
How Email Marketing Can Increase Profits for Small BusinessesWhat is Email Marketing?Email Marketing is often seen as something only the big boys can do, but this isn’t true. Email marketing doesn’t require a large audience. A smaller pool may seem more personable and less salesy. It doesn’t have to break the bank either. With affordable companies like Click Ready Marketing and Solution Built ready to help, it’s a no-brainer. Why Email marketing?Marketing is different now than in the Pre-Internet era. Email marketing is one of the most lucrative form, even more so than social media, to create direct return in the form of trackable sales. The return on investment with email marketing is huge, averaging 44 dollars for every one dollar. If done correctly, it converts casual consumers into loyal fans who will follow you to the ends of the Earth and drag their friends and family along for the ride. This is, of course, if done correctly. There are numerous pitfalls on the road to email marketing success, and they end in either the spam filter or the unsubscribe button. How to get Email Marketing to work for youThere are four basic steps to getting your email Marketing up and running, but let’s start with a big don’t. DO NOT BUY YOUR SUBSCRIBERS.Said another way, the people on your email should always consent to being there. Buying an email list may seem like a shortcut, but it’s the easiest way to a spam filter. If they don’t know you, they won’t care, and if they don’t care, they will not buy from you. Money down the drain. It’s that simple. 1) Build those clients Now that that’s out of the way, on to step one, which is building the list. To get those subscribers, you’ll need what is called a call to action button, opt-in form, or lead magnet. This isn’t just a button. You’ll also need text to describe why someone should sign up. Bribery works well here. Give them something free if they sign up. This free thing will depend on what kind of small business you have. It doesn’t have to be big. A discount or a shipping upgrade will do fine. Important things in this area are balance, consistency, timing, and of course bribery. Amateurs will go overboard with call to action buttons. It’s ok to have a few in strategic places on a page, but don’t have a ton right next to each other and be very clear what they’re for. Keep this consistent across your site and your emails. Use the same color scheme, tone, and font. Pop-ups are tricky. Put a pop-up when someone is leaving a page instead of when they click on it and they are more likely to subscribe and subsequently spend their money.2) Select the correct Email typeStep two is deciding what kind of emails to send. Worded another way, what’s your goal? These will differ depending on the type of business. Is it exposure? Is it engagement? Is it sales? All the above? Examples of types of emails include newsletters, seasonal emails, loyalty programs, transactional emails, etc. Depending on what type you need will depend on how much you send them out. There is such a thing as too much, but you don’t want your subscribers to forget about you.3) Reach your correct target audienceThese first two steps segue into step three, which is design and content. Beyond what’s already been said, it’s a good idea to segment your list. It might sound easier to send one catch-all email to everyone, but it isn’t effective. For example, a male in his 50s isn’t looking for the same thing as a female in her 20s. You can segment using demographics, location, hobbies, etc. This is personalization. Try setting up your email in a way that you address each person by name. It personalizes them, and it personalizes you. If you don’t know how, there are many tools and companies that can help, only a quick Google search away, or go with a service company that can do the heavy lifting for you.4) Continue to study your target audienceStep four is after you hit send. Email marketing is a learning process. Now you figure out what is working, and more importantly, what isn’t. Who’s opening your email, who isn’t, where they are, what they’re buying, whether one kind of email is working better or worse than another, etc. ................

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