Compare and Contrast DAY 1 - Weebly



Compare and Contrast DAY 1

READ THE PASSAGE Thinkaboutthesimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweenkindsofpuddings fromaroundtheworld.

A Pudding by Any Other Name When you think of pudding, do you picture a bowl of creamy chocolate or vanilla dessert? Most people in the United States probably think of pudding in the same way. But there are many kinds of puddings, and not all of them are sweet. In England, pudding can refer to desserts or to side dishes that are eaten with breakfast, lunch, or dinner. These puddings are usually not sweet. They can include butter, flour, spices, and even meats, such as sausage. A blood pudding is a salty side dish made with sheep's or cow's blood that is cooked until it is thick. Yorkshire pudding is almost like a bread and is often served with roast beef. And Christmas pudding is a sweet bread pudding that is served during holidays. It is not creamy like the milk-based puddings most of us are used to, though. Other countries have puddings, too. Rice pudding is a sweet dessert popular in India and some parts of the United States. It is made with milk, sugar, rice, and spices such as cinnamon. Noodle kugel (KOOH-gul) is a side dish that comes from Eastern Europe. It is a baked mixture of noodles, eggs, butter, and cottage cheese. Whether you like a creamy, sweet pudding or a salty, starchy pudding, you can travel almost anywhere and find a pudding to suit your tastes.

SKILL PRACTICE Readeachquestion.Fillinthebubblenexttothecorrectanswer.

1. BothEnglishpuddingsandAmerican



A can be desserts

B are eaten only during holidays

C are made with bread or rice

D are usually eaten after dinner

3. Christmaspuddingislikericepudding



A creamy

B made with flour

C made with milk

D sweet

2. Whichoneistrueaboutricepuddingand bloodpudding?

A Both puddings are sweet.

B Both puddings are common in India.

C Rice pudding is a dessert, but blood pudding is a side dish.

D Blood pudding is popular in the United States, but rice pudding is not.

4. HowarenoodlekugelandYorkshire puddingalike? A Both are eaten as side dishes. B Both are sweet. C Both are made with bread. D Both are chocolate flavored.

STRATEGY PRACTICE Tellapartnerwhatkindofpuddingyouliketoeat.Ifyoudonotlikepudding, tellyourpartnerwhy.

? Evan-Moor Corp. ? EMC 3454 ? Daily Reading Comprehension




Compare and Contrast DAY 2

READ THE ESSAY Thinkaboutthesimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweenmiceandrats.

Mice and Rats People use the words mouse and rat when talking about small, furry animals with big ears, a pointy nose, and a long tail. However, there are many different kinds of rats and mice, such as the Norway rat, black rat, house mouse, and deer mouse. The most common rat that people usually see is the Norway rat, while the house mouse is the most common mouse that people find in their homes. If the differences between a rat and mouse confuse you, you are not alone. Norway rats and house mice both come from the same relative, which lived millions of years ago. As a result, they have many traits in common. Both Norway rats and house mice have long tails, whiskers, and round ears. They can also be similar colors, including gray, brown, white, and black. However, there are many differences between Norway rats and house mice. The Norway rat is much bigger than the house mouse. A Norway rat can weigh over ten times as much as a house mouse and is usually three times as large. Also, a Norway rat has big feet and small ears compared to the size of its body. But a house mouse has small feet and big ears compared to the size of its body. And its tail is longer than its body, while a Norway rat's tail is shorter. Now the next time you see something scurrying around the corner, you can tell whether it's a rat or a mouse before you yelp and scare it away.

SKILL PRACTICE Readeachquestion.Fillinthebubblenexttothecorrectanswer.

1. Whichoftheseisasimilaritybetween aNorwayratandahousemouse?

A Both are the same size.

B Both have small feet compared to the size of their bodies.

C Both have a common relative.

D Both have large ears compared to the size of their bodies.

2. HousemiceandNorwayratsboth



A whiskers

B small ears

C large feet

D short tails

3. Whichoftheseisnotasimilaritybetween housemiceandNorwayrats? A their pointy noses B the color of their fur C the shape of their ears D the size of their bodies

4. OnedifferencebetweenNorwayratsandhouse



A Norway rats can be gray

B house mice are more commonly seen

C Norway rats have tails that are shorter than their bodies

D house mice can be brown or black

STRATEGY PRACTICE Tellapartnerhowwritingplusandminussignshelpedyoustayfocused.


Daily Reading Comprehension ? EMC 3454 ? ? Evan-Moor Corp.



Make Inferences DAY 3

READ THE PASSAGE Usecluesfromthepassagetomakeinferences.

