Arts & Science

Curriculum Vitae

Updated March 1, 2015


Present Address:

Department of Anthropology

Institute for the History of Production of Knowledge

New York

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NY, NY 10003

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University of Michigan, 1962-1966, B.A., with High Distinction and Honors in Anthropology

Cornell University, 1966-1971, Ph.D.

Academic Interests:

Religion, ideology, politics, models and explanations in social anthropology, political economy of health, gender, anthropology of science, rationality, psychiatry, experimental psychology, the unconscious, China, the United States.

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants:

London-Cornell Project Fellowship, 1966-1967; Language Training Fellowships, 1967; 1968-1969.

Herbert H. Lehman Fellowship, 1967-1969.

Fulbright-Hayes Fellowship. 1969-70.

American Association of University Women Predoctoral Fellowship, 1970-197l.

Social Science Research Council Grant, 1975

Fulbright Faculty Research Abroad Fellowship, 1975

National Institute of Mental Health Small Grant, 1975.

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for Independent Study and Research, 1976-1977.

N.I.H. Biological Research Support Grant, 1981, 1987

Kenan Fund grant for the improvement of undergraduate education, Johns Hopkins University, 1984, 1988.

American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, 1984-85.

Spencer Foundation Research Grant, 1989-92.

Mellon Fellow, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, 1993-94

Resident Fellow, University of California Humanities Research Institute, Winter and Spring quarters 1996

Princeton University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences grants, winter, summer, 1996, winter, summer 1997; summer, 1998.

Guggenheim Fellowship, 1999-2000

NSF grant, Program in Cultural Anthropology, 1999-2001

Spencer Foundation Research Grant, 1999-2001

Fulbright Senior Scholar award, The University of Iceland, 2003.

National Library of Medicine research residency, 2003

Grant from Davis Center and History of Science Dept, Princeton University, to fund The Psy-ences Project, 2004-5

Visiting Professorship, the Advertising Educational Foundation. 2004

Wenner-Gren Foundation Initiatives grant for Anthropology Now, 2008 and 2010

SSRC, Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship program (DPDF) Directorship 2008 (with Elizabeth Lunbeck)

Humanities Initiative grant, NYU, for support of the Psyences Project, 2010

Sawyer Seminar, “A Post-Genomic Embrace of the Human?” (member of group application) Mellon Foundation, 2012-14 ($175,000)

NSF grant, Program in Cultural Anthropology, jointly sponsored by the Science, Technology, and Society Program, the Social Psychology Program, and the Perception, Action, and Cognition Program, 2012-14 ($55,7790)

Wenner-Gren Foundation Post-PhD Research Grant, 2012-2014 ($6614)

NSF Research Experience for Graduate Students (REG) award, 2013-14

Field Work:

Research on ancestor worship, geomancy, the cult of the dead, and marriage patterns in a Taiwanese village, 1969-1970.

Research on Chinese medicine and healing rites, summer 1972.

Research on Chinese ritual and marriage patterns, summer 1975.

Research on the New Life Clinic, Mt. Washington, Maryland, 1982-84.

Research on reproduction in the U.S., 1981-1988

Research on immunology and the immune system in the U.S., 1989-93

Research on the culture of the mind and of work, Baltimore, MD, central NJ, and Orange County, CA, 1996-2007

Research on the stabilization of the human subject in experimental psychology, 2009-


Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Program in Comparative Culture, University of California, Irvine, 197l-1972.

Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Yale University, 1972-1974.

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, The Johns Hopkins University, 1974-1976; Professor, 1976- ; Chair, 1977-1978; Chair, 1985-89

Mary Elizabeth Garrett Professor of Arts and Sciences, 1981-1994

Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University, 1994-2001

Professor of Anthropology, New York University, 2001-

Professional Memberships:

American Anthropological Association

American Ethnological Society

Royal Anthropological Institute

Society for Medical Anthropology

Association for Feminist Anthropology

Course Offerings:

Society and Culture in the People's Republic of China; Chinese Culture and Society; Myth, Ritual, and Symbol; Women in Culture and Society; Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology; Seminar in Religion; Seminar in Social and Cultural Anthropology; Anthropology of Health; Theory in Anthropology; Political Economy of Health; Society and Culture in the Contemporary United States; Women in History, Culture and Society; The Anthropology of Work; The Anthropology of the Body; Gender and Politics; Commodities and Exchange; The Anthropology of Science; Culture and Historical Materialism; Fieldwork in the Post-Modern World; Gender, Race and Science; Feminism and Anthropology; Asian-Americans: Identities and Communities in the Making; Health and Medicine in America; Science as Culture, the Craft of Ethnography, Gender and the Body, Human Taxonomies, Social and Cultural Theory, Cultures of the Mental, Cultures of Biomedicine, Personhood, Animal cultures; Human natures; Kinship, Gender, and Ethnography; The Anthropology of the Unconscious; Drugs, Politics, and Culture, Anthropology of Science, Anthropology and its publics, Governmentality; Topics in the history, culture and philosophy of science

Conference presentations:

1971 Conference on Chinese Religion and Ritual sponsored by the Subcommittee on Research on Chinese Society of the Joint Committee on Contemporary China of the American Council of Learned Societies.

1972 Conference on Taiwan in Chinese History sponsored by the Committee on Sino-American Cooperation.

1973 Conference on Women in Chinese Society sponsored by SSRC and ACLS.

1973 Symposium on Images of Body States at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

1973 Symposium on New Perspectives on Chinese Kinship Organization at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

1974 Conference on the Comparative Study of Traditional and Modern Medicine in Chinese Society sponsored by the Fogarty International Center and the University of Washington.

1976 Conference on Anthropology in Taiwan sponsored by the Joint Committee on Contemporary China of the Social Science Research Council.

1977 Conference on Attitude and Value Change in Chinese Society sponsored by Princeton University and the Institute for the Study of Human Issues, Inc.

1981 Conference on "Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in Late Imperial China" sponsored by ACLS and NEH.

1982 Symposium on Field Research in One's Own Culture: Problems and Issues of Reflexive Fieldwork at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

1982 Symposium on "Culture and Historical Materialism" at the XIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.

1985 Conference on "Ritual and the Social Significance of Death in Chinese society," sponsored by ACLS.

1985 Conference on "Connections and Collaborations in Women's Studies," The University of Pennsylvania.

1986 Session on "Knowledge and Power in the Management of Reproduction" at the meeting of the American Ethnological Society

1986 Invited session on "Language and Political Economy" at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

1986 Invited session on "Speaking Femininity" at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

1987 Conference on "Women, Science and the Body," The Society for the Humanities, Cornell University.

1987 Invited session on "The Culture of Late Capitalism" at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association

1988 Invited session on "Reproductive Technology, Medical Practice, Public Expectations, and New Representations of the Human Body," at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

1988 Conference on "Gender and Ritual" at Mt. Holyoke College.

1989 Conference on Laments at the University of Texas at Austin.

1989 Panel on "Rationality in the Commercial Cultures of China and India," at the meetings of the Association for Asian Studies.

