
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd UniversityCollege of Business AdministrationBusiness DepartmentFall 2018/19BUSI3312 Organizational BehaviorSection: 106Dr. Ghayur AhmadHow Model of Emotion Effect Performance and AttitudeStudent’s Name and ID:Saleh Al sarraf201600384Omar Alshallali 201502970Bassel Alharbi 201501292Abdulaziz Alsuhaimi 201600373Hamad Alshtaiwi 201401992Saud Alzahrani 201600267AbstractOur performance and attitude affected be any situation we face. Sometimes we do not get involve on the workplace or we do not feel comfortable. Usually, people who did not get involved in the workplace, their performance does not match the required effort. Therefore, when we feel comfortable and we like the workplace environment, our performance will increase and could be higher than the required effort. So, our performance and attitude are affected by our emotion. In this paper we will illustrate how could emotions effect on the performance and attitude specially on the workplace. If our emotions are positive, employee performance will be higher and they are willing to perform more than the required effort. When we our emotions are negatively affected our performance and attitude would not be as much as the required.Methodology: In this paper, we used secondary resources such as journals, books and articles. And we tried to briefly look for resources that match the subject. However, we found a high volume of articles that match our topic, so we chose the best we can get. Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc526607725 \h 3Model of Emotions Effects on Performance PAGEREF _Toc526607726 \h 4Model of Emotions Effect on Attitude PAGEREF _Toc526607727 \h 4Further Performance Influencing Factors PAGEREF _Toc526607728 \h 7Motivation PAGEREF _Toc526607729 \h 7Competence PAGEREF _Toc526607730 \h 7Supporting Resources PAGEREF _Toc526607731 \h 8Ability & Health PAGEREF _Toc526607732 \h 8Misleading Management PAGEREF _Toc526607733 \h 9Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….10References PAGEREF _Toc526607734 \h 11IntroductionAttitude and performance are usually affected by any situation we face, whether it affects positively or negatively. Sometimes we face some problem that affects our emotions which lead to decrease in our performance and attitude. However, sometimes when we solve the problem out performance will be better. Our emotions will affect our performance and attitude. When we are in workplace it could affect our energy that we put on the work. People who get satisfy on the workplace they are the one who stay on work and other they usually get out of work or they do not put the required effort that they must put on work. Accordingly, emotions can be defined as intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. Which mean how an individual feel react to something. Our emotions could be affected based on one event which could be in seconds or minutes. Also, when our emotion be affected, mood will be affected, because they have direct relationship. When the emotions get affected, our mood will be either positively or negatively affected. According to Staw and others (Staw & Barsade, 1993; Staw et al., 1994; Wright & Staw, 1999), they have found that employees who report more frequent levels of positive emotions tend to be more socially integrated in the organization, thus likely leading to higher engagement and citizenship than those who reported fewer positive emotions. Model of Emotions Effects on PerformanceHuman emotions are, to a large extent, subjective and non-deterministic. The same stimulus may create different emotions in different individuals, and the same individual may express different emotions in response to the same stimulus at different times. Emotions can have both a positive and a negative impact. They impact on the way we think and act, and affect the way we respond to challenges and how we function under pressure. They can impact on our judgment and influence how we handle difficult decisions.Emotions can have both a positive and a negative impact. Good decision-making can therefore hinge on our mood and emotions in the moment. There are studies that provide evidence that a lack of appreciation and engagement fuel absenteeism and discontent at work. There are studies that provide evidence that a lack of appreciation and engagement fuel absenteeism and discontent at work. A person’s attitude is a settled way that he or she think or feel about something. They reflect how we feel about something. Employee attitudes are the evaluations employees make. There are three major components of an attitude: 1-Affective attitude like a feeling 2-Behavioral attitude like an action 3-Cognitive attitude like an evaluation.Good decision-making can therefore hinge on our mood and emotions in the moment. Model of emotion can affect performance by negative and positive way. For example, when you're working in any company your performance will affected by Work environment can be negative or positive The key is to develop the emotional intelligence of your employees. Emotional quotient can be improved by training that can have a positive impact on both the professional and personal lives of your employee's performance that making the employees being better in the work. For example, Happy employees are more likely to be motivated, and to interact more positively with colleagues and customers. There are studies that provide evidence that a lack of appreciation and engagement fuel absenteeism and discontent at work.Model of Emotions Effect on AttitudeA person’s attitude is a settled way that he or she think or feel about something. However, they are evaluative statements either favorable or unfavorable about objects, people, or events. They reflect how we feel about something. It can be literally any aspect of their life. Whether it is from their personal daily life or educational life. In this report we will mainly focus on the employee attitude. Employee attitudes are the evaluations employees make, ranging from positive to negative, about objects, people, or events as it is arguably amongst the most important out of all three. Because in that certain type of attitude, it will have an impact on the entire organization as a whole whereas personal attitude and educational attitude will affect the individual only. For example, if Apple’s