Grades 8 .za

EDEN THSEnglish Home Language (HL)Grades 8HOME STUDYBOOKLET2021TABLE OF CONTENTSMARKS PAGE1.NOTE TO LEARNER-32.NOTE TO PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S)/CAREGIVERS-44.SECTION A: SHORT STORY1555.SECTION B: POETRY1596.SECTION C: LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT30147.SECTION D: SUMMARY10198.SECTION E: WRITING4020TOTAL MARKS:110MARKING GUIDELINESPAGE1.NOTE TO EDUCATOR252.SECTION A: SHORT STORY265.SECTION B: POETRY276.SECTION C: LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT287.SECTION D: SUMMARY29THIS BOOKLET CONSISTS OF 29 PAGESNOTE TO LEARNERDear Learner[Sources: Bing images]The Grade 8s have returned to school after spending many months, since March 2020, at home. This long break was to ensure your safety and the safety of others during the Covid-19 Pandemic. During the lockdown, many of you may have received schoolwork from your teachers/schools in the form of booklets or through WhatsApp, Zoom, emails or other social media platforms. If you did not, then we hope that during this time, you continued with independent study, that you have made reading a habit and that you kept a Lockdown journal or diary. These activities would have allowed you to develop your reading and writing skills. Now that many of you have returned to school, you will be alternating with other grades. This will require that you continue to work independently at home. This booklet has been created to assist you with understanding the fundamental skills of English Home Language, at Grade 8 level. We do hope that you enjoy engaging with the texts and the exercises contained in this booklet. In addition, please use the links provided to watch videos related to some of the written texts. This will allow you to interact more meaningfully with the content. We wish you well with your studies. Take care and besafe.WHENYOUAREATSCHOOL REMEMBER . ..SocialdistancingWear a mask in the rightwayWash and sanitise your hands regularlyDo not share stationeryand other items that can cause the spread ofCovid-191022350-2865501[Picture: Bing images]Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/Caregiver(s)Many parents/guardians/caregivers have been anxious from the time the Lockdown began. Your concerns regarding your child’s/ward’s safety and his/her education are the concerns of parents/ guardians/caregivers the world over, in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic. You, like so many other parents/guardians/caregivers, have tried your best to ensure that your child/ward is occupied with academic work while at home. After months of lockdown, in planning for the phased return of learners to school, the Department of Basic Education has trimmed the curriculum and excluded some assessment tasks in order to ensure that the academic year is not lost. The focus of the trimmed curriculum is on the fundamental or core conceptual aspects that a learner is expected to master in an academic year.This booklet has been prepared to help your child/ward to master those core concepts. Links to videos aimed at more meaningful engagement with the texts have been provided. Please watch these with your child/ward as they provide an excellent impetus for meaningful conversation in the home. We urge you to continue to support your child academically during theseChallenging times.4SECTION A: SHORT STORYPRE-READING TEXT AVISUAL TEXT AND CAPTION[Image: 123RF/kmlmtz66]The Coronavirus pandemic is forcing medical professionals to make impossible choices.[Source: ]Study Text A and keep in mind how it relates to the story.TEXT BConsider why the author uses the main character’s name as the title.ABOUT THE AUTHOREkow Duker is an oil field engineer who became an investment banker and turned part-time author. His first novel, White Wahala, was a finalist in the 2011/12 European Literary Awards. His most recent novel, Yellowbone, was published in 2019.In this short story, Themba, the author puts a face to the masses of medical professionals who are having to leave their families in order to save yours during the coronavirus pandemic.TEXT C SHORTSTORY1234567891011121314THEMBAShe covered her ears when he began to speak. "Please. I don't want to hear any more!" She kept muttering until he took hold of her wrists and gently pried them away from the bush of white hair that clung to her head. "This is important," he said softly. "You