1989 Invited session "Author Meets Critics: Emily Martin and the Cultural Construction of Scientific Knowledge" at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

1989 Invited session "Gendered Notions of the Body and the Self in Modern Scientific Discourse" at the meetings of the American Historical Association.

1990 Panel on the history of immunology at the conference "Discovery and Invention" at the meetings of the Society for Health and Human Values.

1990 Speaker at the conference "Cultural Studies Now and in the Future," Urbana, IL

1990 Invited session "Biopolitics: Anthropology of the New Genetics and Immunology," at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

1991 Invited session "The Anthropology of Science and Scientists" at the annual meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

1991 Speaker at International Health Conference of the National Council for International Health

1991 Wenner-Gren Conference on The Politics of Reproduction, Teresopolis, Brazil

1992 SSRC Conference on Global Immunization and Culture, University of Iowa

1993 plenary speaker at the meetings of the Canadian Anthropological Society

1993 plenary speaker at the meetings of the Society for Cultural Anthropology

1993 speaker at decennial meetings of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the British Commonwealth

1993 speaker at the conference on Sex/Gender and Technoscience, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

1993 School for American Research seminar on Cyborg Anthropology, Santa Fe, New Mexico

1993 Invited session "Cyborg Anthropology" at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association

1993 speaker at the conference on Aspects of the History of Maternity, Palermo, Italy

1994 speaker at the conference on "Anthropology and the `Field'", Stanford and Santa Cruz, CA

1994 speaker at the plenary session for the Eastern Sociological Society, Translations, Transformations: The Boston Women's Health Book Collective and Our Bodies, Ourselves

1994 Keynote speaker at University of Delaware Conference celebrating 20 years of Women's Studies

1994 Speaker at panel "Cultures of Science, Science in Culture" New York University

1994 Speaker at conference at CUNY Graduate Center "Technoscience and Cyberculture"

1994 Speaker at University of Chicago Dean's Symposium "Boundaries and Trespass: Connections and Creative Revisions in the Social Sciences

1994 Lecturer at the Norwegian Centre for Child Research, Trondheim, Norway

1994 Keynote speaker at annual meetings of the Society for Social Studies of Science

1994 Speaker at invited session “Anthropology and its Interlocuters: Manual Castells”

1995 Keynote speaker at conference “Biomedical and Social Perspectives on Women’s Health,” University of Oslo, section for Medical Anthropology

1995 Keynote speaker at conference “Body, Gender, Sexuality and Medicalization,” University of Waikato, New Zealand

1995 Speaker at invited session “Anthropology between Science and the Humanities” at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association

1995 Speaker at conference “Revisioning Women, Health and Healing: Feminist, Cultural, and Technoscience Perspectives,” University of California, San Francisco

1996 Speaker and co-organizer (with Sharon Stephens) of session on Health and Transglobal Processes at the annual meetings of American Ethnological Society, Puerto Rico.

1996 Keynote speaker at conference “Incorporating the Antibody,” University of Western Ontario.

1996 Speaker at Invited session organized by Paul Rabinow, “The Third Culture: Beyond the Higher Superstition”

1997 Keynote speaker at conference “Gender, Science and Technology,” Trondheim, Norway

1997 Invited session, “Science Kin,” American Ethnological Society, Seattle, WA

1997 Invited session, “Immunology and anthropology”, Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, WA

1998 Workshop, “Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Twentieth Century: What Difference Has Feminism Made?, organized by Elizabeth Lunbeck, Angela Creager and Londa Schiebinger, Princeton University

1999 Inhabiting Technology, Mike Featherstone and Scott Lasch, organizers, London, England

2000 Hannover Expo 2000, International Women’s University

2001 “Ways of Seeing the Brain,” Images of the Mind Symposium, Anthropology Dept., Goldsmith’s College and Novartis Foundation, London

2001 “Some reflections on biology and culture: Bodies, Brains, and Ethnography,” conference on Margaret Mead’s Legacy, Barnard College

2002 AAA Executive session, The Pluralization of Anthroplogical Knowledge, “Crafting Disciplines: Psychoanalysis and Ethnography” with Everett Siegel, psychiatrist, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

2002 Conference on Direct to Consumer Advertising, MIT, Department of Anthropology

2003 AES Presidential Panel, “What is the Ethnographic Project?” panelist

2003 University of British Columbia, conference on The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility,

2003 Vital Politics conference, LSE, Nicholas Rose, organizer.

2003 Symposium on the Visual Culture and Public Health, National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division

2003 Negotiating the unspeakable, National University of Ireland, Maynooth.

2003 Emergent forms of life: Toward an anthropology of life sciences, Schloss Blankensee, Berlin, Germany

2003 AAA Invited Roundtable: Moral Economies, State Spaces, and Categorical Violence: Conversations with James Scott.

2003 AAA Presidential Session: “Self-Reflection Under Repression,” Co-organized with Lorna Rhodes

2004 “Gender and the Meaning of Mental Health,” Leith Mullings, Patricia Smith, organizers, The University of Michigan

2004 “Toward an anthropology of moods,” EASST/SSSS Paris, France, in session “Intimate Technologies: Modulating Chemical Selves, Nate Greenslit, Natasha Schull, organizers

“Transcribing Everyday Lives,” for Ethnografeast, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

2005 “Pharmaceutical Virtue” Vital Matters, II, University of Bergen, Norway

2005 “What is science studies?” Franke Institute for the Humanities, University of Chicago

2005 “Mind/Body Problems,” International Symposium on Body and Cognition, Humanities Research Center, National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan (virtual presentation)

2005 “Representing a category of madness,” Machineries of Representation, John. F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

2005 “Race and the Uncanny,” Anthropology of the Uncanny, AAA session, Sarah Pinto and Michael Oldani, organizers.

