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right-678180Module 960 Points0Module 960 Points-661670-609600Please be sure to answer your questions using BLUE type – so it does not blend into the questions.00Please be sure to answer your questions using BLUE type – so it does not blend into the questions.Name: Chapter 22Section 1The Nation’s Sick EconomyAs you read this section, take notes to describe the serious problems in each area of the economy that helped cause the Great Depression.1. Industry2. Agriculture3. Consumer Spending4. Distribution of Wealth5. The Stock market6. Explain each of the following as it relates to the economy:Alfred E. Smith: Black Tuesday: Dow Jones Industrial Average:Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act:Chapter 22Section 2Hardship and Suffering During the DepressionAs you read about how people coped with hard times, use the chart below to summarize the Great Depression’s effects on various aspects of American life.EmploymentHousingFarmingRace RelationsFamily LifePhysical HealthEmotional HealthIdentify the following terms from the Great Depression:Dust Bowl: Shantytown: Soup Kitchen: Bread Line: Direct Relief: Chapter 23Section 1A New Deal Fights the DepressionAs you read about President Roosevelt’s New Deal, take notes to answer questions about each new federal program.Federal ProgramWhat was its immediate purpose?What was its long-term goal?Business Assistance and Reform1. Emergency Banking Relief Act2. Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 19333. Federal Securities Act4. National Industrial Recovery ActFarm Relief/Rural Development5. Agricultural Adjustment Act6. Tennessee Valley AuthorityEmployment Projects7. Civilian Conservation Corps8. Federal Emergency Relief Administration9. Public Works Administration10. Civil Works AdministrationHousing11. Home Owners Loan CorporationClassification: Classify each program by write “1” for Relief, “2” for Recovery or “3” for Reform in the blank provided!___ Emergency Banking Relief Act___Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933___Federal Securities Act___National Industrial Recovery Act___Agricultural Adjustment Act___Tennessee Valley Authority___Civilian Conservation Corps___Federal Emergency Relief Administration___Public Works Administration___Civil Works Administration___Home Owners Loan CorporationChapter 23Section 2The Second New Deal Takes HoldAs you read this section, take notes to answer questions about the second phase of Roosevelt’s New Deal policies.GroupWhat laws were passed or agencies established to deal with problems facing this group?Farmers, migrant workers and other living in rural areasStudents and other young peopleTeachers, writers, artists and other professionalsAll workers, including the unemployedRetired WorkersThe disabled, needy, elderly and dependent mothers and childrenHow did Eleanor Roosevelt contribute to the nation’s recovery from the Depression?What crisis was looming in Europe that would soon draw our attention away from New Deal programs?Chapter 23Section 4Society and CultureAs you read this section, answer complete the table by answering the questions about each of these important works:TitleWhat was it?Who created it/appeared in it?What was the theme?Gone With the WindMr. Smith Goes to WashingtonThe War of the WorldsWaiting for LeftyNative SonThe Grapes of WrathOur TownAmerican GothicChapter 23Section 5The Impact of the New DealAs you read about the impact of New Deal reforms, take notes about the lasting effects of those reforms on American society.New Deal Laws and AgenciesLasting Effects of These Laws and Agencies on American Government1. Labor2. Agriculture and Rural Life3. Banking and Finance4. Social Welfare5. Environment6. Civil Rights for African-Americans7. What was the general effect the New Deal had on the size and power of the U.S. Government? ................

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