Carolina's Strange Trip Marcia woke up early on Saturday. Her twin sister, Carolina, was still asleep in her bed. Marcia tiptoed into the kitchen. The sun was barely peeking over the hills as Marcia gazed out the window and ate her cereal. After Marcia finished her breakfast, she found her crayons and paper. She drew a picture of Carolina sailing in a small wooden ship on a giant blue ocean. Just as Marcia finished coloring Carolina's red hair, Marcia heard her sister cry out in surprise. Marcia raced up the stairs and opened the bedroom door to see Carolina sitting in the middle of a tiny boat. The floor and the rest of the room had disappeared. In their place was a wide, blue ocean, just like in the picture that Marcia drew. "Get me out of here!" Carolina cried. "I'm getting seasick!" Marcia raced downstairs again and looked at her picture. The expression on Carolina's face in the picture had changed. She was no longer smiling, and her skin was a little green. Marcia quickly drew a yellow helicopter above Carolina's bed. She drew a friendly firefighter helping Carolina aboard the helicopter. She even drew a large mug of hot chocolate for Carolina to sip. As soon as she finished drawing, Marcia heard a loud whirring sound upstairs. Marcia smiled and raced to her bedroom once again.

SKILL PRACTICE Readeachquestion.Fillinthebubblenexttothecorrectanswer.

1. WhatwillMarcialikelyfindwhenshe opensherbedroomdoor? A a yellow helicopter B a green submarine C a silver rocket D a purple sailboat

2. Basedonheractions,youcaninferthat



A clever but uncaring

B caring but unable to help others

C caring and creative

D creative but easily distracted

3. YoucaninferthatMarcia'shairis


A brown

B red

C black

D blond

4. WhatmightMarciahavefoundinher bedroomifshehaddrawnapictureof outerspaceinsteadofanocean? A Carolina asleep in her bed

B Carolina stranded in a desert

C Carolina floating in a spaceship

D Carolina in a cabin on a mountain

STRATEGY PRACTICE DescribehowyouwouldhavefeltifyouwereMarcia.

? Evan-Moor Corp. ? EMC 3454 ? Daily Reading Comprehension




Make Inferences DAY 4

READ THE PASSAGE Usecluesfromthepassageandyourownknowledgetomakeinferences.

Fernando Cooks Fernando watched Dad walk slowly through the door and sink into his favorite chair. Dad had started a new job and worked from very early to very late. He rarely had time to make dinner or help Fernando with his homework before he needed to go to sleep. Tonight, Fernando had decided that he would help out by making dinner. It was going to be a surprise. "Wait right there, Dad," Fernando said. "You're not going to believe this!" Fernando pulled the appetizers from the oven. What were supposed to be mini corn dogs from the freezer now looked like lumps of charcoal. "A little ketchup will fix these guys," said Fernando. He smothered the burned corn dogs in ketchup and took them to Dad. Dad wrinkled his nose but tried to smile at Fernando. "Thanks, son," he said. "These look...interesting." Fernando's next course was salad. He pulled a few leaves from a head of lettuce and placed them in two small bowls. He didn't notice the dirt that stuck to the leaves. Fernando then poured half a bottle of ranch dressing over each salad. Next, Fernando slid the chicken into the oven. The chicken was still frozen, so he turned the oven to its hottest setting. "This is going to be great!" Fernando said.

SKILL PRACTICE Readeachquestion.Fillinthebubblenexttothecorrectanswer.

1. Fromthepassage,youcaninferthat



A cares very little about his father

B is a careful and skilled cook

C wants his father to work harder

D does not have much experience cooking

2. FromDad'sreactiontothecorndogs,you



A he enjoys Fernando's cooking

B he wants Fernando to finish his homework

C he does not think Fernando's meal will taste good

D he hopes Fernando goes to bed soon

3. BasedonDad'sbehavior,howdoeshe probablyfeelabouthisjob? A He is tired from work.

B He is bored from not working enough.

C He is sad to be home in the evening.

D He wants Fernando to come to work with him.

4. WhydoyouthinkDadsmilesatFernando whenheisgiventheplateofburnedfood? A Dad likes to eat burned food.

B Dad is trying to appreciate the effort Fernando put into the meal.

C Dad is thinking of a funny story from work.

D Dad remembered it was his turn to cook.

STRATEGY PRACTICE Underlinethecluesfromthepassagethathelpedyoumakeinferencessoyou couldanswerthequestionsabove.


Daily Reading Comprehension ? EMC 3454 ? ? Evan-Moor Corp.


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