2006 Keynote lecture, Biennial Research Conference, “Fields and Wholes”, Danish Research School of Anthropology and Ethnography

2006 Speaker, National Seminar on “Our Brains, Our Selves?”- Exploring the Meaning of Neurogenetic Reductionism in Science, Culture and the Clinic, University of Nottingham

2006 “The Orgasm,” presidential session, Don Kulick, co organizer AAA. Paper delivered, “Anorgasmia”

2006 Keynote lecture, “Open Minds” conference, NYU

2006 Keynote lecture, “Concepts of Life,” Johns Hopkins University.

2006 Denison University Convocation speaker, Laura C. Harris Symposium Fund

2006 “Culture and History of Biological Psychiatry,” Case Western Reserve

2007 School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar, Santa Fe, “Psychopharmacology and Globalization, Janis Jenkins, organizer

2008 Launching Anthropology Now, Invited Session (AES) AAA 2008 meetings. Organizer and presenter.

2009 Panel discussion on books by Sally Merry and Ida Susser, CUNY Department of Anthropology

2009 Conference on Scaling the Ethnographic, The New School Anthropology Department

2009 Panel discussion on books by Sally Merry and Ida Susser, CUNY Department of Anthropology

2009 Cheiron, International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences, State College, PA,

2009 Conference on “Neurocultures,” Max Planck Institute, Berlin

2009 Conference on Tracking the Human, Collegium Helveticum, held at Castasegna, Switzerland

2009 Plenary speaker, Society for Medical Anthropology Conference, Medical Anthropology at the Intersections, Yale University, “Feminism and Technoscience”

2009 “Anthropology and its Publics,” Invited session, AAA, Philadelphia, Dec.

2009 “The End/s of the Anthropology of Technoscience,” Invited session, AAA, Philadelphia, Dec.

2010 Plenary, “Cultural and Biological Contexts of Psychiatric Disorder,” UCLA

2010 University of Chicago workshop on “Clinical Ethnography”

2010 University of Chicago/ Max Planck Institute for the History of Science joint conference on “Human Sciences Human Subjects”

2010 University of Edinburgh, “Multiple meanings and symbolic resonance of blood”

2011 Featured lecture: Anthropology and the History of Experimental Psychology: Cheiron and History of the Neurosciences Conference, Banff and Calgary.

2011 Wenner-Gren symposium on “The anthropology of potentiality”, Teresopolis, Brazil

2012 American Ethnological Society Spring conference, Organizer of session, “Ethnography and Social Change” with Kate McCaffrey.

2012 AAA “The Erasure of Subjectivity in Psychological Experiments” in Invited Session,  “The Refusal of Relation: Describing the Science and Politics of Isolation” Lucas Bessire and David Bond, organizers.

2012 Session chair, conference on Structural Competency, Helena Hansen and Jonathan Metzl, organizers, NYU

2013 AAA paper presented at panel: “Engaging the public: Lessons from Anthropology Now”

2014 paper presented at “Steps toward an ethnography of experiental psychology,” Conference on Plasticity and Pathology: History and Theory of Neural Subjects. David Bates organizer. UC Berkeley Townsend Center.

2014 UCSD Science Studies Colloquium, Toward an anthropology of experimental psychology.

Conferences attended as a discussant:

1978 Symposium on "Current Issues in Chinese Ethnology" at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

1980 Symposium on "New Approaches to T'ang and Sung China" at the annual meetings of the Association for Asian Studies.

1980 Conference on "Peasant Rebellions," sponsored by Johns Hopkins University.

1980 "Workshop on the Political Economy of Taiwan," East Asian Institute, Columbia University.

1981 Conference on "Feminism and the Critique of Capitalism," sponsored by Johns Hopkins University.

1985 Conference on "Connections and Collaborations in Women's Studies," The University of Pennsylvania.

1988 Session on "Reconceptualizing the Chinese State," at the meetings of the American Anthropological Association.

1993 Session on The New Reproductive Technologies, meetings of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the British Commonwealth.

1994 Conference on Anthropological Demography, Brown University

1995 Invited session on “Anthropology of Genetics” at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association

1996 Invited session “Ideologies and Technologies of Motherhood: Race, Class, Religion and nationalism”, American Anthropological Association

1997 Panel on History of Anthropology, American Ethnological Society

1997 Invited session “The Futures of Anthropology: Imagination and Theory in the 21st Century” Brian Noble and Marianne de Laet, organizers, American Anthropological Association

1997 Invited Round Table on late capitalism, James Ferguson, organizer, Association for Political and Legal Anthropology, at AAA

1998 Invited Round Table on globalization, William Maurer, organizer, Association for Political and Legal Anthropology, at AAA

1999 “Fragmention, Authenticity, and Modernity: The Problem of the Self in Postwar American Culture,” Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, George Chauncey and Elizabeth Lunbeck, Organizers

2001 “Diasporas of Knowledge: The Migration of Science among Elite and Vernacular Communities” Princeton workshops in the history of science.

2002 AAA Executive session "A Plagued Future?: Emerging Diseases, Bioweapons, and Other Anticipated Microbial Horrors."

2005 “The Humanities and Governmentality” Mirian Ticktin, organizer, NYU

2007 “ 20 Years of the Basker Prize: Winners reflect on gender, feminism and health and their near futures” AAA, Helen Lambert and Virginia Dominguez, organizers.

2008 Potentiality and Humanness: Revisiting the Anthropological Object, Invited Session (SMA) AAA Meetings.

2008 “Embodiments of Progress,” Session at annual meetings of the American Studies Association, Washington, DC, Nov.

2009 “Transmission and Transformation” Invited session, AAA, Philadelphia, Dec.

2010 Co-organizer with Katherine McCaffrey, workshop “Writing for a general audience,” Sponsored by SANA, AAA

2011 “Economies of Affect,” Ulla Berg and Ana Ramos-Zayas, organizers; “Globalizing Biopsychiatry,” Dominique Behague and Junko Kitanaka organizers, AAA invited sessions.

