TAKS data shows tremendous growth in all areas, as well as the past year of initial STAAR data, and well represents the results of our specific targeted campus improvement plans. Our plan targets areas of improvement for this school year based on our student needs identified from these entities.

This year’s school population consists of 367 students with approximately 73% Economically Disadvantaged and 54% Academically At Risk. Ethnicity student groups are 62% Hispanic, 31% Anglo (up 1% from 2011-2012), 3% African American (down 1% from 2011-2012) and 4% Other or combined ethnicities. Twelve percent of the student population qualifies for Special Education services (down 2% from 2011-2012) and 9% qualify for Gifted and Talented services (up 2% from 2011-2012). Beginning of the year assessment data shows the following trends in reading fluency:

| |# of students |# of students above BoY|# of students below|students needing |Students needing |

| | |Target |BoY Target |consideration for a |immediate problem |

| | | | |more intensive program |solving (TIER III)|

| | | | |(TIER II) | |

|Grade 3 |123 |62 |61 |22 |13 |

|Grade 4 |118 |37 |81 |20 |16 |

|Grade 5 |127 |49 |78 |21 |10 |

| | | | | | |

|Totals |368 |148 |220 |63 |39 |

|Percentage | |40% |60% |17% |11% |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

All students are assessed on beginning of the year data in English based upon the district’s model of Early Exit for ELL students.

In working with parents, staff, and students, Williams has demonstrated tremendous growth and success. We hold the TEA rating of Recognized. However, Williams missed Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) as set by the federal government for the 2011-2012 school year due to performance in Reading for LEP, HISPANIC and ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED student performance. We have created a school community that is dedicated to creating, sustaining and enriching a safe, nurturing, positive, collaborative and rigorous learning environment that promotes social and academic excellence. Our belief is that every child’s success matters. Each staff member, parent and student is committed to PRIDE, Personal Responsibility in Determining Excellence. We utilize our data and continue to create an environment that fosters professional growth and collaboration and one in which ALL children are successful academically, behaviorally, emotionally and socially.

Our GOALS are aligned with the Georgetown ISD goals. We are committed to empowering our students to become life-long learners, prepared graduates (Goal 2) and productive citizens in a dynamic, global society, by providing quality learning experiences that develop the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes for continued success(Goals 6 and 7). Williams Elementary students will demonstrate increased academic exemplary performance (Goal 1) through the design and delivery of a rigorous, comprehensive curriculum that is aligned with the TEKS as well as the local, state and national assessments. The Williams Elementary quality professional staff (Goal 3) will continually participate in “best practices” staff development in order to provide the most effective curriculum and instruction to all students in every classroom at every grade level.

Specifically, in each area of our plan we will implement strategies to ensure continued improvement for all students in all areas. Through our LANGUAGE ARTS/Social Studies action plan, we will improve in the academic areas of sustained reading in all content areas across the curriculum. We also want to increase our students’ vocabulary development as well as overall reading comprehension skills by implementing a consistent balanced literacy program. Reading will be enforced in a variety of instructional formats using a wide range of texts. We will provide specific, targeted, additional reading and writing instruction to assist our struggling learners (with specific attention on targeted groups identified through AYP data) with their knowledge, skills, comprehension and performance.

Through our MATH action plan, we will continue to utilize the THINK MATH series and improve the success of all student groups problem solving skills with focused attention on our subgroups as well as provide additional MATH and SCIENCE materials to increase student learning and performance. We will increase students’ conceptual knowledge in MATH to better prepare them for higher level skills. In the area of SSCIENCE, we will continue to focus on additional vocabulary development as well as an aligned, intensive science curriculum, instruction, and assessment plan. Williams Elementary will provide additional, targeted instruction during the school day and outside the school day to assist our struggling learners. Through our Technology and Cauldron plan, we will focus on providing engaging, meaningful activities that help students connect technology based learning with real life experiences, focusing on the skills needed for success through the 21st Century Learning Framework. We will implement a variety of strategies, plans and activities that connect the entire school community in a positive manner to best serve our young students in a quality learning environment (Goal 4 and 5, 6 and 7).

Our attendance rate has been in the 96-97% range all years of our existence. Our plan targets these percentage rates through actions that directly encourage our students desire to attend Williams Elementary by developing healthy, caring relationships between our staff and students. School-wide incentives target reluctant attendees with administration diligently tracking and following up on attendance concerns. Our discipline data represents our positive, kid-centered climate. We will target improved student behaviors through our Foundations/CHAMPS actions (Goals 6 and 7). Williams Elementary will continue to improve communication internally and externally, by involving more members in the PTA and school functions, increasing our mentor program as well as encouraging staff wellness and health.

In addition, one of our goals to increase parent involvement and decreasing the barrier between the school and parent is to implement increased communication strategies for better communication between us and our English speaking and Non-English speaking parents

Our plan is comprehensive and intense. 100% of our staff will be involved in the Campus Improvement Plan decision making as well as the implementation of our plan. Campus, district, federal and state funds will be effectively utilized to resource our actions in this plan. In addition, we strive for consistent professional development, leadership and staff commitments in order to complete our actions, reach our goals and ensure continued academic student improvement and success for every child.

Williams Elementary

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

GISD will utilize the NCLB CNA tool for this section of the CIP.

The NCLB CNA tool focuses on the following areas:

• Demographics

• Student Achievement

• School Culture and Climate

• Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention

• Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

• Family and Community Involvement

• School Organization

• Technology

1. The campus staff will be organized into committees. Each focused on gathering data for their assigned category area. The committees review data (quantitative and qualitative sources) that provide the most information to assess the strengths and needs of the system. Committees summarize their findings and present to the CIP team.

2. The CIP Leadership Team will use the committee findings to determine campus areas of priority and summarize needs.

3. Campus decisions will be led by the information determined through the CNA process. Campus expenditures, staffing needs, activities, and other decisions should be focused on meeting the needs of the students, as indicated by the CNA.



Based on the findings of your committee, please provide a brief summary (limited to 5 sentences) for each of the following focus areas:

|Demographics |

|This year our campus is composed of 365 students with approximately 73% economically disadvantaged. We have 2 bilingual classes per grade level. Federal AYP data has shown a need for increased support for our |

|Hispanic. LEP, Economically disadvantaged students, requiring more specialized instruction in ELPs and building English proficiency. Twelve percent of the population qualifies for Special Education Services. Just in |

|academic qualifiers alone, 54% of our students are at-risk. |

| |

|Student Achievement |

|This year we will focus on disaggregating data (TAKS, benchmarks, checkpoints, AIMSWEB, etc.). by ethnicity, economically disadvantaged, and high level performance to determine and address student needs. Students in |

|special populations (at-risk, special ed, ELL, and economically disadvantaged) will receive targeted instruction and interventions to ensure academic success. |

|School Culture and Climate |

| |

|Williams uses common procedures through a campus based Foundations committee. We will continue to recognize and reward students for positive choices and academic effort. We are increasing our after school clubs to |

|provide a variety of avenues to assist students academically as well as introduce them to varied cultural and artistic experiences. Implementation of No Place of Hate, along with Second Step and the 40 Developmental |

