Advanced Search and Bulk email Builder

Advanced Search and Bulk email Builder

Available on Lead Manager, FordDirect CRM and FordDirect CRM Pro

Before you begin your Advanced Search: Refer to the PDF document "Templates" in FordDirect CRM University to create or edit the template that you want to use for your email blast. Once you have your template created and ready; begin the process below to complete the email blast.

Step #1

Click "Search" from your home page to bring up the Advanced Search page:

Step #2 & #3

In order to ensure that you are only pulling customers in your search that have an email within their profile, check the two boxes in front of the "email address" line. The first box ensures that when your search is complete, you can view the email

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addresses for verification. The second box locks the search so that it only pulls customers with an email address in their profile.

Step #3 is to select your search criteria from the options available on the search page. You can search by name, by vehicle make and model wanted as well as by the up type and source. Checking the box under the column with the open screen allows that field to be viewable when the search is complete. Clicking the box under the column with the lock allows you to narrow your search options by requiring specific information.

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Step #4

As soon as you have chosen the data criteria for your search; simply click on the "Go" button at the bottom of the page in order to execute your search.

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Step #5

Once your search is complete, the list generated will populate and show your total records found.

Next select the template you wish to use from the drop down list.

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Step #6

Once the template is selected; populate the subject line for the bulk email campaign.

Step #7

Click on the Spam Ninja to determine if your email is likely to be delivered to your customer's inbox based on email Spam criteria. As long as the Spam score that you receive is green, you are good to send the email out.

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Step #8 Click on "Preview" to view individual emails.

Step #9 (utilizing the "Preview" link) Once the individual emails populate; you can edit individual emails prior to sending out the email blast.

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Step #10

After you have completed any edits; simply click on the "email" button to send out the email blast.


When you have executed the email blast by clicking on "Email" ? wait for the process to complete.

Keep in mind that large blasts (more than 500 emails) will execute overnight and not instantly. Smaller blasts (less than 500) will trigger at the time "Email" is selected.

Wait for the process to complete so that you are able to view the emails that sent as well as the list of EMAILS THAT DID NOT SEND. IF your list populates with any emails that did not send; you will want to print the screen or copy the list so that you can go through those individual prospects if needed to send the email individually or correct a bad email address within the profile.

It is important that you wait for this list to populate as this is the only tracking record of the entire list for an Advanced Search email blast.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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