2014 “Anthropological approaches to law, gender, and huan rights: papers in honor of Sally Engle Merry” AAA Invited session

Lectureships and awards:

Phi Beta Kappa, 1966

Mortar Board National Honors Society for Women, 1966

The Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures, The University of Rochester, 1986

The Becker Lecture, Cornell University, 1987

Vega Day lecturer, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,


Eileen Basker Memorial Prize, 1988

Cunningham Lectureship, Faculty of Law, Queen's

University, Canada, 1990

Distinguished Lecture, American Ethnological Association, 1990

Tambrand Lecture, Society for Menstrual Cycle Research,


Distinguished Visiting Professor, Suntory-Toyota International Research Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1992

Nicholas Mullins Memorial Lecture, Virginia Tech, 1995

Scott-Hawkins Lecture, Southern Methodist University1996

Presidential lecture, 1999 meetings of the American Ethnological Society

Singer Lecture, Miami University, 2000

Distinguished Almuna Award, Cranbrook, Kingswood; commencement speaker, 2003

James J. Woods lecture, Butler University, 2004

Havens Center Visiting Scholar, 2005

British Museum public lecture for exhibit “Living and Dying,” 2006

University of Edinburgh, Munro Lecture, 2007

The 2007 Faculty Award for teaching and mentoring of graduate students, Graduate Student Council, NYU

Diana Forsythe Prize, 2009

Boston College, Distinguished Visiting Scholar, 2009

Keynote lecture, Turku, Finland, "Health, Life, and the Human Body: Philosophical and Anthropological Perspectives," meetings of the Nordic Network for Philosophical Anthropology, 2012

“Higher Seminar” Lecture Tema Teknik och social förändring, Tema Barn

Linköpings universitet, Sweden 2012

19th Annual Sidney W. Mintz Lecture in Anthropology, Johns Hopkins 2012

Chancellor's Distinguished Visitor, University of Missouri, 2015

Other invited lectures:

1987-88 Cornell University, University of Chicago, Wesleyan University, Swarthmore College, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Temple University, Royal Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography, International Childbirth Education Association, Association for Women in Science, University of Delaware, Harvard University, Pennsylvania State University, City University of New York, University of Rochester, Upstate New York Feminist Scholars Workshop, Brattleboro Museum, American Public Health Association.

1988-89 University of Virginia, University of Chicago, Harvard University, Simon's Rock College, University of California, Irvine, University of Washington, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole.

1989-90 Queen's University, University of Richmond, Northeastern University.

1990-91 University of Iowa, MIT, Bates College, Mankato State University, University of Pennsylvania

1991-92 George Washington University Medical School, McGill University, William and Mary College, University of Kentucky, University of Chicago, Rennselear Polytechnic Institute, London School of Economics, Manchester University, Essex University, Wellcome Institute, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

1993-94 Georgia Psychological Association, New York University, University of Delaware, University of Washington

1994-95 Ohio State University Medical School, Iowa Medical Society, University of Waikato (New Zealand), University of Oslo, Allegheny College, University of California at San Francisco

1995-96 Allegheny College, University of California at San Francisco, Rutgers -- CACC, Medical College of Pennsylvania, University of California, Irvine, UCLA, University of Southern California, University of California, San Diego, Stanford University, University of California, Santa Cruz, California Institute of Technology,

1996-97 Brown University, Haverford College, CUNY Graduate Program, University of Michigan, University of Montana, American Historical Association meetings, University of Trondheim, University of Lund, Sweden, Penn State

1997-98 New York University

1998-99 Claremont Colleges, Harvard University; University of British Columbia, Case Western University, American Anthropological Association Section Assembly, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1999-2000: Vanderbilt, Miami University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Iceland.

2000-2001: Dalhousie University, CUNY Women’s Studies, University of Hannover

2001-2002 Johns Hopkins University, CUNY Department of Anthropology, Harvard Department of History of Science, Sarah Lawrence

2002-2003 University of Pennsylvania, University of Minnesota, University of Iceland, Taiwan University, Stanford University, University of California, San Francisco

2003-2004 National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Butler University, University of Texas, University of Michigan, University of Washington, Colby College

2004-2005 University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin, Havens Center Lecturer, New York Academy of Sciences, Harvard.

2005-2006 Denison University, University of Copenhagen, Johns Hopkins

2006-2007 CUNY Department of Anthropology, University of Finland, Department of anthropology, Finnish Anthropological Association

2007-2008 Brown University, Cogut Humanities Center, Brown University, University of Illinois, Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, Mind and Culture Program

2008-9 Keynote, Spanish Anthropological Association, annual meeting, 2008, San Sebastien, Spain, Hastings Center, Rockefeller University, University of Illinois, Dept. of Anthropology, Vassar College, UC Santa Cruz, Department of Anthropology, UC Berkeley, Anthropology Department

2009-10 UCLA, CUNY, The New School, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, NYU Medical School, University of Chicago workshop on clinical ethnography

2010-11 CUNY Women’s Studies lecture series, University of Manchester, CIDRA lecture series, Austen Riggs Center, University of Edinburgh

2011-12 University of California, Berkeley, STS, University of California, Davis, STS, University of New England, York University, History and Theory of Psychology

2012-13 Johns Hopkins, University of Pennsylvania

Lecture on publication of French translation of Bipolar Expeditions: Voyage en Terres Bipolaires, Jan. 2013 Fondation Maison des Science de L’Homme and Èditions Rue D’Ulm, Paris. Also speaking on the book: Anne M. Lovell, anthropologue, directrice de recherches à l’INSERM.Florence Weber, professeur de sociologie et d’anthropologie sociale à l’ENS, titulaire de la chaire CNSA Handicap psychique et décision pour autrui.

Camille Salgues, ancien élève de l’ENS, traducteur, en thèse de sociologie (EHESS).

Lecture on Bipolar Expeditions: Mania and Depression in American Culture, at “New Perspectives in Anthropology of Mental Health,” Jan. 2013, Organizers: Florence Weber, École Normal Supérieure, Paris, et al.

Lecture, “Rationality and Mood Disorders: Paradoxes of Mental Health,” Jan. 2013, at conference, “Santé, Mentale, Société, Cognition,” École Normal Supérieure, Paris.

“An Anthropologist’s View of Time and Space in Experimental Psychology,” UC Davis, Mind Brain Center, Conference on “Bridging the Gap” The Northern California Consciousness Meeting,

University of Pennsylvania, History of science Department colloquium speaker, spring 2013

“An Anthropologist’s View of Time and Space in Experimental Psychology,” UC Davis, Mind Brain Center, Conference on “Bridging the Gap” The Northern California Consciousness Meeting, August 2013 keynote

Conference on “Security and Protection,” Center of Social Research at the University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland, Keynote (and Masters class)

Panel on Malignant: How cancer becomes us, Gender Studies, the New School for Social Research


Keynote lecture at conference organized by the Center of Social Research at the University of Applied Sciences in Geneva, Switzerland

The New School, Gender Studies panel

2014 Keynote lecture, fourth Research in Management and Organization conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Panel in honor of Renato Rosaldo, SCA, NYU.

Marian Fox Martel Distinguished lecture, sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Rice University

Professional Activities:

Member of the Adhoc Committee on the Status of Women in Asian Studies, 1972-74.

Co-organizer of the conference on Anthropology in Taiwan held in August, 1976. Professor Hill Gates and I received funding from the Social Science Research Council.

Member of the Task Force on Chinese Language Training, Joint Committee on Contemporary China, Social Science Research Council, 1975-1977.