|Assets continue to build positive behavioral and social interactions among students. Past data shows low numbers of discipline referrals. |

| |

|Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention |

| |

|Williams needs staff members to be trained in various specializations, including ESL Sheltered Instruction (ELPS), GT and content specific subjects. Due to our demographics we require staff investment in student |

|learning and development with an understanding of working with students and parents in poverty situations. Team interviews are conducted in hiring and new staff members are involved in team planning days on common |

|planning times, allowing for consistent support in planning instruction. |

| |

|Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment |

| |

|Teachers use instruction that is aligned with state and district curriculum standards. Teachers need to receive continuous training on new curriculum standards. Based on assessments, students of concern should be |

|taken through the specific RTI process, with specific targeted areas of intervention. Instruction should be high interest activities taught with rigor, depth and complexity. |

|Family and Community Involvement |

| |

|A plan is in place for consistent communication with parents, positive and for students of concern. Activities that encourage parent participation will be planned throughout the year. Parents will be invited to |

|participate in the Campus Improvement Planning process. Campus enews, newsletters, and Thursday folders will be used to inform parents of school events. When possible, materials/presentations need to be translated |

|to include our bilingual parents. Resources that support our families need to be in place, ie Backpack Buddies, Operation School Bell, Helping Hands, shot clinics when possible, counseling on community resources, |

|etc.. |

|School Organization |

| |

|Williams is a high needs campus requiring “creative scheduling” to meet the diversified needs of all the students. Intervention staff, sometimes beyond what’s provided, is needed. Community perceptions are positive,|

|but continuous training in addressing parent needs and concerns is always needed. |

| |

| |

|Technology |

| |

|In response to our student population and to support curriculum and instruction there is a continuous need for additional equipment and training. All teachers and students need to have access to the same types if |

|equipment (document cameras, smartboards, and curriculum programs, etc..). Last year, the goal was to ensure all classroom teachers had document cameras. This year we are focusing on ensuring that Interactive White |

|boards are acquired for each classroom. District has also assisted in the implementation of IPADs for student use. |

2012 - 2013 Campus CNA Committee Members

|Demographics |Student Achievement |

|Team Members: |Team Members: |

|Drumgoole, Sepulvado, Boccella |Math – Gaitan, Smith, Grant, Echazarreta, Burleson, Carroll, Jones, Sustayta, Votolato, Day, Drumgoole, |

| |Sepulvado |

| |Language Arts – Lawson, Diaz,, Flores, Bonsall, Fuller, M. Davila, Ellerbee, Harrison, Finley, Salmans, |

| |McCollum, Romero, Huffington, Drumgoole, Sepulvado |

| |Science – Dimas, Sloan, Cooper, Pickard, Humphrey, Drumgoole, Sepulvado |

| | |

|School Culture and Climate |Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention |

|Team Members: |Team Members: |

|Cortes, Chancellor, Greer, Reed, Davila, Johns, Boccella, Johnson (when on campus) |Drumgoole, Sepulvado, Boccella |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment |Family and Community Involvement |

|Team Members: |Team Members: |

|Math – Gaitan, Smith, Grant, Echazarreta, Burleson, Carroll, Jones, Sustayta, Votolato, Day, Drumgoole, |Math – Gaitan, Smith, Grant, Echazarreta, Burleson, Carroll, Jones, Sustayta, Votolato, Day, Drumgoole, |

|Sepulvado |Sepulvado |

|Language Arts – Lawson, Diaz,, Flores, Bonsall, Fuller, M. Davila, Ellerbee, Harrison, Finley, Salmans, |Language Arts – Lawson, Diaz,, Flores, Bonsall, Fuller, M. Davila, Ellerbee, Harrison, Finley, Salmans, |

|McCollum, Romero, Huffington, Drumgoole, Sepulvado |McCollum, Romero, Huffington, Drumgoole, Sepulvado |

|Science – Dimas, Sloan, Cooper, Pickard, Humphrey, Drumgoole, Sepulvado |Science – Dimas, Sloan, Cooper, Pickard, Humphrey, Drumgoole, Sepulvado |

|School Organization |Technology |

|Team Members: |Team Members: |

|Drumgoole, Sepulvado, Boccella |Cortes, Chancellor, Greer, Reed, Davila, Johns, Boccella, Johnson (when on campus) |

| | |

| | |

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Campus Performance Goals Campus: Williams Elementary


|Performance Goal #1 |By May, 2013, 93% (federal standard) or more of all Williams Elementary students and students in all student groups (White, African American, |

| |Hispanic, Economically Disadvantaged, ELL and SPED) will demonstrate mastery of academic TEKS based on benchmark assessment and STAAR in reading, |

|Williams Elementary students will score at the Satisfactory |writing, math, and science. |

|or Advanced Academic Performance Level on the end of the year|The passing rate of Hispanic, LEP and Economically Disadvantaged and SPED modified will increase to 93% or meet required rate of improvement as |

|STAAR assessment. |measured by 2012 STAAR standards and federal standards in Reading. |

|Performance Goal #2 |100% of classroom teachers will implement Sheltered Instruction and ELPS strategies in instruction. |

| | |

|100% of Williams Staff will implement the Early Exit | |

|Bilingual program. | |

| | |

|Performance Goal #3 |By May, 2013, students taking the STAAR-M assessment in Reading and Math will remain below the 2% limit recommended by federal standards. |

|Williams Elementary will continue to monitor the number of | |

|students taking the STAAR Modified assessments in Reading and| |

|Math. | |

| | |

|Performance Goal #4 |By May 2013, 100% of students taking the TELPAS will advance one proficiency level. |

| |Passing rates of Hispanic and ELL students will increase to 90% as measured by 2012 STAAR standards in Reading. |

|Williams Elementary students identified as Limited English | |

|Proficient (LEP) will advance one level in TELPAS and | |

|academic proficiency. | |

| | |

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| | |

Campus Action Goals Campus: Williams Elementary


|Action Goal #1 |Conduct at least 4 parent information nights throughout the 2012 – 2013 school year. |

|All parents will be actively involved in their child’s |Involve at least 75% of parents in campus enrichment activities. |

|education. |Increase parent participation in the campus PTA program by 20%. |

| | |

| | |

|Action Goal #2 |Implement a student driven school-wide No Place for Hate Program to foster tolerance and address bullying. |

|All students will be educated in learning environments that |Align our campus safety plan with district and federal standards. |

|are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning. | |

| | |

| | |

|Action Goal #3 |Continue to obtain technology for all students and classrooms, including interactive smart boards, student instructional programs, and staff |

|The level of technology integration will be increased to |instructional tools. |

|ensure the best possible teaching and learning for all |Train 100% of classroom teachers in varied implementations of technology in the classrooms. |

|students. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Action Goal #4 |Continue to implement campus communication techniques between teacher and parents. |

|Processes/systems will be developed to enhance and build |Continue to build community resources to support students in and out of school. |

|positive relationships and collaboration among community and| |

|staff. | |

| | |

| | |

|Action Goal #5 |Continue school wide documentation of absences and tardy practices with incentives to increase attendance. |

