Council Rock School District

#MyLifeEmojis AssignmentWhat emojis would you use to represent your life? Directions: Select 8 emojis that describes different things about you (favorite foods, hobbies, sports teams, musicians, family, friends, etc). You will use the provided sheet to (physically) paste the emoji to each number. *Note: all emojis should be school appropriate and not promote ANY drugs, violence, etc. Each emoji needs to be approved by Miss Yett before you begin writing.Each description should be at least 2 sentences long (1st sentence-description of emoji, 2nd sentence-why you selected the emoji). Since there is not enough room to handwrite your responses below, you will: Type your responses in a word document response(see our class website to retrieve document) create a QR code to be linked- Type- Plain textContent- copy/paste your name and numbered sentences in the boxClick “download QR code” Open the downloaded file and print the QR codeCut out the QR code (in the box shape). Staple the QR code to the bottom right hand corner.If you do not have a color printer, color in the emojis. Rubric8 colored pictures____/8At least 2 sentences per picture____/16QR code correctly cut out and stapled ____/3QR code accessible (can see your responses when a QR code reader is used)____/3Total:____/30 ................

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