Employee’s Name Manager’s Name


Position Start Date of Telecommuting

This authorization describes telecommuting arrangements for the employee who signs below. The manager and employee have discussed the alternate work site, the work to be done there, performance expectations, and related work matters. Specifically, U.S. Bank and employee agree as follows:

1. Job Duties. The Employee’s work status, job duties and responsibilities will not be affected by this arrangement, except that U.S. Bank may require additional duties of employee, or periodic trips to U.S. Bank for meetings and/or training. The Employee will remain obligated to comply with all employer rules, policies, practices, and procedures, except as may be modified in this Authorization. U.S. Bank, at its discretion, may require that some work be performed at a corporate site. Any expenses incurred by the Employee as a result of being required to perform work at a corporate site shall be the sole responsibility of the Employee, unless otherwise agreed to by the Employee’s manager or as prescribed by law.

2. Compensation. The Employee’s compensation and benefits are not changed by this Telecommuting Agreement. The Employee will continue to receive compensation at the same time as regular employees. The Employee accepts responsibility and is solely liable for any tax implications with respect to the alternate work site.

3. At-Will Employment. This agreement shall not be considered a contract or promise of employment. Nothing in this agreement guarantees employment for any specific term. The Employee acknowledges and agrees that s/he will remain an employee at will, which means that the Employee may leave his/her employment voluntarily for any reason at any time and may likewise be terminated by U.S. Bank at any time for any reason.

4. Location of Alternate Work Site. The employee’s alternative work site is located at the following address:


City, State, Zip:       

Phone Number:       

Fax Number:        (if applicable)

Email address:       

[If alternate work site is Employee’s home:]

Employee has designated the following location within the above address as Employee’s work area:     

5. Work Schedule. The Employee agrees to abide by the work schedule set forth on the attached Exhibit A, as may be amended from time to time by U.S. Bank, in its sole discretion. The Employee acknowledges and agrees that compliance with this schedule is necessary to ensure maximum accessibility. If the Employee is classified as “Exempt,” the Employee understands that, as always, it may be necessary to work more than the above scheduled hours to fulfill job responsibilities. If classified as “Non-Exempt,” the Employee agrees to work only the scheduled hours, and to obtain approval in advance before working any overtime and to maintain accurate records of hours worked. The Employee’s manager must approve all changes to the schedule in advance of any modifications.

6. Home Office Furnishings and Maintenance. The Employee is responsible for establishing and furnishing the alternate work site. In addition, the Employee is responsible for all costs associated with establishing and maintaining the alternate work site, including the cost of providing high-speed internet connection and phone service. Business-related, long-distance calls will be eligible for reimbursement.

7. Designated Work Area. The Employee is required to maintain a separate, designated work area at the alternate work site. The Employee may work only in this designated work area. No other individuals, including friends or business associates, are authorized to have access to the designated work area during the scheduled work hours. The Employee agrees that U.S. Bank, in its sole discretion, may inspect and approve the alternate work site before beginning the arrangement.

8. Work Area Environment. The Employee understands the importance of a safe and suitable work area environment, including, as appropriate, factors such as ergonomically-appropriate furniture and equipment, adequate lighting and ventilation, and limited distractions. The Employee agrees to take all necessary steps to ensure that the alternate work site is safe and suitable. The Employee understands that U.S. Bank, in its sole discretion, may visit the alternate work site with or without prior notice to review the suitability of the alternate work site environment.

9. Maintenance of Work Area. The Employee shall maintain the alternate work site area free of safety hazards and other dangers, and shall use and maintain equipment and supplies in a safe and appropriate manner.

10. Work Area Inspections. The Employee agrees that U.S. Bank has the right to make periodic visits to the Employee’s alternate work site to audit the Employee’s compliance with information security, environmental and maintenance safety standards with or without advance notice.