|Processes/systems will be developed to increase student |Continue implementation of character education and wellness programs. |

|attendance and wellness. |Provide knowledge and access to community resources that promote wellness. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Performance Goal #1

|Williams Elementary students will score at the Satisfactory or Advanced Academic Performance Level on the end of the year STAAR assessment. |

|Performance | |

|Objective(s): |By May, 2013, 93% or more of all Williams Elementary students and students in all student groups (White, African American, Hispanic, Economically Disadvantaged, ELL and SPED) will |

| |demonstrate mastery of academic TEKS based on benchmark assessment and STAAR in reading, writing, math, and science. |

| |The passing rate of Hispanic, LEP and Economically Disadvantaged and SPED modified will increase to 93% or meet required rate of improvement as measured by 2012 STAAR standards and |

| |federal standards in Reading |

| |What STRATEGIES must be initiated to reach |Who will be RESPONSIBLE for |What MEASURE will we use|What is a realistic |What RESOURCES will be utilized to |

| |this process? |implementing these strategies? |to assess the |TIMELINE for implementing |implement these strategies? |

| | | |effectiveness of these |these strategies? | |

| | | |strategies? | | |

| |Conduct campus training for all instructional staff on increasing Rigor and |Principal |Lesson Plans, |August training and team |Articles on increasing Rigor, |

| |Student Engagement in the classroom. | |walkthroughs, meeting |meetings on first Tuesday |Resources from Barbara Blackburn – |

| | | |sign in and agendas. |of each month |Rigor Made Easy. |

| |2. Provide school wide training and implementation of Response to Intervention to|Principals |RT Meetings |September 10, 2012 |RTI records, team meeting minutes, |

| |best serve all student groups. All staff will appropriately document student |Counselor | |training and continuing |training records, staff meeting |

| |achievement for RTI. |Title Staff | |all year. |agendas |

| | |All staff | | | |

| | |RTI teams | | | |

| |3. Provide specific, targeted, additional reading and writing, math and science |Principal |TIER II and Title |August, 2012 – May 2013. |Student data, intervention plans, |

| |instruction to assist our struggling learners – (comprehension and fluency, |All Staff |Resources, Title funds | |campus data, Voyager Math kits |

| |writing, math fluency and application, and science application). | |and records, (contracted| | |

| | | |subs), student BOY, MOY | | |

| | | |assessments, Voyager | | |

| | | |Math | | |

| |4. Provide professional development for staff in the core subject areas in order |Principal |Sub days documented, |August, 2012 – May 2013. |Campus funds for staff development |

| |to increase knowledge and implementation of “best practice and research-proven” |GISD Curriculum Directors |staff development | |trainings and district funds for |

| |instructional programs and strategies. |Title Staff |documentation, Title | |substitute days |

| | | |funds | | |

| |5. Continue to implement an intensive, TIER II and III Reading Program |Principal |Beginning, Mid, and End |September 2012 –May 2013. |I-Station record keeping, AIMSWEB |

| |intervention (computer based and through Reading Street). |Interventionist (Title and |of the year Assessments | |data, Benchmark scores, Progress |

| | |Teacher) | | |Monitoring data |

| |6. Implement a school wide reading time with incentive programs to foster the |All staff |Observations of classes |All year |Board for displaying those “Caught |

| |love of reading and encourage sustained reading. | |reading, Student book | |Reading”, student report sheets and |

| | | |reviews | |photographs. |

| |7. Subscribe/renew Britannica, Tumblebooks, |Librarian, Team Leaders |Purchase orders |August 2012-May 2013 |Campus, Library and GISD funds |

| |Teaching Books, Worldbook Online websites for each | |Passwords/login | | |

| | | |information | | |

| |8. Continue to implement THINK MATH curriculum. |Principal, Math Teachers |Lesson Plans, |All year |Think Math curriculum |

| | |including SPED and Title |walkthroughs, | | |

| | | |observations, end of | | |

| | | |year STAAR data | | |

| |9. Present math in various, multi-step forms using researched based Math |Math Teachers |PO’s, student data, EOY |August 2012 (beginning |Variety of curricular models |

| |materials to assist AT RISK students (Kamico, 5th Sense, Curriculum Associates, | |math STAAR data |with training on Mentoring| |

| |Mentoring Minds, Region 4) | | |Minds), all year | |

| | | | |implementation | |

| |10. Promote the use of technology in Math instruction and application (HSP, |Title and Math teachers | Lesson Plans, STAAR |August 2012-May 2013 |Curriculum resources, technology |

| |Brainpop, Think Math resources, Khan Academy) | |math data, classroom | |sites and passcodes |

| | | |observations | | |

| |11. Utilize Science curriculum and assessment information and materials to |Science CIP Committee and Science|Lesson Plans, |August 2012-May 2013 |Books as resources, AHA Science |

| |academically assist with all students and our subgroups (LEP, Bilingual, and |Teachers |Observations | |renewal through campus funds. |

| |Economically Disadvantaged, SPED). (Ex. Discovery Science, Curriculum | | | | |

| |Associates, Measuring Up books, ELL Strategies for Improving Science Instruction,| | | | |

| |AHA Science) | | | | |

| |12. Utilize investigation assessments at each grade level that are aligned with |Science Teams |Assessments, EOY STAAR |August 2012- May 2013 |Measuring up, McGraw Hill Website, |

| |the 5th grade Science STAAR and TEKS (3D to 2D) in order to prepare 3rd and 4th | | | |Discovery Science, TEKS, Science |

| |grade student for the 5th grade test format. | | | |tubs |

| |13. Provide meaningful Science experiences to students (field trips, Science Day,|Science Teachers |PO, lesson plans, |Trips and Girlstart from |Community participants for Science |

| |Girlstart) | |membership in clubs |Sept 2012 – May, 2013, |Day, Girlstart Sponsor, Grade level |

| | | | |Science Day in May, 2013 |trip funds |

| |14. Conduct a school wide Science Fair |Principal, Science lead and |Science entry fee and |December 2012 |Campus and PTA funds, $300 |

| | |teachers |documents, winners lists| | |

| |15. Provide TECHNOLOGY training for staff. |GISD Tech Trainers, Assistant |Staff development |Team Meetings, Scheduled |Time, 2nd Computer lab |

| |( “On Demand video”; websites, United Stream |Principal, Title Team |records, |tech trainings. | |

| |Video, Reading Street, I-Station, AIMSWEB and EasyTech for integrated technology | | | | |

| |into lesson plans,) | | | | |

| |16. Analyze 2012 STAAR data, TEKS, Readiness and Supporting standards to ensure |All staff |Lesson Plans, |August 2012 staff |2012 STAAR Data, Subject area TEKS, |

| |proper delivery of instruction and increase rigor, depth and complexity of | |observations, EOY STAAR |development and team |Lead4ward materials, Blooms charts |

| |instruction. | |data |planning times | |

| |17. Create and implement Professional Learning Communities to provide time for |All instructional staff |Team Meeting minutes, |Begin in August and |Austin Buffum materials, Assessment |

