Southern Polytechnic State University

Southern Polytechnic State UniversityInformation Technology Department IT 6843 – Ethical Hacking: Network Security and Penetration Testing Fall 2017Course SyllabusInstructor: Svetlana Peltsverger Phone: (470) 578-3813 Email: Office Hours: open door and by appointment both in person and via web conferencing softwareCatalog DescriptionPrerequisite: IT 5423.This course covers the major issues surrounding the use of penetration testing to secure network security and important skills of a professional hacker and common security challenges that an information security officer will face in his/her work. Topics include the ethics of ethical hacking, laws and regulations, vulnerability discovery and risk analysis, internal and external attacks, how malicious hackers attack and exploit system vulnerabilities, penetration testing methods and tools, latest security countermeasures, and various types of penetration testing and programming skills required to complete successful penetration tests and to secure real systems against real attacks.Course OutcomesStudents who complete this course successfully will be able toDifferentiate what an ethical hacker can and cannot do legally.Evaluate security threats and vulnerabilities.Use hacking tools to locate and fix security leaks.Assess potential operating systems vulnerabilities.Manage and configure network security devices to secure real systems against real attacks.In depth knowledge of at least one network security topic.TextbookThere is no textbook assigned. All readings are assigned in weekly modules. I require that you read the relevant papers and tutorials each week as a way to prepare you for assigned lab/quiz. Knowledge of the readings will reduce the time it takes you to finish lab assignments.Required MaterialsI will provide all instructions assuming that you have Windows computer. We will use open source software, VM Player and Virtual Box. All this is available for Linux/Unix/MAC.You must have2 GHz or faster processor minimum 4GB RAM free disk space minimum 40GBadministrative rights to your PC owner's permission to install course software if you are not the owner of the system.About the CoursePeople learn through interactions, to facilitate interactive learning this course will use Discussions feature of D2L. Discussions will take place in an asynchronous manner.There are 13 content modules in this course. Week ends Wednesday at 11:59pm. All module assignments are due at 11:59 pm on Wednesday. Proctored exam (picture ID required)The exam will be offered at scheduled time through Note that it requires registration with , scheduling the exam and a payment of a nominal fee for this service, for which the student will be responsible.PLEASE CONTACT THE INSTRUCTOR ASAP IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CANNOT TAKE THE TEST AT THE SCHEDULED TIME.Preparation of work for this courseYou have to run all the code examples from each module before you attempt to complete assigned lab. All assignments must be submitted through D2L before the corresponding deadline. No assignments will be accepted via email. Each module contains:Assigned reading and additional reading for students who want to read further on the week's topicOnline content.Assigned hands-on exercises.Discussion topic OR quiz.Apply your knowledge section.For each content module you should: Read the on-line content and the assigned sections from the text.Post questions, corrections, or comments about the content in the discussion area designated for the module. Do assigned hands-on activities from the book. Use the discussion area, or email to the instructor or classmates, to ask for help with any exercises that give you difficulty. Take the Quiz and review your results. The Quiz is due at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, but I encourage you to take it earlier.Read and respond to the assigned discussion topic. All discussions must be completed by 11:59pm on Wednesday. Do not wait until the last minute to start, you will cause difficulties to your classmates and also have 30% penalty for starting later than 24 hours before the deadline. Each person should give their opinion about assigned question (at least two paragraphs and references if applicable) and AT LEAST TWO posts to comment on the work of your classmates. Discussion grading criteria:Preparation 20% - read material and post on rmation 20% - accurate information supported by external references.Analysis 40% - highlights significant issues without overgeneralizing.Interaction 20% - responses to peer's posts and where appropriate challenges other posts.Penalty – 30% for starting later than 24 hours before the deadline.Bonus – 15% for moderating the discussion.Do assigned lab. The Lab is due at 11:59 PM on Wednesday.Throughout the course, you should log in regularly to check for announcements and email. The course Calendar posted on D2L contains all important dates. Any changes of dates will be publicized by post in discussion area and/or email.Home & Lab Assignments and DiscussionsAll Assignments will be posted on D2L . All assignments, discussions and quizzes are due at 11:59 pm on Wednesday. If for some reason you have not been able to submit assignment by deadline, then you have 24 hours to submit your work with a 20% penalty (quizzes cannot be submitted later). No reports will be accepted after that.All work turned in for this class must meet the style and submission guidelines Work that does not meet the submission criteria will not be graded. Every effort will be made to return your graded assignments to you within one week. Scoring