know what a ventilator is?"She looked hurt that he'd forced her to listen. He shouldn't have done that but he didn't have much time."The machine with the pipes that makes you breathe.""Yes. There aren't enough of them and you're ... you're both over 80."She turned to his grandfather in his wheelchair and began pushing him gently back and forth. She spent all day rocking him like this, talking to him incessantly when she was really talking to herself."We'll be alright," she said stubbornly."No you won't!" He realised he'd shouted and he mumbled an apology. "I'm sorry."They both stared at him. His grandfather's eyes were large and questioning. It looked like the old man was going to say something and he held his breath in anticipation. Then a cloud of incomprehension passed over his grandfather's face and his anger flared again."Look, I've kept a ventilator aside for you. An old one. But it works."His grandmother's voice rose sharply. "The hospital let you do that? Keep a whole ventilator for yourself?"She was scolding him like he was 10 years old and she'd caught him stealing peaches from Mrs Sithole's tree."It's the only way," he said desperately. "Without a ventilator, you won't make it when you get sick.""But we're not sick." She turned to his grandfather and prodded him in the belly. "Are you sick, Jabu? You see, he's not sick."He gritted his teeth and took an envelope out of his jacket pocket and placed it on the table. "Here. I've written it all down for you. What you must do when you start coughing. Where you must go. In case I'm not able to come ..."His grandmother slid the envelope away from her. "I said we'll be alright."51015202530151617181920"You've not read it," he said. He glanced at his watch and swore under his breath. He'd be late for his shift."I know what it says already, don't I Jabu?" She pushed his grandfather's wheelchair harder than before, pistoning him back and forth like the mechanical presses he used to operate. "You see?" she said with a smile of triumph. "Your grandfather agrees with me. We'll be alright."He slung his rucksack over his shoulder and wondered what he'd say to Dr Forson when he walked into the ICU late. With any luck Dr Forson wouldn't be there."Promise me you'll read it," he said at the door. He knew she wouldn't.All of a sudden, a gurgle of manic laughter escaped from his grandfather's lips, twisting his mouth into a look of grotesque amazement. He heard his grandmother call out to him as he got into his car."Don't worry about us, Themba. We'll be alright. Go and do your job."[Source: ]3540POST-READINGRead the text more thanonce.Find and write down the meanings of the words that are in bold font, or any other word you may not understand, by using a dictionary or a dictionaryapp.Identify the setting of the story in termsof:Time (When does the action take place?)andPlace (Where does the action takeplace?)Write a summary of thestory.Identify as many themes as youcan.Answer the questions that appear in the character table (TextD).Focus on the tone and mood in the story. Forexample:Refer to Paragraph 4: ‘There aren't enough of them and you're ... you're both over 80’ (line 8). How would you describe Themba’s tone in this line?Answer the questions based on Texts C, taking into account the markscheme.TEXT D: THE CHARACTERS IN THE SHORT STORYTHEMBA(The main Character OR protagonist)THEMBA’S GRANDMOTHERJABU, THEMBA’S GRANDFATHERDescribe the Character, Themba.Describe Themba’s character.What is the difference? Does Themba live with his grandparents?Provide reasons for your answer.Themba’s grandparents are octogenarians. What does this mean?Why is Themba’s grandmother so reluctant to listen to his advice? What does the writer mean when he says that Themba’s grandmother talks to Jabu incessantly?Why, do you think, she does this?We do not refer to Jabu as ‘crippled’. Rather, we use the euphemism,‘differently abled’. Why do we refer to Jabu in this way?Why does Jabu not speak much?[Emoji Sources: Bing images]QUESTIONS: TEXT C1.1What evidence in the story suggests that Themba is a doctor?(2)1.2Refer to Paragraph 1.What does this paragraph tell the reader about the grandmother’s character?(2)1.3Refer to Paragraph 12, ‘”It's the only … you get sick”’.Provide TWO reasons why Themba fears the worst if his grandparents should become sick?