| |collaborative planning, data analysis, and planning for student support and | |lesson plans, |continue throughout the |data, intervention plans |

| |intervention. | |observations, |year. | |

| | | |walkthroughs. | | |

| |18. Train staff in techniques to increase levels of questioning in the classroom|All instructional staff |Lesson Plans, Classsroom|August training and then |Rigor Made Easy strategies, Blooms |

| |(Blooms). Implement student discussion on Blooms and moving amongst the level. | |observations, EOY STAAR |continue from Sept 2012 – |posters (funds to create for each |

| | | |results |May 2013 for |instructional classroom) |

| | | | |implementation | |

|Program Evaluation Component |

|Process: Review data identified to measure fidelity of implementation and impact of strategy or initiative on student outcomes. |

|Utilize various data sources, both quantitative and qualitative to complete a full evaluation of programs and initiatives. |

|Formative Evaluation: |

|100% of student assessment scores will be analyzed in reading, writing, math, and science and then use to further curriculum planning. |

|100% of teachers will document implementation of best practice strategies and activities in their lesson plans |

|100% of at risk students will be identified and served appropriately based on benchmark, checkpoint, class tests and STAAR data |

|100% of instructional teams will work collaboratively as a professional learning community. |

|Summative Evaluation: |

|100% of all students and subgroups will master reading, writing, math, and science STAAR |

|100% of staff will complete and implement noted staff development |

|100% of the designated funds will be expended for noted materials and trainings. |

| |

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|Evaluation Results: This will be completed at the end of the school year |

| |

Performance Goal #2

|100% of Williams Staff will implement the Early Exit Bilingual program. |

|Performance | |

|Objective(s): |100% of classroom teachers will implement Sheltered Instruction and ELPS strategies in instruction. |

| |What STRATEGIES must be initiated to reach |Who will be RESPONSIBLE for |What MEASURE will we use|What is a realistic |What RESOURCES will be utilized to |

| |this process? |implementing these strategies? |to assess the |TIMELINE for implementing |implement these strategies? |

| | | |effectiveness of these |these strategies? | |

| | | |strategies? | | |

| |Continue to implement the District plan for the early exit of Bilingual students |All staff |Lesson Plans, |August 2012- May 2013 |District Plan |

| |in ALL classrooms, all grades, all subjects | |observations, TELPAS EOY| | |

| | | |data, STAAR data | | |

| | Continue focus on building Academic Vocabulary in core subject areas. |All staff |Lesson Plans, |August 2012- May 2013 |BAV materials, planning time |

| | | |observations, TELPAS EOY| | |

| | | |data, STAAR data | | |

| |Continue to implement a curriculum rich in interdisciplinary content (example: |Curriculum and Bilingual Teams |Lesson Plans, |August 2012- May 2013 |Sheltered instruction materials, |

| |History Alive uses best practices for social studies and reading, ELL and | |observations, TELPAS EOY| |Social Studies resources |

| |Sheltered Instruction techniques, etc. ) | |data, STAAR data | | |

| | | | | | |

| | Provide additional, targeted instruction to assist ELLs in who are struggling |Principal, All staff |Title fund records, |August 2012- May 2013 |Title 1 funds |

| |learners in order for students to show mastery of the TEKS through successful | |Title staff records, | | |

| |performance on state assessments. | |student data | | |

| |Continue to implement the District plan for the early exit of Bilingual students |All staff |Lesson Plans, |August 2012- May 2013 |District Plan |

| |in ALL classrooms, all grades, all subjects | |observations, TELPAS EOY| | |

| | | |data, STAAR data | | |

| | | | | | |

|Program Evaluation Component |

|Process: Process: Implement consistent, research-based ELL curriculum strategies that exclusively consist of best practices at Williams Elementary, including a variety of pre-teaching strategies, |

|vocabulary, and visual techniques. We will use consistent data to monitor ELL progress and provide interventions in key target areas. |

|Formative Evaluation Design: Staff development records, assessment data, STAAR results, purchase orders, inventories, materials, lesson plans and observations. |

|**100% of student assessments will be analyzed in core subjects. |

|**100% ELL students will be identified & served based on checkpoint data as well as other pertinent student information. |

|**100% Staff will utilize ELL “best practices” in instruction and activities and procedures to ensure student success. |

| |

| |

|Summative Evaluation Design: Staff development records, assessment data, STAAR results, purchase orders, inventories, materials, lesson plans and observations. |

|*93% Targeted percentage of students including all subgroups will have mastered core subjects. |

|* 100% of the Purchase orders will represent of the dedicated funds expenditures. |

|*100% of data will be utilized and analyzed. |

|*100% of staff development trainings will be documented. |

|*100 of end of year TELPAS data will demonstrate a year’s growth for all ELL students. |

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|Evaluation Results: This will be completed at the end of the school year |

| |

Performance Goal #3

|Williams Elementary will continue to monitor the number of students taking the STAAR Modified assessments in Reading and Math. |

|Performance | |

|Objective(s): |3.1 By May, 2013, students taking the STAAR-M assessment in Reading and Math will continue to remain below the 2% limit recommended by federal standards. |

| |What STRATEGIES must be initiated to reach |Who will be RESPONSIBLE for |What MEASURE will we use|What is a realistic |What RESOURCES will be utilized to |

| |this process? |implementing these strategies? |to assess the |TIMELINE for implementing |implement these strategies? |

| | | |effectiveness of these |these strategies? | |

| | | |strategies? | | |

| |Analyze 2011 – 2012 STAAR and STAAR Modified data. |Special Education Team, Classroom|Team Meeting Minutes, |August 2012 – Sept. 2012 |STAAR data |

| | |Teachers |ARD Documentation |and as new students enter | |

| |Schedule teacher support for Special Education students to allow for more |Special Ed Team and |Special Education |August 2012 – Sept. 2012 |Student ARD paperwork, schedules |

| |inclusion time in the general classroom and less pull out from the grade level |Administration |Schedules, ARD | | |

| |curriculum. | |documents, inclusive | | |

| | | |classrooms | | |

| | Continue to train regular education staff in inclusion and differentiation. |District and campus SPED team |Lesson plans, |August 2012 – May 2013 |Possible funds for training, |

| | | |walkthroughs, training | |training staff |

| | | |logs | | |

| | Provide additional, targeted instruction to assist SPED students who are |SPED Case managers, General |Lesson Plans, Assessment|Sept. 2012 – May 2013 |Benchmark, Checkpoint Data, ARD, |

| |struggling learners in order for students to show mastery of the TEKS through |Education inclusion teachers, |data, RTI TIER Data, | |assessment data, AIMSWEB, and |

| |successful performance on state assessments. |Campus Diagnostician |progress monitoring | |IStation data |

|Program Evaluation Component |

|Process: Review data identified to measure fidelity of implementation and impact of strategy or initiative on student outcomes. |

|Utilize various data sources, both quantitative and qualitative to complete a full evaluation of programs and initiatives. |

|Formative Evaluation Measures: checkpoint assessment, TAKS (2011), STAAR and STAAR M (2012) results and other student data, lesson plans, grade level assessments. |

