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Keyword: Frequency Assignment Problems (FAPs)


Allen et al., 2002

Allen, S. M., Smith, D. H., and Hurley, S. (2002).

Generation of lower bounds for minimum span frequency assignment.

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 119(1-2):59-78.

Avenali et al., 2002

Avenali, A., Mannino, C., and Sassano, A. (2002).

Minimizing the span of [pic]-walks to compute optimum frequency assignments.

Mathematical Programming, 91(2):357-374.

previously published as techincal report 04-00, DIS-Università di Roma ``La Sapienza'', Rome, Italy.

Gerke and McDiarmid, 2002

Gerke, S. and McDiarmid, C. (2002).

Channel assignment with large demands.

Annals of Operations Research, 107(1-4):143-159.

Hurley et al., 2002

Hurley, S., Whitaker, R. M., and Smith, D. H. (2002).

Channel loading in private mobile radio networks.

Annals of Operations Research, 107(1-4):211-224.

Jaumard et al., 2002

Jaumard, B., Marcotte, O., Meyer, C., and Vovor, T. (2002).

Comparison of column generation models for channel assignment in cellular networks.

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 118:299-322.

previously published as technical report of Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, November 1998.

Heuvel and Pejicacute, 2002

Heuvel, J. v. d. and Pejicacute, S. (2002).

Using Laplacian eigenvalues and eigenvectors in the analysis of frequency assignment problems.

Annals of Operations Research, 107(1-4):349-368.

Smith et al., 2002

Smith, D. H., Allen, S. M., and Hurley, S. (2002).

Characteristics of good meta-heuristic algorihtms for the frequency assignment problem.

Annals of Operations Research, 107(1-4):285-301.

Struzak, 2002

Struzak, R. (2002).

On spectrum congestion and capacity of radio links.

Annals of Operations Research, 107(1-4):339-347.

Mathar and Schmeink, 2002

Mathar, R. and Schmeink, M. (2002).

Optimal base station positioning and channel assignment for 3G mobile networks by integer programming.

Annals of Operations Research, 107(1-4):225-236

Reininger and Caminada, 2002

Reininger, P. and Caminada, A. (2002).

Multicriteria design model for cellular network.

Annals of Operations Research, 107(1-4):251-265.

Montemanni et al., 2002a

Montemanni, R., Moon, J. N. J., and Smith, D. H. (2002a).

An improved tabu search algorithm for the fixed spectrum frequency assignment problem.

Technical report, University of Glamorgan.

in preperation.

Montemanni et al., 2002b

Montemanni, R., Smith, D. H., and Allen, S. M. (2002b).

Lower bounds for fixed spectrum frequency assignment.

Annals of Operations Research, 107(1-4):237-250.



Aardal et al., 2001

Aardal, K. I., Hoesel, C. P. M. v., Koster, A. M. C. A., Mannino, C., and Sassano, A. (2001).

Models and solution techniques for the frequency assignment problem.

ZIB-report 01-40, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Available at or .

Correia, 2001

Correia, L. M., editor (2001).

Wireless Flexible Personalized Communications - COST 259: European Co-operation in Mobile Radio Research.

John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

COST Action 259--Final Report

Janssen and Narayanan, 2001

Janssen, J. and Narayanan, L. (2001).

Approximation algorithms for the channel assignment problem.

Theoretical Computer Science A, 262:649-667.

Extended abstract published in the proceedings of ISAAC'99

Eisenblätter, 2001

Eisenblätter, A. (2001).

Frequency Assignment in GSM Networks: Models, Heuristics, and Lower Bounds.

PhD thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Available at

Koster et al., 2001

Koster, A. M. C. A., Hoesel, C. P. M. v., and Kolen, A. W. J. (2001).

Lower bounds for minimum interference frequency assignment problems.

Ricerca Operativa, 30(94-95):101-116.

previously published as Research Memorandum 99/026, Universteit Maastricht; available at .

Matsui and Tokoro, 2001

Matsui, S. and Tokoro, K. (2001).

Improving the performance of a genetic algorithm for minimum span frequency assignment problem with an adaptive mutation rate and a new initialization method.

In Proc. of GECCO-2001 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference), pages 1359-1366. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

Montemanni, 2001

Montemanni, R. (2001).

Upper and lower bounds for the fixed spectrum frequency assignment problem.

