Values and Work - Employee Engagement Group

Values and Work WorksheetCircle any and all characteristics that would be most important to you in a job. Intensity of feeling is key – circle those characteristics that you would LOVE to have in your job, rather than just like to have. For some categories, you may circle all of them; in others, some; in others, none.ValueCharacteristicsValueCharacteristics1Results are measured frequently and compared with co-workers, competitors, and customers’ results“Winning” is rewarded.The organization aggressively strives to be the industry leader.There is an emphasis on doing or being “the best” in my area of expertiseNew standards for excellence are constantly being set.4Pay is satisfactory and predictable.Benefits satisfy my lifestyle.The organization and area within which I work are considered very successful.Salary increases are regular and sufficient to meet my expenses.A sound retirement plan or long-term investment plan is available.2I can rise to a leadership position within my group.Job includes projects of high visibility to senior managementThe organizational structure is steep; there are many levels of managementThe policy is to promote from withinPromotion is based on results, not seniority or politics5The job has low structure, and I can set my own goals.I can make decisions necessary to achieve the desired results.I set my own work schedule and may work in the office or at home.I have the latitude to accept or reject assignments.An entrepreneurial climate is fostered by avoidance of bureaucratic policies.3The job doesn’t require too much travel, overtime, weekend, or holiday workVacation scheduling is flexibleHR policies support such issues as child care, elder care, and family leaveFlexible work schedules, time off for family emergencies, and/or work at home opportunities are availableJob doesn’t require relocation.6The job doesn’t force compromises of my values or beliefs.There is a high level of honesty and trust among colleagues. Managers and co-workers are straightforward – no games or politicsEmployees are free to take a stand on organizational issues without repercussions.The organization is known for its reputable business practices.ValueCharacteristicsValueCharacteristics7Social interaction with co-workers is encouraged to promote teamwork.Co-workers get along well together in a supportive, positive atmosphere.The organization has frequent social eventsI have much in common with co-workers (e.g. interests, values, lifestyles, etc.)Co-workers socialize together outside of work.11Co-workers realize the importance of working together for mutual benefit. Rewards are based more on group results than on individual results.Relationships with manager and co-workers are supportive, not competitive.Work group must collaborate with other groups to be successful.Manager emphasizes teamwork and encourages cohesion.8The job fits my image of myself.It is a reputable organization, position, and job.The organization has systems in place to respect individual differences. Manager seeks my opinion on a variety of issues.Employees are not second-guessed or over-ridden on decisions.12Results are openly acknowledged by co-workers and management.A program exists to reward exceptional work (e.g. awards, bonuses)Manager has respect and high regard for my abilities.Results are visible and important to others.Perks are provided (e.g. parking space, window office, good title)9Projects require innovation; new ideas are celebrated.Brainstorming sessions are conducted to solve problems.The work atmosphere is conducive to imaginative thinking.Peers are inventive and stimulating.The organization is seen as “leading edge,” or progressive.13Organization takes a proactive approach to health and safety.Time deadlines and the amount of stress are reasonable.On-site food services offer a health-conscious menu.The organization encourages use of exercise facilities or club prehensive medical, dental, and well-care benefits are provided.10Little negotiating or resolving of personal conflicts is requiredDeadlines can be achieved without last-minute panic.Achieving a balance among career, family, and outside interests is encouraged.The work I do is congruent with those things that are really important to me.The ambience of the workplace fits with my work style.14Job experiences provide valuable insights that apply to other areas of life.Research is encouraged and rewarded.I have access to highly educated, experienced individuals who act as mentors.Leaders within the organization are valued for their knowledge and expertise.ValueCharacteristicsValueCharacteristics15The way that I work is guided by the principles of my faith.Time off is allowed for religious holidays.Differences in beliefs are respected.The work itself doesn’t conflict with my beliefs/faith.18Goals and completion points are specific and measurable. Long-range projects are accomplished through a series of short-term milestones.Deadlines are challenging but realistic.Incentives exist to successfully complete projects.Projects are mine from start to finish.16The workflow is steady, predictable, and consistent.A high level of importance is placed on efficient systems and resources.The organization is stable – infrequent organizational changes.Goals, rules, and procedures are clearly communicated.The organization is more structured than entrepreneurial.19The purpose of the job is to assist