| |

|Staff Development records. |

|Grade level curriculum assessments and data will be analyzed and utilized. |

|Lesson plans will be evaluated. |

|ARD minutes |

|Schedules |

| |

|Summative Evaluation Measures: |

|Special Education passing rate for Reading and Math increases by 10 percentage points. |

|Special Education students included in the classroom based on PMSDS standard. |

| |

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|Evaluation Results: This will be completed at the end of the school year |

| |

Performance Goal #4

| Williams Elementary students identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) will advance one level in TELPAS and |

|academic proficiency. |

|Performance | |

|Objective(s): |By May 2013, 100% of students taking the TELPAS will advance one proficiency level. |

| |Passing rates of Hispanic students will increase to 90% as measured by 2012 STAAR standards in Reading. |

| |What STRATEGIES must be initiated to reach |Who will be RESPONSIBLE for |What MEASURE will we use|What is a realistic |What RESOURCES will be utilized to |

| |this process? |implementing these strategies? |to assess the |TIMELINE for implementing |implement these strategies? |

| | | |effectiveness of these |these strategies? | |

| | | |strategies? | | |

| |Implement district ELL/Bilingual language plan in order to successfully |Central Office, Bilingual and ESL|Lesson plans, |August 2012 – May 2013 |TELPAS, AIMSWEB, lesson plans, |

| |transition students to the Academic English proficiency level on TELPAS |staff |walkthroughs, | |district ELL guidelines |

| | | |observations | | |

| |Continue to train new staff in Sheltered Instruction strategies that are research|New Staff for training, District,|Staff Development sign |November 15th Training, |Seidlitz trainers, District provided|

| |proven to improve the academic achievement of the ELL learner. |all staff implementation |in sheets, Lesson Plans,|yearlong implementation |subs |

| | | | | | |

| | Continue to analyze and implement the ELPS into daily instructional, planning |All staff |Lesson Plans, |August 2012 and year-long |ELPS follows up training, team |

| |for active student participation in activities designed to improve the ELL’s | |observations, team |implementation |planning |

| |English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. | |meeting minutes | | |

| |Continue and develop activities that encourage students to stay motivated to |Administration, club sponsors |Communication with staff|August 2012 – May 2013 |Club funds |

| |learn, to develop personal connections and to take ownership of our school. | |and students, Sign up | | |

| |(Choir, Garden Club, Science Fair, UIL, Safety Patrol, WATCH Dog mentoring | |sheets of student | | |

| |program, Library Book Clubs, Art and Drama Club, fieldtrips, etc.) | |participation | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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|Program Evaluation Component |

|Process: Review data identified to measure fidelity of implementation and impact of strategy or initiative on student outcomes. |

|Utilize various data sources, both quantitative and qualitative to complete a full evaluation of programs and initiatives. |

|Evaluation Design: |

|Staff development records, students’ assessment data, benchmark assessment data, TAKS, STAAR, TELPAS results, inventories and observations, purchase orders, meeting agendas and minutes. |

|Formative Evaluation: |

|100% of ELL student assessment scores will be analyzed in reading, writing, math, and science. |

|100% of teachers will document implementation of ELL best practice strategies and activities in their lesson plans |

|100% of ELL’s will be identified and served appropriately based on benchmark and TAKS/STAAR data |

|100% ELPS implementation in all classrooms. |

|Summative Evaluation: |

|100% of all students and subgroups will master reading, writing, math, and science STAAR |

|100% of staff will complete and implement noted staff development |

|100% of the designated funds will be expended for noted materials and trainings. |

| |

| |

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|Evaluation Results: This will be completed at the end of the school year |

| |

Action Goal #1

|All parents will be actively involved in their child’s education. |

|Performance |1.1 Conduct at least 4 parent information nights throughout the 2012 – 2013 school year. |

|Objective(s): |Involve parents in campus enrichment activities and meetings. |

| |1.3 Encourage parent participation in the campus PTA program. |

| |What STRATEGIES must be initiated to reach |Who will be RESPONSIBLE for |What MEASURE will we use|What is a realistic |What RESOURCES will be utilized to |

| |this process? |implementing these strategies? |to assess the |TIMELINE for implementing |implement these strategies? |

| | | |effectiveness of these |these strategies? | |

| | | |strategies? | | |

| |Conduct beginning of the year Open House, Parent Academic Night and two other |Teachers, Title 1 Staff, |Sign in sheets |August, September, |District Title 1 plan, Handouts for |

| |Title 1 Seminars (to include all students and subgroups, SPED, LEP, At Risk, |Principal | |November, Spring Meeting |parents |

| |Economically Disadvantaged). | | |(TBD) |Childcare |

| | | | | |Evaluations |

| |2. Ensure communication of campus parent involvement activities (Cookouts, |Principal |Parent sign in sheets at|All year |Enews, Newsletters, fliers, marquis,|

| |WATCHDOGS, Fine Dining, Multicultural Night, Science Day and Field Day, Musical | |campus based events | |campus website |

| |Programs, etc… ) through Thursday folders, enews, campus newsletters and display | | | | |

| |on the marquis. | | | | |

| |3. Encourage 100% parent participation in PTA through beginning of the year |Principal, PTA President and |PTA Enrollment, Sign in |September 2012, monthly |PTA membership dues, fliers, enews |

| |membership drive and monthly PTA meetings. |members |documentation |meetings - first Monday of| |

| | | | |each month | |

| |4. Implement parent activity and involvement activities to include: 40 |Principals, Counselor, Title |$500 PTA/Title funds |All Year |Sign In sheets |

| |Development Asset Training as well as LOVE AND LOGIC and activities with Bridges |staff and all staff as well as | | |Agendas |

| |to Growth and The Georgetown Project, Parent Night Academic Meetings, Family |the PTA BOARD, Parent | | |Flyers |

| |Nights, PTA, Watch Dogs, ARD Meetings, Bilingual Nights) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Program Evaluation Component |

|Process: Review data identified to measure fidelity of implementation and impact of strategy or initiative on student outcomes. |

|Utilize various data sources, both quantitative and qualitative to complete a full evaluation of programs and initiatives. |

|Formative Evaluation Measures: |

|Sign in sheets |

|PTA enrollment, meetings and minutes |

|parent input |

|staff input |

|Bridges to Growth fliers |

| |

|Summative Evaluation Measures: |

|Staff and parent and student input and surveys will be used and analyzed. |

|Meeting and Calendar documentation |

| |

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|Evaluation Results: This will be completed at the end of the school year |

| |

Action Goal #2

|All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning. |

|Performance | |

|Objective(s): |2.1 Implement the school-wide No Place for Hate Program to foster tolerance and address bullying. |

| |2.2 Align our campus safety plan with district and federal standards. |

| |What STRATEGIES must be initiated to reach |Who will be RESPONSIBLE for |What MEASURE will we use|What is a realistic |What RESOURCES will be utilized to |

| |this process? |implementing these strategies? |to assess the |TIMELINE for implementing |implement these strategies? |

| | | |effectiveness of these |these strategies? | |

| | | |strategies? | | |

| |Reinforce to staff, students, and community the district No Place for Hate |Principal, Asst. Principal |Enews, Newletters, |September 24, 2012 |No Place for Hate promise, Posters |

