Soc 213(001) Social Deviance Bogart Quiz01A Li ...

Soc 213(001) Social Deviance Bogart Quiz01A Li: Functionalism: Durkheim 01/14/02

01a. Durkheim begins his theory about crime with the observation that crime is A. present in all

societies, B. is higher in underdeveloped countries, C. varies with economic prosperity, D.

frequently unobserved and undetected, E. higher among men than women

02a. According to Durkheim, as societies develop ("Pass to higher types") the crime rate: A.

decreases; B. remains constant; C. increases; D. is unpredictable; E. oscillates between increasing


03a. The view that deviance is normal would most clearly be attributed to: A. Max Weber; B.

Emile Durkheim; C. Charles Cooley; D. Lester Ward; E. Gustav LeBon.

04a. Durkheim attributed the existence of crime in all societies to: A. psychotic malfunction of

the brain; B. societal injustice; c.both genetic and environmental causes; D. its social functions; E.


05a. According to Durkheim, _____ defines the social norms, provides the context in which the

social sentiments can be expressed, organized the social system against its perceived threats, and

strengthens the community in the expression of its norms. A. religion, B. culture, C. the family,

D. narcissism, E. crime.

06a. Durkheim's major contribution to criminology was: A. an emphasis on differences in

association and isolation of societal members; B. a documentation of the corrupt practices of

powerful Parisians; C. the recognition of positive roles of crime and deviance in approach to

social organization. D. historical comparison of crime in Greece and Rome, E. the identification

of social contradictions and hypocrisy.

07a. Which of the following most aptly expresses Durkheim's view of the nature of crime. A. It

is not an appropriate subject for real sociologists. B. It is a quality which is conferred upon

behavior by the community (rather than existing in an absolute sense). C. It is a direct indicator

of the preoccupation of the society with gender roles. D. It is rooted in economic injustice. E. It

is a form of mental illness.

08a. According to Durkheim, a society without crime is A. impossible, B. probably preindustrial,

C. a society of saints, D. is a society without inequality, E. possible but not probable.

09a. Which of the following is a quote from the section on Durkheim's functionalist view of

crime: A. That which is considered criminal in one context is most unlikely to be considered

criminal in another. B. It is impossible to differentiate between that which is functional and that

which is dysfunctional without reference to the religious norms of a society. C. Crime does not

exist in the absolutist sense but only as a quality conferred by the community." D. Crime is,

simply put, the folkways turned upside down. E. Crime, in the last analysis is a social invention

of the wealthy and powerful.

10a. For Durkheim, a society which does not have any crime, A. will become a utopia, B. will be

a society of all one gender, C. can only be found in extremely rural areas, D. will simply find a

new activity to define as a crime, E. is a socialist society.


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