others.Newer group members are made to feel comfortable, competent, and confident.Others need my support to achieve results.Coaching and frequent feedback are common among members of the work group. The organization returns something to the community through charitable works and contributions.17Management recognizes the need for employees to enjoy themselves while at work.The work itself is fun and enjoyable.The organization has a liberal vacation/holiday schedule.Laughter is common at the office.The work atmosphere is light-hearted, upbeat, and energizing.20The organization respects and values its long-term employees.Low turnover is an organizational goal.Employees would not consider working for the competition.My manager and I are mutually committed to the organization’s success and my success.Employees relate more strongly to the organization than to their profession. ValueCharacteristicsValueCharacteristics21Employees are held accountable for achieving results.I share in the success and failure of projects I undertake.Management and co-workers depend on me to deliver results.Co-workers have personal commitment to seeing projects through to successful completion.I am trusted to make decisions.25Employees are asked for suggestions to improve current practices. Projects require input from various departments in the organization.Employees participate in defining the goals and roles of the group.Opportunities exist to collaborate with others in achieving projects.Employees are asked to participate in policy decisions.22A spirit of continuous learning exists.Generous development opportunities exist – e.g. tuition assistance, training programsManager expands my abilities by assigning me challenging projects.Likelihood of transfer to a development position is high.Systems are in place to help me plan for my career development.26Co-workers have close, personal relationships with one another.Celebration of significant events (birthdays, anniversaries) occurs.Co-workers genuinely care about one another.Work group is very tight knit; a strong sense of teamwork exists.Affirmation and encouragement are common practices among the work group.23Speaking at professional associations is encouraged.The position is highly visible inside and outside of the organization.Opportunities for media exposure exist.Work is not confidential and can be publicized.Job involves considerable contact with the public.27Stock options or equity plans exist.It is OK to manage my own business after work.Bonuses, commissions, and profit sharing are generous.Financial rewards vary significantly depending on results.Potential for greater return exists for those willing to take risks.24Managing others or leading teams is a key responsibility of the job.My dept/job is critical to the organization’s success.Key people respect me and allow me to have influence.Expertise is more important than position.The position has access to others in authority.28A sense of excitement, risk, challenge are part of many activities of the job.The department is dynamic, with frequent changes.“Leading-edge” projects are common.International work opportunities are available.Employees are encouraged to explore new and exciting ways to do the job.Values and Work SummaryInstructions:In the frequency column, write the number of characteristics you circled in each block on the Values and Work worksheetRank the values in terms of their importance to your job satisfactionIdentify your top 5 as # 1 Identify the next 5 as #2Identify your bottom 5 as BWhat actions are necessary to increase, or maintain, your satisfaction of your top 5 values?#ValueFrequencyRankingActions for Top 51Competitiveness (striving to win, being the best) 2Advancement (progress, promotion)3Family Happiness (close relationships with family members)4Economic Security (steady, adequate income)5Freedom (independence, autonomy, liberty)6Integrity (honesty, sincerity, standing up for beliefs)7Friendship (close relationships with others, rapport)8Self-respect (belief in your own abilities, self-esteem)9Creativity (being imaginative, inventive, original)10Inner Harmony (being at peace with yourself and others)11Cooperation (collaboration, teamwork)12Recognition (respect from others, acknowledgement, prestige)13Health (physical and mental well-being)14Wisdom (discovering knowledge, insight, enlightenment)15Spirituality (faith, strong spiritual/religious beliefs)16Order (organized, structured, systematic)17Pleasure (fun, enjoyment, good times)18Achievement (attaining goals, sense of accomplishment)19Helpfulness (assisting others, improving society)20Loyalty (commitment, dedication, dependability)21Responsibility (accountability, reliability)22Personal Development (learning, strengthening, realizing potential)23Fame (reknown, distinction)24Power (influence, importance, authority)25Involvement (participating with and including others, belonging)26Affection (love, caring, fondness)27Wealth (abundance, getting rich)28Adventure (new and challenging experiences, riskAbilities and PerceptionsAbilities What I do well/Strengths:1.2.3.What I need to learn/Development areas:1.2.3.PerceptionsFeedback on what I do well/StrengthsFeedback on what I might do differently to improve/Development Areas: Professional Gap WorksheetWhere I am NowWhere I Want to BeAbilitiesGoalsMy viewPerceptionsSuccess FactorsOthers’ View ................

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