Monday, March 22, 2010 Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Check Homework: Vocabulary for Chapter 27 The Post War Boom and create a chapter coversheet.

Chapter 27 The Postwar Boom

Time Period: 1946-1960

Pages: 838-870

Chapter Objective: To understand the economic, social, and cultural changes that occurred in postwar America.

Section 1: Postwar America

Section 2: The American Dream in the Fifties

Section 3: Popular Culture

Section 4: The Other America

Monday, February 7, 2011 Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Purple Day – Odd White Day - Even

Chapter 27, Section 1 Postwar American Pages: 840-846

Read: Ch 27, Section 1 American Lives – Jackie Robinson “Driven to Break Barriers”

Watch 10 Minutes of A&E Biography of Jackie Robinson

Copy and answer the questions listed in each subsection:

Readjustment and Recovery

How did the GI Bill help returning veterans?

What economic challenges did America face after the war?

What caused the economy to recover so rapidly?

Meeting Economic Challenges

How did Truman handle strikes by miners and railroad workers?

What caused voters to elect a conservative Republican Congress in 1946?

Social Unrest Persists

How did Truman deal with civil rights?

How did the civil rights issue affect the Democratic Party in the election of 1948?

What was Truman’s Fair Deal and how was it received in Congress?

Republicans Take the Middle Road

Why did Truman not run for reelection in 1952?

What kind of leadership style did Eisenhower bring to the presidency?

What did Eisenhower’s reelection in 1956 signify?

What Was The Most Interesting 5 Things That You Have Learned From This Section?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Thursday, February 10, 2011

Purple Day White Day

Chapter 27, Section 2 The American Dream in the Fifties Pages: 847-855

Bring in McDonalds Bag, a Sports Illustrated magazine,


Movies: Father Knows Best, Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet

Books: Comic books Superman (1939) popular

Cars: America hits the road

Credit Cards: Diners Card / American Express

Homes: Suburbia

Ch 27, Section 3 Popular Culture Pages: 858-863

New Music: Rock and Roll grew out of rhythm and blues and country and pop.

Music: Little Richard (Richard Wayne Penniman), Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley and the Comets. Nat King Cole, Lena Horne

Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie -Jazz

Rise of television: I Love Lucy, the Mickey Mouse Club, Howdy Doody Show, $64,000 Question

Movies: Rebel Without A Cause

Comics: Archie

Beat Movement: Expressed the social and literary nonconformity of artists, poets, and writers. Originally meant ‘weary’ but came to refer to a musical beat.

Higher consciousness, Zen Buddhism, music, and sometimes drugs. Allen Ginsenberg – Howl (1956) and Jack Kerouac’s, On The Road (1957)

Friday, February 11, 2011 Monday, February 14, 2011

Purple Day White Day

Ch 27 Section 4 The Other America Pages: 866-869

Discuss and have students complete the section assessment on page: 869

Be sure to complete #2 on page 869 along with all other questions

Create 3 overlaping circles. Name the 1st circle “African Americans”, Name 2nd circle Mexican Americans, and the 3rd circle Native Americans

Fill in the common problems that African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans faced during the 1950’s.

What do these problems illustrate about life in the 1950’s?

Pass out Review Sheet… Test on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 and Wednesday, February 16, 2011.

Review Sheet is on the last page of this document – be prepared 45 questions on the test.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Purple Day – Odd White Day - Even

Chapter 27 Test Postwar Boom

Vocabulary Chapter 28 (All Sections) and Chapter Coversheet (see below)

Chapter 28 The New Frontier and the Great Society

Time Period: 1960-1968

Pages: 874-902

Chapter Objective: To understand the achievements and challenges of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

Section 1: Kennedy and the Cold War

Section 2: The New Frontier

Section 3: The Great Society

Review Sheet For Chapter 27 Postwar Boom Test

1. What was the Fair Deal?

2. Who were the Dixiecrats and who did they support?

3. What is a conglomerate?

4. When did the Baby Boom population begin?

5. What did Jonas Salk develop?

6. What is planned obsolescence?

7. In the early days of rock and roll, who was the audience (race) and who was the band (race)?

8. What was the beat movement?

9. Who were the braceros?

10. What was the termination policy?

11. What were the benefits of the GI Bill of Rights?

12. What did President Truman threaten to do to strikers?

13. Who did the Dixicrats nominate to run for president in 1948?

14. During the 1950’s, _________________ jobs declined.

15. What is the term for a large corporation that owns a number of smaller companies?

16. Where were the vast majority of new homes built in the 1950’s?

17. With more money to spend and an increased number of products to buy, _____________ became an American way of life.

18. Most Americans in the 1960’s relied on _________________ as their primary source of entertainment and information.

19. The expression of nonconformity by _________________ developed into the beat movement.

20. Most _________________ enjoyed the prosperity of the postwar period.

21. What were the early effects of the conversion from a wartime to a peacetime economy?

22. What contributed to the economic recovery after the war?

23. What was the factor that MOST contributed to the upset win of Truman in the 1948 election?

24. Who was the first politician to skillfully use the new medium of television?

25. What was one disadvantage of standardization in American business?

26. What group benefited t most from the economy and culture of the 1950’s?

27. What did the dramatic increase in car ownership in the 1950’s contribute to?

28. What did the Longoria incident prompt Mexican Americans to do?

29. What criticism did television receive in the 1950’s?

30. In the 1950’s, how was the beat movement and rock ‘n’ roll viewed?

31. What is the term for the preoccupation with buying material goods?

32. Who developed a vaccine against polio?

33. What is the term for a company that offers the same products or services in many locations?

34. McDonald’s is one of the earliest examples of this type of business, what type would this be called?

35. What is the term for a marketing strategy in which manufacturers purposely design products to wear out of become outdates in a short period of time?

36. What major corporation includes a number of smaller companies in unrelated business?

37. What is the term for the height of an unprecedented population explosion in 1957?

38. What type of business seeks financial security through diversification, or investment in various areas of the economy?

39. For each below name popular films, songs, books, people, or other associations for each:

Film in the 1950’s:

Radio in the 1950’s:

Television in the 1950’s:

Rock ‘n’ Roll

Beat Movement:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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