| |program. Have community members sign the No Place for Hate pledge. | |Morning Announcements | |for grade levels, enews to parents |

| | Create a committee of 5th grade students who will determine the three school |Principal, Foundations Committee |Committee formed, 3 |1st student meeting, Sept.|Students and Staff suggestions |

| |wide activities for No Place for Hate and meet monthly. | |school wide activities |17th and then monthly | |

| | | |established |thereafter | |

| |Implement school-wide No Place for Hate activities as established by the 5th |Staff and students |3 completed activities, |Year-long |Lifeskills and Second Step Social |

| |grade committee. | |campus calendar, | |Skills programs |

| | | |newsletters to parents | | |

| |Implement district crisis and safety plan. |All staff |Sign in sheet |Fall 2012 |District Plan |

| | Align campus crisis plan with district crisis plan, ensuring designation of key |Staff, Campus Safety CIP |Aligned safety plan |Sept. 2012 |District Safety Plan, Campus Crisis |

| |communicators and procedures. |Committee | | |plan |

| |6. Implement Multicultural EVENTS: |SS CIP Team |$500 Campus funds |Nov 2012 and May 2013 |Calendar |

| |a.. Thanksgiving Around the World” Theme with students rotating grade level |Principal |($300 for multicultural | |Purchase Orders |

| |classes. Include the Cafeteria Staff and the use of the cafeteria, library and |Teachers |and $200 Cinco de Mayo) | |Lesson plans |

| |auditorium, and | | | | |

| |b. A Cinco de Mayo and Black History celebration. | | | | |

| |c. No Place for Hate activities as designated by student committee. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |7. Educate staff and individuals on availability and location of AED (Automatic| |Models of AED and | | |

| |External Defibrillator) and use of EpiPens and ensure training and competency of | |EpiPens, CPR courses |August staff development | |

| |at least 5 staff members on use of AED. Train at least one staff member per | | |days, CPR from Summer 2012| |

| |grade level in CPR. |School Nurse | | |Staff development |

| | | | | |sign-in sheets and |

| | | | | |agendas |

|Program Evaluation Component |

|Process: Review data identified to measure fidelity of implementation and impact of strategy or initiative on student outcomes. |

|Utilize various data sources, both quantitative and qualitative to complete a full evaluation of programs and initiatives. |

|Formative Evaluation Measures: |

|Enews, newsletters, announcements |

|Sign in sheets of staff training |

|Aligned Campus Safety Plan |

|District Safety training and plan |

|At least 5 key staff members trained in CPR |

|Foundations teams minutes and meetings. |

|No Place for Hate committee formed |

|Summative Evaluation Measures: |

|Williams will be designated a No Place for Hate campus. |

|100% of staff will be trained in and follow updated safety plan for drills and emergencies. |

| |

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|Evaluation Results: This will be completed at the end of the school year |

| |

Action Goal #3

|The level of technology integration will be increased to ensure the best possible teaching and learning for all students. |

|Performance | |

|Objective(s): |3.1 Train teachers in and utilize varied implementations of technology in the classrooms |

| |What STRATEGIES must be initiated to reach |Who will be RESPONSIBLE for |What MEASURE will we use|What is a realistic |What RESOURCES will be utilized to |

| |this process? |implementing these strategies? |to assess the |TIMELINE for implementing |implement these strategies? |

| | | |effectiveness of these |these strategies? | |

| | | |strategies? | | |

| |1. Train new staff on I-Station technology components. |I-Station Representative. |Training logs, lesson |August 2012 |I-station and technology resources |

| | | |plans | | |

| |2. Train staff in data retrieval using the Euphoria System. |Technology facilitator, Kim |Sign in sheets |August 17, 2012 and as |Eduphoria Data System |

| | |Sepulvado, Natasha Drumgoole | |updates are available | |

| | | | |throughout the year | |

| |3. Provide TECHNOLOGY training for staff. |District Technology Facilitator. |Time |Scheduled Meetings |Staff development records and sign |

| |( “On Demand video”; websites, United Stream |Assistant Principal. |Computer Lab | |in sheets. |

| |Video, Reading Street, integrated technology into lesson plans, MS SUITE, |Staff. | | | |

| |Publisher, Discovery Science) | | | | |

| |4. Complete STAR CHART. |District Technology Facilitator, |None |Jan 2013. End of year, May|Star Chart |

| | |the TECH Vertical TEAM and | |2013 |Budget Request Form. |

| | |Principal. | | | |

| |5. Develop a Technology budget to submit to District for technology items and |Technology Facilitator and Tech |None |Feb 2013 |CIP notes and budget request |

| |requests. |CIP team and Principal | | | |

| | Build up campus technology resources, working toward long term goal of each |Principal |Every room equipped with|All year |Title Money, Campus budget, |

| |classroom teacher having a Interactive Whiteboard. | |Interactive Whiteboards | | |

| |Ensure instruction of digital citizenship through teaching of digital safety and |All teachers |All students complete |September, 2012 | modules, computer time |

| |anti-bullying when using technology. | | modules on | | |

| | | |digital citizenship | | |

|Program Evaluation Component |

|Process: Review data identified to measure fidelity of implementation and impact of strategy or initiative on student outcomes. |

|Utilize various data sources, both quantitative and qualitative to complete a full evaluation of programs and initiatives. |

|Formative Evaluation Measures: |

|Lesson Plans |

|Campus technology plan included in handbook |

| |

| |

|Summative Evaluation Measures: |

|100% of teachers will document implementation of technological best practice strategies and activities in their lesson plans |

|100% of Language Arts staff trained in Reading Street technology components and implementation in classrooms. |

|100% of WES Staff will utilize technology effectively |

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|Evaluation Results: This will be completed at the end of the school year |

| |

Action Goal #4

|Processes/systems will be developed to enhance and build positive relationships and collaboration among community and staff. |

|Performance | |

|Objective(s): |4.1 Continue to implement positive and consistent campus communication between teacher and parents. |

| |4.2 Continue to build community resources to support students in and out of school. |

| |What STRATEGIES must be initiated to reach |Who will be RESPONSIBLE for |What MEASURE will we use|What is a realistic |What RESOURCES will be utilized to |

| |this process? |implementing these strategies? |to assess the |TIMELINE for implementing |implement these strategies? |

| | | |effectiveness of these |these strategies? | |

| | | |strategies? | | |

| |1. Provide various opportunities for staff to communicate with parents and |All staff |Contact logs, parent |2012-2013 School year |Campus Handbook, phone logs, |

| |provide information (conferences, RTI updates, phone calls, websites, | |input and surveys | |websites |

| |newsletters, enews, ets..) | | | | |

| |2. Provide Spanish translation at school wide campus meetings as well as |Principal, Bilingual Staff |Parent input and surveys|2012-2013 School year |District translation system, |

| |translations of newsletters and campus fliers. | | | |translation services, staff to |

| | | | | |translate, Spanish and English |

| | | | | |PPTs., Title funds |

| |3. Connect parents with outside resources that support students in and out of |Nurse, Counselor, Administration |Participation of parents|2012-2013 school year |Lists of Organizational |