(2) to Paragraph 16, ‘She pushed his … used to operate’ (lines 34–36). Identify the figure of speech used in these lines.Why is this figure of speech effective?(1)(2)1.5Identify and explain ONE theme of this short story.(3)1.6Discuss the conflict that Themba experiences in the story.(3)TOTAL QUESTION 1:15SECTION B: POETRYPRE-READING TEXT EBACKGROUND TO THE POET AND THE POEMTom Roberts is a 26-year-old New Zealand-born filmmaker and spoken word poet who goes by the name, Tom Foolery. He started his YouTube channel about two years ago, but only really began focusing on it about a month ago, when he went into self-isolation and his other film projects had to be put on hold.Tom, who now lives in London with his family, said: "My mum, my dad and my big sister all are working in the hospital, saving people's lives, and I am a poet who stays at home and thinks of rhyming couplets, records them and posts them online."The poem, The Great Realisation, reimagines our post-pandemic world. It is written in the style of a bedtime story that is being read to a child. The reading of the poem was filmed at the poet’s home with his little brother and sister. The video of the poem has gone viral, having been viewed more than 18 million times across YouTube, Facebook and Instagram since it was posted on 29 April 2020.[Adapted from: ]TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE POEM …If possible, watch the video of the poem on YouTube using the following link: the poem aloud at leasttwice.Use a set of highlighters or coloured pens to highlight as many figures of speech and difficult words aspossible.Examine the title in relation to thepoem.Ask yourself what the poem isabout.Notice how the poem is structured. (A series of rhymingcouplets)Identify the themes of thepoem.Establish the poet’smessage.TEXT F: POEM 1THE GREAT REALISATION by Tom Roberts'Tell me the one about the virus again. Then I'll go to bed.’–'But, my boy, you're growing weary, sleepy thoughts about your head.’‘Please! That one's my favourite. I promise, just once more.’–'Okay, snuggle down my boy, though I know you know full well The story starts before then, in a world I once would dwell'It was a world of waste and wonder, of poverty and plenty Back before we understood why hindsight's 2020'You see, the people came up with companies to trade across all lands. But they swelled and got much bigger than we could ever have planned'We'd always had our wants, but now, it got so quick.You could have everything you dreamed of in a day and with a click.'We noticed families had stopped talking. That's not to say they never spoke. But the meaning must have melted and the work life balance broke.'And the children's eyes got squarer and every toddler had a phone. They filtered out the imperfections but amidst the noise, they felt alone.'And every day the skies grew thicker, till we couldn't see the stars.So we flew in planes to find them while down below, we filled our cars.'We'd drive around all day in circles. We'd forgotten how to run.We swapped the grass for tarmac, shrunk the parks till there were none.'We filled the sea with plastic because our waste was never capped.Until, each day when you went fishing, you'd pull them out, already wrapped.'And while we drank and smoked and gambled, our leaders taught us why, It's best to not upset the lobbies, more convenient to die.'But then, in 2020, a new virus came our way.The governments reacted and told us all to hide away.'But while we were all hidden, amidst the fear and all the while,The people dusted off their instincts. They remembered how to smile.'They started clapping to say thank you, and calling up their mums.'And while the cars keys were gathering dust, they would look forward to their runs.'And with the sky less full of voyagers, the earth began to breathe. And the beaches bore new wildlife that scuttled off into the seas.'Some people started dancing, some were singing, some were baking. We'd grown so used to bad news but some good news was in the making.'And so when we found the cure, and were allowed to go outside, We all preferred the world we found to the one we'd left behind.'Old habits became extinct, and they made way for the new. And every simple act of kindness was now given its due.’5101520253035–'But why did it take a virus to bring the people back together?' –‘Well, sometimes, you got to get sick, my boy, before you start feeling better. 