PhD thesis, Division of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Technology, University of Glamorgan.

Smith et al., 2001

Smith, D. H., Taplin, R. K., and Hurley, S. (2001).

Frequency assignment with complex co-site constraints.

IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 43(2):210-218.


Zhou et al., 2000

Zhou, X., Kanari, Y., and Nishizeki, T. (2000).

Generalized vertex-colorings of partial k-trees.

IEICE Transactions, E83-A(4):671-678.

publication of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, available at .

Björklund et al., 2000

Björklund, P., Värbrand, P., and Yuan, D. (2000).

Optimal gsm network planning with frequency hopping.

Presented at the 5th INFORMS Telecommunication Conference, Boca Raton, USA.

de Urries et al., 2000

de Urries, L. J., Guerra, M. A. D., and Berberana, I. (2000).

Frequency planning using simulated annealing.

Technical report, COST259.

Eisenblätter et al., 2000

Eisenblätter, A., Grötschel, M., and Koster, A. M. C. A. (2000).

Frequency assignment and ramifications of coloring.

ZIB-report 00-47, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Available at . To be published

Eisenblätter and Kürner, 2000

Eisenblätter, A. and Kürner, T. (2000).

Benchmarking frequency allocation strategies.

Technical Report COST 259, TD (00) 44, COST 259.

Fischetti et al., 2000

Fischetti, M., Lepschy, C., Minerva, G., Romanin-Jacur, G., and Toto, E. (2000).

Frequency assignment in mobile radio systems using branch-and-cut techniques.

European Journal of Operational Research, 123:241-255.

previously published as technical report of the Universita di Padova.

Fitzpatrick et al., 2000

Fitzpatrick, S., Janssen, J., and Nowakowski, R. (2000).

Distributive channel assignment algorithms for cellular networks with constraints.

Technical Report G-2000-14, GERAD, HEC, Montreal, Canada.

Extended abstract in Proceedings of ARACNE 2000, preprint available at .

Grötschel, 2000

Grötschel, M. (2000).

Frequency assignment in mobile phone systems.

In Kapoor and Prasad, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 1974, pages 81-86. FST TCS 2000: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science.

Available as ZIB-report at

Hellebrandt and Heller, 2000

Hellebrandt, M. and Heller, H. (2000).

A new heuristic method for frequency assignment.

Technical Report TD(00)003, COST259, Valencia, Spain.

Heller, 2000

Heller, H. (2000).

private communication.

Janssen and Wentzell, 2000

Janssen, J. and Wentzell, T. (2000).

Lower bounds from tile covers for the channel assignment problem.

Technical Report G-2000-09, GERAD, HEC, Montreal, Canada.

preprint available at

Kim and Chang, 2000

Kim, S. and Chang, K.-N. (2000).

A gos updating algorithm for the minimum span problem in a cellular mobile system.

submitted to IEEE transaction on networking.

Maniezzo and Carbonaro, 2000

Maniezzo, V. and Carbonaro, A. (2000).

An ants heuristic for the frequency assignment problem.

Future Generation Computer Systems, 16:927 - 935.

Maniezzo and Montemanni, 2000

Maniezzo, V. and Montemanni, R. (2000).

An exact algorithm for the min-interference frequency assignment problem.

Technical Report WP-CO0003, Scienze dell'Informazione, University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy.

Mannino et al., 2000

Mannino, C., Oriolo, G., and Sassano, A. (2000).

Weighted stable set problem in [pic]-thin graphs.

Technical Report 09-00, Universitá di Roma ``La Sapienza''

Mathar and Schmeink, 2000

Mathar, R. and Schmeink, M. (2000).

Integrated optimal cell site selection and frequency allocation for cellular radio networks.

Technical report, Aachen University of Technology.

Matsui and Tokoro, 2000

Matsui, S. and Tokoro, K. (2000).

A new genetic algorithm for minimum span frequency assignment using permutation and clique.

In Proc. of GECCO-2000 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference), pages 682-689. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

Nielsen and Wigard, 2000

Nielsen, T. T. and Wigard, J. (2000).

Performance Enhancements in a Frequency Hopping GSM Network.

Kluwers Academic Publishers.

ISBN: 0 7923 7819 9.

Smith et al., 2000a

Smith, D. H., Allen, S. M., and Hurley, S. (2000a).

