Free printable emotion flashcards for toddlers


Free printable emotion flashcards for toddlers

Disclaimer: Doing Good TogetherTM is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to . The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute. The first thing I'd mention about these cards is their simplicity. More often than not, feelings flashcards can be overcomplicated and confuse a young learner about what they are trying to convey. If a character's expression is too similar to the character before, then it might not be clear what feeling the flashcard is suppose represent.These sets have been designed with a boy character and a girl character, so the teacher can mix and match or concentrate on a specific gender in their grammar. Teachers can use a phrase like "He is angry." or "The boy is angry.". This can be used to create a logical pattern for younger learners. The teacher could choose to mix the cards after practicing to challenge their student's knowledge of grammar. Using both packs also enables the teacher to play a `match the feeling' game. The cards also come with a few blank face cards for activities. Just laminate the cards and draw your feeling with a whiteboard marker (kids love this activity!). As a bonus, I have included a FREE feelings poster!Subscribe to our youtube channel to recieve flashcard updates.Learn emotions with ! have fun learning happy, sad, angry, scared, hungry, thirsty, and tired with this super cute 4K animation! Watch the exciting 4K animation now!Feelings Flashcards DOWNLOAD Pack 1This feeling set comes with basic feelings in boy and girl characters. I have also included blank templates of the boy and girl to create an activity for when the cards are laminated. The flashcards help teach feelings as well as gender and how to use adjectives. After teaching feelings, why not try to teach other adjectives like tall, short, scary and cute! I will try to make those adjectives for a future post!If you need any help downloading the flashcards, or would like to see a step by step guide of how to make flashcards click here! FREE Feelings Chart DOWNLOAD! I enjoy creating our free printable flashcards, but this particular group of flashcards holds a special place above the rest.While addition and subtraction are important subjects (and the most commonly used flashcards), some things that are often overlooked can be just as crucial to a child's development.Our son has been through many tests over the past few years all of which led to a final diagnosis of Asperger's. We've been to many different play groups that focus on the social skills and interaction that he needs.Many of these groups are far away in bigger cities, so I thought it'd be great if we could practice his social skills at home. One area that we've worked on is body language and emotions.The flashcards below are a result of the work we've done with our child. I created a couple sets of both male and female flash cards. You may want to print them all out (or have your child pick out a set on the computer) and use the ones your child responds well too. Free Printable Flashcards:Emotions Print out the flashcard templates below, cut, fold, and glue them, then use them alongside story-time and other activities.The words I've included on the backs of the flash cards are broad. It might not be the word your child uses, but as long as it's something similar, go with what the child knows.Once they've developed an emotional vocabulary, be sure to use it in everyday speech. While reading stories or watching movies, you can ask your child how certain characters feel. Your child may also enjoy using the cards to tell how he or she feels. There are a few different sets to choose from so have fun.For more flash cards you can print, see the link at the end. Related Content: Worksheets > Free Flash Cards > Emotions Free flashcards, worksheets, coloring pages, and more! We are so HAPPY you've found our page full of resources to help teach young learners all about emotions. We are EXCITED for you to check out our emotion-themed songs, flashcards, worksheets, coloring pages, and more! Emotions Flashcards: Learn about emotions flashcards and how to use them to teach your kids emotional vocabulary (emotions games included!) Being able to identify, label, express, and manage feelings play a crucial role in children's social and emotional development. Understanding how people feel, they are able to respond appropriately and engage in meaningful relationships. And when they are able to express their feelings, parents (or educators) can guide them on how to solve problems and help them develop healthy coping skills. There are different tools we can use when we work on expanding our kids' emotional vocabulary. Emotions flashcards are a great example. In this post you can: Learn what emotions flashcard are Learn 7 different ways you can use your emotions flashcards Read a selection of 24 emotion definitions that you can use when you teach emotional vocabulary to your kids Emotions Flashcards What are Emotions Flashcards (or Feelings Flashcards)? Emotions flashcards are also often referred to as feelings flashcards. Each emotion flashcard presents a visual representation of a specific emotion (pictures, illustrations, pictograms, or emoticons), a label stating the name of that emotion, and in some cases, a definition or description of the emotion presented. An emotion flashcard serves as an aid to learning to identify, label, and even express different emotions. Who can benefit from the use of Emotions Flashcards? Emotion flashcards are often used when teaching kids emotional vocabulary. All kids can benefit from the aid that visual clues in the feelings flashcard provide, but they are especially useful for: Toddlers and younger kids Kids who have difficulties identifying other people's emotions or their own Kids who have difficulties expressing feelings Kids who do not communicate verbally Check out our gorgeous feelings flashcards here . 