International State-building Summit - Weebly

International State-building Summit 1450-1750

During the International State-building Summit representatives from important empires during the period 1450-1750 will meet to discuss their own conceptions of successful empire-building and ruling. Then the representatives will develop a new government system.


Ottoman Empire

Suleiman the Magnificent


Mughal Empire


Akbar the Great

Spanish Empire

Ferdinand and Isabella

Incan Empire

Emperor Pachacuti

Ming Empire



Member of the Neo-Confucian Scholar-gentry class

Russian Empire

Ivan the Terrible

Peter the Great

Catherine the Great


Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu


Louis XIV

Songhai (Africa)

Sunni Ali

Aztec Empire


Safavid Empire

Abbas I

In order to prepare for the summit students will:

1. Be assigned a role within an empire to portray at the summit.

2. Create a placard to be placed on his/her desk during the summit so that the other members of the summit know who he/she is representing. Placards should include your name and empire.

3. Answer the following questions for your assigned empire (on a separate sheet and typed!) before the first day of the summit. Use your textbook and outside sources. Be aware of the perspective of your role. You will be expected to speak as that person!


1. How was your empire established?

2. How does your empire handle the different languages, rituals, religions, and customs in your empire?

3. How are conquered peoples treated?

4. How much importance is placed in the military? Who serves in the army? What kind of military technology do you have?

5. Is there social mobility in your empire? If no, why? If so, how?

6. What kind of system of communication does your empire have?

7. Are there written laws? If so, what kinds of laws and punishments do you have?

8. How does your empire deal with succession?

9. What do you expect from the people you control?

10. What can your subjects expect from you?

11. What is the basis of your economic system?

12. How is your government organized?

13. How does your empire establish legitimacy? (Why do your people believe you have the right to rule?)

14. What are the greatest strengths and weaknesses of your empire?

15. What are your empire’s greatest legacies?

16. Other ideas to include in the summit.

Each participant will receive a grade based on preparation and participation in the summit. Please turn this paper in with your reflection sheet.

Name:_______________________________________ Role:______________________________

Grading Rubric:

|30-25 |24-15 |14-10 |9-0 |

|Questions are completely answered |Questions are adequately answered |Questions somewhat answered – some |Questions incomplete |

| | |unanswered | |

| | |Participation somewhat demonstrates | |

|Participation strongly demonstrates |Participation adequately demonstrates|knowledge of empire | |

|knowledge of empire |knowledge of empire | |Participation does not clearly |

| | |Some participation |demonstrate knowledge of empire |

|Active and enthusiastic participation|Solid participation | |Does not participate |

|Listens attentively and carefully to | |Somewhat listens to others, but may | |

|others and responds appropriately to |Listens to others and attempts to |not attempt to comment |Does not listen to others or attempt |

|others’ comments |comment | |to comment |

|Reflection complete | | | |

| | |Reflection somewhat complete | |

| | | | |

| | | |Reflection incomplete |

| |Reflection complete | | |


Final Grade: _____/30

Socratic Seminar Reflection

Name: _________________________________________________________

1. Summarize what was discussed in the seminar. At least 5 sentences.

2. Write down a comment someone said that you AGREE with. Explain why you agree with it.

3. Write down a comment someone said that you DISAGREE with. Explain why you disagree with it.

4. Were your comments constructive to the discussion? Why or why not?


|Did you fully prepare for your role in the seminar? |4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

|Did you actively listen to other students? |4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

|How many times did you verbally participate? |4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

|Were you always respectful to other students? |4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

|Did you put full effort into the reflection above? |4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

Add up your total: ______

Identify a personal goal for the next Socratic Seminar:


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