| |school, (Backpack Buddies, Lonestar Circle of Care, Helping Hands, Intervention | |and community members, | |participants, bus transportation for|

| |Services, Operation School Bell, Junior University, Sun City and mentors, etc..) | |volunteer hours | |Sun City, Organizational forms |

| | | | | | |

| |4.. Improve Staff TEAMWORK, Partnership and Communication by regularly |Wellness and Social Committees |Social Committee funds, |All Year |Staff meetings and activities, |

| |implementing STAFF TEAM BUILDERS (ice breakers, staff activities throughout the |Cauldron, PTA |PTA support | |Dodge-ball tournament, jean days. |

| |year) | | | |Partnerships with PTA. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Program Evaluation Component |

|Process: Review data identified to measure fidelity of implementation and impact of strategy or initiative on student outcomes. |

|Utilize various data sources, both quantitative and qualitative to complete a full evaluation of programs and initiatives. |

|Formative Evaluation Measures: |

|Teacher contact logs |

|Parent input |

|Parent surveys |

|Volunteer hours |

|Continued support from community members |

| |

|Summative Evaluation Measures: |

|100% of school wide events will provide Spanish translation. |

|Increase volunteer hours by 10% from the 2011-2012 school year to the 2012-2013 school year. |

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|Evaluation Results: This will be completed at the end of the school year |

| |

Action Goal #5

|Processes/systems will be developed to increase student attendance and wellness. |

|Performance | |

|Objective(s): |5.1 Continue school wide documentation of absences and tardies. |

| |5.2 Continue implementation of character education and wellness programs. |

| |5.3 Provide knowledge and access to community resources that promote wellness. |

| |What STRATEGIES must be initiated to reach |Who will be RESPONSIBLE for |What MEASURE will we use|What is a realistic |What RESOURCES will be utilized to |

| |this process? |implementing these strategies? |to assess the |TIMELINE for implementing |implement these strategies? |

| | | |effectiveness of these |these strategies? | |

| | | |strategies? | | |

| |1. Train staff on campus procedures used to address students persistently tardy |Administration |Training logs |August, 2012 |Campus Absence and Tardy |

| |or absent. | | | |Documentation form |

| | 2. Implement school-wide No Place for Hate activities (Activities TBD) along |Staff |3 completed activities, |2012-2013 school year |Lifeskills and Second Step Social |

| |with continued use of Second Step and Lifeskills. | |campus calendar, | |Skills programs, paper dolls, Bricks|

| | | |newsletters to parents | |for Mix it Up Lunch |

| |3. Provide opportunities for student to learn about Healthy Living during PE |PE Staff, Nurse |Participation in lessons|2012-2013 school year |Lesson Plans, Health Curriculum, Get|

| |classes and in collaboration with community resource groups (Animal and Fire | |and activities | |GT Fit Program |

| |Safety, Shot clinics, Get GT Fit, Physical Fitgrams, Body Awareness for 4th and | | | | |

| |5th grade students, etc..) | | | | |

| |4. Continue and develop activities that encourage students to stay motivated |All Staff |$500, Title funds | All Year |Communication with staff and |

| |to learn, to develop personal connections and to take ownership of our school. | | | |students, Sign up sheets of student |

| |(Choir, Garden Club, Science Fair, UIL, Safety Patrol, WATCH Dog mentoring | | | |participation |

| |program, Library Book Clubs, Art and Drama Club, fieldtrips, etc.) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Program Evaluation Component |

|Process: Review data identified to measure fidelity of implementation and impact of strategy or initiative on student outcomes. |

|Utilize various data sources, both quantitative and qualitative to complete a full evaluation of programs and initiatives. |

|Formative Evaluation Measures: |

|Sign in sheets for training |

|Calendar demonstrates No Place for Hate Activities |

|Enews, newsletters, announcements |

| |

|Summative Evaluation Measures: |

|100 % of staff implementation of Social Skills lessons |

|End of the year attendance rates of 95% or more for the year. |

|At least a 10% decrease in discipline incidences from 2011-2012 school year to 2012-2013 school year. |

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|Evaluation Results: This will be completed at the end of the school year |

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|Following a rich tradition of community involvement, the mission of GISD is to empower students to become life-long learners and productive citizens in a dynamic, global society, by providing quality learning |

|experiences that develop the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes for continued success. |


|Life-long learning is essential for citizens of our community,|Goal 1: Exemplary Performance |Curriculum |

|nation, and world. |All GISD students will demonstrate exemplary academic performance. |• We will continually evaluate and refine the curriculum that enables students |

|The family, school, and community share the responsibility for| |to become productive, life-long learners. |

|the positive development of youth. |Goal 2: Prepared Graduates |Instruction |

|Given opportunities, all individuals can reach their potential|All students will graduate prepared to transition into post-secondary |• We will develop and implement learning experiences that link curriculum with |

|to learn. |education or careers. |real world applications to meet the needs of each student. |

|Every individual has a right to a safe, nurturing environment.| |Technology |

|Knowledge empowers. |Goal 3: Quality Staff |• We will establish and strengthen the network of instructional services |

|Individuals are responsible for their actions. |All positions will be filled by highly qualified |(computer labs, libraries, class rooms, as well as other curriculum resources) |

|Working toward a vision promotes success. |candidates/professionals. |to fully develop the technology skills of students and staff. |

|Every person is unique, has value, and deserves the | |Intra-District Communications |

|opportunity to earn respect. |Goal 4: Quality Learning Environments & Facilities |• We will develop and implement a system-wide, internal communication process |

| |GISD will promote nurturing, safe, and orderly environments and |that assures timely, multidirectional information flow. |

|PARAMETERS |quality facilities for all students. |External Communications |

| | |• We will develop reciprocal teams of parents, community advocates, and school |

|We will not tolerate prejudicial discrimination of any kind. |Goal 5: Positive Perceptions, Relationships, and Collaboration |personnel to communicate and enhance both school and community projects and |

|We will provide a safe and secure environment in all school |Enhance and build positive perceptions, relationships and |programs. |

|facilities. |collaboration among community and staff. |• We will provide opportunities for active parental and community involvement |

|We will hold each individual responsible for his/her actions. | |in students’ learning. |

|We will not compromise our efforts to provide a quality |Goal 6: Fiscal Accountability & Responsibility |Wellness |

|education. |Ensure fiscal accountability and responsibility through strategic |• We will provide prevention and intervention to promote the health and |

| |alignment and sound stewardship of the district’s financial resources.|well-being of all students and staff. |

| | |• We will provide safe and secure environments in all school facilities |

| |Goal 7: Organizational and Operational Effectiveness |Educational and Support Service |

| |Improve organizational and operational effectiveness to better support|• We will provide the appropriate educational services to meet the individual |

| |the district’s mission and support for the student-teacher |needs of all students. |

| |relationship. |• We will encourage parents to become full partners in the education of their |

| | |children. |


|GISD Graduate Profile was developed by the District Performance Council to represent the attributes that all GISD graduates should possess. |