7 Fun & Useful Ways to Use your Printable Emotions Flashcards There are several different ways to make the most out of your flashcards. Browse through the card deck and discuss the images with your child. Label and describe the feelings in each image. This is the most obvious way to use the cards. You can take the opportunity to discuss different situations when any of you experienced that feeling. Emotions Poster Print them as a poster (don't cut them into cards), and use them as emotions posters. You may display your poster(s) in your "calm down corner", or use it as decoration in your child's room. Emotions Book You can also print them as a mini-brochure and can add it to your calm down box. Whenever your children are struggling to express their feelings, they can browse through the book and identify the emotion they are experiencing. Emotions Board You can create an Emotions Board that helps your children express their emotions and why they are experiencing them. Use cardstock or laminated paper to create a board, and place a horizontal adhesive Velcro strip (see illustration below). Place on top a selection of basic emotions that the child will choose from (laminated and with velcro in the back too). Once an emotion is selected it can be moved to the bottom (use smaller Velcro strip to hold the card). Kids can then read and share their feelings: "I am feeling happy because..." Emotions Games You can also use your cards to play some fun classic emotion games. And nothing beats learning while you play. Emotions Charades One player picks an emotion flashcard from the deck. The player represents the emotion for the other players to guess without using words. Take turns doing this. Conversation Starters Take turns taking a card from the deck. Read it out loud and share with others a situation when you experience that emotion. Emotions Memory Game Print two sets of flashcards. Place the cards facing down and take turns lifting any two cards. If the cards match, keep them and proceed to turn another two. If not, leave them facing down and let the next player take a turn. The player who gets more pairs at the end wins. General Tips If you use printable flashcards, make sure you laminate them before you start using them. They will last a lot longer. No matter which game or activity you choose, don't forget to read out loud the definition provided. It is part of their learning process. 24 Emotions Labels and Definitions These flashcards include the following emotions and definitions: Happy ? Feeling joy or pleasure. Other words that can also describe a happy kid: cheerful, delighted, joyful, or pleased. Grateful ? Feeling thankful for the good things in our lives. Feeling thankful for the kind things somebody has done to us. Proud ? Feeling pleased and worthy because of something that you created or accomplished. Feeling pleased about other people's accomplishments Excited- Feeling thrilled, full of emotions or feelings. Loved ? feeling we receive deep affection or strong liking, we are dear and cared for Sad ? Feeling unhappy or sorrowful. Lonely ? Feeling alone and without company Sorry ?Feeling regret for something you have said or done Hurt ?To suffer or have painful feelings Disappointed ? Feeling unhappy because your hopes, wishes, or goals have not happened Guilty ? Feeling bad about something we have done Surprised ? Feeling startled or amazed about something unexpected. Shocked ? A sudden and powerful scare or surprise Scared ? Feeling fear or afraid Shy ? Not feeling comfortable around people. Not wanting to call attention to oneself Anxious ? Feeling worried, nervous, or afraid about something uncertain Worried ? Feeling troubled or uneasy about something that might happen or has happened. Angry ? Feeling a strong annoyance about something or someone that has caused us pain, injustice, wrong, or offense. Upset ? Feeling disturbed or bothered. Bored ? Feeling restless or fed up about something that is not interesting Embarrassed ? Feeling uncomfortable because of shame or receiving too much attention from others. Jealous ? Feeling afraid of losing someone's love or attention to another person. Overwhelmed ? Feeling completely defeated by or burdened with something that feels too big to deal with Disgusted ? Feeling a strong horror or dislike caused especially by something sickening or evil. Other useful tools to help kids express their emotions Feelings Flashcards: Fun Tool for Kids to Learn about Feelings & Emotions Share This Pin

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