Table of Contents


Trojan Eligibility Request Installation Guide 2

Instructions for Single User Mode _______________________________2

Instructions for Multi User Mode _______________________________ 3

Setting Up Communication Settings 4

Connection Types 5 & 6

Retrieving Trading Partner info _________________________________7

Adding available carriers into program ___________________________7

Enter & Send Eligibility Requests 8

New Requests 9

Edit Requests 10

Delete Requests 10

Sending Eligibility Requests 11

Completed Eligibility Requests 12

Messages 13

New Messages 14

Reply to a Message 15

Print a Message 16

Delete a Message 16

Saving Messages You Have Received 16

Saved Messages Tab 17

Sent Items Tab 18

Index 19


Installation GUIDE

IMPORTANT – Please read the following before installation.

Instructions for installing in a single-user mode or multi- user mode

When installing in an office with multiple computers, please install the program first on the File Server’s hard drive so that all workstations may share the information. Then perform the ”Installation on Additional Workstations (for multi-users)” directions on each workstation. *Some networks may require the installation to be processed from a workstation to the network drive. Please ask your network consultant for assistance if you are unsure of which drive is the File Server’s hard drive.  

[pic] Double click on My Computer.  

[pic]Double click on your CD drive. If you receive a message that says: The Device is not accessible or Not Ready then click Retry.

[pic]  Double click on Setup.


¨      The installation program will start and request that you select the location for the Real Time Eligibility program. By default the program will be installed on C:\ERequest (on the current computer). To install the program on a different drive click the Browse button. Click Next if this location is correct.

¨      The program will then be installed. This part of the installation will take approximately two minutes.

¨      A Trojan icon will be appear on your Windows Desktop so that you may easily start the Trojan Real Time Eligibility program.

   Installation on Additional Workstations (for multi-users)  

The Trojan Real Time Eligibility program must be installed on the File Server prior to installing the workstations. The Trojan Real Time Eligibility installation CD is not used when installing to the workstations. Please use the following procedure:

  * * * If you do not have an icon for your server’s hard drive in the ”My Computer” folder: please contact your network consultant. Networks vary greatly and the network connections between workstations and the server should initially have been set up when the network was installed.

[pic] Double click on My Computer. This icon is usually in the upper left corner of the screen. It may have a different name.

[pic]Double click on the icon for your Server’s hard disk. This is sometimes labeled (F:), however it may have another letter in the parentheses.

[pic]  Double click on the folder called ERequest.



Double click on Workstation.exe or Workstation 700… (whichever is displayed) to start the workstation install.


¨      Click Next. The installation will take about a minute.

¨      When the installation is complete click Finish. The setup program may then restart your computer.

¨      A Trojan icon will appear on your Windows Desktop so that you may easily start the Trojan Real Time Eligibility program.

Setting up Communication Settings

Before you can send eligibility requests you will need to set up your Communications Settings. These settings determine the method the program uses to send and receive your eligibility requests.

Click on the “Setup” tab in the upper right.


Click the “Communications Settings” button. You will now see the “Communications Settings” screen: (next page)


Click the “Change Settings” button.

Now please select a connection type.

Connection Types

❖ Always Connected to Internet (DSL, etc)

This connection is for offices that are always connected to the Internet with DSL or Cable Modem. It is the fastest method to transmit a request.

❖ Dial-Up Internet Connection

This connection is for offices with Internet connection using an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Click on the button with the three dots (next to Connection Name) to select your connection.

❖ Non-Internet Dial-Up

This method is for offices using a dial-out modem instead of an ISP. Your modem will dial out directly to Trojan. The phone number (800-344-5604) is already set up to connect with Trojan.

❖ Do Not Connect from this station

When you select this option at a particular station, the station will not be allowed to use the Send-Receive button to submit requests. You would use this option if you have multiple stations in your office, but only some of them have an Internet connection. The “non-internet” stations can still enter eligibility requests, and view responses, but other stations will perform the “Send-Receive” function.

❖ Connect to Internet Manually

This connection type will prompt you to start your internet connection before sending requests. This option is geared for offices that have dial-up internet, and the computer doesn’t automatically connect to the internet by itself.

Once you have selected a connection type, click the “Test Communications” button to test your connection. The following screen will appear:


Click on the “Test Web Communications” button. The program will attempt to connect to Trojan.

If the connection is successful, the following box will appear on your screen:


Congratulations! Setup is complete. You can now click on OK, and then proceed to the “Enter & Send Eligibility Requests” tab by clicking on it.

If the “Connection Successful!” box does not appear, call Trojan Program Support at

1-800-451-9723, Ext 1.

Once you have connected to Trojan successfully you will need to retrieve the trading partner information as well as have the list of insurance carriers added into the Real Time program.


From the Enter & Send Eligibility Requests tab select the “Send/Receive” button located at the bottom of the screen


When you open the Trojan Eligibility Request program the first screen to appear is the one below. We will be going over each option on this screen in the upcoming pages. You will notice that each option has detailed instructions to completing the task at hand.

All items on this screen will be blank until you have entered an Eligibility Request.

This example shows two Eligibility Requests ready to submit:

To enter a new request, click on the “New Request” button.


