Technical requirements - International Criminal Court

Audio-Visual and Photographic section of the ICC website TOC \o "1-4" \h \z \u Technical requirements PAGEREF _Toc370455816 \h 2Statistics PAGEREF _Toc370455817 \h 2 = \* MERGEFORMAT !Unexpected End of FormulaMultilingual aspect of the AV Gallery PAGEREF _Toc370455819 \h 2The Landing page of the AV Gallery PAGEREF _Toc370455820 \h 3Other landing pages PAGEREF _Toc370455821 \h 3Templates PAGEREF _Toc370455822 \h 3Features PAGEREF _Toc370455823 \h 3Homepage Slider/Accordian PAGEREF _Toc370455824 \h 3Web parts PAGEREF _Toc370455825 \h 4Video web part PAGEREF _Toc370455826 \h 4Audio web part PAGEREF _Toc370455827 \h 4Podcast web part PAGEREF _Toc370455828 \h 4Photograph web part PAGEREF _Toc370455829 \h 4Workflows PAGEREF _Toc370455830 \h 5Video PAGEREF _Toc370455831 \h 5Photograph PAGEREF _Toc370455832 \h 5Views PAGEREF _Toc370455833 \h 5Video PAGEREF _Toc370455834 \h 5Individual video view PAGEREF _Toc370455835 \h 5Gallery view PAGEREF _Toc370455836 \h 6Audio PAGEREF _Toc370455837 \h 6Individual audio view PAGEREF _Toc370455838 \h 6Gallery view for audios and podcasts PAGEREF _Toc370455839 \h 6Photographs PAGEREF _Toc370455840 \h 7Individual view of the photograph PAGEREF _Toc370455841 \h 7Gallery view for photographs PAGEREF _Toc370455842 \h 7Relationships PAGEREF _Toc370455843 \h 8Search Facility PAGEREF _Toc370455844 \h 8Tags PAGEREF _Toc370455845 \h 8The International Criminal Court (ICC) is looking for a SharePoint 2013 development company to create a solution for a new ICC audio-visual and photographic section of the website.The audio-visual and photographic section of the website (AV Gallery) will host all ICC video, audio and photographic material. It will be a sub-site in the ICC site collection. AV Gallery will be deeply connected and integrated to the ICC website by the use of web parts and relationships between specific content (press releases, transcripts and other content on the ICC website). The structure of the AV Gallery, taxonomy, columns, and connections will be provided by Public Information and Documentation Section (PIDS). AV Gallery will follow the design of the ICC website.Technical requirementsThe AV Gallery will be developed on the SharePoint 2013 platform. It will be created using HTML5 standard and responsive layout. AV Gallery will feature desktop, mobile and tablet versions. The solution will be created on the developer’s servers and deployed on the ICC server upon acceptance.StatisticsAV Gallery will use the ICC Web Trends analytics tool for statistics and analysis.HTML5 and responsive layoutThe AV Gallery will be created using an HTML5 standard and responsive layout. The fall-back layout and template will be created to accommodate the browsers which do not support an HTML5 standard. If an internet connection is too slow to load the content, a message stating this will have to be presented to the user.All templates should be created using the absolute minimum code in order to use the least amount of space. All CSS and JavaScript files will be compressed for the same reason. The ICC will be provided with the uncompressed CSS and JavaScript files. The code in these files needs to be appropriately commented.Multilingual aspect of the AV GalleryThe AV Gallery shall be multilingual. The working languages of the ICC are English and French and for that reason all metadata needs to be also multilingual. We would need a solution to allow batch entries in French, Arabic, Spanish and/or other languages. The entries will either be inserted into IPTC core fields before the upload or after the upload is completed.In order to further filter the AV material and photographs, we need to have one more metadata field embedded in the content type and that is “Language”. This will be a selection type field listing available languages the video can be in. Other fields will not require a specific entry in French language. All ICC photographs will follow IPTC Core metadata system. Other languagesOther official languages of the court are Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. The ICC needs to be able to insert metadata in all of the above languages. The Title, Description, Headline and Language in both English and French version will be utilized for this purpose.The full list of languages will be provided by the ICC.The Landing page of the AV GalleryThe landing page of the AV Gallery will contain the featured video, audio and photographs in a slider (accordion) using the medium version of the images. The slider will be responsive and touch-friendly. There will also be the latest AV materials and photographs displayed below. The third part of the homepage will be reserved for specific campaigns and projects the ICC is working on.The landing page will also feature the links to live broadcasts from ICC courtrooms and to the social media ICC is present on.Other landing pagesEvery sub-site of the AV Gallery will have a lading page featuring the thumbnail gallery view of the material in this sub-site. Landing pages will also contain some textual information about the sub-site.TemplatesThe following templates should be created:HTML5 responsive layout for desktop, tabletsFall-back layout for the non-HTML5 browsersFeaturesThe following features need to be developed:Homepage Slider/AccordianThe homepage will feature a jQuery based news slider/accordion. The slider will be touch-friendly and responsive. It will show the five latest featured news/galleries. The backend of the slider will be a customized content-by-search web part. The customized web part will be available globally.Web partsA modified content-by-query web part or content-by-search web part can be utilized to create the following web parts. Video web partEmbed a videoVideo with the download linksVideo with both video and audio linksVideo view onlyVideo view only with the caption (description)Embed a video galleryLatest featured video for the ICC homepageLatest videos and audios for the homepageAudio web partEmbed an audio segmentAudio with the download linksAudio listen onlyAudio listen only with the caption (description)Embed an audio galleryLatest featured audio for the ICC homepagePodcast web partEmbed a podcastListen onlyListen with the download links from the ICC website and iTunesEmbed a podcast galleryLatest featured podcast for the ICC homepageLatest podcasts for the homepagePhotograph web partEmbed an imageImage with the captionImage onlyEmbed a galleryThumbnail style gallery with titles and link to the individual imagesCarousel style galleryEmbed a gallery from multiple libraries based on specific criteriaThumbnail style gallery with the titlesCarousel style galleryImage of