Lower bounds for channel assignment.

In Leese, R., editor, Methods and Algorithms for Radio Channel Assignment. Oxford University Press.

to appear.

Smith et al., 2000b

Smith, D. H., Hurley, S., and Allen, S. M. (2000b).

A new lower bound for the channel assignment problem.

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 49(4):1265-1272.

Tiourine et al., 2000

Tiourine, S. R., Hurkens, C. A. J., and Lenstra, J. K. (2000).

Local search algorithms for the radio link frequency assignment problem.

Telecommunication systems, 13:293-314.


Hao and Perrier, 1999

Hao, J.-K. and Perrier, L. (1999).

Tabu search for the frequency assignment problem in cellular radio networks.

European Journal of Operational Research, page (submittedAardal et al., 1999

Aardal, K. I., Hurkens, C. A. J., Lenstra, J. K., and Tiourine, S. R. (1999).

Algorithms for frequency assignment problems.

Technical report, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Allen et al., 1999a

Allen, S. M., Hurley, S., Smith, D. H., and Thiel, S. U. (1999a).

Using lower bounds in minimum span frequency assignment.

In et al., S. V., editor, Meta-Heuristics: Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, pages 191-204. Kluwer.

Allen et al., 1999b

Allen, S. M., Smith, D. H., and Hurley, S. (1999b).

Lower bounding techniques for frequency assignment.

Discrete Mathematics, 197/198:41-52.

Beckmann and Killat, 1999a

Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1999a).

Frequency planning with respect to interference minimization in cellular radio networks.

Technical Report TD(99)032, COST259, Vienna, Austria

Beckmann and Killat, 1999b

Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1999b).

A new strategy for the application of genetic algorithms to the channel-assignment problem.

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 48(4):1261-1269

Beckmann and Killat, 1999c

Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1999c).

A powerful hybrid algorithm for the channel-assignment problem basing on evolutionary optimization.

In Proc. "3rd European Personal Mobile Communicactions Conference", EPMCC'99, Paris, France.

Cabon et al., 1999

Cabon, B., Givry, S. D., Lobjois, L., Schiex, T., and Warners, J. P. (1999).

Benchmarks problems: Radio link frequency assignment.

Constraints, 4:79-89.

Castelino and Stephens, 1999

Castelino, D. J. and Stephens, N. M. (1999).

A surrogate constraint tabu thresholding implementation for the frequency assignment problem.

Annals of Operations Research, 86:259-270.

Eisenblätter et al., 1999

Eisenblätter, A., Kürner, T., and Fauß, R. (1999).

Analysis of c/i-ratio thresholds for frequency planning.

Technical Report COST 259, TD(99) 012, COST 259

Fotakis et al., 1999

Fotakis, D. A., Pantziou, G. E., Pentaris, G. P., and Spirakis, P. G. (1999).

Frequency Assignment in Mobile and Radio Networks, volume 45 of DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, pages 73-90.


Hao and Perrier, 1999

Hao, J.-K. and Perrier, L. (1999).

Tabu search for the frequency assignment problem in cellular radio networks.

European Journal of Operational Research, page (submitted


Technical report LGI2P, EMA-EERIE, Parc Scientifique Georges Besse, Nimes, France.

Janssen and Kilakos, 1999a

Janssen, J. and Kilakos, K. (1999a).

Bounded stable sets: Polytopes and colourings.

SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 12(2):262-275.

previously published as report CDAM-96-18, London School of Economics.

Janssen and Kilakos, 1999b

Janssen, J. and Kilakos, K. (1999b).

An optimal solution to the ``Philadelphia'' channel assignment problem.

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 48(3):1012-1014.

previously published as report CDAM-96-16, London School of Economics.

Janssen et al., 1999

Janssen, J., Kilakos, K., and Marcotte, O. (1999).

Fixed preference channel assignment for cellular telephone systems.

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 48:533-541.

Jaumard et al., 1999

Jaumard, B., Marcotte, O., and Meyer, C. (1999).

Mathematical models and exact methods for channel assignment in cellular networks.

In Sansáo, B. and Soriano, P., editors, Telecommunications Network Planning, chapter 13, pages 239-255. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.

Kolen, 1999

Kolen, A. W. J. (1999).

A genetic algorithm for frequency assignment.