rubric will be provided for each assignment.Grading Policy Your grade will be based: Your grading scale will be as follows:Proctored Test: 30Score ≥ 90 AProject 20Score ≥ 80 & Score < 90BLabs, Quizzes & Discussions: 50 Score ≥ 70 & Score < 80C----------------------------------------------Score ≥ 60 & Score < 70DTotal: 100Score < 60FCommunications and AnnouncementsTo communicate with you through e-mail I will use your D2L e-mail. Any changes of dates and announcements will be publicized by post in news area on D2L and/or email.Contact meD2L Email or (checked every regular school day)Use the Discussion tool for the course in D2L (checked at least twice a week).Call me (470) 578-3813Stop by my office J387 during business hours or schedule an appointment to meet face to face or via web conferencing software.Important DatesClasses Begin – August 14, 2017Students Must Log Into Course to Confirm Attendance - August 14, 2017Drop/Add - August 14-21, 2017Last day to withdraw – October 4, 2017Break – November 20-24, 2017Deadline to schedule proctored exam via ProctorU – November 2, 2017Last day of classes – December 4, 2017Proctored Exam- Thursday, November 16 from 5pm to 6 pm via ProctorU.No “extra credit” work will be given to improve one’s grade. Copies of your class work and test will be kept for record.Course Calendar (subject to change)Module LectureTopics All dates are posted on D2L CalendarDue Dates8/14Module 0 Orientation Friday, Aug 188/14Module 1 Ethical Hacking OverviewWed., Aug 238/21Module 2 TCP/IP Concepts ReviewWed., Aug 308/28Module 3 Network and Computer AttacksWed., Sept 69/4Module 4 Footprinting and Social EngineeringWed., Sept 139/11Module 5 Port ScanningWed., Sept 209/18Module 6 EnumerationWed., Sept 279/25Module 6 Enumeration Wed., Oct 410/2Module 7 Embedded SystemWed., Oct 1110/9Module 8 Disclosure Wed., Oct 1810/16Module 9 ComplianceWed., Oct 2510/23Module 10 Hacking Web ServersWed., Nov 110/30Module 11 IotWed., Nov 811/6Module 12 Protecting Networks with Security Devices Wed., Nov 2911/13Review and TEST via ProctorUThursday, Nov 1611/27Module 13 Project12/4Continuation of the projectWed, Dec 6Academic conductEvery KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Section 5c of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the university’s policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to university materials, misrepresentation/falsification of university records or academic work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established procedures of the Department of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI), which includes either an “informal” resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct’s minimum one semester suspension requirement. See also EtiquetteCommunication in an online class takes special consideration. List of tips:Be sensitive and reflective to what others are saying.Don't use all caps. It is the equivalent of screaming.Don't flame - These are outbursts of extreme emotion or opinion.Think before you hit the post (enter/reply) button. You can't take it back!Don't use offensive language.Use clear subject lines.Don't use abbreviations or acronyms unless the entire class knows them.Be forgiving. Anyone can make a mistake.Keep the dialog collegial and professional.Attendance?PolicyOnline Students must log into D2L courses by 11:59pm of the day classes begin to confirm their attendance. If you fail to log into your courses by 11:59pm of the day classes begin, or fail to complete course activities within a two-week period at any time during the semester, the instructor will consider your lack of activity as an indication of your intention not to continue in the course. Failure to participate without officially withdrawing from the course will result in a grade of F. Be sure to submit all assigned work on time. If you are not able to participate in assigned class activities, contact your instructor immediately.Attendance and participation in class are expected. If you have any problems with attendance (or something else), contact me BEFORE they become a problem.If you must miss an exam due to illness you must e-mail or call me before the scheduled time and perhaps something can be arranged to avoid a zero for this exam. Failure to notify me prior to the scheduled time will produce an automatic zero for the exam. No makeup test except for emergencies with proof ( e.g. doctor’s slip)Students with disabilitiesStudents with qualifying disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act who require “reasonable accommodation(s)” to complete the course may request those from Office of Student Disability Services. Students requiring such accommodations are required to work with the University’s Office of Student Disability Services rather than engaging in this discussion with individual faculty members or academic departments. If, after reviewing the course syllabus, a student anticipates or should have anticipated a need for accommodation, he or she must submit documentation requesting an accommodation and permitting time for a determination prior to submitting assignments or taking course quizzes or exams. Students may not request retroactive accommodation for needs that were or should have been foreseeable. Students should contact the office as soon as possible in the term for which they are seeking accommodations. Student Disability Services is located in the Carmichael Student Center in Suite 267. Please visit the Student Disabilities Services website at for more information, or call the office at 470-578-2666. ................

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