Member of the Joint Committee on Sino-American Cooperation in the Humanities, American Council of Learned Societies, 1976-1979.

Member of the delegation of sociologists and anthropologists sent to China by the Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China, 1984

Organizer of session "Bodily Discourse" at "Connections and Collaborations in Women's Studies," The University of Pennsylvania," 1985.

Co-organizer, with Rayna Rapp, of session invited by the Society for Medical Anthropology at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, 1985, "Constructing Reproduction: Female Bodies and a Feminist Critique of Science."

Member, National Screening Committee, Institute of International Education, 1987-90

Member, Board of Directors, Social Science Research Council, 1987-93 (representing the American Anthropological Association)

Member, Social Science Research Council Committee on Problems and Policy, 1987-88

Member, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Social Science Research Council, 1988-93,

President elect, American Ethnological Society, 1995-97

President, American Ethnological Society, 1997-99

Chair of Roundtable on “Tenure Norms” at 1999 meetings of American Anthropological Association.

Member, “Tenure Norms” committee, AES, 1998-99

Johns Hopkins University:

Member of the Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects, 1979-84.

Member of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies, 1981-84.

Member of the Social Science Committee, Faculty Editorial Board, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981-84.

Member of Johns Hopkins' delegation to Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, 1982.

Member of the Academic Council, 1986-87

Member of Board, Women’s Studies Program

Member, Interdivisional Faculty Committee, 1990-92

Princeton University:

Member Diversity Committee, (1995-)

Member, Faculty Board, Women’s Studies Program, (1994-)

Member, Search committee, Asian American Studies, (1995-96); African American Studies, 1998-99, Women’s Studies, 1998-99

Chair, Visiting Lecturer Committee, Department of Anthropology, (1995-96)

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Anthropology, 1997-99, 2000-200

Member, Society of Fellows, 2000-2001

New York University

Faculty associate, American Studies

Faculty associate, Center for Gender and Sexuality

Committee on Policy and Planning, 2003-6

Master Teacher, Draper Program in Science Studies, 2004

Freshman mentor, 2004-9

Co-organizer, with Don Kulick, conference on "The Unconscious forces that structure social Practices," 2003

Salary Equity Committee, NYU, 2005-

University Committee on Activities Involving Human Subjects, 2007-8

Faculty Senate Council, 2009-2010

Humanities Initiatives, Panel on Grant-Writing for Graduate Students, 2009

University Committee on Activities Involving Human Subjects, 2010-11

Acting Director, Institute for the History of Production of Knowledge, 2011

Member, Editorial Board, NYU Press, 2013-

Member, Diversity Committee NYU, 2013-

Member Search Committee, NYU Shanghai

Director, Institute for the History of Production of Knowledge 2013-

Editorial/advisory Boards:

Science, Technology and Human Values

Science as Culture

East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An international journal


Anthropology Now

Anthropology Book Forum

Media and community outreach:

Interviews: WJHU, Australian Broadcasting Company, WNYC, Radio Times, (WHYY), To the Best of Our Knowledge (Wisc. Public Radio), Quirks and Quarks (Canadian Public Radio), WILL, Talk of the Nation, Science Friday, (NPR), “The Science of Sex,” (Wall to Wall TV for the Discovery Channel), Chicago public radio, Odyssey, WILL, Focus 580, WYPR, Mark Steiner Show, Canadian Public Radio

Interview on Bipolar Expeditions, Bio-, Jan. 23, 2013

Other activities:

1999 Ethnos, 27 (3), Suzanne Kirschner, "From Flexible Bodies to Fluid Minds: An Interview with Emily Martin."

2000- Organizer of Editorial Board for AnthroNow, magazine for broad public readership, to be published by Paradigm Press.

2003- Co-organizer, "The Psy-ences Project," with Elizabeth Lunbeck and Louis Sass. Regional seminar in history, anthropology, psychology and psychiatry.

2004- Co-organizer with Rayna Rapp, Science studies working group, NYU

2004-5 Co-organizer with Troy Duster and Allen Hunter, Colloquium on the Abuse of Science, New York

2005 Invited session: Waking up sleeping metaphors: Conversations with Emily Martin. AAA panel, organizer Karen-Sue Taussig.

2014 Invited session: Re-Imagining paths not taken: conversations with Emily Martin on culture and mind. Emily Cohen, organizer. AAA panel.

Publications (under the name Emily Martin Ahern until 1984)



The Cult of the Dead in a Chinese Village. Stanford: Stanford University Press, reprinted 1988.

(Authorized Taiwan edition, Caves Books, 1977, 1986.)


Chinese Ritual and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2006 electronic reprint.

2007 paperback reprint.

The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society, coedited with Hill Gates. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

(Authorized Taiwan edition, Caves Books 1981; reprinted SMC Publishing, 1997.)


The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction. Boston: Beacon Press.

Winner of Eileen Basker Memorial Prize, 1988

UK edition, 1989, Open University Press.

German translation, 1989 Die Frau im Körper, Campus Verlag.

Second Edition with a new introduction, 1996

Third Edition with a new introduction, 2002.

Portuguese translation 2006 A Mulher No Corpo. Garamond Ltd.


Flexible Bodies: Tracking Immunity in American Culture from the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS, Beacon Press.

Japanese translation, 1997

2007. Bipolar Expeditions: Mania and Depression in American Culture (Princeton University Press). Paperback Edition, 2009.

Winner of the 2009 Diana Forsythe Prize for the best book or series of published articles in the spirit of Diana Forsythe's feminist anthropological  research on work, science, and technology, including biomedicine, and for her body of work.

Chinese translation simplified characters 2012

Chinese translation, traditional characters 2012

French translation 2013

2013 The Meaning of Money in China and the United States, Hau electronic reprint of 1986 L.H. Morgan Lectures.

2014 The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction. Boston: Beacon Press e-book

2015 The Meaning of Money in China and the United States, University of Chicago Press, print edition of 1986 L.H. Morgan Lectures.


1974. "Affines and the Rituals of Kinship," in Chinese Religion and Ritual, Arthur Wolf, ed. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

----. "The Power and Pollution of Chinese Women," in Women in Chinese Society, Margery Wolf and Roxanne Witke, eds. Stanford: Stanford University Press. (Reprinted in Studies in Chinese Society, Arthur P. Wolf. Stanford University Press, 1978.)

