PLAQUE WORDING - Creative Trophies and Gifts


A handy wording guide

CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2 Sample Layout ........................................................................................................... 3 Leadership Awards .................................................................................................... 7 Teachers Awards ....................................................................................................... 9 Coaches Awards ..................................................................................................... 11 Service Awards......................................................................................................... 14 Sales Awards............................................................................................................. 16 Retirement Awards .................................................................................................. 18 Comic / Humorous Awards.................................................................................... 19 How to do a plaque layout ................................................................................... 21 Glossary ..................................................................................................................... 22 Presentation Headers.............................................................................................. 23



This is a handy wording guide when tackling the task of writing an inscription for an award plaque. The language of this guide is simple, complimentary and easy to comprehend. It is also interchangeable.

For example, if you are looking for the proper wording for an award for a "Leader" but under "Leader Category" you cannot find the right phrasing for what you want to say ..... Not to worry, there may very well be a phrase that appeals to you in the "Coach Category" which when mingled with a phrase in the "General Category" will say it just the way you want to say it. Or, you may easily find the words you want to say verbatim for any award under its category.

Trying to put together the right words? You may mix and match any phrases or expressions, quotations or language to customized the wording for the award to be presented. You can keep it short. You can make it just as long as you like. Often one or two sentences will say it all; on the other hand two or more sentences may be necessary to capture just the right wording for the special purpose of your award.

Most samples will be fine verbatim; some interchangeable for various categories of awards. For example, a "Service" award phrasing may be just what you want to say to a "Teacher" to whom you are paying tribute. Additionally, this guide provides you with several samples of awards of the comic / humorous nature which also are interchangeable.

Keep in mind the person for whom the award is intended and the reason or purpose of the award. Put yourself in their shoes when you do the final read-through. (If this were your award, would you be proud of it, overwhelmed by it, elated by it, amused by it?) Intention is very important. Have you captured the person or persons in the words you chose and said "Thank You" in a way that is suitable for the person or the occasion?

One good way of checking yourself before ordering is to read the proposed inscription aloud, as it would be done upon presentation. If it sings the right tune, you have selected well. You have got the right combination of phrases. If not, it is back to the drawing board, trying new combinations until the wording rings true.

Although it may at first appear as though this award wording project is a chore (You may ask yourself: why did/get stuck with this?) it can be lots of fun creating the perfect wording.

We hope you find that using this wording guide, has made your task an easier one and that you will refer to it over and over again when at a loss of an award inscription.

HAVE yourself some fun and get down to have a mission to accomplish.




General Purpose Awards

Lincoln Steffans

"I have seen the future and it works ....... You have shown us your vision, and it helped guide us. We are enriched for having known you.

Robert Frost

"The land was ours before we were the land's ....... We had a dream and you lead us to realization. For your leading part we thank you.

Robert Frost

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference ....... We shall never fear the unknown again, nor look to something new with self-doubt. You have taught us well.

Robert Frost

"He prayeth best, who loveth best, all things great and small ....... Your loving kindness towards our youth is greatly appreciated and returned to you ink kind.

Robert Frost

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before sleep ....... The journey with you has been one of true enlightenment.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"We are always getting ready to live, but never living ....... You taught us about life and how to live it right in the here and now. Through you we have experienced much personal growth.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one ....... You have been a true and trusted friend to us all.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it ....... We did it because of you. Thanks.

Baruch Spinoza

"I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them ...... Your kindness and understanding is truly appreciated.


Tom Paine

"My country is my world and my religion is to do good" You have done very well, aided us in so many ways that you have left your indelible mark.


"Superstition sets the whole world in flames; philosophy quenches them" Your guidance, direction and leadership has been a positive force towards all our future endeavors.

Erasmus Darwin

"A fool is a man who never tried and experiment in his life" You taught us to explore freely and joyfully enriched our lives. Thank you for being you.

Your signature is deeply etched in our newly focused emphasis towards development and expansion. With future planning at this peak we are looking forward to your continued leadership and to seeing all your plans to fruition.

The more we know you, the more we like you. The less we see you, the more we miss you. You have found your niche with us and filled our nest with love overflowing, seeing us through our growth and change.

When reviewing the highlights of this year, one cannot help but notice your name associated with each and every success. We thank you for your efforts and hard work, but mostly for just being you.

Well-honed professional skills such as yours are not in the commonplace. We are so very fortunate to have you on our side.

Your new world view of infinite combinations helped to identify our needs and enable us to imagine success beyond the periphery, carving our new place within the community at large.

Your practical vision on the window of opportunity, ceaseless guidance and overflowing warmth of spirit has enabled us to succeed. You have been the architect of our dream, the concrete realist of our goals.

Life is but a single four-leaf clover in a field of green. You have enriched our lives with your uniqueness. You have heightened our spirits and generated a vibrant energy spillover to all avenues of our lives.

We wish to thank you for all your hearty efforts and pay tribute to your continued undertakings in our behalf.


With keen and practice eye, punctuated by your exquisite sense of practicality, you have enabled us to move at an energetic, yet never hectic pace, always striving to new dimensions. Along the path of life there are but a few bright moments. Knowing you has been one of those pleasurable rarities. You brought us together in affirmation of tolerance and brotherhood a glorious voice, devoid of negativity, filled with great dignity.



It is without question that we needed a strong voice an advocate for the next generation indeed miraculous that we found all that in you. Thank You for being our strong right arm

Knowledge is power. Your contribution to this effort in dealing with the problems of our youth has been an inspiration to young and old alike. May you be blessed with a long and happy association with us as we have been in yours.

Your sense of right and wrong, order and priority, in an organized goal oriented plan has enabled us to realize achievements beyond our scope of reference. Bravo for a job well done!

The wind howls, the rapids roar. The seasons, they change quickly. In the midst of it all we listen for your reassuring song, for you are the great, quiet giant, mentor to our souls. In admiration, adoration and esteem, we thank you.

Until our paths crossed we were drowning in a pool of anxieties. We found in you the leadership and direction we sought.

You cued up our senses, established priorities and rescued us from our own self-imposed defeats. Our attitudes have been permanently adjusted as you have raised our spirits to a balloon-high soar

We applaud your leadership, courage and fortitude. Your contribution has been glowing example for all to see and admire, as you have set a new standard for excellence.

We no longer worry you are in charge. Your bubbly personality and delightfully positive attitude has truly transformed us all.

We were all flying blind out there until you came along to guide us on course. We are on the way, through the woods, reaching the clearing, building and growing. For this gift we are very grateful.

You saw the way when we were confused. You led us straight on a path towards progress. You have been our great leader.

Your angular philosophy guided the uncharted paths we followed. You set an example to be followed for the rest of our days. We will always hold you close to our hearts

Your angular philosophy guided the uncharted paths we followed. You set an example to be followed for the rest of our days. We will always hold you close to our hearts

You took the perplexing to solution. You envisioned our success, infusing your positive drive into our every project. You are the essence of good leadership



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