June 26, 2000



Ramcharan Thiagarajan, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Current Title: Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery

Business Address: Department of Surgery

LSU Health Sciences Center

1542 Tulane Avenue, 7th Floor

New Orleans, LA 70112

Business Telephone

and Telefax: Phone: (504) 568-4750; FAX: (504) 568-4633

Business email Address: tramch@lsuhsc.edu


Graduate Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

Education: Kilpauk Medical College Hospitals

Madras, India 1987-1991

Post Graduate: Clinical Instructor

Living Liver and Pediatric Liver Transplant

Training: Liver transplant division

Emory University School of Medicine & Children’s Health Care of Atlanta at Egleston

Atlanta, GA

May 2001- May 2002

Transplant Fellowship

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN 55455

September 1999- April 2001

General Surgery Residency

Marshall University School of Medicine

Huntington, WV 25701

July 93- Jun 99

Compulsory Rotating Internship

Kilpauk Medical College Hospitals

Madras, India


Board Certifications: Louisiana, MD.14568R

05/21/2002 – present

The American Board of Surgery, 046774

Initial: 12/11/2001 – 07/01/2012

Recertified: 12/06/2012 – 12/31/2023


Appointment: Consultant, Surgical Gastroenterology, Hepato Pancreatic Biliary surgery, Laparoscopic surgery and Multi- Organ Transplantation

Fortis Hospital, Bangalore

January 2010 to November 2014

Consultant, Surgical Gastroenterology, Laparoscopic surgery and

Multi- Organ Transplantation,

Manipal Institute of Liver and Digestive Diseases,

Manipal Hospital, Bangalore, India

March 2007 to December 2009

Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery, Department of Surgery

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

June 2002 to May 2008

Honors: Scholastic Achievement in Anatomy

Kilpauk Medical College, Madras, India 1988


Young Investigator award presented at the Transplant 2001 meeting,

Chicago May 2001

Professional Organization:

Fellow in the American College of Surgeons

American Society of Transplant Surgeons

Program Development:

Living Liver Transplant at Children’s Hospital of New Orleans, 2002

Liver Transplantation at Manipal Hospital, India, 2007

Cadaveric Multi-Organ Procurement in the state of Karnataka, India

Clinical Interests:

Minimally Invasive Surgery


1. Silverstein, Douglas, Leblanc Pamela, Hempe, James, Ramcharan T, Boudreaux, Phillip. Tracking of Blood pressure and its impact in Pediatric renal transplant patients. Pediatric Transplantation: December 2007.

2. Boudreaux JP, Putty B, Frey D, Woltering E, Anthony L, Daly I, Ramcharan T, Lopera J, Castaneda W. Surgical treatment of advanced stage carcinoid tumors. Annals of Surgery, 2005 Jun: 241 (6);839-45.

3. Humar A, Ramcharan T, Kandaswamy R, Gruessner RW, Gruessner AC, Sutherland DER. Technical failures after pancreas transplants: Why grafts fail and the risk factors- a multivariate analysis. Transplantation. 2004 Oct 27:78(8):1188-92.

4. Zhang R, Kumar P, Ramcharan T, Reisin E. Kidney transplantation: the evolving challenges. Am J Med Sci. 2004 Sep;328 (3): 156-61.

5. Humar A, Ramcharan T, Kandaswamy R, Gruessner RW, Gruessner AC, Sutherland DER. The impact of donor obesity on outcomes after cadaveric pancreas transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2004 Apr;4(4):605-10.

6. Heffron TG, Smallwood G, Ramcharan T, Davis L, Connor K, Martinez E, Stieber A. Duct to duct biliary anastamosis for patients with sclerosing cholangitis undergoing liver transplantation. Trans. Proc. 2003 Dec;35(8): 3006-7.

7. Kumar P, Arora B, Boudreaux P, Frey D, Ramcharan T, Wily K. Allograft nephrectomy and PRA: a case study. Hum Immun. 2003Oct;64:S67.

8. Humar A, Khwaja K, Ramcharan T, Asolati M, Kandaswamy R, Gruessner RW, Sutherland DER. Chronic rejection: The next major challenge for Pancreas Transplant recipients. Transplantation, 76 (6):918-23 Sep 27, 2003.

9. Ramcharan T, Kassiske B, Matas AJ.Living donor kidney transplants: The difficult decisions. Transplantation Reviews, Vol 17, No 19 ( January), 2003:3-10.

10. Ramcharan T, Matas AJ. Long term ( 20-37 years) follow up of living kidney donors. Am J Transplant. 2 (10);959-64. Supported by NIH grant, grant # 13083.

11. Humar A, Ramcharan T, Kandaswamy R, Gillingham K, Payne W, Matas A. Risk factors for slow graft function after kidney transplants: a multivariate analysis. Clin Transplant 2002 Dec;16(6):425-29.