'Now, lie down, and dream of tomorrow, and all the things that we can do.And who knows, maybe if you dream strong enough, maybe some of them will come true.'We now call it the Great Realisation, and yes, since then there have been many. 'But that's the story of how it started, and why hindsight's 2020.’[Adapted from: 2: TEXT F2.1Refer to lines 1– 4: 'Tell me the … down my boy’Choose the correct alternative from the options provided below: This poem is written in the style of a …Alove story. Bhorrorstory.Cfantasy story. Dbedtimestory.(1)2.2A rhyming couplet refers to two lines that rhyme in a poem and that generally have the same rhythm.What effect does the poet’s use of rhyming couplets have on the reader?(2) does the poet mean by the following:‘You could have everything you dreamed of in a day and with a click’ (line 11). 'They started clapping to say thank you, …’ (line 28).(1)(1)2.4Refer to lines 12–15: ‘'We noticed families … they felt alone.’Identify and explain the theme highlighted in these lines.(3)2.5Refer to line 24, ‘But then, in 2020, a new virus came our way’.State TWO words, from the above line, that change the tone of the poem.(1)2.6Refer to line 30, ‘… the earth began to breathe’.Identify and explain the figure of speech used in this line.(3)2.7Refer to the title of the poem, ‘The Great Realisation’.Do you think that this is a suitable title? Substantiate your answer by referring to the poem as a whole.(3)TOTAL QUESTION 2:1531901134224019PANDEMIC POEMS TO PONDERRead the poems below and do the following to understand them better:Who is the poet? What is his/herbackground?Use a set of highlighters or coloured pens to highlight as many figures of speech and difficult words aspossible.Examine the title in relation to thepoem.State what the poem isabout.Examine how the poem isstructured.Does the poem convey any of the poet’sfeelings?What feelings does the poem evoke inyou?Identify the themes of thepoem.What is the poet’smessage?TEXT G: POEM 2510152025WHEN THIS IS OVER by Laura Kelly Fanucci‘When this is over,may we never again take for granted A handshake with a strangerFull shelves atthestoreWhy aretheConversationswith neighborswords inboldAcrowdedtheaterfont speltthisFridaynight outway?The taste of communion A routine checkupThe school rush each morning Coffee with a friendThe stadium roaring Each deep breathA boring Tuesday Life itself.When this ends may we findthat we have become more like the people we wanted to bewe were called to be we hoped to beand may we stay that way — better for each otherbecause of the worst."[Source: ]Did you notice that the poet did not mention ‘coronavirus,’ ‘virus’or ‘pandemic’ once in this poem?1227588202317749TEXT G: POEM 2WARRIORS by Yvonne TagoeIt's peace timeBut they work in a war zone Healthcare workersIn gowns, masks, gloves, goggles Back and forthAround gurneys, beds, ventilators With the dedicationOfFlorenceNightingaleDid you knowthatIn a beehiveof activityFlorence NightingaleEyesexpressionlesswas the founderofBehindairtightgogglesmodern nursing? Nurses exchangebriefglancesFind out more about Then on to the nextpatientKeeping trackHoping for positive signsMonitors beep amid the heavy silence In a battle for the lives of patients Some hang onOthers lose Families at home Anxious for news The phone ringsThe doctor delivers the news in a monotoneA family breaks down ShatteredBack in the war zone More work to do Back in the war zone A shift endsGear peeled offTime to scrub down and head home Exhausted warriors emerge from the trenches A silent prayer on their lipsThat the unseen enemy is scrubbed off And not following them homeIn the empty streetsThe sound of silence is pierced By the sound of sirensAnother ambulance arrives.[Source: ]Who are the Warriors that the poet refers to in the title? Highlight all the words that have connotations of war. Did you notice that this poem also does not mention ‘coronavirus,’ ‘virus’ or ‘pandemic’?13SECTION C: LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTAdvertisingRemember that the aim of Advertising is to sell a product, service or an idea. In order to do this, advertisers use emotions to appeal to their target audience. Both the verbal and non-verbal aspects of an advertisement are carefully chosen to fulfil this aim. In addition, advertisers use the AIDA principle (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) to develop their advertisements. Always keep in mind how the words are used and how they are linked to the visual aspects of the advertisement.AIDA[Source: Google Images]QUESTION 3: ANALYSING ADVERTISINGStudy the advertisement (TEXT H) below, released during the Covid-19 pandemic, and answer the questions set.TEXT H1187581-2534966[Source: Google images]QUESTIONS: TEXT H3. brand is being advertised? Provide a reason for your answer. Suggest a reason for the advertiser not including the name of the brand. To whom would this advertisement appeal? Justify your answer.Explain what the advertiser means by, ‘Play inside’.Do you think that the message of this advertisement is clear? Substantiate your answer.