Sophomore Research Paper

Ch. 9 – Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire

Historical Figure Research Project

For this paper, you will be researching the life of a historical figure that we have talked about during Chapter 9 (or will soon be talking about!). You are going to investigate the key aspects of their life, and learn everything you can about them.


Gregory I

Saint Benedict



Elenor of Aquitaine

William of Normandy

Henry III

Thomas à Becket

Philip II


Otto I

Alexander Nevsky




Pope Innocent III

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

Research Paper Requirements:

← Your paper must be 2-3 pages in length, 12 sized font, double spaced.

← The body paragraphs will give the details of the research you have conducted on your person.

o Early life: Where are they from? When were they born? What was their family life like? Did they have an education?

o Occupation: What is their job?

o Key Events: What occurred in that person’s life that led them to change history? Was there a war? Did they inherit a throne?

o Historical Impact: How did this person change history? Why do we remember them?

← Formal writing style and proper MLA format (use to generate citations.)

← You must include citations from at least 4 sources into your report

o One source should be your textbook.

← You will include a bibliography page, which is not part of your 2-3 page writing requirement


65 Details and development of your topic

25 Accuracy (spelling, grammar, MLA format)

10 Bibliography

+5 Extra Credit (Dressing like your historical figure)


You will give a quick presentation about your historical figure. You must assume that we know nothing about your person, and are learning about them for the very first time. Eye contact, a clear speaking voice, and confidence in your knowledge of your historical person will be the key to a successful grade. Your presentation must include a picture of your historical figure (it can be printed out or digital – please have this pre-prepared before class.)

You will have a limited amount of time in the computer lab (one class period) to research your historical person. You will be responsible for using your time wisely, and making sure that you will be prepared to have your paper finished by the due date.

DUE DATE: Wednesday, NOVEMBER 13TH, 2013

You will present your Historical figure to the class on this day as well!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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