Technical report, Maastricht University.

Koster et al., 1999a

Koster, A. M. C. A., Hoesel, C. P. M. v., and Kolen, A. W. J. (1999a).

Optimal solutions for a frequency assignment problem via tree-decomposition.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1665:338-349.

Koster et al., 1999b

Koster, A. M. C. A., Hoesel, C. P. M. v., and Kolen, A. W. J. (1999b).

Solving frequency assignment problems via tree-decomposition.

Technical Report RM 99/011, Maastricht University.

Available at .

Koster et al., 1999c

Koster, A. M. C. A., Hoesel, C. P. M. v., and Kolen, A. W. J. (1999c).

Solving frequency assignment problems via tree-decomposition.

Electronic Notes on Discrete Mathematics, 3.

Available at .

Murphey et al., 1999

Murphey, R. A., Pardalos, P. M., and Resende, M. G. C. (1999).

Frequency assignment problems.

In Du, D.-Z. and Pardalos, P. M., editors, Handbook of combinatorial optimization, volume Supplement Volume A. Kluwer Academic Publishers

Nielsen et al., 1999

Nielsen, T. T., Wigard, J., Michaelsen, P. H., and Mogensen, P. (1999).

Resource allocation in a frequency hopping pcs1900/gsm/dcs1800 type of network.

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, pages 209-214.

Sandalidis et al., 1999

Sandalidis, H. G., Stavroulakis, P. P., and Rodriguez-Tellez, J. (1999).

Borrowing channel assignment strategies based on heuristic techniques for cellular systems.

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 10:176-181.

Aardal et al., 1999

Aardal, K. I., Hurkens, C. A. J., Lenstra, J. K., and Tiourine, S. R. (1999).

Algorithms for frequency assignment problems.

Technical report, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

Allen et al., 1999b

Allen, S. M., Smith, D. H., and Hurley, S. (1999b).

Lower bounding techniques for frequency assignment.

Discrete Mathematics, 197/198:41-52.

Allen et al., 1999a

Allen, S. M., Hurley, S., Smith, D. H., and Thiel, S. U. (1999a).

Using lower bounds in minimum span frequency assignment.

In et al., S. V., editor, Meta-Heuristics: Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, pages 191-204. Kluwer.

Beckmann and Killat, 1999a

Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1999a).

Frequency planning with respect to interference minimization in cellular radio networks.

Technical Report TD(99)032, COST259, Vienna, Austria.

Beckmann and Killat, 1999b

Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1999b).

A new strategy for the application of genetic algorithms to the channel-assignment problem.

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 48(4):1261-1269.

Beckmann and Killat, 1999c

Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1999c).

A powerful hybrid algorithm for the channel-assignment problem basing on evolutionary optimization.

In Proc. "3rd European Personal Mobile Communicactions Conference", EPMCC'99, Paris, France.

Cabon et al., 1999

Cabon, B., Givry, S. D., Lobjois, L., Schiex, T., and Warners, J. P. (1999).

Benchmarks problems: Radio link frequency assignment.

Constraints, 4:79-89.

Castelino and Stephens, 1999

Castelino, D. J. and Stephens, N. M. (1999).

A surrogate constraint tabu thresholding implementation for the frequency assignment problem.

Annals of Operations Research, 86:259-270.

Eisenblätter et al., 1999

Eisenblätter, A., Kürner, T., and Fauß, R. (1999).

Analysis of c/i-ratio thresholds for frequency planning.

Technical Report COST 259, TD(99) 012, COST 259.

Fotakis et al., 1999

Fotakis, D. A., Pantziou, G. E., Pentaris, G. P., and Spirakis, P. G. (1999).

Frequency Assignment in Mobile and Radio Networks, volume 45 of DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, pages 73-90.


Koster, 1999

Koster, A. M. C. A. (1999).

Frequency Assignment - Models and Algorithms.

PhD thesis, Maastricht University.

Available at .


Shepherd, 1998

Shepherd, M. A. (1998).

Radio Channel Assignment.

PhD thesis, Oxford Univerisity

Smith et al., 1998a

Smith, D. H., Allen, S. M., Hurley, S., and Watkins, W. J. (1998a).

Frequency Assignment: Methods and Algorithms.