12. Smallwood GA, Heffron TG, Martinez, Ramcharan T, Stieber A. Hepatitis C, treatment outcomes of African- American following liver transplantation. Hepatology, 36 (4):466part 2 S: Oct 2002.

13. Ramcharan T, Glessing B, Lake J, Payne WD, Humar A. Outcome of other organs recovered during in situ split procurements. Liver transplantation. 2001 Oct; 7(10): 853-7.

14. .Humar A, Ramcharan T, Denny R, Gillingham K, Payne WD, Matas A. Are wound complications after kidney transplant more common with modern immunosuppression? Transplantation 2001;72(12):1920-23.

15. Split Liver Transplant for two Adult recipients: An initial experience. American Journal of transplantation Vol 1, Issue 4, 2001.

16. Matas AJ, Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Gillingham KJ, Dunn DL, Gruessner RWG, Humar A, Kandaswamy R, Najarian JS, Payne WD, Sutherland DER. Rapid discontinuation of steroids in living donor kidney transplantation: a pilot study. American Journal of transplantation, Vol 1, Issue 3, 2001.

17. Humar A, Ramcharan T, Kandaswamy R, Matas AJ, Gruessner RWG, Sutherland DER. Pancreas after kidney transplant: a viable alternative to simultaneous pancreas kidney transplant. American Journal of surgery 2001 Aug; 182(2): 155-61.

18. Humar A, Key N, Ramcharan T, Payne WD, Sutherland DER, Matas AJ. Kidney retransplants after initial graft loss to vascular thrombosis. Clinical Transplantation 2001,15(1):6-10.

19. Humar A, Kerr S, Ramcharan T, Gillingham K, Arthur J Matas. Perioperative cardiac morbidity in kidney transplant recipients: Incidence and risk factors. Clinical Transplantation 2001, 15 (3): 154-8 Supported by NIH DK 13083.

20. Humar A, Ramcharan T, Kandaswamy R, Gruessner RW, Sutherland DER. Optimal timing for a pancreas transplant after a successful kidney transplant. Transplantation, September 2000, 70(8):1247- 50.


1. Boudreaux P, Putty B, Frey D, Woltering E, Anthony L, Daly I, Ramcharan T, Lopera J, Castaneda W. Surgical treatment of advanced stage carcinoid tumors: Lessons learned. Southern Surgical Association. Palm Beach, Florida, December 2004.

2. Ramcharan T, Smallwood G, Martinez E, Stieber A, Heffron TG. Duct to duct anastamosis for patients with sclerosing cholangitis undergoing liver transplantation. American Transplant Congress, Washington D.C., June 2003.

3. Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Denny R, Khwaja K, Asolati M, Sutherland DER, Humar A. Primary Non-function after pancreas transplant. The International Transplant Association meeting, Miami, August 2002.

4. Asolati M, Denny R, Matas A, Gillingham K, Humar A, Gruessner RWG, Sutherland DER, Ramcharan T, Kandaswamy R. Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy (LDN) – What’s in it for the recipient? The international transplant Association meeting, Miami, August 2002.

5. .Asolati M, Meirelles R, Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Wijkstorm M, Gruessner R, Sutherland DER, Kandaswamy R. Can pancreas from donors who underwent trauma splenectomy be used for transplantation. The International Transplant Association Meeting, Miami, August 2002.

6. Humar A, Glessing B, Ramcharan T, knaal M, Shriver L, Gruessner R, Lake J, Payne WD. Delayed introduction of calcineurin inhibitors in Liver transplant recipients with renal dysfunction. The International transplant Association Meeting, Miami, August, 2002.

7. Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Denny R, Khwaja K, Asolati M, Kandaswamy R, Sutherland DER, Humar A. Pancreas Transplantation in recipients over 60 years of age. The International Transplant Association Meeting, Miami, August 2002.

8. Humar A, Glessing B, Ramcharan T, Knaak M, Shriver L, Gruessner AC, Lake JR, Payne WD. Delayed introduction of calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) in liver transplant recipients with renal dysfunction- the benefits to the kidneys are long term. The international liver transplantation Society meeting, Chicago, July, 2002.

9. Heffron TG, Welch D, Pillen T, Ramcharan T, Smallwood G, Romero R. Neonatal hemochromatosis management by surgical intervention. The International Liver transplant Society meeting, Chicago, July, 2002.

10. Ramcharan T, Smallwood G, Martinez E, Stieber A, Heffron TG. Duct to duct anastamosis for patients with sclerosing cholangitis undergoing liver transplantation. The international Liver transplant Society meeting, Chicago, July, 2002.