New Request

When you select “New Request” all fields will be blank. Just follow the instructions on the right.


❖ Select the carrier associated with the patient. If you click on the drop down arrow you can select the appropriate carrier.

❖ If the patient is the Subscriber click on the “Subscriber” button, otherwise click on the “Dependent” button.

❖ Fill in patient’s last name in the “Last Name” box, and first name in the “First Name” box.

❖ In the “Birth” box enter the patient’s date of birth. (Example of date format,: MM, DD, YYYY.)

❖ In the “Member ID” box enter the patient’s Social Security Number (SSN) or the Member’s ID from the insurance card.

When you have entered these items, the “Save Request” option will appear and you can save this request. The new request will appear on the list of requests waiting to be sent.

Edit Eligibility Request

If you need to make changes to an Eligibility Request waiting to be sent, click on the patient name you would like to edit. The patient name will be highlighted in blue. Click on the “Change Request” option in the lower left corner.

You can now type over any of the information, and click the “Save Request” button.


Delete this Request

If you have entered Eligibility Requests you do not wish to submit, you have the option of deleting them by selecting the request and clicking the “Delete” button.

The following message will appear asking you to verify your deletion of this request. When you select “Yes” your request will be deleted.


Sending Eligibility Requests

When you have entered all the requests you would like to submit, click on the “Send Eligibility Request” button located in the lower right portion of the screen.

The following screen will appear prompting you to “Send & Receive” your request. Click on the “Send & Receive” button.


When your requests are sent, you will automatically be taken to the “Completed Eligibility Requests” tab.

Completed Eligibility Requests

This screen will display all requests sent today. By clicking on the down arrow to the right of the “Show Requests Sent” option box, you have the ability to display requests based on various time periods:

❖ Show Requests Sent Today

❖ Show Requests from the last batch sent

❖ Show Requests Sent in the last 7 days

❖ Show Requests Sent in the last 30 days

❖ Show All Requests that have been sent


To view eligibility details, select the name you want to review. Details will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “Print” button to print a copy of this request.

Click the “Delete” button to erase a benefit response you no longer wish to keep.

Click on the “Send/Receive” button to send entered requests and retrieve available responses.

Exit the program by clicking the “Exit to Windows” button.


This new messaging service works as an email system between your office, the carriers, and Trojan Support.

When you first click the “Messages” tab, you will see the Inbox.

All new messages received will be displayed here. When you click on a message it will highlight in blue and you can read the message text in the box below.

From this screen there are five email options to choose from:

❖ Type a “New Message”

❖ “Reply” to a message

❖ “Print” a message

❖ “Delete” a message

❖ Move a message to “Saved”


New Messages

When you click on the “New Message” button the screen below will appear:


You have the option of selecting “Normal” or “High” priority by clicking on the down arrow. On the “Send To” line click on the down arrow to select the carrier you want to send this message.

On the “Attention” line identify the person who will receive this message.

On the “Your Name” line type in your name.

On the “Subject” line type a brief statement giving a description of the message.

In the “Message” box you can type the message to be sent.

If you need to send an attachment you can click on the “Attach File” button and select the location of the file you would like to attach. If you decide not to send the attachment, highlight the attachment from the “Attachment” box and select the “Delete Attachment” button.

Reply to a Message

When you click the “Reply” button, a new message screen will appear with the other party’s information filled in. Type the message you would like to send back in the “Message” box.


If you wish to attach a file to the reply, click the “Attach File” button at the bottom.

Click “Send Message” when you are finished. The message will be sent when you click the “Send/Receive” button.

Print a Message

If you would like to print a message, select the message and click the “Print” button.

Delete a Message

If you would like to delete a message, select the message and click the “Delete” button. You will be prompted to verify if you would actually like to delete the message.

Saving Messages You Have Received

You have the option to save important messages you would like to keep. This moves them out of your Inbox. You should try to keep your inbox “clean” by saving or deleting messages in your inbox on a regular basis.

To save one or more messages, click on the message you would like to keep, and click the “Move to Saved” button.

The following options will appear:


❖ You may move the message you have selected by clicking the “Move This Message” button.

❖ You may move all read messages by clicking the “Move All Read Messages” button.

❖ Or, you can cancel this operation by clicking on the “Cancel” button.

Saved Messages Tab

All messages you have saved will be sent to the “Saved Messages” tab.


Sent Items Tab

In the “Sent Items” tab you may view all the messages you have sent.

If you would like to print a copy of a message you have sent, select the message, and click the “Print” button.

If you no longer need a copy of a message and would like to delete it, select the message, and click the “Delete” button.



Enter & Send Eligibility Requests

Completed Eligibility Requests, 12

Delete Requests, 10

Edit Requests, 10

New Requests, 9

Sending Eligibility Requests, 11


Delete a Message, 16

New Messages, 14

Print Message, 16

Reply to a Message, 15

Saved Messages Tab, 17

Saving Messages You Have Received, 16

Sent Items Tab, 18

Setting Up Communications Settings

Connection Types, 5 & 6

Retrieving trading partner information, 7

Adding Insurance carriers into program, 7

Trojan Eligibility Request Installation Guide

Option 1, 2

Option 2, 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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