(2)(1)(2)(2)(3)TOTAL QUESTION 3:10UNDERSTANDING OTHER ASPECTS OF THE MEDIACartoonsWhen reading a cartoon, examine the connection between the verbal and non-verbal aspects. Verbal aspects refer to the words that are used and the manner in which they are used. Non-verbal aspects include facial expression, body language, clothing, actions and movements.QUESTION 4: CARTOONSStudy TEXTS I and J and answer the set questions.TEXT I[Source: Google Images]TEXT JNOT ALL SUPERHEROES WEAR CAPES[Source: Google Images]QUESTIONS: TEXTS I AND J4.14.24.3Refer to TEXT I.Identify TWO visual clues that indicate that the characters in the cartoon are medical personnel.What does the nurse mean when she says, ‘…and you became one’. Write out what you think the sign on the door is.(2)(2)(1)4.44.5Refer to TEXT J.Identify TWO superheroes included in this cartoon.Do you think that TEXT J supports the message of TEXT I? Substantiate your answer.(2)(3)TOTAL QUESTION 4:10QUESTION 5: USING LANGUAGE CORRECTLYRead TEXT K, which contains some deliberate errors, and answer the set questions.TEXT K12HOW SOAP WORKS AGAINST COVID-19Water alone may rinse off dirt, but viruses and bacteria are so small they often need chemicals to get them out of the crevices that make up our unique fingerprints. That’s why soap is so important. It’s made for this job. In 20 seconds, at least, of thorough scrubbing, the pin-shaped molecules of soap will penetrate all types of bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19. Like a nail popping a tire, the water-repelling end of the soap molecule, stabs COVID-19 and leaves the virus deflated.Alcohol can break an oily membrane. Washing with soap has the added benefit of removing tougher to break viruses and bacteria from the skin. Scrubbing all parts of your hands and wrists vigorously, with a sudsy lather, is key to locking these invading particles away for good – and washing them down the drain. And whether the water is cold or warm doesn’t matter, as long as it’s soapy.[Adapted from: ]510QUESTIONS: TEXT K5.1Write the acronym COVID in full.(1) the spelling error in paragraph 1.Refer to line 3, ‘That’s why soap is so important’. State the function of the apostrophe.What is the function of the hyphen in, ‘pin-shaped’ (line 4)? Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice:The pin-shaped molecules of soap will penetrate all types of bacteria and viruses.Identify the following parts of speech:popping (line 6)vigorously (line 10)Join the following sentences (lines 8–9) using a suitable conjunction:Alcohol can break an oily membrane. Washing with soap has the added benefit of removing tougher to break viruses and bacteria from the skin.Refer to lines 10–12, ‘Scrubbing all parts … down the drain’.Provide a synonym for the word, ‘sudsy’ (line 11) from elsewhere in the passage.(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(2)(1)TOTAL QUESTION 5:10QUESTION 6SECTION D: SUMMARYSummarise in your own words the importance of wearing and caring of cloth masksduring the Covid-19 pandemic.TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING:Your summary should include SEVEN points and NOT exceed 60words.You are NOT required to include a title for thesummary.Indicate your word count at the end of yoursummary.12345678SHIELD OF HONOURThe use of cloth face masks as an additional preventative measure against COVID-19, has been recommended for public use by the National Department of Health (NDoH).The spread of COVID-19 is mainly via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, similar to how influenza and other respiratory diseases spread. Therefore, wearing a fabric face mask is added as a measure to help limit transmission of the virus.Wearing a mask when in public