employees had a negative attitude or weren’t charismatic enough, there would not be any major innovations in the company. As they will all lack the positive attitude and the desire to drive their company into achieving more success. Of course, in the real world this is not the case, as apple has one of the best employee-attitudes in the world. And a huge part of the reason of apple’s success goes back to them. There are three major components of an attitude: 1-Affective attitude like a feeling 2-Behavioral attitude like an action 3-Cognitive attitude like an evaluation. All three are closely related. An example of Affective attitude is an employee saying “I dislike my supervisor”. An example of Behavioral attitude is someone saying “I am looking for other work, I have complained about my supervisor to anyone who listen”. If you turn your attention back to figure 6-2 above, you will notice that there are four main aspects of how the structure of mood works. First we have high positive effect which covers emotions like alertness, excitement, elated, and happy. If all these were used by an employee, they would be a big positive step towards success and achievements. Second, we have low negative impact which covers emotions such as; content relaxed and calm. These attitudes aren’t terribly bad to have in an employee. But still, there is always room for improvement. Third we have low positive affect. This covers attitudes like sadness, depression, and broadness.Finally, high negative affect covers attitudes like nervousness, stress, and tenseness. An employee should never use these attitudes in the work place because it will increase the negative feeling with other employees which will make the organization suffer because they are all directly related to one another.Further Performance Influencing Factors However, in general and away from the emotional factors, it is important to analyze the performance of a workplace. The analyzing of performance can show a number of factors that affect having a high job performance. The human resources efforts to find and deal with these factors provide the company more reliability and effectiveness reaching the goals and vision of the company. Motivation It is always the first and most powerful factor that moves performance to higher levels. In the analysis of human behaviors in general, motivation was found to be the most powerful engine. Each human being behaves according to a deal of motivation. For example, you look hard for a job because you are motivated by the need to have money. However, in a job, higher external and internal motivations can play an effective role with enhancement of an employee's performance (Nickols, 2012). It joins the employee in the goal directed behavior that enables him to satisfy different needs. Human resources always try to provide the strongest motivations to guarantee the greatest job performance. CompetencyHowever, reaching the highest levels of performance requires an employee to be competent. Having the right competency enables the employee to get more innovative with job ideas and more creative with the application of the strategies and techniques of task doing. In case of the lack of competencies, an employee's job performance will be a waste of time and effort. Psychologically, the lack of competence turns an employee into an unconfident person who cannot trust the results of his performance. As a result, in many cases, he does not want to go deeper into the task doing to avoid unwanted results. Human resources can overcome lack of competencies through continual training. Supporting Resources Motivation and competencies have to be integrated with the affordance of resources. It is not normal that a motivated and well competent employee can work on the preparation of online commerce without having the resources that facilitates his job like having a laptop, internet connection and certifications of work online (Nag, 2016). Such organizational resources can be in the form of physical infrastructure as it can also be in the form of psychological training and job related developments. Lack of resources also has an effect on the employees' motivation while it does not affect high competence of an employee.Ability & Health The ability to work is a basic cornerstone of having good performance. This requires an employee to be in good health and having a stable mood. They are both a good source for high productivity (Bean, 2018). In workplace, an employee is not able to have good performance result if he persists on frequent absenteeism. Feelings of illness and health troubles forbid an employee to do his utmost in workplace. In addition, absenteeism forbids accomplishment of tasks so the results either delay or vanish. Misleading Management Management plays an important role that affects performance of the employees. The existence of managers and supervisors who do not believe in innovation or creativeness provide a misleading feedback to the employee (Oldham, & Cummings, 1996). They can provide him with misguidance that swerves the track of the employee towards a high performance. In addition, poor leadership also uses a corrupt vision which leads work away from the appropriate performance. Conclusion:In conclusion, if employees and managers’ emotions are positive, then, performance will be outstanding, but if emotions are negative, performance will only match the required effort or won’t reach the required effort. Therefore, we advise managers and employees to increase the awareness of emotions and performance. Due to that, employees and managers will make their attitudes better, and this will affect positively on organizations and costumers as well. ReferencesAvey, J. B., Wernsing, T. S., & Luthans, F. (2008). Can Positive Employees Help Positive Organizational Change? Impact of Psychological Capital and Emotions on Relevant Attitudes and Behaviors.The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,44(1), 48-70Bean, B. (2018). Factors Affecting Employee PerformanceOldham, G. R., & Cummings, A. (1996). Employee creativity: Personal and contextual factors at work.?Academy of management journal,?39(3), 607-634.Nickols, F. (2012). Factors Affecting Human PerformanceNag, A. (2016). 16 Factors that Lead to Poor Performance at the Workplace ................

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