11. Humar A, Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Denny R, Khwaja K, Asolati M, Kandaswamy R, Gruessner RWG, Sutherland DER. Optimal timing for pancreas after Kidney ( PAK) transplants. The American Transplant Congress 2002. Washington D. C. April, 2002.

12. Humar A, Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Denny R, Kandaswamy R, Gruessner R, Sutherland DER. Transplants from obese pancreas donors. The American Transplant Congress 2002. Washington D. C. April, 2002.

13. Humar A, Paraskevas S, Ramcharan T, Khwaja K, Asolati M, Kandaswamy R, Gruessner RWG, Sutherland DER. Pancreas Graft from older donors where cause of death is trauma. The American Transplant Congress 2002. Washington D.C. April, 2002.

14. Kandaswamy R, Paraskevas S, Ramcharan T, Meirelles R, Gruessner R, Humar A, Hayes M, Sutherland DER. A prospective randomized trial of steroid avoidance versus steroid withdrawl in simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation using a Sirolimus/Tacrolimus protocol. The American transplant Congress 2002. Washington D. C. Aril, 2002.

15. Kandaswamy R, Paraskevas S, Meirelles Ramcharan T, Gruessner RWG, Parr E, Sutherland DER. A prospective randomized trial of Mycophenolate (MMF) Vs Sirolimus (SRL) in Pancreas after kidney transplantation. The American Transplant Congress 2002, Washington D.C. April, 2002.

16. Heffron TG, Welch D, Pillen T, Ramcharan T, Smallwood G, Martinez E, Romero R. Surgical management of Neonatal hemochromatosis. The American Transplant Congress 2002, Washington D.C. April, 2002.

17. Smallwood G, Coffey GL, Davis L, Ramcharan T, Martinez E, Stieber A, Heffron TG. Factors influencing treatment outcomes of recurrent Hepatits C following orthotopic liver transplantation. The American Transplant Congress 2002, Washington D.C. April 2002.

18. Ramcharan T, Gruessner AC, Paraskevas S, Humar A, Payne WD, Gruessner RWG. Long term results with 37 pediatric liver transplants for alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency: A single center experience. International liver transplant society meeting, Berlin, Germany, July 2001.

19. Ramcharan T, Gruessner AC, Payne WD, Gruessner RWG. Liver transplantation for Biliary atresia versus metabolic disorders: A comparison of long term results. International liver Transplant society meeting, Berlin, Germany, July 2001.

20. Ramcharan T, Kandaswamy R, Humar A, Gillingham K, Sutherland DER, Matas AJ. Kidney and Kidney-pancreas transplantation in Jehovah’s witness –A single center experience with 50 transplants. International pancreas and islet transplant association meeting, Innsbruck, Austria, June 2001.

21. Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Denny R, Sutherland DER, Humar A. Primary non-function after pancreas transplant- an uncommon cause of graft failure. International pancreas and islet transplant association meeting , Innsbruck, Austria, June 2001.

22. Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, denny R, Khwaja K, Kandaswamy R, Gruessner RWG, Sutherland DER, Humar A. Pancreas transplantation in recipients over 60 years of age. International pancreas and islet transplant association meeting, Innsbruck, Austria, June 2001.

23. Ramcharan T, MuHugh L, Kandaswamy R, Gruessner RWG, Payne WD, Sutherland DER, Dunn DL, Najarian JS, Matas AJ. Living kidney donation : Long term ( 20-37 years) consequences. ASTS meeting, Chicago, May 2001.

24. Ramcharan T, Meg Rogers, Kandaswamy R, Sielaff T, Gruessner RW, Payne WD, Humar A. Outcome of other organs recovered during In situ split liver procurements. ASTS meeting, Chicago, May 2001.

25. Humar A, Kandaswamy R, Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Gruessner RW, Gruessner A, Sutherland DER. Pancreas after kidney VS simultaneous pancreas kidney transplants: A comparison of waiting times, cost and quality of life. ASTS meeting , Chicago, May 2001.

26. Humar A, Payne WD, Ramcharan T, Denny R, Gillingham K, Matas A. The impact of increasing donor age on long term kidney graft survival- Each year counts. ASTS meeting, Chicago, May 2001.

27. Humar A, Kandaswamy R, Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Denny R Gruessner RW, Sutherland DER. The impact of elderly and pediatric donors on outcome after SPK transplant. ASTS meeting , Chicago May 2001.

28. Humar A, Kandaswamy R, Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Meirelles R, Gruessner RW, Sutherland DER Risk factors for acute rejection in pancreas transplant recipients: A multivariate analysis. ASTS meeting, Chicago May 2001.

29. Humar A, Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Denny R, Meirelles R, Gillingham K, Matas A. A multivariate analysis of risk factors for slow graft function after kidney transplant ASTS meeting , Chicago May 2001.