places, especially crowded places, can help slow the spread of Covid-19. Together with the wearing of a mask, hand- washing and social distancing remain the most important interventions to stop the disease from spreading.Cloth masks are easy and not expensive to make, reusable and help reduce the transmission of COVID-19 by acting like ashield.They prevent the touching of your face while you are out and about. When you get back home, the mask must be washed with soap and water immediately, without using chemicals. After washing, the mask should then be ironed or left out in the sun to dry.You should never share your mask with anybody else, and it is preferable that every person has two masks so that they can be interchanged during washes.The inside layer of the mask should not be touched when taking it off or putting it on.The public should not wear medical masks – these are reserved as personal protective equipment for our healthcare workers who are on the front line of the battle against COVID-19. Let us give them the tools to fight that battle.[Adapted from: cloth-face-masks.pdf]TOTAL QUESTION 6:10SECTION D: WRITINGTHE WRITING PROCESSA good piece of writing usually involves several steps that include:Planning (using key words, a mind map or a bubblediagram)Drafting (Write out at least ONE fulldraft)Revision (Read your draft and make corrections ifnecessary)Editing (Check sentence construction, paragraphing, spelling, grammaretc)Proof-reading (Read your work to check that it isflawless)Presenting (present work that is a neat and legible) Remember thefollowing:Do not exceed the word count of 250 words (GRADE 8), for the Essay and 160 words for the Transactional piece.Do not add the title of your essay and the format of your transactional piece to the word count.Include all aspects of the relevant format in your transactional piece.The bubble diagram below is an example that can be adapted for different types of writing.TEXT L: PLANNING TO WRITEParagraph1IntroductionParagraph7ConclusionParagraph 2 Main Idea and supporting pointsParagraph 6 Main Idea and supporting pointsTOPICChoose your topic carefully. Underline key words to direct your ideas.Paragraph 3 Main Idea and supportingpointsParagraph 5 Main Idea and supporting pointsParagraph 4 Main Idea and supporting pointsQUESTION 7: ESSAY WRITINGWrite an essay, of approximately 200–250 words (GRADE 8) on ONE of the followingtopics.Follow the writing process outlinedabove.Write an ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY in which you take a specific viewpoint FOR or AGAINST the followingtopic:Learning at home using various forms of social media can never replace the face-to-face lessons with the teacher in the classroom.You must provide arguments to support your view.Your conclusion should be a clear statement ofyouropinion.[30]Write a DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY in which you respond to the picture below. Your essay should create a picture using words. Use as many of the senses as possible to make your descriptionclear.[Source: DailyMaverick,2020-07-28][30]Write a NARRATIVE ESSAY, with a strong story line and a captivating conclusion, on the followingtopic:EscapefromLockdown[30]TOTAL QUESTION 6:30QUESTION 8: TRANSACTIONAL WRITINGDiary EntryBirthdays, religious occasions, weddings and anniversaries are when family and friends come together. The Coronavirus pandemic has changed the nature of these events. People have had to adapt to this extraordinary situation for their own safety and the safety of others.Write a diary entry of 140–160 words in which you relate how you felt about observing an important occasion during the lockdown.[10]TOTAL QUESTION 8:10EDEN THSEnglish Home Language (HL)Grades 8HOME STUDYBOOKLET2021MARKING GUIDELINESNOTE TO EDUCATORDear EducatorYou, like so many other educators around the globe, have had to be resourceful in trying to reach your learners during this pandemic. Depending on your contextual factors, some have been more fortunate than others in teaching learners via various social media platforms. Others have been able to send workbooks or worksheet packs to their learners. In order to supplement the resources that you may have prepared, the General Education and Training (GET) Directorate has prepared this booklet.This booklet focuses on some of the fundamental skills and concepts that learners need to master. Do not use