March 2021

Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreement

Budget Period 3: July 1, 2021 ? June 30, 2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center for Preparedness and Response


PHEP BP3 ORR Interim Guidance

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Table of Contents


Section Organization 5 Jurisdictional Structure Sheet (JSS) 6 Critical Contact Sheet (CCS) 8 Jurisdictional Data Sheet (JDS) States, Directly Funded Locality (DFLs), Local Planning, Jurisdictions, Territories and Freely Associated States (TFAS) 11 Partner Planning Sheet (PPS) 14 Workforce Development and Training (WDT) 17 SECTION 2: EVALUATION OF PLANS 20 Section Organization 20 Capability 1: Community Preparedness 21 Capability 2: Community Recovery 26 Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination 29 Capability 4: Emergency Public Information and Warning 37 Capability 5: Fatality Management 41 Capability 6: Information Sharing 46 Capability 7: Mass Care 49 Capability 8: Medical Countermeasure Dispensing and Administration 53 Capability 9: Medical Materiel Management and Distribution 61 Capability 10: Medical Surge 69 Capability 11: Nonpharmaceutical Interventions 74 Capability 12: Public Health Laboratory Testing 76 Capability 13: Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation 81 Capability 14: Responder Safety and Health 87 Capability 15: Volunteer Management 92

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

PHEP BP3 ORR Interim Guidance


SECTION 3: OPERATIONS 95 Section Organization 95 Operational Activity 96 Facility Setup Drill (FSD) 101 Site Activation Drill (SAD) 103 Staff Notification and Assembly Drill (SNA) 105 Dispensing Throughput Drill (DTD) 107 Tabletop Exercise (TTX) ? Anthrax TTX, Pandemic Influenza TTX, Administrative Preparedness TTX, Incident Management COOP TTX, Laboratory COOP TTX 108 Annual PHEP Exercise (Vulnerable Populations) with Access and Functional Needs (AFN) Partners and Joint Functional Exercise with Emergency Management and Health Care Coalitions (PAR) 111 Pandemic Influenza: Critical Workforce Group FE (CWG) 114 Anthrax Distribution Full-scale Exercise (FSE) (DST) 118 Anthrax: Dispensing FSE (DSP) 120 Pandemic Influenza: FSE (PAN) 122 PHEP-funded Laboratory Response Network for Biological Threats (LRN-B) Biological Sample Testing (LAB) 128 PHEP-funded Laboratory Response Network for Chemical Threats (LRN-C) Chemical Sample Testing Using Core Methods; PHEP-funded LRN-C Chemical Sample Testing Using Additional Methods; and PHEP-funded LRN-C Specimen Packaging and Shipping Exercise (SPaSE) (LAB) 129 PHEP 24/7 Emergency Contact Drill (BIDIRECTIONAL) 131


PHEP BP3 ORR Interim Guidance

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Center for Preparedness and Response (CPR), Division of State and Local Readiness (DSLR) administers the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) cooperative agreement program. The PHEP program helps build and strengthen public health systems that are ready to respond to and recover from public health emergencies. CDC's Operational Readiness Review (ORR) is a rigorous, evidence-based assessment used to evaluate PHEP program planning and operational functions. The overall evaluation strategy is guided by the Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities: National Standards for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Public Health, which CDC released in 2018 and updated in 2019.

The ORR evaluation is intended to identify strengths and challenges facing preparedness programs as well as recognize areas for improvement and technical assistance. All 62 PHEP recipients and local planning jurisdictions with Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) funding are required to participate in the ORR process. State recipients are not only responsible for ensuring statewide planning and operational function via the ORR but are also responsible for monitoring, tracking, and conducting local ORRs within their state. States may, at their discretion, review other local planning jurisdictions. See the Jurisdictional Structure Sheet (JSS) for instructions on how to include other local jurisdictions.

CDC encourages PHEP recipients and CRI-funded local planning jurisdictions to use the ORR to demonstrate that 1) risk assessments guide preparedness planning, 2) risk-based, all-hazards emergency plans are maintained, and 3) trainings, drills, and exercises are conducted on a timely basis.

The operational readiness review is not intended to replace other review processes, either at the state or local level. Partial ORR credit is granted for jurisdictions with valid accreditation from the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) or from Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) recognition.

PHAB: Current accreditation exempts recipients from review of planning measures for Capability 13: Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation with relevant ORR credit applied for those measures. States have the option to exempt local planning jurisdictions with current PHAB accreditation from Capability 13 review.

PPHR: This is a criteria-based training and recognition program created by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) and the CDC to help local health departments (LHDs) develop core public health preparedness competencies. This intensive 18-month program provides LHDs with the structure to build training and preparedness capacity using a continuous quality improvement model. Local planning jurisdictions with current PPHR recognition may be exempt from Section 2: Evaluation of Plans (capability planning elements) of the ORR. States will designate any local exemptions as applicable. The JSS form provides more detail.


PHEP BP3 ORR Interim Guidance

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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