the day/weekFeatured gallery/images for the homepageSlideshow with an audio description for photographs (audio slide-show).All web parts will be available globally. WorkflowsVideoAutomatic upload of a selected video to one of the ICC YouTube Channels. There need to be a channel selection in order to upload the material to an appropriate channel. ICC also need to be able to add/change the upload channels/credentials for the upload. All metadata will need to be uploaded with the video file. This will be triggered by a separate event (check box, button click). If the event is not triggered, the workflow is skipped.PhotographAutomatic upload of a selected gallery to one of the ICC Flickr accounts. ICC will be able to select one of the accounts to upload the photograph(s). ICC also need to be able to add/change the upload account/credentials for the upload. All metadata will need to be uploaded with every photograph. This will be triggered by a separate event (check box, button click). If the event is not triggered, the workflow is skipped.ViewsVideoAll video files need to go under Video libraries of corresponding sub-sites. Individual video viewEach video file will have an individual view with metadata and related material displayed. The view will feature a video player for streaming the video (the video will be embedded from YouTube), relevant metadata and download links for the video and if applicable an audio programme.Download links will be hidden until a registration form is filled. The form will be a JavaScript triggered pop-up window, which will contain a registration form consisting of entry fields for Name, Media and email address fields. The data transmitted needs to be encrypted. The data will be collected into a list.Upon the upload on the ICC website, provided that the appropriate event is triggered, the workflow will be run to automatically upload the video to the ICC YouTube channel with required metadata. The unique YouTube identifier will then be obtained in order to embed the video to the website.Gallery viewThe video gallery will be arranged in a thumbnail view. This view will feature the latest video in the gallery in the HTML5/Flash video player and have the view’s title and description displayed. The video will be streamed from the ICC YouTube channel. Other videos in the gallery will be displayed below as thumbnails. When a thumbnail is clicked on, the video will then be featured in the player with the corresponding title and description. The video player will then be prompted to play the video.Flash video player should be a fall-back player for browsers which don’t have an HTML5 video tag implemented.Every video in the gallery would have two links watch and download. Link watch would load the video to the player on the top, while download would lead to an individual view of the video.Every gallery view will feature an RSS feed so it can be followed by anonymous users.AudioAudio files should go to the same library as the corresponding video. Individual audio viewEach audio file will have an individual view with the metadata and related material displayed.Gallery view for audios and podcastsThe audio material will have a different gallery view, which will feature an HTML5/Flash audio player on top and the available videos from the gallery listed below. Clicking on the audio will trigger the play of the same in the player. Flash audio player will be a back-up solution for browsers that do not support HTML5.The Audio gallery view would follow the same principle of the streaming and downloading audio programmes.Every gallery view will feature an RSS feed so it can be followed by anonymous users.PodcastsPodcasts need to be hosted on the ICC website. They will be developed with the iTunes audio specifications in mind. An RSS feed needs to be created and submitted to iTunes for the automatic upload of the created podcasts.The individual view for podcasts is similar to the audio files. The only difference is the download link to the iTunes.PhotographsPhotographs libraries will be created with the appropriate columns in order to automatically load the relevant ITPC Core metadata from the photographs. The SharePoint 2013 rendition feature will be used to make at least four specific sizes of photographs for later usage (thumbnail, larger thumbnail, medium and large view).Individual view of the photographEach photograph will have an individual view with the metadata and related material displayed.Gallery view for photographsGallery view will arrange photographs in either thumbnail or carousel version. The thumbnail view will feature the main photo in the gallery in a medium size and other photos will be listed below as thumbnails with the descriptions below. The featured photo will have two overlay buttons to show the caption and to view the photo in a lightbox view (large view of the photo). It is important to stress that only one photograph at a time can be loaded in the background for this type of view. Clicking on the thumbnails below will get the medium size photo from the server and clicking on the lightbox button will retrieve the large size photo from the server. Clicking on the title of the photograph featured will lead to the individual view. RelationshipsRelationships will need to be created between the content of AV Gallery and the ICC website. The related material from the ICC website will be: Press releases, Transcripts and some specific court records. Relationships will be achieved by the use of one of the default web-parts of the SharePoint which will filter the content based on specific criteria.For transcripts, the criteria will be the case and the time span (a specific week).The press release relationship will need to be entered manually (a link to the press release together with the title).Search FacilityICC global search engine will be used to search the AV Gallery. The search will be customized to search for the specific content types in the advance search mode. Faceted refiners will be used to further filter the results.TagsTags are going to be implemented as a topical way of searching the audio-visual and photographic library. There will be a strict three to four tags policy implemented through the website for all content, example: Video related to a Bemba trial would have the following tags: Bemba, Witness, Chamber, Type of session (if it is extraordinary (status conference or something like that)).When a user clicks on a tag, all related data needs to be filtered in and shown. There should be further filtering options for content type, date-year span, case, and programme. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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