Email and ‘Netiquette’

Email Etiquette WebQuest

Defining Key Terms

1. Using an online search engine (i.e. Google) or and find the best definitions for “email” and “etiquette”.

Email ______________________________________________________________________________


Etiquette ___________________________________________________________________________


Understanding Email Etiquette

1. Go to and type in “OWL Purdue email” and open the first entry that Google offers you. Explain what “email etiquette” is:






Parts of an Email: Headings

2. Refer to an online search engine to answer the following:

What is TO? ___________________________


What is CC? ____________________________



What is BCC? __________________________



What is the Subject Line? ______________________________________________________________

Assorted Considerations for Effective Email

Go to email.htm and answer the following questions.

3. What is suggested about “reply to all”?

4. What does “don’t be a novelist” mean?

5. What is suggested about punctuation?

6. Why can abbreviations be problematic? What is suggested you do with abbreviations?

What abbreviations do you normally use?

7. a) What are smilies? [pic]

b) Should smilies be used in emails? Why or why not?

8. How do salutations in emails differ in business and non-business situations?

9. What is an email signature and how is it used?

10. How does email save trees? What should one avoid doing with emails?

11. Are emails private means of communication? Why or why not?

Go to the website Pick an article that is interesting to you. Write the title of the article below, and summarize it in 3-5 sentences.

12. Article Title-

Summary of article-

Personal Reflection

Complete one of following questions.

13. Many people use language short cuts to text message and chat online (ex. U r funny, lol, cuz), but in the workplace this is frowned upon. Why do you think business and workplace professionals shouldn’t use language short cuts? Give several reasons and fully explain them.

14. Email has many advantages and disadvantages. List and explain as many advantages and disadvantages as you can. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

15. a) Have you ever received a nasty/negative/argumentative email? Describe the situation. b) Do you think that it is sometimes easier to be nasty in email instead of in person? Why? What tips would you suggest people follow if they find themselves wanting to send an argumentative email?

16. Please do some research and try to find ONE TIP about email correspondence that has NOT been covered in the questions above.

ONLY IF YOU HAVE TIME!! Take the netiquette quiz at


Name: _______________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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