In RTO IST Symposium on Frequency Assignment, Sharing and Conservation in Systems (Aerospace), Aalborg, Denmark, 5-7 October 1998, pages K-1-K-18.

Smith et al., 1998b

Smith, D. H., Hurley, S., and Thiel, S. U. (1998b).

Improving heuristics for the frequency assignment problem.

European Journal of Operational Research, 107:76-86.

Smith, 1998

Smith, K. A. (1998).

A genetic algorithm for the channel assignment problem.

IEEE Global Communications Conference, 4:2013-2017.

Smith et al., 1998c

Smith, K. A., Kim, B. K., and Sargent, G. F. (1998c).

Minimising channel interference in real cellular radio networks.

IEEE Global Communications Conference, 4:2192-2197.

Tsang and Voudouris, 1998

Tsang, E. and Voudouris, C. (1998).

Solving the radio link frequency assignment problem using guided local search.

In NATO Symposium on Radio Length Frequency Assignment, Aalborg, Denmark.

Available at .

van den Heuvel et al., 1998

van den Heuvel, J., Leese, R. A., and Shepherd, M. A. (1998).

Graph labelling and radio channel assignment.

Journal of Graph Theory, 29:263-284.

van den Heuvel, J. (1998).

Radio channel assignment on 2-dimensional lattices.

Technical Report LSE-CDAM-98-05, London School of Economics, CDAM.

Available at .

Valenzuela et al., 1998

Valenzuela, C., Hurley, S., and Smith, D. H. (1998).

A permutation based genetic algorithm for minimum span frequency assignment.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1498:907-916.

Al-Khaled, 1998

Al-Khaled, F. S. (1998).

Optimal radio channel assignment through the new binary dynamic simulated annealing algorithm.

International Journal of Communication Systems, 11:327-336.

Bater et al., 1998

Bater, J., Jeavons, P., and Cohen, D. (1998).

Are there optimal reuse distance constraints for FAPs with random Tx placements?

Technical Report CSD-TR-98-01, Royal Holloway University of London.

Beckmann and Killat, 1998

Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1998).

Optimierung von mobilfunknetzen nach dem vorbild der biologischen evolution.


Borndörfer et al., 1998a

Borndörfer, R., Eisenblätter, A., Grötschel, M., and Martin, A. (1998a).

Frequency assignment in cellular phone networks.

Annals of Operations Research, 76:73-93.

Borndörfer et al., 1998b

Borndörfer, R., Eisenblätter, A., Grötschel, M., and Martin, A. (1998b).

The orientation model for frequency assignment problems.

Technical Report TR 98-01, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin.

Crisan and Mühlenbein, 1998a

Crisan, C. and Mühlenbein, H. (1998a).

The breeder genetic algorithm for frequency assignment.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1498:897-906.

Crisan and Mühlenbein, 1998b

Crisan, C. and Mühlenbein, H. (1998b).

The frequency assginment problem: A look at the performance of evolutionary search.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1363:263-274.

Dorne and Hao, 1998

Dorne, R. and Hao, J.-K. (1998).

A new genetic local search algorithm for graph coloring.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1498:745-754.

Dunkin et al., 1998

Dunkin, N., Bater, J., Jeavons, P., and Cohen, D. (1998).

Towards high order constraint representations for the frequency assignment problem.

Technical Report CSD-TR-98-05, Royal Holloway University of London.

Available at .

Eisenblätter, 1998

Eisenblätter, A. (1998).

Proposal: File formats for standard scenarios for frequency planning.

Technical Report COST 259, TD(98) 48, COST 259.


in Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory.

Eisenblätter et al., 1998

Eisenblätter, A., Kürner, T., and Fauß, R. (1998).

Radio planning algorithms for interference reduction in cellular networks.

In 252/259, C., editor, Communications for the Millennium. COST 252/259 Joint Workshop, University of Bradford, 21-22 apr 1998., pages 87-92.

Available by ftp.

Feder and Shende, 1998

Feder, T. and Shende, S. M. (1998).

Online channel allocation in FDMA networks with reuse constraints.

Technical Report 98-17, DIMACS

Fotakis and Spirakis, 1998

Fotakis, D. A. and Spirakis, P. G. (1998).

Graph labelling and assignment of non-reusable frequencies.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1530:18-29.

Hao et al., 1998

Hao, J.-K., Dorne, R., and Galinier, P. (1998).