11. Reporting of Accidents. The Employee agrees that he/she will report any work-related injuries to his or her manager immediately, but no later than 24 hours after such injury. The Employee agrees that a U.S. Bank representative may visit the alternate work site location to investigate any work-related injuries.

12. Employer/Employee Liability. U.S. Bank assumes no liability for injuries to the Employee that occur outside of the alternate work site area and outside of Employee’s working hours. In addition, the Employee shall be wholly liable for all injuries to any other persons on the Employee’s premises.

13. Indemnification. The Employee agrees to indemnify U.S. Bank, its affiliates, contractors, employees, and agents for any and all claims, demands, or liability resulting from or arising in connection with any injuries, accidents, damages or liabilities, caused directly or indirectly, by the Employee’s willful misconduct or negligent acts or omissions in the performance of duties and obligations under this Agreement, except where claims, demands or liability arise solely from gross negligence or willful misconduct of U.S. Bank.

14. Telecommuting Equipment. U.S. Bank may, in its sole discretion, provide the Employee certain equipment and telecommunication services for the Employee’s use at the alternate work site, as specifically identified on the attached Exhibit B, which be amended from time to time. The Employee understands that this equipment is the sole and exclusive property of U.S. Bank. With the exception of normal wear and tear, the Employee is liable for the condition of the equipment and for any damages caused by any misuse, negligence, and/or unauthorized use of the equipment. The Employee acknowledges that they must have a phone and that U. S. Bank will only reimburse for business related long distance telephone calls.

15. Maintenance of Equipment. With respect to the normal wear and tear of the provided equipment, U.S. Bank shall be responsible for its maintenance. The Employee shall not modify U.S. Bank’s equipment without written authorization from U.S. Bank. U.S. Bank shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or wear to employee-owned equipment.

16. Notification of Equipment Failure. In the event of equipment failure, or required maintenance, the Employee will notify U.S. Bank as soon as practical. In the event of a malfunction, failure, or required maintenance, U.S. Bank may, in its sole discretion, supply the Employee with temporary use of other U.S. Bank equipment, or require the Employee to work at a corporate site.

17. Office Supplies and Expenses. U.S. Bank will provide the Employee certain appropriate office supplies (i.e., paper, pens, pencils, and reference materials), including those supplies specifically identified on the attached Exhibit B, which may be amended from time to time. U.S. Bank will not reimburse the Employee for any expenses (e.g., mileage, parking) unless Employee obtains the prior approval from the Employee’s manager, except as required by law.

18. Unauthorized Use of Employer Property. All equipment, supplies and other property supplied by U.S. Bank to the Employee is provided exclusively for use in providing services to U.S. Bank. Only the Employee may use the equipment, supplies and property and only for U.S. Bank business-related purposes.

19. Return of Employer Property. Within five (5) business days after termination of employment, or promptly at any time upon U.S. Bank’s request, the Employee shall return all equipment, supplies or other property of U.S. Bank in Employee’s possession. If it should become necessary for U.S. Bank to resort to legal means to recover its equipment, supplies and other property, the Employee agrees to pay all related legal costs and attorneys’ fees that may be incurred by U.S. Bank.

20. Work and Family. The Employee agrees that Telecommuting is not to be viewed as a substitute for family care arrangements and that U.S. Bank expects that the Employee will make family care arrangements as needed. Such obligations will not interfere with the Employee’s work and the safety required. The Employee may undertake family care obligations on a temporary basis, provided that the Employee receives prior approval from the Employee’s manager. The Employee acknowledges and agrees that potential distractions and conflicting demands will be resolved in advance of the telecommuting arrangement. The Employee further acknowledges that U.S. Bank may terminate this Authorization in the event that appropriate family care arrangements are not made or family care obligations unduly disrupt the Employee in the performance of work duties.

