A Toolkit to Better Understand Well-Being

participant packet



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What is EQ and Why Should I Care?

Most important point (MIP) – “Our ability to grow as a or leader is based on our ability to grow as a person.” (Leadership From Inside Out; Kevin Kushman)

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is your ability accurately assess, recognize, interpret and understand emotions in yourself and others and your ability use this awareness express emotions as well as manage your behavior and relationships (Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Travis Bradberry).

EQ is far more than being NICE to people. It is based on scientific discoveries of how the brain works. Of the competencies needed for success, 67% are emotional (Primal Leadership, Daniel Goleman).

• EQ s responsible for approximately 58% of job performance yet just 36% of people can accurately identify their emotions when they happen.

• Approximately 90% of top performers are high in EQ.

• It is a big part of your persona brand / reputation.

• Despite your position, everyone has some degree of personal interactions and maintaining workplace relationships.

• Our personal competence (how we conduct ourselves) and our social competence (how we build and maintain relationships) have a significant impact on our performance and overall effectiveness.

• What we know gets our career started, but it is EQ (how you conduct yourself and interact) that makes the difference in how far you go.

|Self-Awareness |Self-Management |

| | |

|Understanding personal emotions, strengths, limitations, |Using awareness of emotions to stay flexible & directing behavior|

|motives & normal responses. |appropriately. |

|Social Awareness |Relationship Management |

| | |

|Recognizing and understanding the emotions |Using awareness of one’s emotions and the emotions of others to |

|& needs of others. |manage interactions successfully. |


[pic] Handout

Identifying Triggers


Activity (PART 1):

1. Take a moment to complete the four questions (on your own) before discussing with partner.

2. With a partner, use the Identifying Triggers Worksheet:

Then after reading some examples of triggers, what are your top triggers, specifically at work?

o Top triggers are:

o Which triggers (for YOU) result in the most intense emotional response? What does the response look/feel like (e.g. outburst, cry, withdraw, etc.)?

o How would you rate your awareness (in the moment) when triggers arise? (1-poor to 5-great)

o How are you currently managing your reactions/responses to triggers (e.g. try to avoid, mediation, etc.)?

[pic] Handout

Possible Derailers to Self-Awareness and High EQ

Activity (PART 2):

With a partner, read over the list of examples (behaviors, qualities, etc.) that may show up in the workplace and often have a negative impact on individuals and/or teams.

o Are there any examples listed that appear more often than others do?

▪ Has technology had an impact (positive or negative) on such behaviors?

▪ Have you observed/noticed generational differences?

o If you have experienced one or more of these potential “derailers” in a work environment, how did you handle the situation?

▪ What would you do differently (if anything)?

▪ How could effective emotional intelligence skills be useful in the situation?

The Good News!


➢ First, one thing that is good about aging…for most people, EQ increases (naturally) as we grow older.

➢ Next, there is room to grow one’s emotional intelligence skills, such as developing more effective and productive responses to triggers and become more aware.

Ways to develop Self-Awareness & Self-Management:

o Self-awareness is key (assessment, asking others you trust, etc.)

o Focus on one thing at a time.

o Determine accountability (journal, a person, etc.)

o Take more time to debrief. What are you telling yourself when it is happening? Are you ruminating?

o Like it or not, breathing helps. The more oxygen you take in, the clearer things become.

o Consider body language.

Ways to develop Social Awareness & Relationship Management:

o Greet people by name, pay attention and get to know people.

o Remove distractions when interacting (clear the clutter, shut email down, put phone away).

o When is the last time you told someone that you cared or even just said “thank you”?

o Have you ever done a random act of kindness?

o Avoid giving mixed signals. People trust what they see over what they hear.

o Explain your decisions…do not just make them.


o Do not expect perfection. This is NOT easy and it does take practice. Be patient.

*Sample Questions to Explore with Your Team

|Questions to Get the Conversation Started |

|Emotional Intelligence |

|What do you know about EQ? |

|How would you rate your EQ and which area is your strength? |

|How can we support one another in creating an optimal environment for productive work interactions and relationships? |

|Triggers & Hijacks |

|Can you think of a time you experienced a hijack at work? |

|Have you identified what things (triggers) tend to create a more emotional response for you? |

|Considering the neuroscience, how have you managed a reaction/emotion before it became a “hijack”? |

|Why is this important for us? |

Visit the following sites for additional resources:

OUR Website:

▪ Competency-Focused Development (under Self-Directed Learning) – new resources added after each workshop, roundtable, etc. plus additional links to websites, supporting assessments, templates and tools.

▪ Video Library (under Self-Directed Learning) – resources added weekly.

▪ Resources & Toolkits

o A to Z Answer Book

o Supervisor and Manager Toolkit


▪ See separate handout

Articles & Videos


Sections of website for Career Development Resources

Careers At Rice page

Organizational & Professional Development pages

Self-Directed Learning/Career Development & Planning

Self-Directed Learning/Competency-Focused Development- look for EQ resources soon!

Supervisor Development/Coaching Circles

Supervisor Development/Competency Development

Organizational Development

Training & Professional Development

Career Resources Currently Available

|Website Section/Page |Resource |

| |NEW as of 11/15- Personal Brand Assessment & Worksheet |

| |Exercise: Leveraging Your Personal Strengths |

|Self-Directed Learning/Career Development & Planning / Career & |Exercise: Values Identification |

|Self-Assessment |Exercise: More, Less, Stop & Start |

| |Exercise: Personal Snapshot |

| |Exercise: Wheel of Life |

| |New as of 11/4- Staying Positive |

|Self-Directed Learning/Career Development & Planning / Planning |Self-Directed Planning Worksheet |

| |Developing Staff at Rice University |

| |Exercise: Identifying a Coach or Mentor |

| |Exercise: Daily Success Habits |

| |Submit an Article or Career Development Resource |

|Careers At Rice |Career Spotlights |


Let us know what

you think!

Accurate self-awareness

Gap between knowing & doing!

• Every experience you have goes through the emotional aspect (limbic system) of your brain 1st (before it reaches the rational side).

• When the amygdala is activated, the rational/logical part of the brain (pre-frontal cortex) is deactivated (deficits in problem - solving; lose10-15 IQ points).

• Emotional Hijack- getting stuck in the emotion.

• One way to manage & prevent hijacks is to know your triggers.

• We have to manage inside before we can manage outside.


of Regret


Instant Reaction

Strong Emotion

MIP: You can “train your brain” and improve emotional intelligence.

We invite you to visit our new Careers At Rice website.

Emotional intelligence can be learned.


Employee Learning Week 2016 | Professional Development


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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