| | |

|I. Effective Communicators |IV. Productive Learners |

|Able to read for a variety of purposes and to apply reading skills to real-life situations. |Able to apply the self-management skills of goal setting, time management, and continuous |

|Able to use a range of writing styles effectively and appropriately for purpose, situation, and audience. |improvement. |

|Able to listen attentively and critically for a variety of purposes and to respond to speakers |Able to demonstrate skills in resource management (allocate money, materials, space, and people). |

|appropriately. |Able to manage information by acquiring and evaluating data, organizing and maintaining records, |

|Able to use effective speaking strategies for both formal and informal purposes and settings. |using technology to process information, and selecting equipment and tools to improve systems and to|

| |accomplish goals. |

|II. Academically Prepared |Able to use critical and creative thinking to solve problems. |

|Able to use mathematics, science, and social studies as tools for problem solving, communicating, and | |

|reasoning. |V. Life Skills Oriented |

|Able to use the literary, visual, and performing arts to enrich their lives. |Able to make wise career decisions based on self-knowledge, educational/occupational explorations, |

| |and career planning. |

|III. Responsible Citizens |Able to make informed decisions about physical and mental health. |

|Able to incorporate the nature of economics as it applies to everyday living. |Able to demonstrate interpersonal and academic skills needed to be self-supporting citizens, to work|

|Able to actively contribute to community or school service organizations. |effectively in teams, to manage conflict, to lead in community and business, and to be effective |

|Able to make and to evaluate decisions based on ethical principles. |parents. |

|Able to understand world issues, to identify the rights and obligations of citizens, and to participate in| |

|the democratic process. | |

The District Performance Council has adopted the Effective Schools Correlates as the standards for educational quality.



|Teachers believe all students can master basic skills in their program. |The physical environment is safe, orderly, clean, and conducive to learning. |

|Teachers believe that all students’ home backgrounds are not the primary factor in determining |Teachers believe it is their responsibility to teach all students and the professional environment |

|achievement. |establishes courtesy and respect. |

|Teachers’ expectations are clearly defined in goals for student achievement. |The staff believes that all children can learn and should be provided the opportunity to learn without |

|Teachers treat students in ways that emphasize success and potential rather than those which focus on |negative criticism. |

|failure. |Clear rules, policies, and expectations are in place and are consistently enforced by all adults. |

|Teachers encourage all students through rewards, encouragement, and recognition. |Students are recognized for academic efforts and accomplishments. |

|Student achievements are featured in school and community media. |Teachers are recognized for academic efforts, professional growth, and teaching accomplishments. |

| |There is a spirit of collaboration among the staff and between the staff and community in reaching the |

|II. PARENT AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT |goals of the school. |

|Parent/teacher conferences result in specific plans for home/school cooperation to improve student |Students are made to feel welcome and wanted in a student-centered environment that maintains rapport to |

|achievement. |encourage learning. |

|Parents and teachers are aware of the school or district homework policy. | |

|Many parents visit the school to observe the instructional program. |VI. INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP |

|Home visits, phone calls, newsletters, regular notes, etc. are frequently utilized to strengthen |The principal has frequent informal and formal observations. |

|communication. |Individual teachers and principal meet to discuss focus of classroom observation. |

|Local businesses and organizations contribute money, time, and other resources. |Regularly scheduled faculty meetings are held to discuss instructions and student achievement. |

| |Teachers, administrators, and parents assume responsibility for school discipline. |

|III. MEASUREMENT |School rules are understood, respected, and enforced by administrators, teachers, students, and the board |

|Staff follows routine procedures for frequent collection, summarization, and reporting of student |of trustees. |

|achievement. |Most students abide by school/classroom rules. |

|Assessment methods and instruments are selected to measure learning objectives. |The physical condition of the school is generally pleasant and well maintained. |

|The teachers and principal thoroughly review and analyze test results to plan instructional program |Teachers treat students fairly and with consistency. |

|modification. |School improvement priorities and plans are developed cooperatively with principal, teachers, parents, and |

|Results of assessment reports are tied to learning objectives. |students. |

| |The principal leads frequent formal discussion with staff concerning instructional and student achievement.|


|Curriculum is designed so objectives (what should be taught), instruction (what actually is taught), and | |

|assessment (what is tested), all align. | |

|Goals are developed/endorsed by teachers, parents, administrators, and students. | |

|A written statement of purpose (mission) exists as the driving force behind most important school | |

|decisions. | |

|Instructional strategies and materials are adjusted to individual learning needs. | |

|Several events (assembly, trips) are planned to enhance the instructional program. | |

|Results of assessment reports are tied to learning objectives. | |

|Teachers and principals thoroughly review and analyze test results to plan instructional program | |

|modification. | |


The district operates in full compliance with the student confidentiality requirements of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For a full explanation of district practices and procedures regarding student confidentiality see district policies FL (LEGAL) and FL (LOCAL).


The Georgetown Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in providing education or providing access to the benefits of educational services, activities, and programs, including Career and Technology Education programs, in accordance with ACCELLs VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; ACCELL IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (34 CFR Part 110); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; ACCELL II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and local Board policies.


(The 10 components must be incorporated into Title I School wide Campus plans by statute.

All GISD campuses will incorporate all 10 components in the Campus Improvement Plan.

Place a check mark in each space by each component that is incorporated into the plan.)

___TS-1. A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school (including taking into account the needs of migratory children) that is based on information on the performance of children in relation to the state content and state student performance standards.

___TS-2. School-wide reform strategies that---

___TS-2a. a. provide opportunities for all children to meet the state’s proficient and advanced levels of student performance;

___TS-2b. b. use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research that-

- strengthen the core academic program in the school;

- increase the amount and quality of learning time, such as, providing an extended school year, before-and after-school programs summer programs and help to provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum; and

- include strategies for meeting the educational needs of historically underserved populations.

___TS-2c. c. include strategies to address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the state student academic achievement standards who are members of the target population of any program that is included in the school-wide program, which may include counseling, pupil services, and mentoring services;

- college and career awareness and preparation, such as college and career guidance, personal finance education, and innovative teaching methods that may include applied learning and team-teaching strategies; and

- the integration of vocational and technical education programs; and address how the campus will determine if such needs have been met; and

___TS-2d. d. are consistent with, and are designed to implement, the state and local improvement plans, if any.

___TS-3. Instruction by highly qualified teachers.

___TS-4. High quality and ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, and paraprofessionals, and, if appropriate, pupil services personnel, parents, and other staff to enable all children in the school to meet the state’s student academic achievement standards.

___TS-5. Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers to high need schools.

___TS-6. Strategies to increase parental involvement in accordance with Section 1118, such as family literacy services.

_ _TS-7. Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs, such as Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First, or a state-run preschool program, to local elementary school programs.

___TS-8. Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments described in section 1111(b)(3) in order to provide information on, and to improve, the performance of individual students and the overall instructional program.

___TS-9. Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance, which shall include measures to ensure that students’ difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance.

___TS-10. Coordination and integration occurs between federal, state, and local services and programs, including programs supported under NCLB, violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start, adult education, vocational and technical education, and job training.


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