21. Bank Policies. Employee has read and agreed to abide by all applicable policies including but not limited to U.S. Bank’s Code of Ethics and U.S. Bank’s Information Security Policies, including the Information Classification and Handling Standard, Information Security Standard on Working Offsite and the Information Security Standard for Remote Access. Employee further agrees that all U.S. Bank Confidential and Customer Confidential information will be handled, maintained, stored, and disposed of in accordance with U.S. Bank policies. Employees will ensure that U.S. Bank paper documents (i.e., presentations, procedures, project materials, etc.) are handled according to the bank’s relevant Information Security Policies and Standards (i.e., these documents will be kept out of sight from family and home visitors; documents will be shredded prior to being recycled or thrown in the trash, etc.).

22. Modifications, Changes or Discontinuance of the Telecommuting Authorization. U.S. Bank will review the Telecommuting Authorization every six months to determine whether such arrangements should be modified, changed or discontinued. In addition, the Employee understands that U.S. Bank has the discretion to modify, change, or discontinue the telecommuting arrangements at any time, with or without advance notice, as U.S. Bank deems appropriate.

The Employee has read and understands this authorization and acknowledges this by signing below. By doing so, the Employee also acknowledges and agrees that this document and any attachments constitute the complete understanding of the telecommuting arrangements.

__________________________________ ___________

Employee - Signature Date


Employee - Printed Name

__________________________________ ____________

Manager - Signature Date


Manager - Printed Name

__________________________________ ____________

Second Level Manager - Signature Date


Second Level Manager - Printed Name

__________________________________ ____________

Human Resources - Signature Date


Human Resources - Printed Name

__________________________________ ____________

Direct Report to Managing Committee - Date



Direct Report to Managing Committee -

(Printed Name)

cc: Manager File

Employment File

Exhibit A

Telecommuting Schedule

Employee is currently employed by U.S. Bank as a      [job title]. Employee has voluntarily requested to begin a telecommuting arrangement whereby Employee would work from Employee’s home/an alternate work site pursuant to the schedule set forth below. Scheduling changes may be made at the discretion of the manager.

Employee will notify supervisor by 9:00 A.M. on a daily basis if unable to perform telecommuting duties.

Emergency/Inclement Weather Dismissal - Whether home, satellite, or conventional office, the following principle is the same: If work can proceed at a particular home work-site, then employees may not be excused from duty just because employees at another work-site have been dismissed or excused from reporting to work.

Employee agrees to check voicemail and e-mail regularly during the work day and respond to messages in a timely manner. Employee also agrees he/she will be available via Lotus Notes Instant Messaging throughout the employee’s work day.

Employee understands and agrees that he or she will be required to attend in person meetings on a regular basis (typically monthly or quarterly) as agreed upon with Employee’s manager.

For non-exempt employees :

Employee will work the following schedule from the home office/alternate work site location:

Monday       to      

Tuesday       to      

Wednesday       to      

Thursday       to      

Friday       to      

Employee understands and agrees that the employee is required to comply with company policies relating to hours worked, completion of accurate timesheets and obtaining approval before working any overtime.

For exempt employees:

Employee will work from the home office/alternate work site location on the following days:      . [identify any applicable core business hours]



Employee’s Signature Date


Manager’s Signature Date

Exhibit B


The following U.S. Bank-owned equipment is being provided to the employee for use at the employee’s alternate work site to accommodate the telecommuting arrangement commencing on      . (Date)

|Item Description |Serial No. |Make |Model |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

|      |      |      |      |

All U.S. Bank equipment listed above is to be maintained in the same condition, as it was in when provided to the employee.

All U.S. Bank equipment listed above is to be returned to the company upon the termination of the employee’s participation in the Telecommuting Program, termination of the program, the employee’s return to the premises of the company, or the employee’s termination from the company’s employment as described in the Telecommuting Policy.

In addition, U.S. Bank will provide the following office supplies and equipment to Employee directly or by reimbursement (examples include printer paper, ink cartridges, pens, etc.):




Employee’s Signature Date


Manager’s Signature Date


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