Fill in the Blank

Short Answer (2 points each unless otherwise noted)01. What were the men doing at the beginning of the movie in the jungle? Why?03. The chimps are assigned a cognitive game. What is this game called? And how is it played?05. How many moves is a perfect score for the cognitive game the chimps play? How many moves did Number Nine complete before injection of ALZ 112? How many moves after? (three points)08. What do the animal handlers believe is the initial problem with Number Nine? How do they try to remedy the problem?10. What was the actual reason Number Nine acted so eradicately. 12. What happened to all the rest of chimps in the research facility after Number Nine went crazy? How many? Why? (three points)15. What’s wrong with Will’s father? What significance does this have in Will’s research?17. What are the two hypotheses that Will had about Cesar?19. What happened at the ape cage when Cesar was brought to the zoo? Why did he need to go to the zoo?21. What does Cesar do before running to the trees in the Redwood Forest? Why?Completion23. The chimp labeled Number Nine was also called ________ by the animal handlers.24-28. ALZ 112 is a ________ that allows the brain to create its own cells in order to repair itself.In biology, they call this _________. Here at Genesis, we call it a cure for ________.There are absolutely no ________ associated with ALZ 112, with for one exception the chimps’ irises exhibit flecks of ________.29-31. By 18 months, Cesar was signing up to ________ words. By age 2, he was completing puzzles and models designed for children ages ________ years and up. At age 3, Cesar continues to show cognitive skills that far exceed that of a ________ counterpart.32-34. Cesar signs, “Apes alone ________, Apes together ________.” Orangutan signs back, “Apes ________.” 35-36. “Get your stinking ________ off me, you damn dirty ________.”37-38. The first word spoken by Cesar is ________. The last words spoken are _____________.More Short Answer (2 points each unless otherwise noted)39. After the incident with the dog, where does Cesar go in the car? Why?41. What does Cesar do with Will’s father at the breakfast table? Why is this important?43. What happened that got Cesar in trouble with the law? Why did Cesar do it?45. What does Cesar do in his cell to the wall? Why?47. What does the main ape do to Cesar when they are allowed to exercise together? Why?49. What does the orangutan tell Cesar about where he came from? And about smart apes?51. Why does the new 112 drug have a different effect on the apes than humans?53. Why does Cesar release the gorilla?55. Why does Cesar escape from the facility and come back? What was his plan?. 57. What’s the foreshadowing of virus ALZ 113? What’s the significance of the pilot?People (Use their names or initials)59. ________ “112, it works. One is all we need. Full cognitive recovery. We are ready.”60. ________ “Keep your personal emotions out of it. People invest in results, not dreams.”61. ________ “I swear you know everything about the human brain, except the way it works.”62. ________ “She wasn’t being aggressive, she was being protective.”63. ________ “I will tell you what doc, Jacobs made me put down the others. I am done, be my guest.”64. ________ “This isn’t my responsibility. This is company property.”65. ________ “I can’t take any credit. It’s in his genes.”66. ________ “I love chimpanzees but I’m also afraid of them. It’s appropriate to be afraid of them.”67. ________ “He will be provided a stimulating environment. He’s going to thrive here.”68. ________ “I guess he likes it here better with his own kind.”69. ________ “I can’t lose them both. I won’t lose them both.”70. ________ “You are trying to control things that are not meant to be controlled.”Will Rodman Stephen Jacobs Caroline Franklin John Landon Main Character Genesis Director Veterinarian Animal Lab Technician Ape Sanctuary Director ................

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