Emergency Management Plan - Agency Emergency Command …

Emergency Management Plan - Agency Emergency Command Center Procedure Document Number: EOC 012Revision #: Document Owner: EOC-IC TeamDate Last Updated: 11/26/19Author: Status: ApprovedGeneral Description Task / Scope: ?To define the Agency's ?procedures for emergency management coordination and oversight.Purpose: To ensure effective and coordinated emergency preparation, mitigation, response and recovery.?Overview of Steps 1. The Agency's Emergency Command Center 2. Emergency Command Center Activation 3. Utilization of the All Hazards Approach 4. Event Notification 5. Safety and Security 6. Communications 7. Facility and Utilities Management 8. Client Care and Support Activities 9. Staff Roles and Responsibilities 10. Resource Management 11. Post Emergency Recovery 12. Post Event Evaluation Detailed Steps 1.The Agency's Emergency Command CenterThe Agency has established an Emergency Command Center for responding to potential or actual emergencies or disasters. ?The Emergency Command Center is responsible for coordinating and overseeing emergency preparation, mitigation, response and recovery activities.?The Emergency Command Center is comprised of the Agency's Executive Team members, the Agency's Infection Control Officer, and the Agency's Facilities Maintenance Manager.?The base of operations for the Emergency Command Center shall be the Agency's Central Administration Office located at 319 Maple Street in Perth Amboy. ?In the event the Emergency Command Center must relocate, notification is provided to Leadership and Site Administrators regarding the alternate location. ??The telephone number for contacting the Emergency Command Center (Central Administration) is 732-324-8200 unless other instructions are provided.?Staff wishing to report an emergency to the Agency's Emergency Command Center are instructed to call the Maple Street Office and state that they wish to report an emergency situation. ?The receptionist shall connect them with Central Administration. 2.Emergency Command Center ActivationThe Agency's Executive Director will ensure activation of the Emergency Command Center?when the potential for an emergency or disaster is known or in response to actual emergencies or disasters. Exceptions are minor emergencies that are limited in scope or potential severity. ??In the absence of the Executive Director, the Executive Director appoints a designee responsible for Emergency Command Center activation and oversight. When activated, the Emergency Command Center convenes either in person or by telephone. 3.Utilization of the All Hazards ApproachAn all hazards approach is utilized by the Emergency Command Center and Agency sites to respond to emergencies and or disasters. This approach identifies key areas that need to be addressed and actions that are taken in each area regardless of emergency type. Key areas include:???Event Notification??Safety and Security??Communication??Client Care and Support Activities??Facilities and Utilities Management??Staff Roles and Responsibilities??Resource Management??Post Emergency Recovery??Post Event Evaluation?The Agency's Emergency Response Guide and site specific Emergency Action Plans ?provide guidance on the actions that are to be followed to address emergency situations. In addition, emergency event guidelines are established that provide specific guidance for different types of emergencies, (i.e. flooding). ?These procedures are checked and appropriate actions taken. ?4.Event NotificationThe Agency's Emergency Command Center ensures that Leadership is notified regarding all potential or actual emergencies and that an Agency-wide email is sent out to provide timely notification to staff. ?This is done to support the flow of information, appropriate staff planning, preparation and response.?The Agency's Emergency Command Center is responsible for making decisions regarding agency-wide emergency notifications. ?This decision can occur at any time. ?Decisions are based on the scope and severity of the situation and the importance of the information that must be communicated. Site Administrators or their designees are responsible for decisions regarding activation of site specific emergency communication chains or site specific email communications.?The Agency's Emergency Command Center works with Leadership and Site Administrators to oversee and ensure all appropriate notifications are provided to staff, clients, visitors, external bodies and authorities. ?5.Safety and SecurityThe Agency's Emergency Command Center works with Leadership, Site Administrators and Safety Officers to:???Coordinate and ensure all actions necessary to protect the safety and security of clients, staff and visitors. ??Ensure security of the Agency's facilities.??Communicate Emergency Command Center decisions regarding facility closings, evacuation/relocation, or securing-in-place. ?In all circumstances, directions provided by Offices of Emergency Management or local authorities shall be followed.?municationsThe Agency's Emergency Command Center works with Leadership, Site Administrators and Safety Officers to:???Ensure that timely information is obtained from and provided to staff, clients, and external entities (local authorities, Offices of Emergency Management, regulatory bodies, the Diocese, community providers and others.)??Ensure that emergency methods of communication are established when required.7.Facility and Utilities ManagementThe Agency's Emergency Command Center works Leadership, Site Administrators and Safety Officers to:???Ensure all required actions regarding facilities and utilities management are taken.??Coordinate and prioritize needed assistance from the Agency's Department of Physical Plant and Maintenance.?8.Client Care and Support ActivitiesThe Agency's Emergency Command Center works with Leadership, Site Administrators and Safety Officers to:???Ensure that all appropriate actions are taken regarding client care and support activities. In all cases, those clients at highest risk, those clients with special needs or those clients that may require emergency services shall be prioritized.??Communicate decisions of the Emergency Command Center regarding temporary service discontinuation and/or cancellation of client appointments of other client activities.?9.Staff Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe Agency's Emergency Command Center works with Leadership, Site Administrators and Safety Officers to:???Coordinate and prioritize needed staffing and or staff assistance.??Communicate Emergency Command Center decisions regarding any needed support actions that should be taken for staff.?10.Resource ManagementEach site’s Emergency Action Plan contains specific information regarding resources available to the site in an emergency. ??All additional needs are communicated to the Agency's Emergency Command Center. ?The Agency's Emergency Command Center works with Leadership, Site Administrators and Safety Officers to oversee, coordinate, prioritize and allocate needed resources. Consideration is given to how Agency resources can be maximized, conserved or shared.11.Post Emergency RecoveryThe Agency's Emergency Command Center works with Leadership, Site Administrators and Safety Officers to: ???Coordinate and ensure that needed assessments are conducted timely and efficiently. ???Ensure that appropriate recovery action plans are developed and approved.??Coordinate and prioritize needed assistance from the Agency's Departments or external service providers.??12.Post Event EvaluationPost evaluation of all emergency events is conducted to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the Agency's emergency management procedures.?The Emergency Command Center will conduct a self evaluation to identify needed procedural changes or opportunities for improvement.?Each Agency site will conduct a post evaluation to identify needed procedural changes or opportunities for improvement.?Findings and conclusions of post event evaluations are summarized by the Agency’s Performance Review Department. Recommendations are provided to Leadership for the purposes of continuous improvement in emergency response.?? ................

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