1975. "Chinese-Style and Western-Style Doctors in Northern Taiwan," ," in Medicine in Chinese Cultures: Comparative Studies of Health Care in Chinese and Other Societies, Arthur Kleinman, Peter Kunstadter, E. Russell Alexander and James L. Gale, eds. Washington, D.C.: Fogarty International Center. (Reprinted in Culture and Healing in Asian Societies, Arthur Kleinman,, eds. Schenkman, 1978.)

----. "Sacred and Secular Medicine in a Taiwan Village: A Study of Cosmological Disorders," in Medicine in Chinese Cultures. (Reprinted in Culture and Healing in Asian Societies, Arthur Kleinman,, eds.Schenkman, 1978.)

1976. "Segmentation in Chinese Lineages: A View through Written Genealogies," The American Ethnologist 3:l.

1979. "The Problem of Efficacy: Strong and Weak Illocutionary Acts," Man, 14(1): 1-17.

----. "Domestic Architecture in Taiwan: Continuity and Change," in Value Change in Chinese Society, Richard W. Wilson, Amy Auerbach Wilson and Sidney L. Greenblatt, eds. Praeger: N.Y.

1981. "Introduction," with Hill Gates, in The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

----. "The Thai Ti-kong Festival," in The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

1982. "Rules in Oracles and Games," Man 17: 302-12.

1984. "Pregnancy, Labor and Body Image in the United States," Social Science and Medicine, 19 (11):1201-1206.

1985. Contributor, Sociology and Anthropology in the People's Republic of China. Alice Rossi, ed. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C.

1987. "Is There a Woman In the Text?" Johns Hopkins Magazine, Great Lecture #5, October.

1988. "Medical Metaphors of Women's Bodies: Menstruation and Menopause," International Journal of Health Services 18(2):237-254. [Reprinted in Women's Health, Politics, and Power: Essays on Sex/Gender, Medicine, and Public Health, Elizabeth Fee, Nancy Krieger, eds., Baywood, 1994; Writing on the Body: Female Embodiment and Feminist Theory, Sheila Conroy, Nadia Median, and Sarah Stanbury, eds., Columbia University Press, 1996; Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology, Peter Brown, ed., Baywood Publishing.]

----. "Premenstrual Syndrome: Discipline, Work and Anger in Late Industrial Societies," in Blood Magic: New Perspectives in the Anthropology of Menstruation, Thomas Buckley and Alma Gottlieb, eds. Berkeley: University of California Press. [Reprinted in The Politics of Women’s Bodies, Ruth Weitz, ed. Oxford University Press, 1998; Women, Science and Technology, Mary Wyer, Mary Barbercheck, Donna Cookmeyer, Hatice Ozturk, and Marta Wayne, eds. Routledge, 2000.]

----. "Gender and Ideological Differences in Representations of Life and Death," in Death Ritual in Late Imperial and Modern China, James Watson and Evelyn Rawski, eds. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1989 "The Cultural Construction of Gendered Bodies: Biology and Metaphors of Production and Destruction," Ethnos 54 (3-4):143-160.

1990. "Science and Women's Bodies: Forms of Anthropological Knowledge," in Body/Politics: Women and the Discourses of Science, Mary Jacobus, Evelyn Fox Keller and Sally Shuttleworth, eds. Methuen.

----. "Toward an Anthropology of Immunology: The Body as Nation State. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 4(4):410-426. (Reprinted in Science Studies Reader, Mario Biagioli, ed., Routledge, 1998)

----. "The Ideology of Reproduction: The Reproduction of Ideology," pp. 300-314 in Uncertain Terms: Negotiating Gender in American Culture," Faye Ginsberg and Anna Tsing, eds. Beacon Press: Boston.

"The Egg and the Sperm: How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles" Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 16 (3):485-501. [translations: "Ei und Sperma -- Eine wissenschaftliche Romanze aus dem Stoff, aus dem die Geschlechterstereotypein sind" In Metaphernanalyse. Michael B. Buchholz, ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1993; [pic] in [pic]Taiwan, 2004; In Greek, Feminist Theory, Nisses Publications, 2005; In Polish, Gender and Anthropology: A Reader, Warsaw University Press, 2007; In Spanish, An Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies in the Health Sciences, Montserrat Cabre and Fernando Salmon, eds. PubliCAN, University of Cantabria; In French, collection on feminism and epistemology, Stéphanie Ruphy, editor; Vietnamese translation forthcoming.]

[reprinted in Fields of Writing: Readings Across the Disciplines, 4th Ed. Comley et al. eds. N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1998; Looking Forward: A Women's Health Agenda for the 21st Century, Kary Moss, ed., Duke University Press; Women's Health, Nancy Worcester and Mafianne Whatley, eds., Kendall/Hunt; The Sociology of Gender, Sarah Franklin, ed., Edward Elgar; Gender and Scientific Authority, Barbara Laslett, Sally Gregory Kohlstedt, Helen Longino and Evelynn M. Hammonds, eds., University of Chicago Press, 1996; Counterbalance: Gendered Perspectives for Composition, Carolyn Fogan, ed., Broadview Press, Canada; Gender, Culture and Ethnographic Practice, Louise Lamphere, Helen Ragone, and Patricia Zavella, eds. Routledge; Writing Into Worlds, Buffington, Dogenese and Moneyhum, eds. Blair Press; Issues in Feminism, 4th ed., Sheila Ruth, ed., Mayfield Publishing Co.; Frame Work: Cultural Story Frames and College Writing,, John Sullivan, ed., Bedford Books; Landmarks: A Process Reader for Canadian Writers, Julie Walchli, Roberta Birks, and Tomi Eng, eds, Prentice Hall; Feminist Approaches to Theory and Methodology: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Sharlene Hesse-Biber, ed., Oxford University Press, 1997; Feminist Theory and the Body: A Reader, Janet Price and Margrit Shildriek, eds, Edinburgh University Press, 1998; Effective Writing, Edna Troians and Julia Scott, eds, Prentice Hall, 1999; A Reader on Language, Culture and Society, Hy Van Luong, ed., 2003, College Reading for Writing, Wendy Bishop, ed., Construction of Sexualities, Prentice Hall, 2003, Language and Gender: Modern Themes in English Studies, Routledge, 2007, Everyone’s an author, with readings, Andrea Lundsford, Ed. Norton, 2011; Gender Matters: Canadian Women’s Studies in Global Context, Marg Hobbs and Carla Rice, eds. Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2012; Epistemologie Feministe, Stephanie Ruphy, ed. Pp. 485-501], 2012; Writing Today, Canadian Edition, Ed. Richard Johnson-Sheehan et al., Pearson, 2013

[revised and updated in Gender and Health: An International Perspective. Carolyn Sargent and Caroline Brettell, eds. 1995, Prentice Hall. ]

----."Body Narratives, Body Boundaries," in Cultural Studies Now and in the Future, Cary Nelson, Paula Treichler and Larry Grossberg, eds., Routledge.