the texts and sections contained in this booklet as summative assessments. The intention is to provide study material for Grade 8 learners to use athome.The onus is on you, as the educator, to convey instructions to your learners in respect of where the tasks contained in this booklet should be answered and when and how it should be submitted. We trust that you find this booklet useful. Best wishes to you and your learners during these challenging times. Take care and besafe.NOTE:???These Marking Guidelines are a guide for learners, their parents/guardians and caregivers and educators. Learners must complete the tasks in the booklet first, before attempting to use the Marking Guideline.These Marking Guidelines are not exhaustive and alternate responses should be considered.In respect of Writing (Section E), suitable rubrics should be used to assess the final piece of writing.SECTION A: SHORT STORY: THEMBA QUESTION 11.1Themba kept a ventilator aside in the hospital for his grandparents.He was concerned about reporting to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) late.(2)1.2She is stubborn. The grandmother’s reluctance to hear what Themba has to say shows her stubborn nature.(2)1.3Themba’s grandparents are over 80 and the elderly have a very slight chance of survival should they contract a deadly virus.They refuse to read Themba’s instructions on what they should do if they startshowing symptoms of being sick. This means that they may not be able to act quickly if they become sick, putting themselves at greater risk.(2)’s grandmother pushes the grandfather’s wheelchair so vigorously, that the movements appear similar to the movements of pistons in the machines that Jabu used to operate.(1)(2)1.5The difficulties faced by the elderly who live alone/The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the elderly/Fear/Love for the elderly.(1)The elderly are generally vulnerable members of society who require assistance from members of their family, especially when they need medical care./Viruses can be life-threatening for the elderly if they do not take the precautions. Diseases like Covid-19 affect old people more seriously./Covid-19 has left people fearful about their loved ones, especially the elderly, as they are likely to die if they contract the virus./Themba shows, through his actions, the love that he has for his grandparents. He does not want any harm to come to them.(2)1.6Themba experiences the conflict of his duty as a doctor, who has to care for his patients, and his duty as a grandson, who has to care for his grandparents. Throughout the story, there is a sense of urgency because Themba has to leave to go to the hospital, where he is doctor. He is providing a life-saving role to so many sick people who rely on him to become well. Yet, atthesametimehehastotakecareoftheneedsofhisgrandparentswhoare vulnerable and also require his attention.(3)[15]SECTION B: POETRY QUESTION 22.1D/Bedtime story(1)2.2The rhyming couplets give the poem a musical quality which makes the poem pleasant/enjoyable to read.(2) person can order anything he/she needs online (with the ‘click’ of a computer mouse) and it will be delivered to him/her quickly.People in many countries have taken to clapping to show their appreciation to healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.(1)(1)2.4The lack of face-to-face communication/Poor communication among family members/Alone together.These days, parents are so busy with work that they fail to communicate effectively with their children and other family members. Furthermore, when all members of the family are together, they are usually busy on their cellphones or electronic gadgets and not communicating effectively with one another. This kind of behaviour is nothealthy.(1)(2)2.5‘But then’(1)2.6Personification(1)The Earth is given the ability to breathe, like a person. With air traffic broughtalmost to a standstill because of the pandemic, the massive reduction of theaeroplanes in the sky means no pollution. Therefore, with cleaner air, Earthcan ‘breathe’.(2)2.7SUITABLE:The Great Realisation came during a pandemic, when everyone was forced to stop and reflect on their lives, the state of the world and the damage that has been done to the planet because of the actions of humans. The poet sees ‘The Great Realisation’ as an opportunity for people to change for their own benefit and the benefit of the planet.NOT SUITABLEThis poem is written in the style of a bedtime story. The title, ‘The Great Realisation’ is too serious and therefore not suited to a bedtime story.A more exciting title should have been chosen in keeping with this style.