|THEME: On the Job |

|Module: Getting Along at Work |

|Skills |Listening |Speaking |Reading |Writing |

| |CLB 8 |CLB 8 |CLB 8 |CLB 8 |

|Real World Task Goal |Understand a speaker using a Respectful |Ask questions to the speaker at the end of |Follow the text in a Respectful Workplace |Write an e-mail to HR with a CC to the |

| |Workplace PowerPoint presentation |a Respectful Workplace PowerPoint |PowerPoint Presentation |colleague involved in an unresolved |

| | |presentation | |workplace dispute |

|Context Information Focus |Workplace ethics |It is unacceptable to gossip about others |Be aware that often the graphics are as |Contact information in e-mail address books|

| |Awareness of what is acceptable when |It is important to find topics that are |important as the text for conveying |can be accessed by typing a name or first |

| |working with colleagues and non-colleagues |neutral or complimentary |information |few letters of a name in the ‘TO’ field |

| |Understand that some people need to be |Be aware that body language and tone of |Make sure all cell phones are turned off |Awareness of workplace hierarchy is |

| |taught about being respectful |voice can be disrespectful |during a presentation |important |

| |There are acceptable ways to deal with |Be aware of an appropriate time to ask |If you have to leave early it can be done |In a conflict situation it is important to |

| |disrespectful people |questions during a presentation |respectfully |first approach the other person who is |

| |Know there is a place to go when confronted| | |directly involved rather than going to a |

| |with disrespectfulness | | |superior |

| |It is unacceptable to repeat gossip or | | |It is unacceptable to react violently by |

| |negative remarks about others | | |shouting or striking another person |

| |Focus your attention on the speaker | | |Subject area of an e-mail could set the |

| | | | |tone of the e-mail |

| | | | |Subject area of an e-mail indicates what is|

| | | | |to follow |

|CLB Competency/ies |III. Suasion |IV. Information |I. Social interaction texts |I. Social interaction |

| |Identify stated and unspecified meanings in|Participate in a… [presentation] on an |Obtain factual details and inferred |Convey a personal message… through e-mail… |

| |extended… suggestions and recommendations |abstract familiar topic or issue |meanings in moderately complex notes… [from|clarifying a minor conflict… |

| |Evaluate the validity of a suggestion or |Express and analyse opinions and feelings |a PowerPoint presentation]… | |

| |proposed solution |Express doubts and concerns; oppose or |IV. Informational texts | |

| |IV. Information |support a stand or a proposed solution |Demonstrate comprehension of factual | |

| |Identify main idea…organization and | |details… | |

| |specific details in extended oral | |Access/locate several pieces of information| |

| |presentations | |in on-line electronic reference source | |

|Genre |Presentation |Presentation |Presentation |Notes and e-mail messages |

|Text structure/Features |Identify phrases and sentences that mark | |Recognize organizational patterns; |Email Headings: |

| |topic introduction, topic development, | |chronological ordering, special |TO: |

| |topic shift and conclusion | |organization |FROM: |

| | | | |CC: |

| | | | |BCC: |

| | | | |DATE: |

| | | | |SUBJECT: |

| | | | |ATTACHED: |

| | | | |Use cc (carbon copy) and bcc (blind carbon |

| | | | |copy) for sending e-mail copies |

| | | | |Concise subject heading |

|Language Focus |Listen for transition words between points |Positive feedback prior to a question; I |Identify specific factual details and |Use e-mail format |

|(Possible examples given in italics)|Intonation and stress of content words |really appreciated what you said about… |inferred meanings from the text |Use formal greeting and also correct |

| |Identify main intent, main idea, factual |Expresses opinions, feelings, doubts, and |Identify mood, attitude, and tone of the |grammar, spelling, and vocabulary |

| |details, words and expressions, and |concerns; I believe that it’s important |text |Use short paragraphs |

| |inferred meanings |to…, I get upset when…, I’m not sure I |Distinguish facts from opinion |Use formal salutations and closings |

| | |agree with that. |Identify links between ideas or |Be aware of the tone and the vocabulary |

| | |Qualifies opinions, adds information, and |instructions |used to avoid further misunderstanding |

| | |elaborates; What meant was…, Well that’s |Recognize cause and effect |Sequence of tenses withing text |

| | |not really what I meant. |Identify words used to establish tone | |

| | |Opposes or supports a stand, idea, proposed|Discern attitudes in writing by identifying| |

| | |solution; I can’t really agree with that. |emotional terms; harsh, difficult, bad | |

| | |That sounds like a great idea. That should|attitude, sympathetic, empathetic | |

| | |work. |Understand complex cohesion linking devices| |

| | | |transitional adverbs, prepositions, | |

| | | |conjunctions | |

|Language and Learning Strategies |Develop an analysis of the topic |Indicators of non/misunderstanding |Classify or categorize information |Write what you would like to say to a |

| |Anticipate an introduction, topic |Requests (repetition requests, |Identify author’s purpose, viewpoint, main |person you are in conflict with and then |

| |development, and conclusion |clarification requests, confirmation |ideas, and supporting details |put it aside and reread it later in order |

| |Listen for the appropriate time to ask |requests) |Make inferences and draw conclusions |to organize your thoughts better |

| |questions |Expressions of non understand (verbal [I’m |Use context clues to decipher unfamiliar |Take notes in point form for later |

| |Take notes for questions later |sorry?], non-verbal [raised eyebrows, black|words |reference |

| |Recognize and use the appropriate type of |look] |Be aware of lay out of text and graphics, |Be aware of the tone of the correspondence |

| |listening needed for the task, such as |Interpretive summary (you mean…? So, what |fonts, and colours to emphasize important |Proof-read and perhaps tone down before |

| |listening for: content, one crucial |you’re saying is…?) |details |sending |

| |detail, all details, gist, mood and |Self-initiated repair (I mean…) | | |

| |atmosphere |Be ready to rephrase the initial question | | |

| |Watch for clues such as visual signals, |for clarification | | |

| |body language, gestures | | | |

| |Listen for pauses, speed of speech, | | | |

| |loudness/softness, variation of voice | | | |

| |quality | | | |

| |Use discourse markers (second…, next…, on | | | |

| |the other hand) | | | |

| |Use background knowledge to predict and | | | |

| |infer | | | |

| |Analyze opinions on the topic being | | | |

| |presented | | | |

|Essential Skill Focus |Reading Text, Writing, Oral Communication, Working With Others, Computer Use |

|ES-focused instructional activities | |

| | |

| | |

|Teaching Resources & Materials |PowerPoint Presentation |PowerPoint Presentation |Computers/internet |Teacher-made situation cards |

| |Guest speaker from HR |Available handouts |PowerPoint Presentation |computers |

| |Available handouts |Flip chart to write ideas | | |

|Outcome Assessment Task |Understand a presentation or lecture on a |The student can be presented with several |Use websites on a Respectful Workplace |Using situation cards in regards to |

| |Respectful Workplace topic (10 to 15 |photographs. The assessor should pick one |Paraphrase/retell key points |workplace problems send an e-mail to the |

| |minutes) by someone from HR |photograph, and make a case for the | |other colleague in the dispute, outlining |

| | |superiority of that particular photo. The | |your side of the disagreement |

| | |student needs to be able to verbally: | | |

| | |- Provide positive feedback prior to a | | |

| | |question | | |

| | |- Express opinions, feelings, doubts, and | | |

| | |concerns | | |

| | |- Qualify opinion, add information, and | | |

| | |elaborate | | |

| | |- Oppose or support the stand proposed | | |




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