----."Metaphors of Bleeding in Women," in Clinical Issues in Obstetric, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing, NAACOG, 2 (3). [Reprinted in Kenney et al, Complexities of Women, Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1996]

1992. "The End of the Body?" American Ethnologist, February:120-138 [Reprinted in The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy, Roger Lancaster and Michaela di Leonardo, eds. Routledge, 1997; Reprinted in Anthropology in Theory, Henrietta Moore and Todd Sanders, eds., John Wiley, 2013]

1993 "Histories of Immune Systems," Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry , 17:67-76

1994 "The Story of a Scientific Romance," Orgyn, 3, 7-11.

----. "Ethnography of Natural Selection in the 1990s", Cultural Anthropology, spring.

1995 "From Reproduction to HIV" in Conceiving the New World Order:The Global Stratification of Reproduction, Rayna Rapp and Faye Ginsburg, eds. University of California Press.

---- "Feto come tumore: gravidanza, sistema immunitario a concezioni culturali del sé e dell `altro'" (Being Pregnant or Tolerating a Tumor: Pregnancy, the Immune System and Cultural Concepts of Self and Other) pp. 119-134 In Giovanna Fiume, ed. Madri: Storia di un Ruolo Sociale. Marsilio: Venice.

----. "Anthropology and the Cultural Study of Science: Citadels, Rhizomes and String Figures" pp. 97-189 In Technoscience and Cyberculture: A Cultural Study edited by Stanley Aronowitz, Barbara Martinsons and Michael Menser,. NY: Routledge.

----. "Working Across the Human-Other Divide," pp. 261-175 In Reinventing Biology: Respect for Life and the Creation of Knowledge, Ruth Hubbard and Linda Birke, eds. Bloomington, Ind.:University of Indiana Press.

1996. with Bjorn Claeson, Wendy Richardson, Monica Schoch-Spana and Karen-Sue Taussig, "`Scientific Literacy'," What It is, Why It's Important, and Why Scientists Think We Don't Have It: The Case of Immunology and the Immune System," in Naked Science, Laura Nader, ed. N.Y.: Routledge..

----. "Interpreting Electron Micrographs," in What is Social Knowledge For? Henrietta Moore, ed. Routledge

-----. “Meeting Polemics with Irenics in the Science Wars,” in "The Science Wars," special issue of Social Text, Andrew Ross and Stanley Aronowitz, eds. Reprinted in Science Wars, Andrew Ross, ed. .Durham, ND: Duke University Press.

----. “The Society of Flows and the Flows of Culture,” In Anthropology and its Interlocuters: Manuel Castells, special issue of Critique of Anthropology Ida Susser, ed.

----. “Flexible Bodies: Science and Work in the Age of Flexible Accumulation” The Ecologist, winter.

----. "The Body at Work: Boundaries and Collectivities in the Late 20th Century," In The Social and Political Body, Wolfgang Natter and Theodore R. Schatzki, eds. N.Y.:Guilford Press.

1997 "The Woman in the Menopausal Body" in Reinterpreting the Menopause: Cultural and Ethical Issues Paul Komesaroff, Philipa Rothfield and Jeanne Daly, eds. N.Y.: Routledge

----. "Anthropological Fieldwork and the Study of Science as Culture: from Citadels to String Figures" in Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science, Akhil Gupta and James Ferguson, eds. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

----. “Managing Americans: Policy and Changes in the Meanings of Work and the Self” In Anthropology of Policy: Critical Perspectives on Governance and Power, Chris Shore and Susan Wright, eds. London: Routledge.

----. “Designing Flexibility: Science and Work in an Age of Flexible Accumulation,” Science as Culture (6) 3:327-362

----. “Pigs as People, People As Pigs,” In A House for Pigs and People (texts on the House for Pigs and People by Carsten Höller and Rosemarie Trockel at the documenta X, Kassel), Carsten Höller and Rosemarie Trockel, eds. Köln: Walther König.

----. “Corporeal Flows: The Immune System, Global Economies of Food and Implications for Health,” (with Richard A. Cone) The Ecologist 27(3) Translated into Danish in Global Økologi 4, 1997

----. “The New Culture of Health: Gender and the Immune System in America,” In Bodily Boundaries, Sexualised Genders and Medical Discourses, Marion de Ras and Victoria Grace, eds. Palmerston North, New Zealand: The Dunmore Press.

1998 with Laury Oaks, Karen-Sue Taussig, and Ariane van der Straten, "AIDS, Knowledge, and Discrimination in the Inner City: An Anthropological Analysis of Experiences of Injection Drug Users" In Gary Downey, Joe Dumit and Sharon Traweek, eds, Cyborgs and Citadels: Anthropological Interventions in the Borderlands of Technoscience Santa Fe: SAR Press.

----. “Die neue Kultur der Gesundheit. Soziale Geschlechtsidentität und das Immunsystem in Amerika,” In Physiologie und Industrielle Gesellschaft, Philipp Sarasin and Jakob Tanner, eds. Frankfurt:Suhrkamp.

----. “The Fetus as Intruder: Mother’s Bodies and Medical Metaphors” In Cyborg Babies: From Techno-Sexto Techno-Tots , Robbie Davis-Floyd and Joe Dumit, Eds. N.Y.:Routledge.

----. "The Immune System, Global Flows of Foodstuffs, and the New Culture of Health," (with Richard A. Cone) in The Visible Woman, Paula Treichler and Constance Penley, eds. N.Y.: New York University Press.

----. “Fluid Bodies, Managed Nature,” In Nature at the Millenium: Remaking Reality at the End of the Twentieth Century, Bruce Willems-Braun and Noel Castree, eds. London: Routledge.

----. “Anthropology and the Cultural Study of Science: Citadels, Rhizomes and String Figures,” Science Technology and Human Values, 23(1): 24-45.

----.“The Porous Body,” In The Body in Everyday Life, Sarah Nettleton and Jonathan Watson, Eds. N.Y.: Routledge.

1999 “The Woman in the Flexible Body,” Revisioning Women, Health and Healing, Adele Clarke, ed. N.Y.: Routledge.

---- “Flexible Survivors,” Anthropology Newsletter 40 (6): 5-7. (Reprinted in Cultural Values)

2000 “The Rationality of Mania,” pp. 177-99 In Doing Science + Culture: Cultural Studies of Science, Technology, and Medicine, Roddey Reid and Sharon Traweek, eds. Routledge.