Tabu search for frequency assignment in moblie radio networks.

Journal of Heuristics, 4:47-62.

Janssen and Kilakos, 1998

Janssen, J. and Kilakos, K. (1998).

Tile covers, closed tours and the radio spectrum.

In Sansó, B. and Soriano, P., editors, Telecommunications Network Planning, chapter 14. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

previously published as report CDAM-97-08, London School of Economics.

Janssen et al., 1998

Janssen, J., Krizanc, D., Narayanan, L., and Shende, S. (1998).

Distributed online frequency assignment in cellular networks.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1373:3-13.

Jaumard et al., 1998

Jaumard, B., Marcotte, O., and Meyer, C. (1998).

Estimation of the quality of cellular networks using column generation techniques.

Technical Report G-98-02, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal.

Jaumard and Vovor, 1998

Jaumard, B. and Vovor, T. (1998).

A column generation approach for the exact solution of channel assignment problems.

Technical Report G-98-39, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal.

Jeavons et al., 1998

Jeavons, P., Dunkin, N., and Bater, J. (1998).

Why higher order constraints are necessary to model frequency assignment problems.

In Proceedings of ECAI 98. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Khanna and Kumaran, 1998

Khanna, S. and Kumaran, K. (1998).

On wireless spectrum estimation and generalized graph coloring.


Kind et al., 1998

Kind, J., Niessen, T., and Mathar, R. (1998).

Theory of maximum packing and related channel assignment strategies for cellular radio networks.

Mathematical methods of operations research, 48:1-16.

Koster et al., 1998

Koster, A. M. C. A., Hoesel, C. P. M. v., and Kolen, A. W. J. (1998).

The partial constraint satisfaction problem: Facets and lifting theorems.

Operations Research Letters, 23(3-5):89-97.

Leese, 1998

Leese, R. A. (1998).

A linear programming approach to radio channel assignment in heavily loaded, evolving networks.

Presentation at NATO Symposium, Aalborg, Denmark.

Mannino and Sassano, 1998

Mannino, C. and Sassano, A. (1998).

An enumerative algorithm for the frequency assignment problem.

Technical Report 1096, Università di Roma La Sapienza.

McDiarmid, 1998

McDiarmid, C. (1998).

A doubly cyclic channel assignment problem.

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 80:263-268.

Molloy and Reed, 1998

Molloy, M. and Reed, B. (1998).

Further algorithmic aspects of the lovasz local lemma.

In Proc. 30th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, pages 524-529.

Ngo and Li, 1998

Ngo, C. Y. and Li, V. O. K. (1998).

Fixed channel assignment in cellular radio networks using a modified genetic algorithm.

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 47:163-171.

Pasechnik, 1998

Pasechnik, D. V. (1998).

An interior point approximation algorithm for a class of combinatorial optimization problems: Implementation and enhancements.

Technical report, Delft University of Technology.


Rushforth and Wang, 1997

Rushforth, C. and Wang, W. (1997).

Local search for channel assignment in cellular mobile networks.

In DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, volume 35, pages 689-709. American Mathematical Society.

Schneider, 1997

Schneider, K. (1997).

Frequenzzuweisung im Mobilfunk mittels lokaler Suche.

Adjakplé and Jaumard, 1997

Adjakplé, P. M. and Jaumard, B. (1997).

Greedy and tabu search heuristics for channel block assignment in cellular systems.

Technical Report G-97-45, École Polytechnique de Montréal.

Battiti et al., 1997

Battiti, R., Bertossi, A., and Brunato, M. (1997).

Cellular channel assignment: comparing and simplifying heuristics.

In Proceedings of the IEEE/AMC Workshop Dial M for Mobility, Budapest.

Chang and Kim, 1997

Chang, K.-N. and Kim, S. (1997).

Channel allocation in cellular radio networks.

Computers and Operations Research, 24:849-860.

Dunkin and Allen, 1997

Dunkin, N. and Allen, S. M. (1997).

Frequency assignment problems: Representations and solutions.

Technical Report CSD-TR-97-14, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Available at .

Dunkin and Jeavons, 1997

Dunkin, N. and Jeavons, P. (1997).

Expressiveness of binary constraints for the frequency assignment problem.

In DIAL-M Workshop, 3rd Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM'97).

Eisenblätter, 1997

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