(3)[15]SECTION C: LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTQUESTION 3: ANALYSING ADVERTISING3.1Nike. The Nike swoosh (tick) tells us the brand that is being advertised.(2)3.2Nike is a brand that is identifiable/recognised throughout the world by itssymbol, the swoosh (tick). Therefore, the name need not be used.(1)3.3To people interested in sport/sports people who are aiming to achieve in sport. These people usually wear/use Nike products when participating in sportorsport-relatedactivitiesandarelikelytoheed/supportthemessageofthe advertisement.(2)3.4People usually wear/use Nike products outdoors. Now, in order to combat thespread of the virus, Nike is urging sports people to find ways to play (exercise, stay fit) indoors.(2)3.5Yes. Nike is making an appeal to help curb the Covid-19 pandemic by staying indoors. Those who would normally like to go out to play sport are urged to play for millions of people around the world by staying at home. If every individual does this then the positive impact will be felt worldwide.No. Those who do not know that the swoosh (tick) represents Nike, will not fully understand what the advertisement is about.(3)TOTAL QUESTION 3:10QUESTION 4: CARTOONS4.1Masks/gloves/theatre gowns/hair coverings/goggles[Any 2](2)4.2The nurse is suggesting that doctors are superheroes because they save people’s lives, just like fictional superheroes.Therefore, the doctor in the cartoon is also a superhero.(2)4.3Covid-19 Cases(1)4.4Batman/Superman/Wonderwoman[Any 2](2)4.5The title/caption of Text J states, ‘NOT ALL SUPERHEROES WEAR CAPES’ referring to the fact that the medical personnel in the cartoon, like the caped Superman, Wonderwoman and Batman are also superheroes. This is in keeping with the message of Text I which also implies that medical personnelare superheroes.(3)TOTAL QUESTION 4:10QUESTION 5: USING LANGUAGE CORRECTLY5.1Corona Virus Disease(1)5.2tyre(1)5.3Contraction(1)5.4To join two words to form a compound word.(1)5.5All types of bacteria and viruses will be penetrated by the pin-shaped molecules of soap.(1) adverb(1)(1)5.7Alcohol can break an oily membrane however, washing with soap has the added benefit of removing tougher to break viruses and bacteria from the skin.ORWhile alcohol can break an oily membrane, washing with soap has the added benefit of removing tougher to break viruses and bacteria from the skin.(2)5.8Soapy(1)TOTAL QUETION 5:10SECTION D: SUMMARYQUESTION 6: SUMMARISING IN YOUR OWN WORDSUse the following main points that should be included in the summary as a guideline.Point form and paragraph-form summaries are acceptable. Sentences must be clear.NO.QUOTATIONS FROM THE PASSAGENO.POINTS IN OWN WORDS1‘…wearing a fabric face mask is added as a measure to help limit transmission of the virus.’1Cloth face masks are recommended to prevent the spread of Covid-19.2‘Clothmasksareeasyandnot expensive to make, …’2They are simple and cheap to make.3‘…reusable and help reduce the transmission of COVID-19 by acting like a shield.’3A cloth mask can be used again.4‘… the mask must be washed with soapandwaterimmediately,without using chemicals.’4Wash the mask with soap and water, not chemicals.5‘After washing, the masks should then be ironed or left out in the sun to dry.’5To dry the mask, iron, or leave it in the sun.6‘You should never share your mask with anybody else, and it is preferable that every person has two masks so that they canbeinterchanged during washes.’6Have two masks that you never share.7‘The inside layer of the mask should not be touched when taking it off or putting it on.’7Never touch the inside layer of the mask.The summary should be marked as follows:Mark allocation:7 marks for 7 points (1 mark per mainpoint)3 marks forlanguageTotal marks:10Distribution of language marks when learner has not quotedverbatim:1–3 points correct: award 1mark4–5 points correct: award 2marks6–7 points correct: award 3marksDistribution of language marks when learner has quotedverbatim:6–7 quotations: award no languagemark1–5 quotations: award 1 languagemarkTOTALQUESTION6:10 ................

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