----, “Mind/Body Problems,” American Ethnologist, 27 (3):569-90.

2001 “Rationality, Feminism, and Mind,” pp. 214-230 In Science, Medicine, Technology: The Difference Feminism Has Made, Angela N.H. Creager, Elizabeth Lunbeck, and Londa Schiebinger, eds. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

2002 “What is Rape,” In Evolution, Violence, and Gender, Cheryl B. Travis, Ed. MIT Press.

2003 “Mind into Body”, in Cultural Bodies: Ethnography and Theory, Helen Thomas and Jamilah Ahmed, eds. Blackwell.

----,“Children and the Gendered Politics of Globalization: In remembrance of Sharon Stephens,” with Liisa Malkki, American Ethnologist, 30 (2):216-224

----, “Corporeal Flows” in James Wilce, ed., Social and Cultural Lives of Immune Systems, Routledge

2004 “Mind into Body”, in Cultural Bodies: Ethnography and Theory, Helen Thomas and Jamilah Ahmed, eds. Blackwell.

----, (with Lorna Rhodes) “Resources on the History of Psychiatry,” History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine.

2005 “Feeling invasion,” pp. 87-97 in Making Threats!, Charles Zerner, Elizabeth Hartmann and Banu Subramiam, eds., Roman and Littlefield.

----, "Moods and representations of social inequality" pp. 60-89 in Intersectionality in Race, Class, Gender and Health, Leith Mullings, Amy Shultz, Eds., Jossey Bass

2006 "Pharmaceutical virtue," Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 30 (2), pp. 57-74, special issue on pharmaceuticals, Nate Greenslit and Joe Dumit, eds.

----, “The Pharmaceutical Person,” BioSocieties 1 (3): 57-74.

----, “Cultures of mania,” pp. 327-339 In The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility, Kevin D. Haggerty and Richard V. Ericson, eds. University of Toronto Press.

2007 “Violence, Language, and Everyday Life,” American Ethnologist 34 (4)

----, “About Anthropology after Globalization,” Ethnos, 72 (1) (with E. Hirsch, B. Kapferer, A.L. Tsing)

2008 “Body Narratives, Body Boundaries” In Reproductive Rights Reader, Nancy Ehrenreich, ed. NYU Press pp 42-47

----, “Interior experience and ethnographic fieldwork” (translated) Retos Teoricos y Nuevas Practicas, Eusko Ikaskuntza, Spain, 2008

----, Inaugral issue, Anthropology Now, founding editor

2009, contributor, “Pediatric bipolar disorder,” Hastings Center Report.

2010 “Self-making and the brain,” Subjectivity 3 (4): 366-81

----, “A short history of manic depression,” and “I now pronounce you manic depressive,” (in Chinese) In The Cultural Politics of Melancholia, Yu-Wen Sung, ed. Center for Asia-Pacific/Cultural Studies

----, “Perguntas a Emily Martin,” labrys, estudos feministas/ études  feminists, no. 18

-----, “Mood disorders as a public health crisis,” Imagining Illness: Public Health and Visual Culture, David Serlin, ed. University of Minnesota Press. Pp. 245-63

2011 “The Lives of Drugs,” in Concepts of Life, Stanford University Press, Paola Marrati, Jane Bennett, and Todd Myers, Eds.

----,“Sleepless in America,” Pharmaceutical Self and Imaginary, Janis Jenkins, ed., SAR Press. Pp. 187-208.

----,“Managing the Sleeping Human,” (in German) In Tracking the Human, Modell Mensch, Konturierungen des Menschlichen in den Wissenschaften Beatrix Rubin, et al. eds. Chronos, Zurich. Pp 101-123.

----,“Tracking sleep,” (in Portugese) In Health reasons: Society and the administration of the body, (Razões de Saúde) Manuela I. Cunha and Jean-Yves Durand, eds. pp. 79-107

----“Flexible Körper,” In Lexicon der Globalisierung, Fernand Kreff, Eva-Maria Knoll, Andre Gingrich, eds., Bielefeld: Transcript. Pp. 77-81.

2012 “The Power and Pollution of Chinese Women,” In Critical Readings on Religions of China, Vol. 4, Vincent Goossaert, Ed., Brill (reprint) pp 1345-1408.

----, “Reflections on seeing HUG,” “Movement Politics,” Special edition, Michael Ralph, editor, Disability Studies Quarterly Vol 32, No 3

----,“Medical anthropology, feminism, and technoscience,” pp. 23-40 in Medical Anthropology at the Intersections: Histories, Activisms, and Futures, Society for Medical Anthropology anniversary volume, Marcia Inhorn and Emily Wentzell, eds., Duke University Press.

2013 “Blood and the brain,” In Blood Will Out: Essays on Liquid Transfers and Flows, Janet Carsten ed. 19.S1:172-184. Special issue. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, May, 2013

Book version: “Blood and the brain,” In Blood Will Out: Essays on Liquid Transfers and Flows, Janet Carsten ed. Wiley Blackwell, Sept., 2013

-----,“Following Addiction Trajectories,” In Addiction Trajectories, Eugene Raikhel and William Garriott, eds. Pp. 284-292. Duke University Press, 2013

-----,“Potentiality and Ethnography,” In Karen-Sue Taussig and Klaus Hoeyer, Eds. “The Anthropology of Potentiality,” Special Issue, Current Anthropology, JStor ahead of print, 2013

-----, “Top of the heap,” Somatosphere, 2013


-----“The table,” Commonplaces, Somatosphere, March.

------“Poison gifts,” Public Books, Winter.

------ “The end of the body?” Virtual issue, Ontology in American Ethnologist, 1980–2014

Guest-Edited by Lucas Bessire and David Bond


Under consideration:

"Crafting disciplines: Psychotherapy and Ethnography," In Psychiatric Culture: Disordered Mood, remedies, and Everyday Life, Paula Gardner, Jonathan Metzl, and Joe Dumit, eds, Duke University Press

“Uncanny rounds,” in Anthropology of the Uncanny, special issue of Ethos, Sarah Pinto and Michael Oldani, eds.

“The subjectivity of rationality,” in Human Subjectivity, Robert Desjarlais and Jeannette Mageo, eds. St. Martin’s Press


“The egg and the sperm, Take 2,” (with Richard Cone)

“Introduction,” The meaning of money in China and the United States, 1986 L.H. Morgan Lectures, University of Chicago Press

“Studying experimental psychology historically and ethnographically,” in Plasticity and Pathology: History and Theory of Neural Subjects, David Bates, ed. Fordham Univ. Press.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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