30. Humar A, Kandaswamy R, Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, Meirelles R, Gruessner RW, Sutherland DER. Analysis of acute and chronic rejection patterns after pancreas transplants alone. ASTS meeting, Chicago, May 2001.

31. Ramcharan T, Matas A, Gruessner RW, Sutherland DER, Kandaswamy R. Kidney and Kidney- Pancreas transplants in Jehovah's witnesses- A single center experience with 50 transplants. ASTS meeting , Chicago, May 2001.

32. Paraskevas S, Denny R, Ramcharan T, Gillingham K, Kandaswamy R, Humar A, Matas A. Long term cyclosporine immunosuppression: Is there nephrotoxicity in kidney transplant recipients? ASTS meeting, Chicago, May 2001.

32. Matas A, Ramcharan T, Paraskevas S, kandaswamy R, Humar A, Gillingham. Steroid avoidance ( minimization ) after Kidney transplantation. ASTS meeting, Chicago, 2001.

34. Humar A, Sielaff T, Kandaswamy R, Ramcharan T, Gruessner RW, Lake J, Payne WD. Split liver transplants for 2 adult recipients: An initial experience. American Hepato- biliary association meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, February 2001.

35. Ramcharan T, Rogers M, Shriver L, Lake J, Payne WD, Humar A. Outcome of other organs recovered during In situ split Liver procurements. American Hepato-pancreato biliary association meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, February 2001.

36. Humar A, Kandaswamy R, Uknis M, Ramcharan T, Gillingham K, Matas A. Abdominal wall complications developing after kidney transplant. The American Society of Nephrology 33rd Annual meeting, Toronto, October 2000.

37.Humar A, Ramcharan T, Durand B, Gillingham K, Matas A. The influence of panel reactive antibodies (PRA) on acute rejection after kidney transplant. The American Society of Nephrology 33rd Annual meeting, Toronto, October 2000.

38. Ramcharan T, Papalois V. E., Gruessner A, Sharp H, Humar A, Najarian JS, Payne WD, Gruessner RWG. Growth and activity after pediatric liver transplantation: Long term results at a single institution. The International Pediatric Transplant Association, Venice, August 2000.

39. Ramcharan T, Papalois VE, Gruessner A, Sharp H, Humar A, Najarian JS, Payne WD, Gruessner RWG. Long-term results after pediatric liver transplantation for biliary atresia versus metabolic disorders: a single institution experience The International Pediatric Transplant Association, Venice, August 2000.

40.Ramcharan T, Papalois VE, Gruessner A, Sharp H, Humar A, Najarian JS, Payne WD, Gruessner RWG. A single center’s long term experience with 24 pediatric liver transplants for A-1 Antitrpsin deficiency The International Pediatric Transplant Association, Venice, August 2000.

41. Ramcharan T, Morgan JM, Canterbury TD, Raman KV. Endoscopic Subfascial ligation of perforators. Southeastern surgical congress, Nashville, February 1997.

42. Ramcharan T, Raman KV Calf muscle dysfunction: Earliest indicator of chronic venous insufficiency. Southeastern Surgical Congress, Nashville, February 1997.


1. Surgical Director, Liver and Pancreas Transplantation, Consultant, Surgical Gastroenterology, Manipal Institute of Liver and Digestive Diseases, Manipal Hospital, Bangalore, India. March 2007 to present.

2. Director of Kidney and Pancreas Transplants, Lindy Boggs Medical Center, New Orleans. June 05- September 2005.

3. Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery, Department of Surgery, Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA.

4. Clinical Instructor. September 1999- April 2001, Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

5. Chief Resident, 1998-99, Department of Surgery, Marshall University School of Medicine, Huntington, West Virginia.

Clinical Investigations:

1. Prime Investigator in Phase 2, Randomized, multicenter, Open label safety study of ISA tx247 and cyclosporine ( Neoral) in post renal transplant patients (ISA00-16). Protocol Id: ISA00-16, Sponsored by Isotechnika Inc.

2. Coinvestigator in Phase 2, Open label,concentration controlled,randomised study of conventional - dose tacrolimus plus corticosteroids compared with reduced -dose tacrolimus plus sirolimus and corticosteroids in recipients of orthotopic liver allografts. Protocol # 0468H1-220-US, Sponsored by Wyeth-Ayerst research.

3. Subinvestigator in Comparative trial of Mycophenolate Mofetil versus Sirolimus with steroid withdrawl using a Tacrolimus based immunosppressive protocol in Pancreas after Kidney transplantation. Protocol # CEL 208. Supported by Roche Pharmaceuticals.

4. Subinvestigator in a Prospective, open label, randomised trial of Steroid avoidance, using a Sirolimus based and Tacrolimus based Immunosuppressive protocol in Simultaneous Pancreas – Kidney Transplantation. Protocol # 0468E1-100184 sponsored by Wyeth- Ayerst research.


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