To trace the route an e-mail might take is quick and simple

To trace the route an e-mail an email might take using Windows XP is quick and simple.

Go online.

At your desktop, go to 'Start', 'All Programs', ‘Accessories’ and 'Command Prompt'. Your screen will look something like this:

|[pic] | |

| |Click on ‘Command Prompt’ to see the next screen. |

| | |

|[pic] |At the DOS prompt, type in 'tracert', then hit your |

| |space bar and type in the name of any Internet |

| |Service Provider such as or . In|

| |our example, we used ‘' and got this |

| |result. Try the same thing with ‘’. |

| | |

|[pic] | |

To return to Windows XP, type “exit” and the prompt and hit the ‘Enter’ key.


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