COMS 2011 to be Held in Greensboro, NC


Albuquerque, NM – March 28, 2011- World leaders in micro and nanotechnology will gather in Greensboro, NC for the 14th Annual Commercialization of Micro-Nano Systems Conference (COMS 2011) August 28 – 31.

COMS will bring an international audience to this fast growing hub of small technology to network, connect and create business through new partnerships. The conference will feature global leaders in micro & nanotechnology (MNT) discussing commercialization solutions and new advancements, all with an eye to doing business.

With the support of The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN) , NC Center of innovation for Nanobiotechnology (NC COIN) and Research Triangle Institute (RTI), COMS 2011 will offer attendees unparalleled access to top business leaders and opportunities in this dynamic region.

Clive Davenport, MANCEF President explains why MANCEF decided to locate the COMS conference in North Carolina; “The dynamic nanotechnology growth center of Greensboro is an exceptional venue for the 16th International COMS Conference. Greensboro and the world renowned North Carolina Research Triangle are pursuing a broad spectrum of research and commercial activities based on micro, nano and bio technologies. The convergence of these small scale technologies with mainstream technologies in particular those of nanobio and nanomedical offer the region the promise of new economic wealth. ”

Jim R. Roberts, Director of Membership Services and Fundraising for NC COIN states “The Center of Innovation for Nanobiotechnology (COIN) is very excited that MANCEF has chosen North Carolina for the 2011 COMS Conference. North Carolina has a significant amount of traction and interest in the nanotechnology field. All across North Carolina, we have significant operations in composites, catalysts, coatings and drug delivery systems. The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering in the Greensboro market is just the latest investment by the state meant to help companies grow in this platform technology that helps many different industries.”

MANCEF Executive Board members Robert Haak and, Jan Wauters, and Executive Director Scott Bryant will be at UNC-Charlotte to attend the North Carolina Nanotechnology Commercialization Conference March 29 -30, 2011. The third annual NCNCC will bring together MNT leaders from the US. MANCEF is looking forward to meeting with these experts and will encourage them to attend COMS Aug 28-31 to network with a much wider global audience.


Steve Wilcenski, VP MEMSCAP, SA Custom Products Business Unit, President MEMSCAP, Inc. agrees “COMS is an excellent conference to highlight the commercial advances in Micro and Nano systems. This conference goes well beyond the science and shares information on how to commercialize research and development.  We are excited that COMS 2011 will be in Greensboro and we look forward to the opportunity to share our recent advances and successes to the global Micro and Nano community.”

About COMS:

Where the global Small Tech community meets to drive the future.

COMS brings together leaders from all over the world and every sector of industry, all sharing, learning and creating partnerships in an open interactive setting. This is a powerful environment focused on accelerating commercialization activity among established and emerging micro and nano businesses.


The Micro and Nanotechnology Commercialization Education Foundation (MANCEF) is a global membership association focused on the commercialization of small technologies. As an educational non-profit, our goal is to facilitate connections and to educate those bringing emerging technologies to market.


MANCEF members are the top international players in the Micro-Nano Marketplace. We help create global relationships and alliances which accelerate the commercialization of small technologies.

Contact: Nicole Wylde, MANCEF

Tel: 505-255- 1826

Fax: 505-255-1827



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